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Coolest Fight/Action Scene

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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Location: Boston
PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:25 am Reply with quote
After seeing a reviewer's complaint about poor action scenes, I figured I might as well start a discussion about the matter. While its essensial for action manga to have substance, it helps when the artist is able draw awesome fight sequences. Thinking off the top of my head, I really like Bleach, One Piece, Vagabond and Gantz for great action. But the one that really takes the cake is volume 12 of Blade of the Immortal, when Magatsu and Shira engage in their epic duel.
The setup of the fight is perfect. Magatsu is the perfect guy to love because he is realistic. He has some very serious flaws, but you have to feel for his situation (spoiler[Shira brutally murdered his girlfriend for fun]). He's really, really pissed and is going to stop at nothing to bring Shira to justice. Ironically, its the villian who steals the show. Shira is quite possibly the biggest psychopath I've ever seen. He's so over-the-top in every aspect that you can't help but be facinated by him. Its pretty weird to love reading about a guy who commits atrocities for his own personal amusement, but he's just a great character, sadistic looney and all.
When the swords start swinging, its fast and furious. The art portrays action with great detail. Unlike earlier fights in Blade, this one is somewhat realistic, but still very brutal. The events in the fight actually do shock you. Unlike alot of mangas I've read, midfight dialouge actually works very well (if Shira's rant about what attracts him to a woman doesn't disturb you, I don't know what will). And the conclusion is PERFECT. spoiler[We never see the bastard die. Its actually possible that he could be back, more insane (and limbless) than ever].
Here are some images (Magatsu is the dude with the mask, Shira is the white haired freak):
Here's a nice pic of Magatsu without the mask with his girl:http://www.gianisa.com/blade/art/magatsu/magatsu2.jpg
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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Location: Los Angelas
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:59 am Reply with quote
Picture arn't really working, but since I own the first 12 volume, I know what you're talking about.

I know a lot of manga (scryed, blade, berserk) that have excellent fight scene but can't think of one that I really really like. I have to get back on this topic.
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