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Evangelion series and film?

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Joined: 07 Jan 2021
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:37 am Reply with quote
Hi. Where should i start to fully understand how evangelion story developed ?
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:48 am Reply with quote
Original Story

The Series - Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV)

1st Movie - Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth (movie) (is mostly a recap of the series, but has a little new stuff to transition to End of Evangelion)

2nd Movie - Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (movie) (an alternate ending to the series because lots of people complained about the TV one)

Reboot / Alternate Re-telling

1st Movie - Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (movie)
2nd Movie - Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (movie)
3rd Movie - Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo (movie)
4th Movie - Evangelion: 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time (movie)
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Joined: 14 Jan 2021
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:36 pm Reply with quote
I just completed watching the TV series and the 2 films. I must say it was pretty good for the first 24 episodes nothing complicated but all of a sudden on the final episodes it went to epic to total nonsense.

Ok so I watched the alternate ending of the End of evangelion and it was the same nonsense presented in a different way and some action.

If anyone understood the ending please explain it briefly and I hope to god that the ending to The rebuild of Evangelion will be logical.
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Nom De Plume De Fanboy
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:18 pm Reply with quote
^ A couple things I heard about Eva TV's ending, first, they were way low on budget, and second, the director was suffering from depression and was in therapy during the production. And running out of money may well have influenced his condition. So the anecdote has it that he took some ideas from his therapy and used them in the ending. So, yeah, that could explain the strangeness of it a bit. I'm in a bit of a minority, I don't mind the ending, but I have never tried to read anything real deep into it. My simple take on the TV ending is, spoiler[Shinji survives in some form, gets some validation, that's still a happy ending for me.]

Myself, I thought Eva's first half or so was a better than average monster-of-the-week show, and then got a little weird, but was still entertaining. Having "angels" be the attackers was not something I took really seriously, for me it was just another monster show. I don't pretend to see a deep meaning into the ending, or the rest of the show's plot. I thought the characters were better than average, especially Shinji. Being Eva, your mileage will very. I don't care for the movie ending, myself, but the rest of it was entertaining.

I also heard the End of Eva movie ending was the result of Anno just being angry with the fandom being so extreme about the show. I think I heard that on an ANNCast, I'm not sure. But there was at least one ANNCast, and ANN column(s), where Eva got discussed. It might be worth your time to track those down.
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Jose Cruz

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:40 pm Reply with quote
#919979 wrote:
If anyone understood the ending please explain it briefly and I hope to god that the ending to The rebuild of Evangelion will be logical.

They just dropped the whole "monster of the week" story of the show, and showed a huge middle finger to the audience, saying: hey, you anti-social otakus, represented in Shinji, who is also the director Anno (himself being an anti-social otaku), you should learn to live a little besides being inside home all day watching anime, stop hating yourself and stop being so scared of others.

As the creators of the show explained in interviews, if you are a normal, socially functional, person then you are not going to take anything deep from the show and it will look more like a "monster of the week" show to you.
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Shawn Shaolin

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PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2021 8:12 pm Reply with quote
First of all I would like to thank the user who chronologically listed the EVA films and shows. I have only gotten my feet wet with the title some claim as the greatest anime of all time. Second, anyone knows anything about a US release of the new films or a box set of some kind? I'm showing my age with the boxed set recommendation I'm sure. I'm am from a time where anime DVDs were once 40 bucks a pop and only contained 4 episodes.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2021 7:24 am Reply with quote
I basically have not touched Evangelion since watching it as it was being released on VHS back in the late 90's. I'm pretty sure I saw both movies (also late 90's timeframe) not that it really makes a difference whether I remember them or not.

So in a nutshell what would be the best way to relive the experience of Evangelion?
Could I just dive right into the 3rd or 4th movie assuming my memory of the Original TV series is intact?

Or is it too "alternate" that I really need start with the 1st Movie?
Shawn Shaolin wrote:
I'm showing my age with the boxed set recommendation I'm sure. I'm am from a time where anime DVDs were once 40 bucks a pop and only contained 4 episodes.
You're showing your age?? I said the dreaded V-word, the D-word wasn't even a thing yet! And I was already out of college when those 1 or 2 episode $40-60 loser... I mean laserdiscs were around.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2021 7:02 pm Reply with quote

I've watched the first of the new movies and it is a tightened up version of the first couple of episodes of the TV series with movie quality animation. I haven't watched the later films but from the chatter here at the time, the second movie is where it diverges from the series to go into a new direction. Since it has been over twenty years since the show came out on VHS, your best bet is to watch movies one through three now and four when it comes out here.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2021 12:06 am Reply with quote
Thanks so much Alan. Actually, after posting I read that article about the difference between the Original Series and the Reboot from the point of view of Anno's struggle with depression. If you haven't checked it out, its a good read. It really puts things into perspective.
In summary, the only way one should experience Evangelion again is by watching one version OR the other. Not try to shortchange yourself by thinking later reboot movies can continue where earlier episodes of the original left off.
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Joined: 15 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 2:51 pm Reply with quote
CameloLabadie wrote:
If anyone understood the ending please explain it briefly and I hope to god that the ending to The rebuild of Evangelion will be logical.

It's been awhile since I watched the originals, but I'll try.

spoiler[There is a concept where if mankind merges together they can become a god, but it means getting rid of individuality. The thing that keeps people's individual souls together is the AT field. Metaphorically, this also keeps people out, and prevents people from completely understanding one another, and as a defensive barrier also hurts others offensively. This is summarized as the hedgehog's dilemma, where attempting to get closer to another also means you risk getting hurt. Theoretically, when mankind as a collective are merged together, almost like returning to the sea of life from which some believe they sprang from, this will be akin to experiencing paradise, and you can even reunite with lost loved ones an everyone's feelings will reach each other.

In the series' original ending, Gendo has basically begun Human Instrumentality and achieved his intentions. So the last two episodes are like a psychological introspection/confrontation with regards to the characters, but primarily Shinji, where he comes to accept himself and the world.

In End of Evangelion, the film alternative ending, Shinji is the one who begins instrumentality and the 3rd impact because Gendo is rejected. But Shinji rejects it, and decides to live in a world where such struggles continue to exist and everyone maintains their individuality. So it goes through a similar psychological examination, but with an ending that is far darker and depressing where the trade-off is that people can still hurt each other and feel pain, but also maintain their physical expressions of love and attempts to reach each other just as they always have.]

Then there are the Rebuild films ending which came out recently.

spoiler[As many saw hinted at, the Rebuild films are taking place in a continuation of the previous Evangelion series and film. It seems in a way similar to The Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions that humanity is simply repeating itself and the sycle of instrumentality, and Shinji breaks the cycle by getting rid of all the Evangelions. At the same time, both Gendo and Shinji begin the new Impact/Instrumentality process, and we get a psychological breakdown of Gendo just as much as Shinji, who is already overcoming his depression by the beginning of the film. So the Rebuild end on a final and very hopeful note that is also not without some pain of loss.

Those who are familiar with the original series and End of Eva will appreciate the Rebuild films much more. Shinji grows out of the weak youth that he was, and learns to accept that he will make mistakes in life, even catastrophic ones, but that's no reason to shut down and give up. He starts to take charge and make decisions, tries to resolve the lives of the main character Eva pilots as best to give them a good future, and says his goodbyes. Then the world is refashioned again, everyone remains individual people and life goes back to normal, but Shinji is now grown up and a more mature adult man, and heads off with the new girl, leaving behind his old comrades with their new lives on the other side of the tracks. And this is similar to Anno also being done with the franchise and moving on.]

The series themes and endings are more interesting if you consider them not as typical mecha anime, but as an artistic exploration by its own creator who is trying to come to terms with his own issues, depression and angst and burnout in life. For many people who are experiencing this or lived through such times, and everyone to some extent does experience these things, it is incredibly interesting and the Rebuild films leave on a very high and uplifting note.
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