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Winter 2009/10 - Upcoming anime.

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Bargain Hunter

Joined: 07 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:56 pm Reply with quote

So we are a little over a third of the way into the Fall 2009 anime season, which means it's time to start thinking about the Winter season!

I'll come back with a more detailed listing but two shows jump out at me so far as Blood- "must watches." Just to see how well some of you may know me, I'll see if anybody can guess what they are (hint: this is going to be very easy if you know my "taste" even slightly).
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:24 pm Reply with quote
Here is a better version of the chart.

Blood- wrote:
I'll come back with a more detailed listing but two shows jump out at me so far as Blood- "must watches." Just to see how well some of you may know me, I'll see if anybody can guess what they are (hint: this is going to be very easy if you know my "taste" even slightly).

Well, I apparently don't know you very well, as I am struggling to pick which ones you'd like. I'm pretty sure that Chu-Bra!! and Hanamaru Kindergarten aren't them, but that's no help.

Hmm, maybe So Ra No Wo To, since it is cute girls doing non-Ecchi things. And since you haven't seen the first Nodame Cantabile, I'll hazard Dance in the Vampire Bund? It is by SHAFT after all, and with the success of Bakemonogatari you might be interested in it. Also, its lead is a vampire girl.


What is up with Qwaser of Stigmata? Not only is it unable to use the letter "q" properly (just like the Australians), it has a protagonist who runs on breast milk. Seriously??????????


Pretty slim picking overall, I have to say. Although Winter and Summer are the two smallest seasons in terms of Anime, for there to only be fifteen shows is kind of sad. Well, more titles may be announced in the coming weeks, so that might boost the numbers. Still, even from the titles I can see, none scream "watch me". Not to me at least.

So sad.

Last edited by dtm42 on Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:04 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:26 pm Reply with quote
Bad or not. Just by the pictures I've already chosen three I'll be following:
Dance in the Vampire Bund - An exception to what I just said above. I've seen the trailer and liked it. A must watch in my list.
Seikon no Qwaser - Seen the preview, but completely forgot about it. Too many resemblances with D. Gray-man, or is it just me?
Omamori Himari - Guardian spirits, demons and beauties? That's all I need to hear.

Most of them look quite promising.

Edit: Oh, yes. As a recurring tradition which is actually happening for the first time. My bet on what Blood- will be watching is:
Dance in the Vampire Bund. Since he liked Bakemonogatari.
Chu-Bra!! - No need to say anything!
Omamori Himari - I liked the art, and since we share almost the same interests, I'm sure Blood- did as well.
To say any further, I'd have to ask him if he likes loli stuff or not.

Last edited by egoist on Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Forums Superstar

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:31 pm Reply with quote
Everything in the first row or first column looks like it has potential, and everything else pretty much looks like garbage (with the exception of Hidamari Sketch - which is not only niche but a third season, and possibly Qwaser of Stigmata).

Durarara looks like it has the most potential right now. Not only does it look intriguing based on the description and poster, it's also a Brains Base production directed by Takahiro Omori, and is pretty much the natural successor to Baccano, having most of the staff back as well and sharing the same original creator. It's also got a star voice cast, including one of my recent favorites, Kana Hanazawa. I'm really excited for this one and how it'll turn out.

Dance in the Vampire Bund also looks really good. It's SHAFT and directed by the one and only Akiyuki Shinbo, so fans of Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei or Bakemonogatari know what to expect from this. The one concern is that SHAFT seems to be really poor right now so there's a chance the production values might take a dive somewhere in the middle. Here's hoping SHAFT pours their budget into this (sorry, Hidamari Sketch).

Everything else in the first row and column might possibly be good, and that's a stretch. Nodame Cantabile is also a third season like Hidamari is, and it'll probably be pretty good, but then again I've never watched the second season. Hanamaru Kindergarden looks interesting as Gainax is doing it and they haven't really touched on this genre before. But it's for a niche audience, and it seems to be aimed toward the Kodomo no Jikan/Potemayo crowd.

Katanagatari is by the same author as Bakemonogatari, Nisioisin. That said, SHAFT and Akiyuki Shinbo have nothing to do with this this time, so I doubt we'll get the same kinda offbeat zaniness we got from Bakemono. The studio White Fox is a startup and their only notable production so far is Tears to Tiara, which was only slightly above mediocre. That said though, startups tend to have the highest improvement rate, but I still can't imagine this as anything more than an adaptation that's going to plow straight through the plot rather than put equal focus on the subtle details and atmosphere like SHAFT did with Bakemono. We'll see though. This might be surprising.

As far as Hidden God goes, it doesn't look terrible but at the same time it looks very cookie cutter. AIC also has a mixed record, leaning toward the bad side actually, but I haven't written this show out yet, and it might deliver, but I'm not putting my money on it.

I get the same vibe about So-Ra-No-Wo-To, but I'm slightly more optimistic about this than Hidden God, since it looks slightly less cookie cutter and A-1 Pictures has a better history. Then again, A-1 pictures is being lazy lately with Fairy Tail, so here's hoping they put some effort into this. Then it might be a fairly decent, maybe even good show.

Qwaser of Stigmata falls into the same "generic looking but maybe good" category as the other two. It also looks like something pretty generic and the studio has very little history, but it doesn't look all that bad.

Anything I didn't mention I'm 99% sure is going to be mediocre at best, if not terrible. There's absolutely nothing going for them and I'm fairly certain they're not even worth checking out.

Last edited by frentymon on Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:31 pm Reply with quote
Durarara!! is top on my chart for anything I will be watching in winter

It sounds like Baccano! but in a more modern setting. Which is good and not surprising as it's from the crater of Baccano!. I hope Funimation gets the legal steams for it (seeing as they have the rights to Baccano! and I heard that it did well in the states so it may be something they would want to get the rights to)

Maybe list is So Ra No Wo To, (seems like it's K-on but in a war setting)

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu sounds interesting to me, I normally like school shows that have battles in them most of the time.

May watch for the heck of it because I love the animation studio, Dance in the Vampire Bund not saying I will enjoy it, most likely will get dropped before I hit episode 3. But I do love Shaft's animation style I hope it's not a slideshow though.

Last edited by ninjapet on Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:32 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the better version, dtm42. If somebody can explain how to get that version into my post, I'll edit it (but as an image, not a link).

You are 50% right - Dance in the Vampire Bund is one of my hotly anticipated titles. It looks very, very, very wrong but I have a feeling I'm going to love it. After the disappointment of Trinity Blood, I'm looking forward to a series that gets vampires right.

And you must not really know my tastes if you think that Chu-Bra isn't absolutely up my alley. I am the Ecchi King.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:06 pm Reply with quote
Durarara!! looks interesting. I'm waiting for the complete set to come out to see Bacanno! but based on what I've heard, I'm very excited to see another similar project from it's creators.

Dance in the Vampire Bund stands out as something that will likely be either awesomely ridiculous (like Hellsing) or just regular old stupid ridiculous.

Katanagatari looks somewhat interesting at least from a stylistic perspective.

The rest looks like the usual crap although I have to admit, it generally looks less awful than usual. Gainax's new show fills me with a deep sense of terror though.
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Ian K

Joined: 18 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:28 pm Reply with quote
Here's my take on the upcoming stuff (excluding sequels):

Baccano is the most ridiculously entertaining thing I've seen in a while, and this stands a good chance of channeling that magic. It's based on a series of books by the same author, and being made by the same team, after all. In addition, the storytelling will probably be less fragmented, making it more accessible.
Prediction: It may not reach Baccano's heights, but I'm calling this right now as the best show of the season.

Dance in the Vampire Bund
I don't think Shinbo has made a straight-up action show since the SoulTaker, which is too bad because his eye for visual flair makes for really nice fight scenes. The nudity looks a bit excessive for my tastes, though.
Prediction: People who aren't allergic to underage fanservice, vampires, or SHAFT/Shinbo will find a solid show here with good action.

The moe fluff preview images and the presence of music in the plot description bring memories of K-On to mind (which may be a good thing or a bad thing). The presence of a military and a dystopic setting brings up the possibility of a more interesting story, however. The crew seems solid, if unremarkable.
Prediction: This will be at least a decent show with cute girls for people who like that sort of thing. There is potential for it to be something more, but no way of knowing whether or not it will be fulfilled.

Hanamaru Kindergarten
The manga is a parody of lolicon shows, with a kindergarten vainly girl trying to attract the teacher she has a crush on with her (non-existent) 'womanly wiles'. It's being made by GAINAX and the director of FMA and Gundam 00, but I just don't know how much they can do with this.
Prediction: This will be hilarious in a soul-destroying way for a maximum of three episodes, before completely exhausting its potential.

Based on books by Nisioisin, the story should have potential. The animation studio is a big question mark, and the director's material includes GetBackers . . . and School Days. Hopefully they can do the source material justice.
Prediction: This can go absolutely anywhere.

Qwaser of Stigmata
The manga this is based on could be the best thing ever, but there's no way I'm giving it a chance. A first time director doesn't look promising either.
Prediction: Well, we don't need to look around for a successor to Queen's Blade anymore.

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
Every now and then, a show will come along that by rights should be a mess of mediocrity and cliches, but manages to rise above them into something truly special (for example, ToraDora).
Prediction: This, however, will not be one of those shows.

Hidden God
Based on a game by Ryukishi07, the mastermind behind Higurashi and Umineko. It's being adapted this time by AIC, who aren't the best studio around - then again neither is DEEN, but the shows they created managed to do alright anyways.
Prediction: This will be a gory and frightening horror story with lots of twists and turns, but some of the shock value will have worn off as viewers have gotten used to Ryukishi07's style.

Rose O'Neill's Kewpie
I have no idea what the target audience of this is.
Prediction: . . .

Omamori Himari
This is a pretty generic magical harem/monster fighting show with copious fanservice. Move along, nothing to see here.
Prediction: The DVD's will outsell every other show on this list, and kick-start a long and profitably mediocre franchise.

Ladies Vs Butlers
Well, at least its an equal opportunity fanservice provider.
Prediction: See what I said about Baka Test

Well, you know what they say about when you have nothing good to say . . .
Prediction: Obviously, this is a sign of the coming of the antichrist.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:29 am Reply with quote
Ian K, that is one funny and intelligent post you've got there. I'm tempted to submit it to the Perfect Quotes thread.

Blood- wrote:
Thanks for the better version, dtm42. If somebody can explain how to get that version into my post, I'll edit it (but as an image, not a link).

It is too big to post here, both on pixel size and file size.

Blood- wrote:
And you must not really know my tastes if you think that Chu-Bra isn't absolutely up my alley. I am the Ecchi King.

I looked at your My Anime List, and it doesn't really scream Ecchi King. But yeah, as much as I like you, I don't really know you.
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Ian K

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:35 am Reply with quote

It's been a long time since I've posted anything here. Glad it was worth the wait Smile
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:08 am Reply with quote
This list is out already?

Hmm, well, unless I'm surprisingly mistaken about the duration of the shows I'm currently watching, I'm not trying to pick up many here.

Will watch in their entirety:
SHAFT show #1
SHAFT show #2
(You're shocked, I know)

Will watch and attempt to not let expectations and specters of past works lead to disappointment:
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Joined: 13 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:46 am Reply with quote
The anime that look really good include

Dance in the vampire bund-Vampires always a good time
Qwaser Of Stigmata-Always love me some breast milk in anime
Chu Bra-Underwear club
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:33 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
Dance in the Vampire Bund stands out as something that will likely be either awesomely ridiculous (like Hellsing) or just regular old stupid ridiculous.

Just a follow up. I saw the trailer for this and I feel fairly confident in concluding it is the latter. This is more in the fanservice-stuffed, pedo-bait vein of vampire anime.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:41 am Reply with quote
About the only thing that appears to have my attention is Nodame Cantabile: The Final since I've seen the past two seasons. I'm hoping this season isn't as rushed with its events like Paris was. Outside of that, Winter 2010 looks to be another lackluster season for anime.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:49 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Just to see how well some of you may know me, I'll see if anybody can guess what they are.

I could probably guess the few, but I'm more concerned with just one: Chu-Bra.

I've a feeling this title will cause you to lose sleep, your job, and all communication with us. I predict it will eventually melt in your DVD player for continuous playing, stopping only to swap DVDs.

We'll know just how much the slight description the link offers impacts your future shopping habits, because if you order more than just one copy of this series, we'll have to say our good-byes when the package arrives.

Very Happy
Yeah, right. As soon as he watches and raves about it, chances are it'll be in my collection too. Black panties. Too bad they don't talk.
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