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Forum Tournaments: Voting Closed.

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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:58 pm Reply with quote
For those new to the site, we have had a tradition over the past couple of years of running semi-official tournaments in this forum to determine the best anime characters in certain categories. Our last tournament, The Most Clever/Intelligent Character Tourney, has recently finished, so it's time to pick the subject for our next one.

Before we get into the selection process, however, a special note: these tournaments only exist at the sufferance of the moderators and site officials, who help promote them by allowing their thread to be stickied. If people behave badly at any point during them then these tournaments may be subject to discontinuation. It almost got to that point towards the end of the last one, so I will be expecting people to be on better behavior this time. I and others put a lot of work into making these tournaments flourish, and a fair number of people really enjoy them, so I don't want to see them ended because a few people aren't content with just beating an argument into the ground but also have to bury it and piss on its grave. I won't wait for moderator intervention and will put a stop to the next tournament myself if people can't behave. (And at least a couple of you out there know - or should know - that I'm talking specifically about you.)

EDIT: Nominations are closed, and we are now going to a vote. See here for the leading post on the vote.

EDIT #2: Voting is now closed. The next tournament will be Best Hero/Heroine. Final tally can be seen here.

Anyway, onto business. Here are the standards for determining the next tournament:

1. We will have a few days of open nomination, during which anyone can suggest a reasonable idea and/or second or discuss already-proposed ideas. This will continue until the end of the day (forum time) on Tuesday the 24th or until discussion seems to be dying down (whichever comes first), at which time I will gather the 4-5 most-discussed ideas and put them to a vote.

2. Any registered forum member - regardless of whether they have participated in any previous tournament or not - can contribute suggestions or comments and can vote.

3. The following subjects have already been used, so subjcts too similar to them will be rejected:
    *Most Moe Character (gods, I don't remember who won this one)
    *Craziest Character (won by Excel from Excel Saga)
    *Most Evil Character (won by Johan from Monster)
    *Best Duo (won by Kurau and Christmas from Kurau Phantom Memory)
    *Most Clever/Intelligent Character (won by L from Death Note)

4. Please keep in mind when making a proposal that we are seeking subjects that can cut across a broad swath of genres, have significant potential for discussion of relative character merits, and have some criteria on which characters can be comparatively evaluated. Subjects that are nothing more than window-dressed popularity contests are not acceptable. Also keep in mind that we typically start with a field of 128 contestants, so it has to be a subject broad enough to muster at least that many participants.

The floor is now open.

Last edited by Key on Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:53 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:03 pm Reply with quote

OK...I had 3 different notions for this.

Most Badass Character (as in who kicks the most ass/looks the coolest in fights/no one f*cks with him)

Most Powerful Robot (which one has the deadliest weapons, or coolest overkill attacks, or the best moves)

Most Sympathetic Character (could be a tragic character, someone with an utterly messed-up past, be they hero or villain)

So there.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:07 pm Reply with quote
Just a quick question...

Has it previously been discussion expanding beyond just characters? I understand how characters are a good topic but how about something common to a lot of animes?

For example: Most memorable scene in anime?


The best ending?

Something along those lines.

As far as characters go, how about...

Most Underrated Individual
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Well, that was fast! I think I'll input something in my semi-tired state before I go to sleep for my dreaded 8am (dreaded because of the time, the professor is actually awesome):

Most useless character tourney. It seems like some anime are determined to throw in at least one useless person and force plot relevance on them somehow, but some are certainly more useless than others.

Best non-human, I think that was second place choice or something last tourney proposal, wasn't it?

Most charasmatic. I think during the last tourney I thought of some characters as more charasmatic than intelligent (neverminding who) and wondered if this could be a tourney on its own.

Eh, I might think more during the night and during class or something, at least I don't have an 8am followed by a 3 hour lab like I do on Tuesday (eww), so, hey, I might come up with more tomorrow.
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Unit 03.5-ish

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:12 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Well, that was fast! I think I'll input something in my semi-tired state before I go to sleep for my dreaded 8am (dreaded because of the time, the professor is actually awesome):

Most useless character tourney. It seems like some anime are determined to throw in at least one useless person and force plot relevance on them somehow, but some are certainly more useless than others.

dude, this is like half the cast of most anime out there anyway, seriously

oh man, you'd have way too many options on this one
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:16 pm Reply with quote
I had a few come ot mind while i was just sittin' around doing absolutley nothing ... which means i was working on homework for math.

1. Most annoying character (any character that just grinds the hell outa your gears)

2. Character with the worst problem (not physical problem, we're talkin' self problem)

3. Funniest character?

Those are just some suggestions i thought of while doing some unimportant things like logarithms and sine/cosine/tangent, becusae one day, those things, will MEAN something to me!

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Joined: 20 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:16 pm Reply with quote
Okay, I know this is quick, but I've always wanted to see a tournament where the most powerful and skilled 'martial arts' character is made official. Now, i'm not going to include characters from the likes of DBZ, where characters are just ridiculously powerful, but are more or less realistic, from anime such as Tengjo Tenge, Kenichi: the mightiest disciple, Hayate: the combat butler, certain characters from Naruto (e.g. Guy and Lee who only use hand-to-hand combat), Ranma 1/2 and whatever abled martial arts character we have seen in all the anime we have collectively watched in the anime community. Hell, we could even include characters from Street Fighter and Tekken, if it is called for!!
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Joined: 23 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:17 pm Reply with quote
Jinxso wrote:

The best ending?

How could that be done without it being totally spoiler-ridden? We can't expect everyone to have seen all of the animes nominated. Characters can be summarized in regards to the proposed topic in a way that is usually fairly spoiler-free. No way could an ending tourney do that.

Elfen12 wrote:

2. Character with the worst problem (not physical problem, we're talkin' self problem)

I really like this one. Focusing on traits that you wouldn't wish on yourself or your loved ones is much more entertaining than the good traits!

Last edited by TheTheory on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Boomerang Flash

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:19 pm Reply with quote
It seems that the fact that the previous tournament almost got out of hand bears out the general observation that tournaments whose subject matter can easily be construed as a direct duel between two characters tend to go out of control. I would suggest against such a subject.

Suggestion 1: best anime original character in an adaptation

Perhaps it's just the cynicism in me, but I notice a lot of fans who deem any anime that strays from the source material (particularly if the source is a light novel or manga) in any way is inferior. Perhaps a tournament dedicated to finding an anime character that was made to be unique to an anime adapted from another medium would be entertaining. To inflate the number of possible participants, perhaps characters who are devoid of characterization in the original (e.g. Baphomet from Ragnarok the Animation) or can be characterized in multiple ways as a result of user choices (e.g. Shiro from Fate/Stay Night) can also be included.

Last edited by Boomerang Flash on Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:20 pm Reply with quote
Unit 03.5-ish wrote:
classicalzawa wrote:
Well, that was fast! I think I'll input something in my semi-tired state before I go to sleep for my dreaded 8am (dreaded because of the time, the professor is actually awesome):

Most useless character tourney. It seems like some anime are determined to throw in at least one useless person and force plot relevance on them somehow, but some are certainly more useless than others.

dude, this is like half the cast of most anime out there anyway, seriously

oh man, you'd have way too many options on this one

Yeah, but I don't mean "random shopkeeper A" by this, I mean characters that plot is trying to convince us are useful even though they blatantly aren't. As in named characters who have decent screen time.

For example, I'd probably nominate Kazemon/Zoe in Digimon 4, who doesn't even defeat her monster of the week in her own intro episode and has to transform to beast form just to break a mirror. She's not terribly useful to plot or battle in the grand scheme of the series, but she is a fairly major named character and not just a random person standing in the background chanting or something or says "Hi!"to the main character in the first episode and then never appears again.

Could possibly tie into "most annoying" character if at all possible.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:21 pm Reply with quote
TheTheory wrote:
Jinxso wrote:

The best ending?

How could that be done without it being totally spoiler-ridden? We can't expect everyone to have seen all of the animes nominated. Characters can be summarized in regards to the proposed topic in a way that is usually fairly spoiler-free. No way could an ending tourney do that.

You bring up a good point and your right I doubt this could be done. Just somethings off the top of my head to see if non-character topics have been considered in the past.
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Joined: 20 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:30 pm Reply with quote
Jinxso wrote:
You bring up a good point and your right I doubt this could be done. Just somethings off the top of my head to see if non-character topics have been considered in the past.

Just following on from your idea about non-character topics, how about the most violent and gore filled anime ever. Some classic examples would be Elfen Lied, Berserk, Gantz, Baselisk and similar anime. I haven't watched Samurai Gun, but apparantly it rivals Kill Bill volume 1 in violence. I also heard it's a terrible anime!!
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Joined: 21 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:40 pm Reply with quote
How about Most Fallible Character?

The idea of most bad-a** character isn't too bad.... kind of easy for people to come up with a few names.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:44 pm Reply with quote
Oh, thought of another decent one (looking at my anime list can help me think of things sometimes):
Most changed from beginning of the anime to the end of the anime character (in however many less words someone else could say that). I don't really mean physically but like, lessons learned, grew as a person, etc. (not that physical stuff like the spoiler[time skip] in Gurren Lagann would disqualify a character or anything, but it should mostly be basis of growing as a person)
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Unit 03.5-ish

Joined: 07 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:45 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Oh, thought of another decent one (looking at my anime list can help me think of things sometimes):
Most changed from beginning of the anime to the end of the anime character (in however many less words someone else could say that). I don't really mean physically but like, lessons learned, grew as a person, etc. (not that physical stuff like the spoiler[time skip] in Gurren Lagann would disqualify a character or anything, but it should mostly be basis of growing as a person)

Character development/growth is the word you're looking for, I believe. Sadly, that disqualifies my "favorite" genre Laughing
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