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NEWS: BEI's Yoshida: Gurren Lagann TV Plans Not Finalized

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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 5:18 pm Reply with quote
Well, this makes more sense. Still, I really hope that they seal the deal. Getting Gurren Lagann on TV would be awesome, even if it is on Sci Fi. I've been craving a dubbed version ever since ADV initially licensed the series.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:00 pm Reply with quote
Well, don't push the voice actors too hard...
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:40 pm Reply with quote
I'm excited to hear about the dub cast, but two episodes a week? That's a lot! Bandai is really kicking logic to the curb here! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:54 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I didn't think it was guarantied just yet. Still though, it's nice to hear they're still shooting for it. I don't know if they'd be working the VAs to hard or what, hopefully that won't be a problem, but it's still nice to hear they'll make sure to have 'em out every week.

I just wish I had Sci-Fi in the first place.... Anime cry
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Joined: 30 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:13 pm Reply with quote
It's nice to have digital cable... And DVR... >.>

But I've been waiting for Gurren Lagann to be dubbed ever since I heard of it... So I can have the DVD/Blue Ray/Betamax.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:21 pm Reply with quote
This sounds more like it (the whole "not finalized" thing).

And it answers quite a few questions, i.e. it really is a TV deal negotiated by Bandai and not a holdover or mistake from the ADV license or any nonsense like that.

Also confirmation that they ARE trying to get the dub ready to air in July. Frankly, that surprises me, since it kind of makes the sub only DVDs that they were in such a hurry to release seem really unnecessary and undesirable now. It's also a really fast pace to do a dub, but I guess if FUNi can dub One Piece at the rate they're going, Bang Zoom can crank it out too.

I am mildly disappointed that it's a Bang Zoom dub and not a ZRO Limit/Animaze dub, but Bang Zoom still does very good work most of the time (and it's sure to be a much better dub than whatever ADV was going to spit out).
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:34 pm Reply with quote
I consider this good news overall. The fact that Sci-Fi would even accidently have it in their schedule is good indication that they will be airing it.

Let's hope that Bandai is working on a deal to get this series on Canadian TV as well. This one has to be on the air in the fall!
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:36 pm Reply with quote
Ugh, LA again Bandai? Sheesh, I would've preferred Ocean over the overused crew at Bang Zoom.

Two episodes a week is stupid. I really hope that TV deal isn't the cause for it(although it most likely is) as rush jobs never lead to anything good.
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:03 pm Reply with quote
How much of a rush would this really be though? How long does it really take to record a line of dialogue per actor? (And if soap operas can do 5 episodes a week, with all the requisite writing and acting and filming, anime can do 2 easy.)
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
How much of a rush would this really be though? How long does it really take to record a line of dialogue per actor? (And if soap operas can do 5 episodes a week, with all the requisite writing and acting and filming, anime can do 2 easy.)
I remember hearing that the process to produce one dubbed episode of anime normally a few weeks. Now, you usually work on more than one episode at once, so it's not like you do one and wait for it to be finished and start the next, but you can still only do so many at once.
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:24 pm Reply with quote
Well, if anything, I'd say a "speedy" dub is a good sign for quick transitions from J->E releases in the future.
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Joined: 22 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:53 pm Reply with quote
I just hope it's not a rushjob. At the very least, I hope Tony Oliver's not involved.

A show this epic needs an epic English dub, not one dashed out to meet a deadline...
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:24 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
How much of a rush would this really be though? How long does it really take to record a line of dialogue per actor? (And if soap operas can do 5 episodes a week, with all the requisite writing and acting and filming, anime can do 2 easy.)

Meh, I'm pretty sure you'll know must of what I'll post, but meh, won't hurt, sure someone, some where will learn something new

It all varies from ADR studio to the next. Some are really fast with their scripts and due to that the scripts often take liberities, while others take time to create a faithful accurate one. As well some studios do quick casting searches, and other studios do in depth casting calls, and not always looking inside the box for voices(example: Ocean and casting L in Death Note). As well as their speed in other tasks.

But it really comes down to the voice actors themselves, as someone else stated in this thread, recording sessions for this show are going to be murder for the cast.Dub anime voices in particular put strain on the vocal chords more so then North American animated shows actors do. Why? You may ask. Simple, dub actors have to catch the integrity of the original Japanese, where as Normal cartoons, the voice actor need not to immitate anyone.(Continuing with Dub Actors) Often those voices are not those actors "real" voice, but a modification of, so that puts strain, and then some shows require screaming, and that's rough no matter if you're using your "real" voice or not.

Thus every actor needs a time for them to get their vocal chords healed again. I've read of some who take a day or two, to those who almost take a week depending on their recording sessions.

So, as you see, 2 episodes every week will definately be difficult.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:30 pm Reply with quote
Primus wrote:

But it really comes down to the voice actors themselves, as someone else stated in this thread, recording sessions for this show are going to be murder for the cast.Dub anime voices in particular put strain on the vocal chords more so then North American animated shows actors do. Why? You may ask. Simple, dub actors have to catch the integrity of the original Japanese, where as Normal cartoons, the voice actor need not to immitate anyone.(Continuing with Dub Actors) Often those voices are not those actors "real" voice, but a modification of, so that puts strain, and then some shows require screaming, and that's rough no matter if you're using your "real" voice or not.

Don't most VA's say these days that they don't do imitations?

Anyway, that shouldn't really be any different from the seiyuu. Do you really think they all use their normal voices?
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:32 pm Reply with quote
i'm okay with this. they're not saying it was a mistake, they're just saying the deal's not completed sealed yet. most likely it will be if they are already getting a voice cast together, and i don't see Sci-Fi turning this down.
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