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Nudity/Sexual Imagery

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What level of nudity and sexual situations are offensive to you?
Nothing offends me.
 59%  [ 13 ]
Scenes with penetrative intercourse are OK.
 27%  [ 6 ]
Nudity, including genitals OK, only brief depiction of sex OK.
 9%  [ 2 ]
Only nudity OK (e.g., a bath scene), no sexual content.
 0%  [ 0 ]
No nudity or anything remotely sexual, only "PG" rated content.
 4%  [ 1 ]
Hello Kitty
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 22

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Joined: 08 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:04 pm Reply with quote
I voted that nothing offends me though that doesn't mean I don't find certain scenes distasteful or unnecessary.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:29 pm Reply with quote
I voted for nothing offends me because I don't get offended by anything I watch. What on earth would such a thing have to do about me? If it were a biopic of my life I might be offended if they got things wrong.

Second, nudity and sex aren't objectionable in themselves. It's how they're presented that's important.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:10 am Reply with quote
Well regarding Spaceman's comments, I stand corrected.

Anyway, I still think it's possible to be very open-minded and perverted and still admit you are offended by certain things. To me it seems the people who say nothing offends them feel that being offended easily is a bad thing. Different people can only tolerate different things, it's how we're brought up or just personal preference. I guess I said this before, the gripe I have about saying "nothing offends me" is the broad generalization that it entails. Your imagination can only go so far and if you've thought you've seen (or heard about) everything, there's probably something out there that you haven't seen.

Not that I'm complaining about the posters who said nothing offends them. It doesn't matter to me what you like or don't like, and I'm definitely not offended by someone who admits they like gross, extreme stuff. To each his/her own is ok with me.

When it comes to gory or extreme stuff, I like when it's handled in a humorous manner rather than a sexual manner: Trashy, toilet humor type stuff. Maybe I can even say, as long as it's funny, nothing offends me.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 9:18 am Reply with quote
I think that we are working with different concepts of what it means to be offended.
I doubt that I could actually enjoy anything that offended me, but I definitely can dislike something without being offended by it.

Past wrote:
Anyway, I still think it's possible to be very open-minded and perverted and still admit you are offended by certain things.

True, but it is also possible to actually not be offended by those certain things.

To me it seems the people who say nothing offends them feel that being offended easily is a bad thing.

I think that being easily offended would be a bad thing for me because it would severely limit the things that I could enjoy.

Your imagination can only go so far and if you've thought you've seen (or heard about) everything, there's probably something out there that you haven't seen.

Also true, but my answer is based on my experience.
When I say that nothing offends me I am not saying that nothing could ever possibly offend me. I cannot imagine what would offend me, but I also cannot say that it is impossible.

And let's not forget that this poll is about nudity and sexual imagery.
I have seen things in anime that offend me, but they are not related to nudity or sex.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2015 10:28 am Reply with quote
Touma wrote:
I think that we are working with different concepts of what it means to be offended.
I doubt that I could actually enjoy anything that offended me, but I definitely can dislike something without being offended by it.
I agree. It seems like you have a more practical concept of being offended (or not), whereas I see everything as relative. You don't want to be offended, you'd rather enjoy everything you watch so why be offended? For me there's no choice in the matter. Offensive things exist and we each have a set tolerance level. Also I guess it's more practical to be offended by things such as what I assume you're referring to like bad writing or lax character development.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:41 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:
For me there's no choice in the matter.

You misunderstand me. I also believe that there is no choice. Either you are offended by something or you are not.
Where we differ in concept, if I understand you correctly, is that you think that if a person does not like something that means that he must be offended by it, and I do not agree. I can dislike things that do not offend me. Most of the things that I dislike do not offend me.

I have not yet encountered any type of sex or nudity in anime that offends me.
There are things that I do not like and try to avoid, such as yaoi, but they do not offend me.

things such as what I assume you're referring to like bad writing or lax character development.

I did not intend to give that impression.
I was really never even thinking about those things.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Depends, Nudity doesn't offend me its the way they use nudity. For hentai its fine and if they use subtle nudity for more realism is fine as well but when they use it just for the sake of using it to get the horny underage it does.
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AJ (LordNikon)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:09 am Reply with quote
Twenty years plus ago, I would vote "Nothing offends me", but as I got older things that I would not have thought twice about, offends me. I seriously think it's one of those things that change gradually over time.

I bet if I walked by a group of people protesting for something like... Gay witches for abortion, I'd bust my nards off laughing. Today, I'd likely heckler them, and say go do something productive, you stupid hipster wannabe.

But, in my defense, I likely wouldn't be as much offended by the cause as I would be about wasting my time having to heckle them because they couldn't come up with something better to protest.
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