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Eureka Seven: AO (TV).

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Joined: 29 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:03 am Reply with quote

Eureka Seven:AO
Anime Spotlight

Plot Summary: The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Ao Fukai, a 13-year-old boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Ao's mother was taken away a decade ago by unknown individuals. Naru Arata, Ao's 13-year-old childhood friend and the story's heroine, lives with her father, older sister, and grandmother. She has a "Yuta" power awakened within her due to an incident when she was young.
A mysterious entity called "Secret" suddenly appears and launches an attack on the Scub Coral lifeform on the island. Ao launches a certain military FP called "Nirvash" aboard a Japanese military transport in his fervent desire to protect the island.

24 Episodes (could be more...)
Action, Adventure, Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi

Ep. 1
I'm someone who hasn't finished watching Eureka Seven (watch 4/10 discs thus far) and i got the idea from the first episode of this that it is a sequel, although the full nature of it is still a mystery, at least to me anyway, it spoiler[seems to be after the events of the original series, and i got the gist that Ao is Eureka and Renton' son (although his name suggests otherwise?) so it seems to be a near future sequel but i haven't finished E7 so can't be sure]

As for the episode itself, seemed to have the same kinda feel as the original series, animation is what you'd expect from Bones, art and designs is still E7 style and there seems to be plenty of story and mystery to follow in the coming episodes

i'm sure this is one fans of the original series will still enjoy, newcomers and people who haven't finished the original series may want to go back and finish the original series to better understand everything that's going on, although you probably can still go in blind on this and enjoy a whole lot of extra mystery with it, assuming you can stay away from details of the first series

Last edited by Volibear on Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:04 am; edited 4 times in total
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Boomerang Flash

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:27 am Reply with quote
From glancing at the character page, Ao's last name is Fukai because that is the family name of his foster father (Toshio Fukai, also on the character page). It's not a reason to believe that he isn't Renton and Eureka's son.

I guess they just wanted the protagonists to have names that roll off the Japanese tongue better.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:12 am Reply with quote
I would think that the story follows the events of Eureka 7, since they live on the Earth with seas and oceans, which did not exist on the first series.

I quite liked it, I loved the original series, so I don't know whether they will stand a chance of making something as good, but so far no nosy kids and I found this first episode to be quite impressive.

At the end we see a flashbackspoiler[ with possibly Eureka (the name is also displayed on the bracelet) and Ao called her mama, besides, he also has got the ring around his pupils just like Eureka did. So possibly, it is Eureka's and Renton's child. ]

Gazelle and Pippo kind of look like Holland and Charles, tee-hee.

It seems indeed this is going to be two-cour series.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:58 am Reply with quote
Interesting flashback and considering that this is a sequel, it's most likely spoiler[Eureka] spoiler[which would make Ao the son?]

Anyways, not a bad opening episode although wasn't too impressed.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:58 pm Reply with quote
From what I'm reading this has nothing really to do with the movie or the series other then some characters may be related?
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:06 pm Reply with quote
One possibility is that these events all took place a long, LONG time before the original Eureka7.

Spoilers for Eureka 7 to follow:

spoiler[We know from E7 that the Scrub Coral came to Earth and took it over, and that eventually Humanity had to flee the Earth. Humanity eventually settled on a new world... only it turns out that they actually settled back on Earth: an Earth that had been completely covered by the Scrub Coral.]

Now, what if this story takes place at the time when Humanity was starting its fight against the Scrub Coral?

I say this because there is NO WAY that the civilization at the end of E7 could've transformed itself into the one shown in E7:AO in 10-15 years. In fact, the idea that the nations that existed before Humanity was forced off the planet could've been reborn. We know that Japan, the US, and China exist, and they seem to have cultural identities similar to what they actually are.

Another possibility has to do with where Eureka and Renton went at the end of E7. Maybe they were able to travel to alternate realities, with alternate timelines. If so, then this could be a different Earth than the one in E7.

At any rate, I don't believe that the events in AO are taking place in the same world as E7, but 10-15 years later than the end of E7.

I think that Renton and Eureka ended up on an alternate Earth, that they had a son, and that the people of that alternate Earth got their mitts on Eureka at some point (the bracelet seems to imply this). The Scrub Coral exists in this alternate Earth as well, but hasn't yet consumed the Earth. Furthermore, the humans are, to some degree, aware of the Scrub Coral and appear to be trying to contain or fight it (I'd guess Pied Piper was created with this goal in mind).

Finally, I thought that the bay where Ao almost gets run over looked an awefully lot like the bay that Renton and Eureka landed in when they "fell" through the crust of the Scrub Coral and ended up on the "real" Earth.

At any rate, that's nearly entirely speculation on my part. It'll be interesting to see how it actually turns out. I liked the first episode (the fate of the people in that truck tells me that they're not going to be pulling punches in this series). If it can keep up this level of quality, I think it'll be one of the best anime series this season.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:41 pm Reply with quote
I totally agree with you, Tuor. The date given at the beginning of the episode brings up a lot of questions.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm... I have speculations as well.
Even though its only the first episode, its quite difficult to say. I'll throw this one as well— it could be an alternate storyline taking place in the future, but acts like a sequel by pulling references from the original. I am thinking like My-otome and My-hime.

Did you see the moon? Did it have a big drawing of a Heart? This should narrowing things a bit.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:29 am Reply with quote
I didn't notice the Moon, either with or without a heart carved on it. Suspect that this one doesn't have that carving on it. OTOH, I don't think this is like My-Hime/My-Otome. It *could* be, but I just don't think it is. I think we'll know within the next couple of episodes. But I am pretty nearly certain that this is an alternate Earth of some sort. Note: it is *also* different from "our" Earth if you noticed some of the alliances mentioned during the episode.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:51 pm Reply with quote
Tuor_of_Gondolin wrote:
I didn't notice the Moon, either with or without a heart carved on it. Suspect that this one doesn't have that carving on it. OTOH, I don't think this is like My-Hime/My-Otome. It *could* be, but I just don't think it is. I think we'll know within the next couple of episodes. But I am pretty nearly certain that this is an alternate Earth of some sort. Note: it is *also* different from "our" Earth if you noticed some of the alliances mentioned during the episode.

I just realized that there is no heart carved on the moon, during the ED theme song. So it's either the moon is facing the wrong way, or one of us here is right.
Well, I definitely think that I could be way off.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:59 pm Reply with quote
G-mofactor wrote:
Hmmm... I have speculations as well.
Even though its only the first episode, its quite difficult to say. I'll throw this one as well— it could be an alternate storyline taking place in the future, but acts like a sequel by pulling references from the original. I am thinking like My-otome and My-hime.

That's possible although when Ao mentioned "mother", the flashback shows someone that has a very similarity to Eureka. Right now, I'm more curious about the whereabouts of the father.

According to the MAL summary:

Ao's mother was taken away a decade ago by unknown individuals.

Like you said though, it is possible that this is an alternative universe that's dubbed as a "sequel" based on the example you gave.
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Joined: 19 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:31 pm Reply with quote
Does anyone else get the feeling that this show is trying to force plot so hard it's being shoved down our throats? There are a bunch of little ones but in episode two has this major one I could not help but laugh. It's was when the random fodder characters crashed their flying car into the ship and Ao feel out and grabbed on to the robot then they started yelling at him to get in it.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:35 pm Reply with quote
ggqt wrote:
Does anyone else get the feeling that this show is trying to force plot so hard it's being shoved down our throats? There are a bunch of little ones but in episode two has this major one I could not help but laugh. It's was when the random fodder characters crashed their flying car into the ship and Ao feel out and grabbed on to the robot then they started yelling at him to get in it.

no, it's just you. I don't feel like that force. If that's force, then it happen to every anime.

also, this anime is not 12 eps.
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Joined: 19 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:45 pm Reply with quote
It's almost a given that he was going to get in the robot one way or another. There was no real need for random characters to yell at him to get in. Let alone the process of how he got to the boat. Three grown man, smugglers no less, can't force a kid to give up a bracket he stole?

There are a lot of examples where major plot elements are just forced, in only two episodes.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:53 pm Reply with quote
Have we...a troll?
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