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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:16 pm Reply with quote
7 cats? Wow... I could never handle having that many pets. I feel like one pet is the best number since it's like you share a personal bond. Also you don't get the smell of multiple animals filling the air.

I am considering picking up the SAO novel, but I am always hesitant to pick up a translated book. With a manga you're just translating dialogue, but with a book you have to translate the entirety of it, and I feel like the author's personal style gets lost. There's a good reason there are thousands of translations of The Divine Comedy; so many translators feel like everyone else did it wrong.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:27 pm Reply with quote
Seven cats. Are we officially Crazy Cat Ladies now?

If your house is clean, the kitties get along, and you have enough litter boxes so they don't start getting territorial and marking your sheets, why not? To me, the biggest problem with owning a lot of pets is the vet bills.

You're very kind. Thank you for saving a kitty's life.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:51 pm Reply with quote
Good to hear you liked Shinmai Maou no Testament Rebecca. I wasn't expecting to see it on RTO as I didn't know it was officially translated. It kind of bucks the usual trends for a 'sister' show and just keeps getting better and better as it goes on. I wouldn't expect any censoring in the anime though but it depends on what channel it airs. Hopefully AT-X.
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Broly The Saiyan

Joined: 03 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:34 pm Reply with quote
its not incest unless they are blood related
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:40 pm Reply with quote
Wait... was Good Witch of the West completely released, or did TP only get 6 out of 7 volumes out. Cause if so... it's worthless if you can't read the last volume. Future Diary... never forget. I bought all of those...
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:50 pm Reply with quote
The two volumes of TGWOTW that I have read were so good, and it's great to hear that it continues to impress, but ugghhh I stopped where I did then knowing it wasn't finished. Not only was it close to being finished, but there was only one volume left (another one so close). I would hope it would not be too much of a risk for someone like sevenseas to republish in omnibus since it isn't too long.

And ideally, one can never have too many cats.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:52 pm Reply with quote
The short-lived and lamented J-Manga had all the volumes of The Good Witch of the West, plus the side story. I feel lucky that I got to pay and read them before the company went belly up. They also had a few extra volumes of Tactics, beyond what made it into print before that other manga company went out-of-business. It was nice to get to see a cliffhanger finally resolved.

Unfortunately, J-Manga's few follow up volumes left us with another cliffhanger.

--such is the life of a manga fan in the U.S. Anime dazed
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Joined: 06 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:40 pm Reply with quote
Wow, I'm surprised to see Good Witch of the West here, and in a good way, because I was very disappointed when the North America release ceased. I ended up turning to the Chinese edition, but when those stalled as well, I ended up "reading" the ending by buying the Comic Blade magazine. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to read the novels, because again, the English release ceased early on, and I think the manga ended rather abruptly as well, as the last couple of chapters made very little sense (and it didn't help that I only saw the last handful of chapters in Japanese only).
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:44 am Reply with quote
EnigmaticSky wrote:
7 cats? Wow... I could never handle having that many pets. I feel like one pet is the best number since it's like you share a personal bond. Also you don't get the smell of multiple animals filling the air.

I am considering picking up the SAO novel, but I am always hesitant to pick up a translated book. With a manga you're just translating dialogue, but with a book you have to translate the entirety of it, and I feel like the author's personal style gets lost. There's a good reason there are thousands of translations of The Divine Comedy; so many translators feel like everyone else did it wrong.

i definitely skipped it and the manga. didn't liked it much when sachi got axed (felt too familiar on how yufie got axed and both were very likeable character) when i watched the anime. luckily the ending for the aincrad arc was definitely good and what saved the arc for me. as well as the intro of yui.

However i will definitely be looking forward to the novel version of the fairy dance arc, which though have its flaws,especially ep 20 where it felt way too haremish for my taste , is also a fan favorite as well. (though the arc is mainly favored by fans of lefa (suguha) and those in the otaku community especially fans of dojin otakus who liked the though of kirito and his cousin being a couple which poed the majority of SAO fans)
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:48 am Reply with quote
EnigmaticSky wrote:

I am considering picking up the SAO novel, but I am always hesitant to pick up a translated book. With a manga you're just translating dialogue, but with a book you have to translate the entirety of it, and I feel like the author's personal style gets lost. There's a good reason there are thousands of translations of The Divine Comedy; so many translators feel like everyone else did it wrong.

To a degree you're right, which is why translation is much more art than science, in my opinion. I've read enough works in translation to know that the translator does matter, but a good one can convey the author's style. Given that both SAO and Accel World "sounded" like they were written by the same author, I'm inclined to think that a decent job is being done.

Broly the Saiyan wrote:
its not incest unless they are blood related

You know that and I know that, but in terms of categorization, pseudo-incest (step-siblings) tends to get lumped in with actual incest. And to be fair, step-sibling relationships tend to be as off-putting to some as "regular" incest.


It really was a great surprise, and now I'm looking forward to the anime's premier far more than if I didn't know the story. I'm glad to hear it keeps getting better, and I'm hoping for a print release, partly because I like print releases, but also because Comic Walker can be unreliable in terms of getting things out.


The vet bills can get bad. We're lucky with two of the cats - Tucker is a "permanent foster" from a private shelter. He's 17 and in poor health, thus "unadoptable." Basically he lives with us instead of in the shelter, where he was failing, but they pay all of his vet bills and provide us with litter. (He's the sweetest, most loving cat and I feel really lucky to have him.) That same shelter is helping us with Kathryn's initial tests and shots through their Beyond the Walls program, as thanks for not surrendering her. Since she's only about a year old, once she's healthy and an indoor cat (her choice; she in no way wants to go back outside), the costs should be less for quite a few years.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:32 am Reply with quote
We have 8 cats. It just kind of happened. We had 4 and then a friend of a friend had about 16 kittens of varying ages (8 weeks to newly born) dropped off at her farm and it was just crazy. We went to help out and take in a pair (since we already had 4) and the only litter that was old enough to leave their mother happened to be 4, 3 girls and a little boy. Well, I wanted to twins (white with spots, almost identical), my boyfriend wanted the gray and white boy, and my mom wanted the multi colored brown one. WELL, we couldn't just leave half the litter behind, you know? So... welcome home 4 kittens. This was in May. We have like 6 litter boxes and they all get loved, fed, and taken to the vet whenever needed. Smile


About the SAO novel, I'm stalled out on Yui's story. As much as I enjoy SAO, I can't enjoy Yui. I've never liked her or the idea of her at all.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:11 pm Reply with quote
Princess_Irene wrote:
And to be fair, step-sibling relationships tend to be as off-putting to some as "regular" incest.

While I find the entire incest trope to be irritating because it is often unnecessary. The situation you described in the review seems to be on the low end of "off-putting". If I understood you, they are basically complete strangers when the story starts. I'm not sure how this differs from the common trope of "so-and-so just came to live with us". That is, they are neither blood related nor have they grown up together. Change "parents just married" to "families moved in together" and there is no incest without changing the story significantly.

I would agree that in the situation where the main character has lived with someone for ten or twelve of his/her last fifteen or sixteen years that it is a toxic relationship regardless if they are blood related or not. In some ways this would be more toxic than blood related siblings who did not find out until after they were involved.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 6:38 am Reply with quote
Alan45 wrote:

While I find the entire incest trope to be irritating because it is often unnecessary. The situation you described in the review seems to be on the low end of "off-putting". If I understood you, they are basically complete strangers when the story starts. I'm not sure how this differs from the common trope of "so-and-so just came to live with us".

The supernatural aspect to the story, while not new, is certainly a factor in how this story improves on the basic tropes of the genre, as is the fact that there are no oblivious parents - his dad knows what's going on and arranged it with no romantic notions whatsoever. (At least so far.) That really helped sell it for me, as did the fact that Maria is a succubus, so if she does come on to Basara, it's not necessarily because he's Awesome Harem Lead, but at least in part because that's what she does - sex is literally her bread and butter.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 8:13 am Reply with quote
I just finished up reading the first volume of Kokoro Connect's manga, and quite enjoyed it. But, I do think that the review is right in saying that the emotional pull isn't really there. I guess that they kind of crammed a lot into this first volume, so they went through some stuff pretty quickly, you just get whisked through it.

Of course, seeing the anime and being a fan of it did lead to me being able to fill in gaps and kind of relive certain scenes from the anime. So, in a sense, I am biased. Laughing

Knowing that what's coming means that I'm definitely sticking around. Though, if someone were to go into this one blind, I'd say there is no real pull to keep going. The villain doesn't come off as a villain, the only character that really seems bothered by the body switching is Inaba, no real problems seem to arise, and the whole issue of identity that Inaba talks about is almost totally contained in that conversation.

Though, I assume that'll be playing a bigger role in volume 2, but the foreshadowing isn't executed well. For me, it's because we have a small conversation between Taichi and Iori, then the one between Taichi and Inaba...but the volume kind of sweeps them under the rug and spends more time building up Yui's problem, only to have that one kind of "cured" by the end of the volume.

If not careful, the talks about identity could be forgotten.

CUTEG's manga variant, however, suffers from difficulties in portraying the moment of body swaps (there's a sort of jiggling effect that doesn't quite work) as well as the fact that the characters themselves have switched bodies. For this last CUTEG relies on little heads drawn by the speech bubbles, and that really just makes it a bit more confusing than if she had given everyone a signature pose or gesture to indicate who was who.

A gesture would've been horrible!

Yeah, the lines to indicate the body swaps weren't great. Thing is, I found that most (if not all) had indicators beyond the lines. Fainting was used initially, but a lot of them had the characters either have a strange/no facial expression when a switch happened.

Most of the dialogue right after a switch happened did have the little heads in the speech bubble, which I thought was a nice little indicator as to who was in the body that wasn't very distracting. Didn't like the "spirit" use; as some of the panels where they had the body and what looked like the spirit of whoever was in it floating above made things feel cramped.

Overall, I really did like the art. Honestly, I can't think of something in it that I found strange or wasn't worked on well. Though, I did notice what I think is an error in the manga. When Taichi and Aoki are talking about Inaba's "self sacrificing bastard" spiel, one of Taichi's speech bubbles has "ET TU, AOKI?"

I assume it was meant to say, "You too, Aoki?" Laughing
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:45 pm Reply with quote
Ali07 wrote:
...Though, I did notice what I think is an error in the manga. When Taichi and Aoki are talking about Inaba's "self sacrificing bastard" spiel, one of Taichi's speech bubbles has "ET TU, AOKI?"

I assume it was meant to say, "You too, Aoki?" Laughing

It is a joke referencing this:

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