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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV).

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Joined: 23 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:36 am Reply with quote
Hopefully the Narrator is just that and not Kyon. He has a voice you just want to throw mud at Very Happy It's another waiting game for eps.01 I guess.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:20 am Reply with quote
Anthony P wrote:
Haruhi''s licensed so now it's official: this thread might as well be stickied, because it's never going to die now.

In that case it doesn't need to be stickied, which is only really a requirement for read-only announcements and rules, first points of call, and important but not highly active threads.
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Wolverine Princess

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:55 am Reply with quote
I recently finished watching Nurse Witch Komugi, another Kyoto Animation project, and I loved every second of it. But for all it's many, many similarities to Haruhi, I'm really wondering why its received so many bad reviews and a mostly negative reaction from overseas anime fans. Haruhi and other Kyoto Animation projects have such a huge fanbase because they rely on the very same clichés they relentlessly parody, right? In the case of Haruhi and Komugi, it's like they're giving a nudge and a wink to us viewers, saying "We know this is a little corny, but we love it anyways." It seems like Haruhi has been getting nothing but the highest praises from hard-core fans and relatively casual fans, but Komugi infamously received one of the lowest failing grades in the history of Anime News Network reviews. So just what is this special extra something that garnered Haruhi such a vast and loyal fanbase that supposedly backfires on Komugi? (I also find it odd that I've seen many people sing praises of how beautifully animated Haruhi is, but Komugi gets a measly C in the animation department and an F for art, which I thought was very well-drawn and cute.) (I'm also kind of sad that it got a D in the music area since I love the soundtrack, but Halko Momoi's unique voice is a prime example of a love-it-or-hate-it kind of thing. She's one of my favorite voice actresses, but I can understand how others could find her über-moe voice like nails on a chalkboard.)
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:11 am Reply with quote
Wolverine Princess wrote:
So just what is this special extra something that garnered Haruhi such a vast and loyal fanbase that supposedly backfires on Komugi?

Two words: Magical Girl. This specific genre has never been, and is unlikely will ever be, welcomed among your average Western fanbase (which consists of mostly shounen-loving teenage males). A talking mascot and transforming sequences can drive quite a few people away. Furthermore, as the protagonist Komugi is the only female star (well, maybe plus Koyori, but her significance is much less than that of Komugi) who could draw enough attention, yet in Haruhi there are many more attractive female characters (Haruhi, Yuki, Mikuru, Ryoko, Tsuruya, Kyon's sister, and even Emiri), satisfying every type of need.

Timing is also an important factor. When Komugi debuted over two years ago, anime wasn't as widely as accepted as of today, although already much better than the pre-millennium era.

Wolverine Princess wrote:
(hidden text)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:15 am Reply with quote
Wolverine Princess wrote:
(I'm also kind of sad that it got a D in the music area since I love the soundtrack, but Halko Momoi's unique voice is a prime example of a love-it-or-hate-it kind of thing. She's one of my favorite voice actresses, but I can understand how others could find her über-moe voice like nails on a chalkboard.)

Meh, Halko is still my favorite Japanese singer and I'm as loyal as ever to her. Hmm, fellow Halko fan of mine, Paranda (one who I feel is my superior on the subject, as he knows FAR more about her than I do), recently got a letter from her. Was pretty happy for him, and thought it was pretty cool...

dormcat wrote:
Two words: Magical Girl. This specific genre has never been, and is unlikely will ever be, welcomed among your average Western fanbase (which consists of mostly shounen-loving teenage males). A talking mascot and transforming sequences can drive quite a few people away.

Well, depends on the market. Sailor Moon did extremely well over here... Ones that are targeted at males don't really do that well and quite honestly, probably confuses most fans. When it came out before, it really had no audience. It couldn't sell to younger girls because of the sexual elements in the show, and it couldn't sell to older fans because it looked way too cute and sugary (personally, I think Komugi kind of tricks you by doing that, as there's many things the series that really aren't that cute...)

dormcat wrote:
Furthermore, as the protagonist Komugi is the only female star (well, maybe plus Koyori, but her significance is much less than that of Komugi) who could draw enough attention, yet in Haruhi there are many more attractive female characters (Haruhi, Yuki, Mikuru, Ryoko, Tsuruya, Kyon's sister, and even Emiri), satisfying every type of need.

There are about five more females with somewhat important roles in Komugi... Although, I'd have to say that Megumi is the only one to get a significant amount of screen time, the rest really don't appear that often... But the same can apply for some of Haruhi's characters, Haruhi, Yuki, and Mikuru are really the main ones. I'd say they're both about equal in terms of this.

dormcat wrote:
Wolverine Princess wrote:
(hidden text)


Hmm, ya.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Time to revisit this thread: the complete dance of ending theme Hare Hare Yukai has been included within Japanese DVD Volume 7. Japanese fans has posted it here, along with video containing both the storyboard sketches and sequences on TV.

(from the first link above)
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:07 pm Reply with quote
Bwahaha, I can't wait for cosplayers dancing to that in upcoming cons! And not to mention the insane number of Youtube videos that'll crop up. Everyone will start memorizing this! Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:02 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
the complete dance of ending theme Hare Hare Yukai has been included within Japanese DVD Volume 7.

You mean will be right? It's supposed to come out on the 26th of this month.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Well, last year at my Local Mini-con, I tried to get 4 others to do the dance with me, all I could get was 2 so we didn't do it, but it was a good try. I watched the ending theme after each episode like 50 times over and over to memorize that dance.
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Joined: 02 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:48 pm Reply with quote
If this has been brought up, I apologize-
Do you think Bandai is going to dub the music in episode 12? I really liked the music and (I figure/think) that others did too. Maybe there taking this into consideration with the seiyuu? Heck, maybe it's not happening. It wou,d be interesting to hear though.
(Hopes for SHnY to get on [adult swim]...
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:42 pm Reply with quote
Anyone one if there'll be footage from Animelo Outride on DVD7? The girls performed on stage there but it wasn't included on either of the Animelo DVDs.
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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:03 pm Reply with quote
This was a funny series. I just wished they've have more Mikuru-centered ecchiness and more fanservice.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:13 am Reply with quote
Live Alive!

On 2007-03-18, a live event named Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou (涼宮ハルヒの激奏) will be held at Omiya Sonic City, featuring all five SOS-dan members plus Tsuruya-san, Kyon's sister, and Taniguchi. Expected to last four hours (16:00-20:00). Ticket will cost 4500 Yen (tax included); ticketing starts exclusively by Animate at designated storefronts on 1/20; general ticketing starts on 1/27.

Source: http://www.kyotoanimation.co.jp/haruhi/info/event.html

UPDATE: Two new guests, Yuri Shiratori (as Emiri Kimidori) and Megumi Matsumoto (as Kunikida).

Last edited by dormcat on Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:49 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Live Alive!

On 2007-03-18, a live event named Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou (涼宮ハルヒの激奏) will be held at Omiya Sonic City, featuring all five SOS-dan members plus Tsuruya-san, Kyon's sister, and Taniguchi. Expected to last four hours (16:00-20:00). Ticket will cost 4500 Yen (tax included); ticketing starts exclusively by Animate at designated storefronts on 1/20; general ticketing starts on 1/27.


Source: http://www.kyotoanimation.co.jp/haruhi/info/event.html

**praying for a DVD release of this show**

[EDIT: Please do not quote pictures. Thanks. -TK]
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:39 am Reply with quote
In celebrant of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Day (which was yesterday), the website has been updated!


Now it includes a Gundam SEED Destiny trailer! And also:

-- Ack, the sun is rising --
-- Magnesium hydroxide is not a food group --
-- You there! Surrender your equipment to me! We've got videos to make! --
-- What the... who are you?! How did you get in here? --
-- All your computer are belong to us --
-- Huh? Hey, put that down! I'm watching something! --
-- You will make us another video, yes? Or else... --
-- Or else what? --
-- KYAAA! --
-- D: --

Looks like Haruhi "acquired" more video equipment. Laughing
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