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Coolest Character Tournament - Post-Mortem

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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:45 pm Reply with quote
Group B-1
D, Vampire Hunter D
Cobra, Space Adventure Cobra
My vote: D
Based on guide entries/comments.

Group B-2
Kirika Yumura, Noir
Sesshomaru, Inuyasha franchise
My vote: Kirika Yumura
See above. I have seen a little Inuyasha, but not enough to really judge Sesshomaru properly.

Group B-3
Captain Harlock, various (see Guide entry)
Gennosuke Kouga, Basilisk
My vote: Captain Harlock
Harlock's reputation proceeds him.

Group B-4
Ginko, Mushi-Shi
Ami Kawashima, Toradora!
My vote: Ginko
Actually seen some of both series here, though I still need to finish Mushi-Shi. That said, even the limited bits I've seen of Ginko impress me more than Ami, who seems like something of a borderline inclusion in this tournament, though I won't deny she had some cool moments.

Group B-5
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Toshio Oozaki, Shiki
My vote: Kisuke Urahara
Seen all of both series, not counting a handful of one-shot Bleach fillers I still need to watch. (Don't look at me so strangely... Bleach is a bizarre guilty pleasure of mine).

I absolutely love Urahara. Whenever he shows up, he improves the episodes he's in. He's got a nice mix of both goofiness and creepiness, and the few times he gets serious he can be quite bad-ass.

Group B-6
Balsa, Moribito – Guardian of the Spirit
Tomari Kurusu, Kashimashi ~ Girl Meets Girl ~
My vote: Balsa
I love Balsa and Moribito. She's bad-ass, she's heroic, she's awesome.

Group B-7
Gene Starwind, Outlaw Star
Kenshin, Ruroni Kenshin
My vote: Gene Starwind
Tough choice here. I haven't seen either series, and both have decent guide entires. I was all ready to vote for Kenshin based on past things I've heard about him, but some of the comments made me reconsider.

In the end, I went with Gene, though it could have easily gone the other way.

Group B-8
Oscar Francois de Jarjay, Rose of Versailles
Ken Washio the Eagle, Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
My vote: Oscar Francois de Jarjay
Guide/comments, plus I've heard a lot about her before and she sounds impressive.

Group B-9
Lelouche Lamperouge Code Geass
Kyuzo, Ssamurai 7
My vote: Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch is just so dawn entertaining to watch. He's over the top and nuts, but he can also be pretty awesome when he executes one of his plans. He's not always the nicest of guys: people will argue whether he ultimately is a hero, anti-hero, or villian, but regardless of what he ultimately is, he's got flair and enough "muhahaha" moments to go on this round I think.

Group B-10
Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke
Sophie Forrester, Last Exile
My vote: Lady Eboshi
Hmm... both are fairly impressive from what I remember, though it's been a while since I've seen either anime. Perhaps it's just because she's a more major character (and thus can take center stage more often), but I remember being more impressed with Lady Eboshi overall.

Group B-11
Char Aznable, Mobile Suit Gundam
Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop
My vote: Char Aznable
I was sure I was going to vote for Faye, but... well, I haven't seen very much of Mobile Suit Gundam, but Char did have some cool moments (though he's a complete &*&*, at least up to the point I've seen). Char's write-up is weak, but he's got some decent comments made in his support. It's a tough choice, and in the end I'm voting for Char in the assumption (hopefully an accurate one) that the moments of coolness or bad-ass-ness (is that a word?) he showed in the first half of Gundam are just the prelude to what happens later and in Zeta Gundam.

Group B-12
Nana Osaki, NANA
Black, Tekkonkinkreet
My vote: Nana Osaki
Guide entries/comments are the reason once again.

Group B-13
Sawa, Kite
Suzuka, Outlaw Star
My vote: Sawa
See above, though this was a harder choice.

Group B-14
Revy, Black Lagoon
Maka Album, Soul Eater
My vote: Revy
Revy's reputation proceeds her, and Maka never struck me as that cool in Soul Eater. Especially not the anime adaption, which has some definite uncool moments from her.

Group B-15
Master Asia/Tohofuhai Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star
My vote: Kenshiro
I was already going to vote for Kenshiro based on reputation alone, but Dorcus_Aurelia's hilarious comment about having heard him referred to as a "kung-fu Mad Max Jesus" made the decision even easier.

Group B-16
Celty Sturluson, Durara!!
Amon, Witch Hunter Robin
My vote: Celty Sturluson
She may not be the greatest bad-ass alive, but she's no pushover, and she's got some amusing quirks that give her some general cool points as well. Probably my favorite character in Durarara, and that's saying something.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:50 pm Reply with quote
Seen all of both series, not counting a handful of one-shot Bleach fillers I still need to watch. (Don't look at me so strangely... Bleach is a bizarre guilty pleasure of mine).

I absolutely love Urahara. Whenever he shows up, he improves the episodes he's in. He's got a nice mix of both goofiness and creepiness, and the few times he gets serious he can be quite bad-ass.

Doesn't really matter since whoever wins most likely won't get by the woman from Moribito, but I can't follow this logic.
Fine, he's a mix of both goofiness and creepiness (which is neither cool nor badass), and "the few times he gets serious" he can be "quite bad-ass". Never mind that most of the time people are just his puppets. Bad-asses don't need dollies to do what they have to.
Even DerekTheRed's reasoning for this match was less superficial.

You know that something is overrated when people think that knocking others with a cane is bad-ass. Where are the Gits characters when you need 'em.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:07 pm Reply with quote
egoist wrote:
Seen all of both series, not counting a handful of one-shot Bleach fillers I still need to watch. (Don't look at me so strangely... Bleach is a bizarre guilty pleasure of mine).

I absolutely love Urahara. Whenever he shows up, he improves the episodes he's in. He's got a nice mix of both goofiness and creepiness, and the few times he gets serious he can be quite bad-ass.

Doesn't really matter since whoever wins most likely won't get by the woman from Moribito, but I can't follow this logic.
Fine, he's a mix of both goofiness and creepiness (which is neither cool nor badass), and "the few times he gets serious" he can be "quite bad-ass". Never mind that most of the time people are just his puppets. Bad-asses don't need dollies to do what they have to.
Even DerekTheRed's reasoning for this match was less superficial.

You know that something is overrated when people think that knocking others with a cane is bad-ass.

Let me clarify a bit. I think creepiness can be bad-ass and cool if done right. In the case of Urahara, I think it is.

As for goofiness, I like characters who have many layers, and who oftentimes are more than they appear on the surface. Now it's true that none of the characters in Bleach are exactly that deep, but I like how when you first see Urahara, on the surface he appears to be this goofy, harmless guy, but as you see more of him, a handful of comments and facial expressions reveal that there's way more to him than that. I like how he hides his true nature.

While using puppets to do your bidding may not be entirely bad-ass, it does fit the whole "magnificent bastard" trope. This is an overall coolness tournament, not just a bad-ass tournament.

Urahara hasn't fought much in Bleach, hence why I mentioned the "few" times he gets serious. But that doesn't change the fact that he is bad-ass when he does fight.

Anyways, as you yourself said, he's getting stomped by Balsa next round, but I really don't think my reasons are very superficial, at least not moreso than anyways reasons are for a tournament that tries to define something as vague as "coolness".
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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:08 pm Reply with quote
I could have flipped a coin... Smile
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Joined: 08 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:00 pm Reply with quote
I have a feeling that it is this group B I was talking about last week when I said I didn't know too many of the characters, but here it goes :p

Group B-1
D, Vampire Hunter D
Cobra, Space Adventure Cobra


Group B-2
Kirika Yumura, Noir
Sesshomaru, Inuyasha franchise

Kirika Yumura

Group B-3
Captain Harlock, various (see Guide entry)
Gennosuke Kouga, Basilisk

Gennosuke Kouga

Group B-4
Ginko, Mushi-Shi
Ami Kawashima, Toradora!

Ginko I loved Toradora!, and I even think that Ami's character was pretty important to the show; however, I really couldn't stand her and wouldn't call her "cool" by any stretch of my definition.

Group B-5
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Toshio Oozaki, Shiki

Kisuke Urahara Call it what you will, I like Urahara at least in the early rounds. I would have to put him more as a cool character though; as bad-ass as he appears to be we never really see him fighting much.

Group B-6
Balsa, Moribito – Guardian of the Spirit
Tomari Kurusu, Kashimashi ~ Girl Meets Girl ~


Group B-7
Gene Starwind, Outlaw Star
Kenshin, Ruroni Kenshin


Group B-8
Oscar Francois de Jarjay, Rose of Versailles
Ken Washio the Eagle, Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Ken Washio the Eagle

Group B-9
Lelouche Lamperouge Code Geass
Kyuzo, Ssamurai 7

Lelouche Lamperouge Based on R2 I have a harder time making this choice, but I enjoyed his character too much overall to vote him down here. His cold calculating demeanor is enough to get past how crazy he goes later on.

Group B-10
Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke
Sophie Forrester, Last Exile

Sophie Forrester Loved Last Exile, and Sophie is definitely a reason why.

Group B-11
Char Aznable, Mobile Suit Gundam
Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop

Faye Valentine

Group B-12
Nana Osaki, NANA
Black, Tekkonkinkreet

Black Nana is a great character character from a great show, but I don't think she has quite what I'm looking for in this tournament.

Group B-13
Sawa, Kite
Suzuka, Outlaw Star


Group B-14
Revy, Black Lagoon
Maka Album, Soul Eater

Revy I suppose I've got to go with the bloodthirsty nutter here :p

Group B-15
Master Asia/Tohofuhai Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star


Group B-16
Celty Sturluson, Durara!!
Amon, Witch Hunter Robin

Celty Sturluson
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:10 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:
Sorry not voting this round.
Maybe tomorrow if I get around to it.
Just had an ugh moment with writing up all my votes and comments and then suddenly having my post go *poof*.
I know what I did to accidentally delete it, but there was no way to recover it and I tried everything I could but it got wiped from the cache. See what happens when I try to write my whole post first before submitting it for a change?
Nothing I could do. What was weird though is that I not only deleted my post, I deleted the dialog box itself. I have absolutely no idea how I did that, and have not been able to recreate the incident when actually trying to.

I write up all my votes in Notepad first specifically because I'm afraid of doing something like this.

~~EpiC~~ wrote:
Group B-16
Celty Sturluson, Durara!!
Amon, Witch Hunter Robin

Celty is really angsty. So I have to vote the other way.

I lol'ed. Celty's angst is justified due to her head being stolen and lack of memories versus Amon's being just as angsty, but because he's full of antisocial bitterness.
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The Naked Beast

Joined: 26 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:21 pm Reply with quote
Group B-1
D, Vampire Hunter D
Cobra, Space Adventure Cobra

My vote goes to: D.

Group B-2
Kirika Yumura, Noir
Sesshomaru, Inuyasha franchise

My vote goes to: Kirika Yumura.

Group B-3
Captain Harlock, various (see Guide entry)
Gennosuke Kouga, Basilisk

My vote goes to: Captain Harlock.

Group B-4
Ginko, Mushi-Shi
Ami Kawashima, Toradora!

My vote goes to: Ginko.

Group B-5
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Toshio Oozaki, Shiki

My vote goes to: Kisuke Urahara.

Group B-6
Balsa, Moribito – Guardian of the Spirit
Tomari Kurusu, Kashimashi ~ Girl Meets Girl ~

My vote goes to: Balsa.

Group B-7
Gene Starwind, Outlaw Star
Kenshin, Ruroni Kenshin

This is a tough one for me since both series are among my favorites. But I have to give the vote for Gene. Why?

My arguments include that Gene is a mere human compared to Kenshin's superhuman abilities and his Hitenmitsurugi-ryu swordsmanship style. Gene has survived many encounters where the opponents were way beyond him. Some include "Twilight" Suzuka and two members of the Anten Seven. He even holds his own against those with Tao magic with his bank account taking the brunt of the damage. Did I also forget to mention his duels with Harry MacDougall and Hazanko?

The fact of the matter is that Gene takes on these challenges and still manages to come out alive somehow. His Caster Shells barely put him on an equal level since most Tao magic users he encounters outnumber his number of available Caster Shells. Most of the time, normal bullets are largely useless considering the kind of opponents that Gene faces.

In some fights, all Gene had other than his guns were his wits and on-the-go tactics. As you can see, Gene lives all the way through the end of series more battle-hardened than he ever was.

There is also the fact of how he got over his space phobia. What better way than by a Grappler Ship fight. Oh, and Gene had never been in space ship fight at that point.

My vote goes to: Gene Starwind.

Group B-8
Oscar Francois de Jarjay, Rose of Versailles
Ken Washio the Eagle, Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

My vote goes to: Ken Washio the Eagle.

Group B-9
Lelouch Lamperouge Code Geass
Kyuzo, Ssamurai 7

My vote goes to: Lelouch Lamperouge.

Group B-10
Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke
Sophie Forrester, Last Exile

My vote goes to: Sophie Forrester.

Group B-11
Char Aznable, Mobile Suit Gundam
Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop

My vote goes to: Char Aznable.

Group B-12
Nana Osaki, NANA
Black, Tekkonkinkreet

My vote goes to: Nana Osaki.

Group B-13
Sawa, Kite
Suzuka, Outlaw Star

My vote goes to: Suzuka.

Group B-14
Revy, Black Lagoon
Maka Album, Soul Eater

My vote goes to: Revy.

Group B-15
Master Asia/Tohofuhai Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star

Though I nominated the Undefeated of the East (Tohofuhai)/Master Asia, it saddens me that he ends up facing Kenshiro in the first round. How do you compete with a guy that says, "You're already dead" to people who are obviously going to die?

Even the School of the Undefeated of the East's Ultimate Secret Technique could not overcome this challenge.

My vote goes to: Kenshiro.

Group B-16
Celty Sturluson, Durara!!
Amon, Witch Hunter Robin

My vote goes to: Celty Sturluson.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:07 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
I write up all my votes in Notepad first specifically because I'm afraid of doing something like this.

Which is what I'll continue doing with long posts, thanks. I still find it rather intriguing how I was able to delete the dialog box.

Giving this another try, sorry for the minimalist comments. These votes are the same as what I would've posted last night, so as long as I'm not late, the end result is the same.
Group B-1
D, Vampire Hunter D
Cobra, Space Adventure Cobra
Pick: D

Group B-2
Kirika Yumura, Noir
Sesshomaru, Inuyasha franchise
Pick: Kirika Yumura

Group B-3
Captain Harlock, various (see Guide entry)
Gennosuke Kouga, Basilisk
Pick: Captain Harlock

Group B-4
Ginko, Mushi-Shi
Ami Kawashima, Toradora!
Pick: Ami Kawashima

Group B-5
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Toshio Oozaki, Shiki
Pick: Kisuke Urahara

Group B-6
Balsa, Moribito – Guardian of the Spirit
Tomari Kurusu, Kashimashi ~ Girl Meets Girl ~
Pick: Tomari Kurusu - given it's overwhelmingly obvious who the winner will be, no matter who I vote for won't change it. So I'm going to vote for the one I like best (and who I still think is one of the coolest in this entire round).

Group B-7
Gene Starwind, Outlaw Star
Kenshin, Ruroni Kenshin
Pick: Kenshin

Group B-8
Oscar Francois de Jarjay, Rose of Versailles
Ken Washio the Eagle, Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
Pick: Oscar Francois de Jarjay

Group B-9
Lelouche Lamperouge Code Geass
Kyuzo, Samurai 7<--sp?
Pick: Kyuzo

Group B-10
Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke
Sophie Forrester, Last Exile
Pick: Lady Eboshi

Group B-11
Char Aznable, Mobile Suit Gundam
Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop
Pick: Faye Valentine

Group B-12
Nana Osaki, NANA
Black, Tekkonkinkreet
Pick: Nana Osaki

Group B-13
Sawa, Kite
Suzuka, Outlaw Star
Pick: Suzuka

Group B-14
Revy, Black Lagoon
Maka Album, Soul Eater
Pick: Revy - She's a sexy kind of cool, and badass.

Group B-15
Master Asia/Tohofuhai Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star
Pick: Kenshiro - definitely can't deny the badass aspect of this guy, but more than anything else the ability to combine martial arts with spontaneous combustion is pretty cool.

Group B-16
Celty Sturluson, Durara!!
Amon, Witch Hunter Robin
Pick: Celty Sturluson - she has a helmet shaped like a cat head. How cool is that?

Last edited by P€|\||§_|\/|ast@ on Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 10 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:58 pm Reply with quote
Group B-1
D, Vampire Hunter D
Cobra, Space Adventure Cobra

My vote goes to: D.

Group B-2
Kirika Yumura, Noir
Sesshomaru, Inuyasha franchise

My vote goes to: Sesshomaru.

Group B-3
Captain Harlock, various (see Guide entry)
Gennosuke Kouga, Basilisk

My vote goes to: Captain Harlock.

Group B-4
Ginko, Mushi-Shi
Ami Kawashima, Toradora!

My vote goes to: Ginko.

Group B-5
Kisuke Urahara, Bleach
Toshio Oozaki, Shiki

My vote goes to: Kisuke Urahara.

One of the few characters cool enough to pull off a brimmed hat and clogs look. Beyond his cool appearance, Urahara has a charismatic, charismatic, and playful personality.

Group B-6
Balsa, Moribito – Guardian of the Spirit
Tomari Kurusu, Kashimashi ~ Girl Meets Girl ~

My vote goes to: Balsa.

One of the most realistic examples of cool/baddass in this tournament. She may not have the stereotypical bad ass "attitude", but she's much more likable and she serves as a good role model. She's also a formidable opponent in battle, but you won't see her doing ridiculously impossible feats like someone like Kenpachi or Guts. That's just not her style and I don't think you should dock her points for that.

Group B-7
Gene Starwind, Outlaw Star
Kenshin, Ruroni Kenshin

My vote goes to: Kenshin

Group B-8
Oscar Francois de Jarjay, Rose of Versailles
Ken Washio the Eagle, Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

My vote goes to: Ken Washio the Eagle.

Voting against the one I know.

Group B-9
Lelouch Lamperouge Code Geass
Kyuzo, Ssamurai 7

My vote goes to: Lelouch Lamperouge.

C'mon Kyuzo is very weak; he has little to no personality and most of his cool points center around his appearance. As far as personality goes, he has little to none and he's standoffish.

Lelouch has a much stronger personality and accomplishes many great things. Sure, he's not straight-laced or the most admirable person around, but he fights for something he believe in with effort and determination. Plus, I agree he's fun character to watch, too.

Group B-10
Lady Eboshi, Princess Mononoke
Sophie Forrester, Last Exile

My vote goes to: Eboshi.

Group B-11
Char Aznable, Mobile Suit Gundam
Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop

My vote goes to: Faye.

Group B-12
Nana Osaki, NANA
Black, Tekkonkinkreet

My vote goes to: Nana Osaki.

Group B-13
Sawa, Kite
Suzuka, Outlaw Star

My vote goes to: Sawa. Mainly based on the comments, but honestly after reading that spoiler I think she has fairly big weakness, too. Suzuka is alright, but she's only mid-tier if you are generous with grading her personality.

Group B-14
Revy, Black Lagoon
Maka Album, Soul Eater

My vote goes to: Revy. Probably the anti-Balsa. Her character is ridiculously over the top badass with a very strong in your face type of personality and a very loud and distinct sense of style. Not really a type of person you would admire unless you are batshit insane like she is, but then again she's not that type of character.

Group B-15
Master Asia/Tohofuhai Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star

My vote goes to: Kenshiro.

Group B-16
Celty Sturluson, Durara!!
Amon, Witch Hunter Robin

My vote goes to: Celty Sturluson Cool concept and equally cool character design. She's also a badass in any fight. It's a shame there are a few things that will prevent me from voting for her in the later rounds.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:14 am Reply with quote
Round 1 Group B is now closed.

With 26 votes that can actually be counted officially in, results are as follows:

B-1: D slices and dices Cobra 22-4.
B-2: Kirika Yumura comes from behind to handily beat Sesshomaru 18-8.
B-3: Captain Harlock stomps Gennosuke Kouga 22-4.
B-4: Ginko outwits Ami 22-4.
B-5: Kisuke Urahara has little trouble with Toshio Oozaki, 20-6.
B-6: Balsa nearly has a Flawless Victory over Tomari Kurusu, 25-1.
B-7: Kenshin outlasts Gene Starwind 16-10.
B-8: Oscar Francois de Jarjay defeats Ken the Eagle 20-6.
B-9: Lelouch Lamperouge slips by Kyuzo, 15-11.
B-10: Lady Eboshi handily defeated Sophie Forrester, 20-6.
B-11: Faye Valentine fought to a 15-11 win over Char Aznable.
B-12: Nana Osaki had a much easier time with Black, 23-3.
B-13: Suzuka's wooden blade was more than a match for Sawa's guns, 17-9.
B-14: Revy obliterated Maka Albarn 24-2.
B-15: Kenshiro makes Master Asia's head blow up 22-4.
B-16: Celty outclasses Amon 23-3.

While the results were fairly predictable to me, I was caught off guard by how much Sawa lost by and how easily Celty won. A lot of big blow-outs this time, too, but that seems unlikely to continue next round.

Anyway, I'm a bit behind tonight, so Group D will go up soon.
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Joined: 07 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:52 am Reply with quote
This round definitely hurt my minigame, particularly as far as Char is concerned, as I thought he would have been able to survive at least the first two rounds.

I was really disappointed, however, that Cobra got beaten so badly. I guess it pretty naive of me to think that he actually stood a chance against D. That was one of the few brackets where I actually failed to vote where I thought most other people would.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:49 am Reply with quote
Round 1 Group D: Mixed Group #2 is now closed.

Results can be found here.

I think we have some very interesting (and possibly intense) matches set up for this round and group, so I'm looking forward to some good justifications. Show me what you got, people!

Group D-1
Ladd Russo, Baccano!
Marco Pagot/Porco Rosso, Porco Rosso

Group D-2
Arsene Lupin, Lupin III franchise
Mikura Suzuki, Mezzo DSA, Mezzo Forte

Group D-3
Hitagi Senjourgahara, Bakemonogatari
Jin, Samurai Champloo

Group D-4
Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop
Genkai, Yu Yu Hakusho

Group D-5
Atsuko Chiba/Paprika, Paprika
Erin, Beast Player Erin

Group D-6
Duke Togo, Golgo 13
Taisou, Giant Robo

Group D-7
Firo Prochainezo, Baccano!
Ichiro Miyata, Fighting Spirit

Group D-8
Alucard, Hellsing franchise
Kyouya Ootari, Ouran High School Host Club

Group D-9
Yang Wen Li Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Alberto, Giant Robo

Group D-10
Saeko Busujima, High School of the Dead
Xellos, Slayers franchise

Group D-11
Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Kakashi Hatake, Naruto franchise

Group D-12
Scar, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Dark Schneider, Bastard!!

Group D-13
Shizuo Heiwajima, Durarara!!
Maximilien Jenius, Super Dimension Fortress Macross

Group D-14
Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye
Lucy, Elfen Lied

Group D-15
Chouji Suitengu, Speed Grapher
Sebastien Michaelis, Black Butler

Group D-16
Kamina, Gurren Lagann
Batou, Ghost in the Shell franchise

Last edited by Key on Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:09 am Reply with quote
D-1: Ladd Russo
Part of my vote is how much Ladd enjoys being such a psychopath. I don't think he's as cool as Claire, but he still gets my vote.

D-2: Arsene Lupin
I appreciate his care free happy go lucky attitude he has when outwitting Zenigata and stealing stuff Razz

D-3: Jin
D-4: Genkai
Gah, are you freakin' kidding me? Why did all of the YYH characters have to go up against massive powerhouses in the first round, can't they get a break? Anyway, I expect Spike to win this and for good reason, but someone as old and as awesome as Genkai still deserves votes. I'll be happy either way though.

D-5: Paprika
D-6: Taisou
D-7: Firo Prochainezo
D-8: Kyouya Ootari
D-9: Yang Wen Li
Oh my god, group D, why do you do this to me?! One of the coolest bad guys in the tourney vs one of the coolest pacifists in the tourney (who still knows when to fight)?! Why do you do this to me?! Once again, I shall be happy either way, but I'm going with Yang Wen Li. He's not the only self described "pacifist' in the tourney, there's Kenshin and Vash, but the difference between them is that Yang knows that defeating your enemy by blowing up their ship is the only way to go sometimes, and I respect that more than Kenshin or Vash's pacifism. Yang is smart enough to know when action is the only way to go, it's part of why I like him so much, he doesn't have to enjoy it and in fact doesn't, but he has survival skills that involve "kill the enemy so I don't die". Also, Alberto isn't the bad guy who splits people in half with the snap of his finger, that's someone else, but damn is Alberto badass.

D-10: Xellos
D-11: Kakashi Hatake
D-12: Dark Schneider
D-13: Maximilien Jenius
My god, group D really has it out for round 1 powerhouse matchups, wtf? I mean, do I go for the guy who throws vending machines or the most suave ace pilot there is? I'm going for the ace pilot, in part because he's not even the main character but it still cooler than the main character (Lancer trope invoked!)

D-14: Lucy
I know a lot of people during the prelims were all like "but Nyuu is useless", but if we consider the Count and Gankutsuou to be separate characters then surely the same should apply to Lucy and Nyuu. And Lucy is pure badass.

D-15: Chouji Suitengu
D-16: Kamina
Dammit, group D strikes again! But Kamina is so cool that his influence never stops spoiler[not even when he's dead], that counts for a lot for me, easy vote for him from me.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
Posts: 1684
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:37 am Reply with quote
Group D-1
Ladd Russo, Baccano!
Marco Pagot/Porco Rosso, Porco Rosso

Ladd Russo
A psychopath without a generic sad childhood that is supposed to touch the hearts of viewers. Yes, please!

Group D-2
Arsene Lupin, Lupin III franchise
Mikura Suzuki, Mezzo DSA, Mezzo Forte

Arsene Lupin

Group D-3
Hitagi Senjourgahara, Bakemonogatari
Jin, Samurai Champloo


Group D-4
Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop
Genkai, Yu Yu Hakusho

Spike Spiegel

Group D-5
Atsuko Chiba/Paprika, Paprika
Erin, Beast Player Erin

Erin - for being the most likeable child in anime ever that has grown into an admirable woman.

Group D-6
Duke Togo, Golgo 13
Taisou, Giant Robo


Group D-7
Firo Prochainezo, Baccano!
Ichiro Miyata, Fighting Spirit

Firo Prochainezo

Group D-8
Alucard, Hellsing franchise
Kyouya Ootari, Ouran High School Host Club


Group D-9
Yang Wen Li Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Alberto, Giant Robo

Yang Wen Li
Yang is my second favourite character with pacifistic views. His slothfulness may not be very cool, but it's not as uncool as, for example, Vash embarrassing himself whenever he wants to save someone. Yang's attempts to achieve his goals by losing as few people as possible is admirable and his attitude towards pacifism has never struck me as being unrealistic.

Group D-10
Saeko Busujima, High School of the Dead
Xellos, Slayers franchise

Whenever he opens his beautiful eyes, there is menace in them and you know something is about to happen. And besides, he kills a large group of dragons with just one finger. Can this girl from this fanservice show top that?

Group D-11
Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell franchise
Kakashi Hatake, Naruto franchise

Motoko Kusanagi

Group D-12
Scar, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Dark Schneider, Bastard!!

Dark Schneider

Group D-13
Shizuo Heiwajima, Durarara!!
Maximilien Jenius, Super Dimension Fortress Macross

Shizuo Heiwajima

Group D-14
Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye
Lucy, Elfen Lied

Vote against Lucy, her second personality is too pathetic and even her more dangerous personality lapses into cliché and consequently is nothing special.

Group D-15
Chouji Suitengu, Speed Grapher
Sebastien Michaelis, Black Butler

Chouji Suitengu

Group D-16
Kamina, Gurren Lagann
Batou, Ghost in the Shell franchise

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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
Posts: 5634
Location: Southern California
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:28 am Reply with quote
Group D-1

Marco Pagot/Porco Rosso, Porco Rosso

Group D-2

Mikura Suzuki, Mezzo DSA, Mezzo Forte

Group D-3

Jin, Samurai Champloo

Group D-4

Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop

Group D-5

Atsuko Chiba/Paprika, Paprika

Group D-6

Taisou, Giant Robo

Group D-7

Firo Prochainezo, Baccano!

Group D-8
Alucard, Hellsing franchise
Kyouya Ootari, Ouran High School Host Club

This match up is VERY unfair imo. But, regardless of how I think it's going to turn out, I am going to vote for The Power Behind The Throne, The Shadow King and for Mom...Kyouya. He is cool not a badass cool but he is cool.

Group D-9

Yang Wen Li Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Group D-10

Xellos, Slayers franchise

Group D-11

Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell franchise

Group D-12

Scar, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Group D-13

Maximilien Jenius, Super Dimension Fortress Macross

Group D-14

Honoka, The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye

Group D-15

Sebastien Michaelis, Black Butler

Group D-16

Batou, Ghost in the Shell franchise[/quote]
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