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INTEREST: Voice Actress Nana Mizuki Dresses as Sailor Lolita, Gothic Vampire

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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 12:59 am Reply with quote
Too old. Not doing it for me.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:53 am Reply with quote
she's actually really popular
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Joined: 12 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:37 am Reply with quote
She's still really pretty. But it doesn't feel right for a 32 year old woman to be dressed like that, imo. She could look so much better in different clothes.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:18 am Reply with quote
There's nothing wrong with Nana Mizuki and her age; she doesn't look bad at all in Gothic/Lolita dresses. I guess people are writing her off because they know about there real age rather than because of her actual looks. At least, Nana Mizuki doesn't make use of those facelift and plastic surgery like a lot of Hollywood stars do at their 30-something.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 3:34 pm Reply with quote
Kohii wrote:
She's still really pretty. But it doesn't feel right for a 32 year old woman to be dressed like that, imo. She could look so much better in different clothes.

Hahaha.......... Snopes. Laughing

Girlish youth and innocence are considered sexy in Japan, a culture with a long history of regarding women more as sex toys than as people. This obsession with untouched adolescence results in the sad sight of women in their thirties emitting girlish giggles and clutching teddy bears in an effort to maintain their appeal to the opposite sex. Although it can fairly be said Western society also prizes youth in a woman, there the fascination has to do more with the looks of a girl than it does with her immaturity and presumed sexual innocence. A pretty 26-year-old who would be considered lovely in the West would in Japan be viewed by many as hopelessly long in the tooth.

Western society looks for firm, youthful bodies housing the attitudes of grown women — we like them young, but we don't like them to act young. In the West, a teen's sex appeal is dependent upon her ability to look and act much older, thus the fascination with makeup and plunging necklines, accoutrements that make her appear less of a child and more of a woman. In Japan, this ideal is reversed — sexy in the Land of the Rising Sun adds up to childlike behavior and modes of dress that express this ideal. Sometimes this amounts to the adoption of clothing styles highly reminiscent of high school uniforms, but even when a girl dons an evening gown, she will strive to look like a kinderling caught parading in Mom's finery. Likewise, childish outbursts, pouting, and tantrums are viewed as charmingly erotic because such actions work to further the violated schoolgirl image.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 2:29 pm Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
Kohii wrote:
She's still really pretty. But it doesn't feel right for a 32 year old woman to be dressed like that, imo. She could look so much better in different clothes.

Hahaha.......... Snopes. Laughing

Girlish youth and innocence are considered sexy in Japan, a culture with a long history of regarding women more as sex toys than as people. This obsession with untouched adolescence results in the sad sight of women in their thirties emitting girlish giggles and clutching teddy bears in an effort to maintain their appeal to the opposite sex. Although it can fairly be said Western society also prizes youth in a woman, there the fascination has to do more with the looks of a girl than it does with her immaturity and presumed sexual innocence. A pretty 26-year-old who would be considered lovely in the West would in Japan be viewed by many as hopelessly long in the tooth.

Western society looks for firm, youthful bodies housing the attitudes of grown women — we like them young, but we don't like them to act young. In the West, a teen's sex appeal is dependent upon her ability to look and act much older, thus the fascination with makeup and plunging necklines, accoutrements that make her appear less of a child and more of a woman. In Japan, this ideal is reversed — sexy in the Land of the Rising Sun adds up to childlike behavior and modes of dress that express this ideal. Sometimes this amounts to the adoption of clothing styles highly reminiscent of high school uniforms, but even when a girl dons an evening gown, she will strive to look like a kinderling caught parading in Mom's finery. Likewise, childish outbursts, pouting, and tantrums are viewed as charmingly erotic because such actions work to further the violated schoolgirl image.
In Short; "we like our muttin dressed as lamb". But just how old is this article as well. Wink
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Joined: 26 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 2:19 am Reply with quote
maxxjulie wrote:
she's actually really popular

ridiculously popular ofr some reason
but she does have talent
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