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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:43 am Reply with quote
Again, it was more the rate at which they were introduced that surprised me. Even if they had been human characters introduced at that rate, I suppose I would have still been like "OMG there's so many of these other worlders getting introduced so quickly" Shocked I guess I was thinking that the other worldly creatures would look more plushie-esque like Ioryogi and the little rabbit messengers from heaven. Instead, there was spoiler[ a gigantic bear in a baking shop] (which is pretty funny when you think about it) and a spoiler[furry rabbit like creature missing an eye] and then a spoiler[bird messenger] thrown in near the end. It just messed with the pace more than anything in my opinion. Then again, I'm glad that the plot is moving, even if it surprised me a bit.

By no means did I consider that Ioryogi (man I have a hard time spelling his name) was the only one of his kind.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:14 am Reply with quote
My brother automaticly thought spoiler[the eyepatch guy was a mongoose, or something simular.]

It looks like Ioryogi is an exception in apearance, not a good basis of what to be expected from the world. The suden change of grasp of what to expect with types if characters was msot surprising.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:14 am Reply with quote
Episode Seven:

So yeah, this was an okay episode for me. Domoto's worries were pretty trivial I have to say; how did he qualify as having a broken heart?

Anyway, this Fujimoto-centred episode was nice, and came at a good point. It was also great to see the Chobits-inspired characters again (with the girls still dressed up in their Yin-Yang outfits I notice). They are so freaking adorable I go "awww" even though I usually hate cutesy character designs.

Kobato in the university could have been really funny, but they (the writers) didn't really go with it. She got lost and was amazed at the number of people . . . instead I was half expecting her to walk into a lecture and loudly ask where Fujimoto was. So much squandered comedic potential . . . . . .
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:13 am Reply with quote
All I can say is that Fujimoto is never going to get laid with that crappy attitude of his. Like when those two co-eds were asking him for help, he should have been all, "Why, of course, ladies - I'd LOVE to help you out. What say we all go back to my room and...talk...about it."


Mr. Smooth, he ain't.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:33 am Reply with quote
Yeah he has missed the point of college, which is to get drunk and get laid, preferably often . . .

But seriously, I like how he told those two half-witted and lazy girls to bugger off and leave him alone. They can go drag someone else down; with three jobs on top of his serious attitude to college he has enough on his plate. Of course, he might have enjoyed some good old-fashioned "stress relief", but who's to say he would have gotten any from those two?

On a vaguely related note, Kobato said she had been working at the nursery since Spring. I'm assuming it is Summer because of the fine weather, which means about three months have passed since she got to the human world. Well, at least one month, otherwise she wouldn't have mentioned the season. So four candies in a month is only one a week. Which is only fifty-two in a year, and she needs one hundred.

Now, this is related to the previous point because Fujimoto has obviously got problems opening up to people. I'm thinking that maybe he's got so many problems - and to such a large degree - that his one heart alone will be enough to giver her, oh I don't know, twenty? Thirty candies? I mean, how else is she going to rack up the points?

Unless of course the show goes the route that Kobato misses out on reaching one hundred, but she learns the True Meaning of Christmas helping people out and being friends (that it isn't about the number but about the selflessness involved), and therefore has her wish granted anyway. I really don't want it to go down that road, I really don't. That would be awful . . .
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:39 am Reply with quote
So I guess we are going to feel sympathy for Fujimoto, man most of the time he is an ass, I wonder if he is supossed to be popular because of lack of emotions, the whole Sasuke emo thing. One of the realy odd things is that though Kobato is mostly on the pathetic side of no common sense or clumsy, at times she gives good wisdom, does any of this have to do with her past.

Well this episode didn't have anything crazy in it, and we got the chi twins again. And probably highlight of the episode was Kobato again almost revealing Ioryogi being alive.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:14 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Domoto's worries were pretty trivial I have to say; how did he qualify as having a broken heart?

He thought his actions were wrong. In reality, he wanted to be like Fujimoto, and be able to stand up and gather enough courage and say "no" to everyone who's been requesting extravagant favors from him; because he thought that was the correct attitude, and that he'd be able to help them out this way, by refusing their requests, but instead what he thought of his doings was that it was spoiling them. But Kobato confirmed and supported that he wasn't wrong about it, and that helping others is always a good thing.
Saying that his worries were trivial is a little wrong. A huge problem you might be facing at this exact moment, might look like nothing to me. "Don't judge a book by its cover", I guess.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:54 am Reply with quote
I liked ep7 a little bit but only because it expanded into Fujimoto's world. We got a new character (who will hopefully stick around instead of only being the "broken heart" for the episode) and a little more depth into Fujimoto's character.

Although, I'm a little bummed that they didn't do more with Ioryogi's plot after they introduced so many furry woodland creatures so quickly in ep 6.

Still looking forward to plot development.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:16 am Reply with quote

I feel like this series is packing in filler already. While, yes, she's still accomplishing her main goal, I feel like everything that got introduced a few episodes back has been put completely on the back burner. It's almost as if it all never even happened. This is a little frustrating. Hopefully this kind of pacing will not continue or it will begin to feel choppy and poorly planned.

Although, I definitely won't complain about the primary subject of this episode. Milk is too cute! I'm a complete sucker for cute kitties and would have gladly kept him. Embarassed
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:00 pm Reply with quote
Kobato + twins + kitty = kawaii tsunami. I have absolutely zero plot frustrations about this show. To me, it's all about watching Kobato being adorable. *sigh* It's official - I am now a fully formed pathetic otaku.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:56 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Kobato + twins + kitty = kawaii tsunami. I have absolutely zero plot frustrations about this show. To me, it's all about watching Kobato being adorable.

Sure, it's cute, but . . . the pacing is starting to annoy the heck outta me. I can't just watch a series for the cuteness factor when I know it has those underlying themes. I immediately want more of those other things that they aren't giving to me. And, while it is fun to watch all the cute stuff, it makes me wonder why they bothered throwing in all that stuff a few eps back. I feel like I know that side of her character enough by now to move on from it.

*sigh* It's official - I am now a fully formed pathetic otaku.

You weren't one before? Wink
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:12 pm Reply with quote
I actually don't think I was. Yes, even though I have a Moon Phase wall scroll hanging in my bedroom, I still don't think I was a "fully formed" otaku until I had the mental realization that I couldn't care less if Kobato had a plot or not (I'm fine if it does and I'm fine if it doesn't) because at the end of the day, all I really care about is watching Kobato being adorable. To borrow from the lexicon of alcoholism, that was my "moment of clarity," when I finally acknowledged the full depth of my otaku condition. Wink
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
I actually don't think I was. Yes, even though I have a Moon Phase wall scroll hanging in my bedroom, I still don't think I was a "fully formed" otaku until I had the mental realization that I couldn't care less if Kobato had a plot or not (I'm fine if it does and I'm fine if it doesn't) because at the end of the day, all I really care about is watching Kobato being adorable. To borrow from the lexicon of alcoholism, that was my "moment of clarity," when I finally acknowledged the full depth of my otaku condition. Wink

I guess part of my nature would be desiring that plot from series that I KNOW have one and not desiring one from others that obviously don't have much depth. I never even considered myself Otaku until someone saw my room a few years back and told me I was off in the deep end, never to return. I thought I was just being a fan. Embarassed
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Joined: 13 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:48 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
all I really care about is watching Kobato being adorable.

And yet you complain about Akari... Wink.

I'm with Bento-Box on this one. It's okay to start having something happen now. Ioryogi's little run-ins with past antagonists, the Wish crossover (which arguably may not go much further since the manga was so short), the most recent nod to xxxHolic spoiler[(the telephone pole gateway)]... there are hints, and the episodic healing incidents are wearing thin for me.

Must agree on more Chiho and Chise, though Smile.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:08 pm Reply with quote
Ep 10

Another nice, collect the candy episode, but . . . what happened to all the other stuff?

Sure, I liked this delightful episode and its themes and such. I guess I'm just a little annoyed that we still haven't gotten any more of a plot. And I'm starting to feel like they're just going out of their way to insert the spoiler[chobits girls] at this point.

Which brings me to a strange question for someone else who's followed Chobits and Kobato (and preferably other CLAMP stuff since this deals with crossovers). Definitely don't read this if you haven't watched Chobits. It will ruin it completely for you. spoiler[Why are the names of Chi and Freya different? It obviously has something to do with their lives prior to Chitose setting Chi outside for someone to pick her up. But they're also much younger. It's also brought to the viewer's attention that they attended the nursery, which would imply that they have either grown physically and mentally, or just mentally. Does anyone remember Chitose mentioning that she had real children who were twins by any chance? I don't know why, but I had the impression that she had a miscarriage or could not have children. Don't know why I think that, but it just comes to mind as why her husband was trying to make the Chobits series in the first place.] I was just wondering about that. If this has something to do with the general plot of Kobato, please don't tell me (especially if you read the manga). But, if you happen to know about this from Chobits and I just missed it somewhere in translation, please fill me in. Thanks!

Overall, fun episode, but losing some steam for me.

Best part: when she rang Ioryogi out. Anime smile
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