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Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (TV).

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Joined: 04 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:20 pm Reply with quote
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

I gather there isn't a thread made for this show.

Who has seen this anime?

Tell you what, it appears Reborn is one of the popular series that is out. I've turned my attention to it noticing it more little by little. Been told that I must watch it. I started to. Saw it, six episodes into the show, and got going on what I heard about. Another person told me that the first few episodes are kinda boring (and I say that person isn't kidding). But also promised me it'll get more exciting later on. I guess I'll be patient and hang around.

Well, a boy who is the lead protagonist of the show, is Tsuna what they call him by the other characters, Tsunayoshi Sawada, the main character of Reborn. Heir of the Vongola family. Chosen by a hitman to take a position in the Vongola of their group the mafia. He seems to not like having to deal with anything with the mafia. Tsuna learns more about the business he's getting into as he progresses on. Over time he is getting used to it. One of the things known of him doing is getting shot by a bullet fired from a gun by his boss Reborn. Where Tsuna starts to gain an ability to do stuff that he normally wouldn't over what he regrets.

Then the title character, Reborn. Very calm and very confident, and he mentors Tsuna through the series. Reborn is an infant. A hitman of the mafia family. Trusted by the Vongola boss to go train Tsuna to be the future boss. He also gathers other characters to become a member of his group. You see Reborn handle things behind various situations they are in. He doesn't meddle with what is going on in the battles that happen to take place with Tsuna and his compnay, but he does step in to do what is needed of him to do and will defend himself from any harm coming his way.

Only a few episodes in. Not sure I see what is the best thing about the series yet but I do see potential for what I might get out of it later. With that said I'll continue on to see where it gets more exciting. Hope to enjoy more out of this anime. Those of you who have seen Reborn, where would you say it gets more exciting?

How far might this series go? Looking at the count from outside it has been around for a while with the manga still ongoing. Now it is around over 100 episodes heading on.

[EDIT: Added the Encyclopedia entry for you, as well as reformatted your paragraph spaces. -TK]
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Joined: 17 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Reborn is one of those absurdly silly things the Japanese do that somehow seems to work. It starts with the preposterous premise that a Japanese teenager could ever possibly be picked to inherit the leadership of an Italian mafia family. It compounds this silliness with the appearance of an infant wearing a stylish Italian business suit who has been sent to train him for the position. It just goes on adding one ridiculous thing after another until you just give up and laugh.

It devolves into a show similar to Dragonball that is an endless series of challenges and fights each one more improbable than the last; all tied together with a good and always funny story that stays consistent within the ridiculous world it creates. If you liked Bobobobobobobobobo (whatever) but thought it was just a bit too random, this one should do you nicely.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:16 pm Reply with quote
One of my favorites. Except it takes its sweet time getting to the nitty-gritty. Vol.8 for the manga, ep.20/end of ep.19 for the anime.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 6:54 pm Reply with quote
GrinfilledCelt wrote:

It devolves into a show similar to Dragonball

I wouldn't quite say "devolves" (why would it being an action series be a bad thing??) but the series definitely does a complete 180. For me, it can get way with just about anything. You can never say it's getting too ridiculous or over the top...because then you stop and say "Wait...this is about a Japanese teen who's a mafia boss and talking baby hitman." I've only seen a few episodes of the anime (mostly stick to the manga), but what I've watched is as fun as the manga. There are some rough spots in the animation (especially episode 5 I think it is), but I hear it improves after that. It's a fun series while it's a comedy, but when it becomes an action series I think that's when it truly shines. My one gripe with the series is how it's become such fujoshi bait, lol.
I've always thought this series might have a problem getting on Cartoon Network or something like that just because the meat of the series doesn't start until twenty episodes in, and everything before that might be hit or miss with some people. I imagine if they did give it on TV they would skip some of the earlier episodes to get to the action parts sooner.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:28 pm Reply with quote
I've played most of the games.The newest one on PS2 was fun.The series certainly looks interesting,I just can't take super deformed characters serious.

I tried a few episodes,just couldn't do it.I heard it's decent though.
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Joined: 10 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:59 am Reply with quote
I love the Reborn manga. I've fallen behind a bit on the anime. I do think it would do well on TV, but if they ever do bring it over, it's the one and only anime that I have EVER advocated they should give it a hevy, Card Captors style editing to.

The first 18 or so episodes are just so different in tone from the rest of the series that they couldn't help to lose audience, and perhaps not even get to the good stuff. I would say that the first episode should start with the Mukuro fight, early parts of it, and then flash back to the bullet points of the original first episode. Then they can jump back to the begining of the Mukuro arc, ep 19 I think, and splice in bits of each character's introductions into the episodes as each get the spotlight, before finally returning to the end of that arc, and then continuing linearly from there, perhaps feeding in some of the better or more important of the first 20 episodes in between.

Really though, I think hyper Tsuna is one of the coolest characters in manga, and Yamamoto is close.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:47 am Reply with quote
It's not the easiest show to get into, mainly due to the aforementoned opening 18 episodes. They take their time to introduce the vast collection of supporting characters and then hit you from out of nowhere with a surprise plot.

As opposed to other long running anime, Reborn doesn't rely heavily on filler storylines to break the action up. Instead it tends to pad the main story out with a large variety of long running gags that crop up in just about every episode. From the way it starts it's east to perceive Reborn as just another comedy series.

I like it well enough. Even though I don't really enjoy tournament style arcs the Varia storyline was pretty good.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:33 am Reply with quote
yeah this show is an ordeal to sit through. it starts off stupid as hell , but it got pretty cool during the Varia arc. i like how Tsuna's abilities evolve over the course of the series.

oh, and Lambo is the worst character ever Evil or Very Mad
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Joined: 17 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:07 pm Reply with quote
bahamut623 wrote:
GrinfilledCelt wrote:

It devolves into a show similar to Dragonball

I wouldn't quite say "devolves" (why would it being an action series be a bad thing??)
Well, I would say that... Oh wait! I did say that. I didn't say it was a bad thing and you really don't mean to say that a plot line that serves only to tie together an endless string of fights constitutes an action series, do you? That would put it in the same category as Cowboy Bebop and Black Lagoon.

I'd call it a comedic fighting show. It uses a common anime story structure - Dragonball, You You Hockey Show, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yakitate Japan*, even Pokeymon. It's kind of a literary cop out but they make it work well in Reborn. Most of them are crap but Reborn definitely makes the grade.
*I loved this show too.
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Joined: 09 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:37 pm Reply with quote
GrinfilledCelt wrote:
Reborn is one of those absurdly silly things the Japanese do that somehow seems to work. It starts with the preposterous premise that a Japanese teenager could ever possibly be picked to inherit the leadership of an Italian mafia family. It compounds this silliness with the appearance of an infant wearing a stylish Italian business suit who has been sent to train him for the position. It just goes on adding one ridiculous thing after another until you just give up and laugh.

It devolves into a show similar to Dragonball that is an endless series of challenges and fights each one more improbable than the last; all tied together with a good and always funny story that stays consistent within the ridiculous world it creates. If you liked Bobobobobobobobobo (whatever) but thought it was just a bit too random, this one should do you nicely.

Pretty spot-on description. Except for one thing: you left out the bit about the cast being 98% young males with uncertain sexual preferences to fuel a frighteningly large demographic of yaoi and BL fans. That's the large majority of what I've ever seen of the series' fandom.

I've often heard people say "it gets good around episode 60!" Yeah, sorry. I don't have the patience to wait 60 episodes for anything to "get good."
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Joined: 17 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:46 am Reply with quote
abynormal wrote:
I've often heard people say "it gets good around episode 60!" Yeah, sorry. I don't have the patience to wait 60 episodes for anything to "get good."

I keep hearing stuff like that too, mostly in this thread. I thought it was pretty funny right from the start, then as the situation gets established and the basic joke starts to wear thin, they throw in a plot to keep it going and to provide fodder for further jokes. Great cinematic story telling it ain't, but it's quite entertaining - if you're like me and happen to like that sort of thing.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:48 pm Reply with quote
I've kept up with the manga and anime and pretty much thought that the long wait for the more interesting stuff was worth the wait, especially after the Varia arc. Good things do come if you're patient. It's true it started out slow and the wait is long but I decided not to give up on the series. I loved how they carefully introduced each character's background which gave me the ability not to hate any of them.

The character designs are well done and fit with the comedic action of the series. The fight scenes are exquisite especially with Tsuna's hyper dying will mode during the fight with Xanxus. They made good use of color, creating both light and dark situations. I liked how each character of the 10th generation Vongola has a different weapon that suits their personality and later on incorporates a supernatural power to help them. I find that the voice actors did their job in creating a tone that fits the character they portray. The background music does creating the perfect mood to amplify the viewer's enjoyability.

What I did find ridiculous was that there would be a baby hit man wielding a gun but soon found out the whole thing about Arcobaleno. I thought the whole storyline was well thought out and figured out why it's pretty popular. I would like to see it come here because there's hardly any use of guns considering it is a mafia themed anime but the fact that a baby holding a gun and shooting people may restrict that chance.
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Joined: 10 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:07 am Reply with quote
[quote]I keep hearing stuff like that too, mostly in this thread. I thought it was pretty funny right from the start, then as the situation gets established and the basic joke starts to wear thin, they throw in a plot to keep it going and to provide fodder for further jokes. Great cinematic story telling it ain't, but it's quite entertaining - if you're like me and happen to like that sort of thing./quote]

Well, I enjoyed the series form the start,m because I apprciated the comedy aspects. Reborn himself cracks me up. The "ti gets better" thing is because it does definitely fundamentally change when the fighting starts in earnest, which makes room for a whole 'nother audience of people that would not enjoy the pure comedy portions of the series, but could totally get into the shonen battle elements. And then after that they start the "box weapon" stuff which is an even higher level of crazy, so there really are whole target audiences prepped to jump on at wildly different points of the series.


What I did find ridiculous was that there would be a baby hit man wielding a gun but soon found out the whole thing about Arcobaleno. I thought the whole storyline was well thought out and figured out why it's pretty popular. I would like to see it come here because there's hardly any use of guns considering it is a mafia themed anime but the fact that a baby holding a gun and shooting people may restrict that chance.

Yeah, but as opposed to the manga, the anime deliberately self-censors, in a kind a stupid way, actually. In the manga Reborn actually shoots people with the Dying Will bullet, which activates them, but in the anime the bullet releases an energy ball and then falls away, and only the energy buall actually hits the target, so no actual gun violence (even if the original manga DW bullets never actually did any damage).
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Joined: 29 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:52 pm Reply with quote
currently my fave anime at the moment. I buy the manga and hope the anime gets licensed soon.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:40 pm Reply with quote
sakuraQ wrote:
I've watched reborn recently and I really liked the great friendship between the characters mostly gokudera's loyalty to tsuna.also balance of action, comedy and romance. Also the lack of fan service.the power of friendship, character development, time travel, hilarious moments, best characters interaction and no fan service. Have you seen such qualities in another anime?

Only girls would miss the fanservice since it's directed at them. But I notice gay stuff one mile away. Not that I dislike them, just that they're fun to make fun of.
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