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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:54 am Reply with quote
~**Update Since Page 6**~

Voting For:
Watashi/I, The Tatami Galaxy
Daikichi Kawachi, Bunny Drop
Masanosuke Akitsu, House of Five Leaves
Waver Velvet, Fate/Zero
Taichi Mashima, Chihayafuru

Chihiro, Spirited Away
Lain Iwakura, Serial Experiments Lain
Ringo Oginome, Mawaru Penguindrum
Megumi "Nodame" Noda, Nodame Cantabile
Shizuku Tsukishima, Whisper of the Heart
Reki, Haibane Renmei
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:38 pm Reply with quote
Voting for:

Lain Iwakura, Serial Experiments Lain
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:23 pm Reply with quote

Chi, Chobits
Who She Is: Chi is an abandoned persocon (robot) left in a pile of trash and discovered by ronin student Hideki Motosuwa. When powered up after Hideki literally finds her power button in her crotch, he discovers that Chi has no memories of her previous owner and is incapable of saying anything other than “Chi”. Naming her Chi, Hideki tries to teach her basic human functions and to figure out her origins.
How She Improves: Chi starts off having no ability to speak anything but her name and being completely clueless over how to properly interact with others and understanding basic functions as a person. Throughout Chobits, Hideki teaches her how to speak, proper behavior and how to interact with others in public. In addition to this, Chi becomes curious over what it means to love when she comes across and reads through a series of children’s books throughout the series. She comes to understand the joys and pains of love when she and Hideki help deal with the romantic dilemmas of some of the title’s characters that revolve around persocons in some form. As she comes to understand this feeling, Chi finds herself increasingly falling in love with Hideki.

Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service
Who She Is: Kiki is a young witch who recently turned 13 years old. As a rite of passage ceremony for young witches, Kiki must settle into a town and live on her own for the next year. Settling into a seaside town with her pet cat Jiji, Kiki finds residence at a bakery and starts up her own delivery service where she helps deliver baked goods on the bakery’s behalf.
How She Improves: Kiki starts off being quite insecure in her new surroundings in the seaside town as she adjusts to her new hometown and finds herself going through the struggles of growing up, such as learning to be independent and fitting in with the local kids. As she adjusts to these situations, Kiki finds herself befriending several of the town’s residents who encourage her in differing ways as she comes to value the lessons of self-worth and independence she learns within her new hometown.

Julian Mintz (Legend of the Galactic Heroes)
Masanosuke Akitsu (House of Five Leaves)
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:49 pm Reply with quote
Voting for
Chi (Chobits)
Talho (Eureka 7)
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:18 pm Reply with quote
Voting for:

Chi, Chobits
Kiki, Kiki’s Delivery Service
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:33 pm Reply with quote
Here are some more nominations. I'll put up an updated master list later tonight.


Mashiro blan de Windbloom, My-Otome
Who She Is: Mashiro begins the story as the 14-year-old Queen-to-be of Windbloom Kingdom (the most technologically advanced kingdom in the setting's world and home to Garderobe Academy, the training institute for Otomes) and gets officially coronated as Queen early on even though there's secretly some question as to whether or not she's the real daughter of the former King and Queen, who were murdered during a raid when she was but a babe. Despite an antagonistic relationship with like-aged heroine/Otome candidate Arika, a desperate situation forces her to make a pact with Arika to become the Master of Arika's Blue Sky Sapphire and have Arika serve as her Meister (champion, essentially). Since they have to keep this a secret, the two gradually come to trust each other and work together, sticking together through many crises that follow.
How She Improves: At the beginning of the series Mashiro is an unmotivated, self-centered brat. She has no clue about the economic realities of her people and is hardly dignified in the way she comports herself. Interactions with Arika gradually get her motivated, and encounters with others gradually clue her in about the poverty of some of her citizens, but not until her kingdom is overthrown and she has to hide amongst the public do her eyes get opened about how negatively her people perceive her and how irresponsible she's been. Seeing another leader in action, and how respected that leader is for her actions, get Mashiro to understand what she must do, and the responsibilities she must undertake, to become a good and worthy Queen. This leads her to finally start taking personal responsibility for her and her people, lead the fight to reclaim her kingdom, commit herself to working towards a kingdom where everyone can be happy.


Leina Vance, Queen's Blade 1 and 2
Who She Is: Leina is the middle daughter of the Vance family and designated successor to her father, Count Vance. However, she abhors that destiny and instead runs away to follow in her mother's footsteps, become a warrior, and participate in the upcoming Queen's Blade tournament, which will determine the next ruler of the land. She quickly learns, though, that she is quite probably in over her head, and she literally has to fight to resist being forced back under the Count's thumb.
How She Improves: For much of the first season Leina is a vastly put-upon heroine, as she is toyed with and subjected to degradations by many she encounters. She is also hamstrung by not knowing what she actually wants to fight for. Gradually, and through intensive training with various other characters, she is able to improve her fighting ability to a respectable level and come to understand what she really wants: to prove herself against the strongest opponents. By the end of the second season she has proven to be one of the most formidable warriors of her setting.


Yuji Kaido, Blue Gender
Who He Is: Due to a rare disease he suffered from, Yuji was put into cryostasis until a cure could be found. When he awoke several years later, it was to a horror story: the world had been overrun by giant buglike creatures who used humans as a food source. He was rescued by a mecha unit which included one Marlene Angel and eventually transported up to an orbiting space station where one of the last bastions of humanity had taken refuge, where he learned that the "disease" he had might actually give him an advantage at combating the buglike Blue.
How He Improves: At the beginning Yuji is nothing more than a common citizen, one terrified of, and overwhelmed by, the circumstances that he has woken up in. Interactions with Marlene gradually bolster his will and courage (while also softening and breaking through her emotional shell), which leads to him eventually training to be a mecha pilot and taking an active role in the battle against the Blue.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:49 pm Reply with quote
You do three Key, I'll do three as well. Laughing


Naota Nandaba, Fooly Cooly
Who He Is: Naota is a 12-year old boy living within the fictional Japanese town of Mabase. Seemingly bored of his life in the town and putting up with the advances of his brother’s ex-girlfriend Mamimi Samejima, Naota finds his life turned upside down by the arrival of a mysterious young woman named Haruko Haruhara, who runs him down with her Vespa motorbike and whacks him in the head with her Rickenbecker bass guitar in their first encounter with one another. Since this encounter, Naota now finds himself having the ability to sprout giant robots from his head.
How He Improves: Throughout Fooly Cooly, Naota finds himself wondering what it means to be grown up as he is approaching adolescence. At the start of the series, he has his own preconceptions over what it means to be an adult from the idolization of his brother Tasuku and is obsessed with appearing mature to those he encounters. Throughout the series, Naota finds himself going through different experiences that contributes to his character’s growth as he comes to better understand the challenges that are about to come his way with adolescence.

Saji Crossroad, Gundam 00
Who He Is: Saji is a young civilian living within an apartment complex with a young man named Setsuna F. Seiei, unaware that Setsuna is one of the Gundam Meisters for the paramilitary organization known as Celestial Being. He lived with his sister and normally put up with the overbearing personality of his girlfriend, Louise Halevy. However as tensions escalate with Celestial Being’s missions against enemy threats, Saji finds himself dragged into the conflict and facing traumatic events that effect his personal life.
How He Improves: The mentioned traumatic events effecting Saji in later episodes of Gundam 00’s first season led him to develop a strong hatred for the Gundams of Celestial Being, seeing them responsible for the personal losses he suffered. In the second season of the series, he finds himself dragged into the conflict that arises between Celestial Being and the newly formed A-Laws when he is rescued from imprisonment by the former. At first, Saji believed that he had nothing to do with the conflict between Celestial Being and A-Laws because of being a civilian, still strongly hating Celestial Being for what he perceived as the cause of his suffering. After learning new details on the events concerning the problems he faced and indirectly contributing to another bloody massacre caused by the A-Laws, Saji decided to atone for the problems he caused in the latter incident by assisting Celestial Being in their efforts to stop the A-Laws and came to forgive Celestial Being for his misconceptions about their actions.

Marlene Angel, Blue Gender
Who She Is: Marlene is a female soldier from the space colony, Second Earth, fighting to terminate the buglike creatures called Blue that occupy a post-apocalyptic Earth. During a mission, she awakens a young man named Yuji Kaido from cryogenic sleep and is tasked with bringing him back alive to Second Earth.
How She Improves: Marlene starts off being seemingly cold and emotionless as she is committed solely on the mission at hand at the cause of her morality. As she journeys with Yuji though, Marlene finds herself developing a bond with the young man as her personality softens throughout their journey and she becomes defiant of the lifestyle she dealt with while on Second Earth.


Yuji Kaido (Blue Gender)
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:42 am Reply with quote

Sawako Kuronuma, Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You

Who the character is: Thanks to her intimidating appearance (she looks like Sadako from the horror flick The Ring) Sawako has never been able to make any close friendships at school. This has left her with little understanding of what other people are on about and, worse, left her with no experience of the emotions involved in close relationships. It's a shame, really, because Sawako must be just about the nicest person on the entire planet. She has a secret admiration for the most popular boy in school, Shōta Kazehaya, but is unable to grasp that he likes her just as much. Help is at hand from two new friends, Ayane Yano and Chizuru Yoshida, who see the situation more clearly than anyone else.

How the character improves: Despite her integrity, her optimism and her generosity, Sawako is initially clueless about other people and the breadth of her own emotions. She learns early from Yano, Yoshida and Kazehaya that speaking honestly about what she feels about people and situations can mend misunderstandings. With their help, and her own honesty and directness, she begins to widen her circle of friends and experience unfamiliar emotions. From being an outcast she becomes pretty much the class mascot. Ultimately she is able to express how she feels to Kazehaya and to her astonishment finds her feelings reciprocated. It's a journey from cluelessness to knowledge.

The smile that conquered Kazehaya's heart


Chi, Chobits

I'm 17 episodes into Penguindrum. Ringo Oginome is easily my favourite character, so there's a good chance I'll support her nomination, though I'll wait until I finish. It's a terrific series, by the way.

Last edited by Errinundra on Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:58 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:51 am Reply with quote
Voting For:

Sawako Kuronuma, Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You

Within the first three episodes (heck, even within the first half of the first episode) she's already improving by leaps and bounds, and by the end of the second season she's infinitely more confident than before. So yeah, I'll support her.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:15 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
And Tris8: Yeah, I'd probably give Shoukei the edge in a head-to-head between her and Suzu, and for the reasons you stated, but she's still the third of the three major ones from that series. Sugimoto is a decent choice, but she's more a reflection of/sounding board for Youko.
Sugimoto is primarily there to highlight the difference between her and Youko, but I still think she improves a little more than Suzu. Sugimoto had so many different pressures from all sorts of directions it's amazing she chose the 'right' path in the end. The emperor was using her, her desire to be special, fear at being in a strange place with no allies, and the very likely possibility of getting killed once she realized her errors and no longer fought Youko. They're both great choices so I'll be happy whoever makes it in but I give the edge to Sugimoto.


Masakazu Masaki, Time of Eve
Who He Is: Masaki is a high school student and the best friend of Rikuo (the MC). He is distrustful of robots in a world where robots are common and almost every family has a household android. One day when Rikuo is reviewing his household's android's (named Sammy) activity log, he finds a strange entry that he didn't order Sammy to do. Rikuo and Masaki trace the entry to a cafe that Sammy seems to be visiting with a strange rule: no discriminating between humans and androids.
How He Improves: Due to an event involving a robot when he was younger, Masaki believes robots are undependable and emotionless. We slowly discover this isn't so, as we see Sammy choosing to visit the cafe (along with many other androids) and changing the coffee she serves Rikuo without instruction. Despite increasing evidence that robots can think and feel like humans, Masaki won't let himself be convinced until a robot saves him when he is in danger. Masaki then lets go of his prejudice and is able to forgive for what happened in the past.

Renton, Eureka 7
Lain, Serial Experiments Lain
Talho Yuki, Eureka 7
Kiki, Kiki's Delivery Service
Leina Vance, Queen's Blade
Naota Nandaba, Fooly Cooly

Last edited by Tris8 on Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:27 am Reply with quote
Why do some of the characters have .9 points? I thought voting against was a -1.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:29 am Reply with quote
It's just to make it obvious who has been voted against. 1.9 is equivalent to 2.0. Perhaps in a countback to make a 64 or 128 cut off, it may play a part?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:30 am Reply with quote
WhiteHairGirls wrote:
Why do some of the characters have .9 points? I thought voting against was a -1.

No, it's -1.1, to make it obvious which nominations have votes against them. Also to serve as a tiebreaker.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:28 am Reply with quote
Voting for

Sawako Kuronuma, Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You

I was wondering how long it would take for her to get on the list. I haven't seen enough of the series to nominate her myself but it is definitely enough for a supporting vote.


Hagumi Hanamoto, Honey and Clover

Who she is: An art prodigy who has been very sheltered her entire life, which leads to her being shy and very nervous when interacting with people, to the point of becoming physically ill from stress. She goes to the same art college as the other characters because her father's cousin, Shuji, whom she is quite close with, is a professor there.

How she improves: As the series progresses, Hagu begins to come out of her shell. While she is still somewhat shy, it no longer cripples her in social interactions. She especially gets close to the rest of the main cast, coming to view them as almost family. She also shows the ability to deal with great adversity in her life that would likely have destroyed her earlier in the series. Finally, she reaches a point where she can recognize and deal with romantic interest, both in others and in herself.


Hikaru Hitachiin, Ouran High School Host Club

Who he is: One of the infamous Hitachiin twins, Hikaru leads a very insular life. The twins have long maintained an "us" vs "them" view of life and, while joining the Host Club has led them to interact more with others and even develop outside friendships, they still are seen more as a unit, both by others and by themselves.

How he improves: As the series progresses, the differences between Hikaru and Karou become increasingly evident, especially as they meet the one person who can consistently tell them apart, Haruhi. Hikaru especially comes to care for Haruhi, even pursuing her romantically. While he and Karou are still quite close, they are beginning to pursue separate lives, at least to an extent, and become much more independent.


This last one was a surprisingly hard one to write. I almost want to nominate the twins together, except for the fact that their big improvement goes against that!
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:24 am Reply with quote

Naota (FLCL)
Sawako (Kimi ni Todoke)
Hikaru (Ouran High School Host Club)
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