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Late Releases of Anime

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Joined: 04 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:05 pm Reply with quote
People here all likes anime, right?

Okay, here's the deal. When a TV network releases an anime and we like it, of course, most reactions of an otaku is go to net and search all the deatils about it. (Honestly, we tend to watch and search about anime that are going to be shown in our local tv networks rather than discovering it by yourself). But to your dismay, this anime is was shown yesteryear! Man, that really s*****. You think you're ahead with anyone else, but no, you're sooo way behind the information.

In some cases, some good animes are not shown in our place. A really great bummer... Sometimes you really wish, "I hope I was in Japan now watching these!"(s***** networks, why can't they show it earlier!)

Well, that's life! (sighs)

Here, in my country, despite its neaarness to Japan, some animes are shown after it was released one year ago or in worst case scenario, never shown at all!

Here are some animes that I really got frustrated because of the late premier:
1) Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle- Gosh, it was only shown here last year 2006, when in fact it premiered in Japan on 2005! Ah, since I'm a Saku-Syao fan, I really was pissed off by this. Also, what I hate most about it was the altered the Japanese title and making -kun the family name of Syaoran(f***), when in fact, -kun is a honorific!

2)Black Cat - Ergh, how can they show it this year only... It was released in 2005. Since I've fallen in love with Train Heartnet, the only thing that is going in my head, "Ah, I should have finished this anime a year ago and watch it today as a recap."

3) Saint Seiya - Just shown last year, when it was already a classic anime.

4) Sorcerer Orphen - just like my reason in number 3.

uhm, sleepy (yawns) can't think of other...

On the other hand, here are animes which was really totally not shown here!

1) My Hime and My Otome- everybody here in ANN loves this, and can't relate on topics on it.

2) Ouran High School Host Club - no comment

3) Hellsing- I wanna know more about it but it was never shown here.

4) Azumanga Daioh- well, from what I've read, it's really looks like loads of fun.

5) Elfen Lied- it looks intriguing?

6) Kanon- it seems popular

7)XXXholic- it is supposed to be with Tsubasa Chronicles

8)Ai Yori Aoishi- uhm, can't say anyting...

well, as much as I know these are some popular animes that are not shown here!

Okay, now, how do you feel about this issue? And what anime are shown so late in your place?

(still frustrated thiking about it!)
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:12 pm Reply with quote
I dont understand what this thread is about...
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:44 pm Reply with quote
If "shown late" means anytime after it was shown in Japan, then its all of them and that should supprise absolutely no one. Most of us here don't watch anime on TV first and then go look for information on it to begin with. Most of us rely on DVDs and/or fansubs with TV if it happens to air a show we are interested in. If we did, finding out it aired over a year ago in Japan would come as no suprise. Yes, everyone wants it to come sooner but no one expects it to show here the same day it does in Japan. If that's what you are complaining about, you need to come back to reality and realize that what you are asking is basically impossible. If its not what you are asking, you need to make your question more clear.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:57 pm Reply with quote
When a TV network releases an anime and we like it, of course, most reactions of an otaku is go to net and search all the deatils about it.
Here, in my country, despite its neaarness to Japan, some animes are shown after it was released one year ago or in worst case scenario, never shown at all!

From this I'm guessing that the country your from, which is near Japan, gets a decent amount of anime on tv and you don't really like the delay between when it was shown in Japan and when you get to see it.

A good number of us (us being fans from the US or Canada) don't really like the wait from a shows original airing in Japan to when it reaches our shores, which is one of the reasons some give for using fansubs, but that's off topic and I won't go there. But it's something we expect due to production and dubbing. Any anime that comes over here will be on DVD, and not very likely to be on tv, only a handful are broadcast here. At best, I'm guess-timating here based on some of the newer shows like Le Chevalier D'Eon, it's be about half a year wait between when it originally aired and when we have the option to see the beginning of the series. At worst it's years. Typically it's at least a year or two before we see it. So we always have a decent wait, though it seems some companies are trying to decrease this time to counter fansubs.

So how we end up finding new anime or info on it is by seeing it mentioned somewhere (such as here on ANN) or deliberately looking for a new show. It's the opposite of what you mentioned that you tend to do.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:20 pm Reply with quote
You're not really commenting on anything new through this topic.
I can answer your first question though:
Yes, people here all likes anime.

It wouldn't really be anime if it was recorded in English. So naturally, there is that period where the fans have to wait for the shows to get dubbed. It's all part of the genre.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Well here in America there's a good 6 months (minimum) to a year or year and a half before shows make it here. Companies have to buy the rights to the shows, hire VA's and ADR directors and script writers, set up dubbing schedules, and all the other stuff. So for us it takes a while. There are also plenty of anime that never make it here. I have no idea of figures, so someone who does correct me if I'm wrong please, but I'd guess that around 50% at least of anime shown in Japan never make it anywhere else but there. Now that number may be too high since their market is becoming more and more dependent on foreign sales. I do find it frustrating at times when I hear about a show that interests me and I know I can't see it for months. If it's a show I know I'll buy I'll download some fansubs to give me a quick fix, otherwise I just wait impatiently. There's not much you can do though about the lag time since there are many processes that must occur for the show to make it out of Japan. One thing you can do is try writing to your local cable company and requesting more shows be played. Give them some examples. If enough people do that they might listen. Shoot here in America you have to get Premium channels just to watch most anime that even gets shown on tv. Basic cable only has the most popular of the shows playing, like on Adult Swim and Toonami.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:54 pm Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
Yes, everyone wants it to come sooner but no one expects it to show here the same day it does in Japan. If that's what you are complaining about, you need to come back to reality and realize that what you are asking is basically impossible. If its not what you are asking, you need to make your question more clear.

I'm asking how you feel about the issue? I mean, don't you get pissed off, that you have already watch this show in youtube before the whole country knows of its existence?

Yeah, I'm aware that it can't be possible that the anime's in Japan are aired at the same time here. But hello, Japan is like 4hrs. away from our country via airplane? Geez, I live in the Philippines... So there's no reason why can't the shows there be aired here 3 months later? Sometimes, it's really so late? And besides, we have 2 anime channels so since there suppose to gain ratings, they should be racing each other to get the newest anime in Japan?

That's my point!
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:24 pm Reply with quote
I feel special knowing I've seen something that other people may or may not ever see in the US long before it comes out there. I felt a grand sense of elitism when I had seen Sailormoon S and SuperS almost a year before it arrived on US television... then heartbroken when it got cut up more than an emo child.

Thanks to fansubs, the wait for a series isnt nearly as bad... like a week tops for each episode as it comes out as it would've otherwise been. Like "oh, that series looks like it will be cool, I hope it comes to the US" and then wonder if it ever will, and then wait an indefinate amount of time before it finally does. And if you have a problem with never knowing what a series is like because it never aired.. they are available on DVD, probably in your coding as well.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:37 pm Reply with quote
namelissis wrote:

I'm asking how you feel about the issue? I mean, don't you get pissed off, that you have already watch this show in youtube before the whole country knows of its existence?

No, not at all. Why would I? Why should I care if everyone else in the country knows the show I watch exists? Whether or not Joe Average Citizen knows what Kanon is really doesn't matter to me. Other people who are interested DO know about it and I can discuss it with them. It's not that I get some feeling of being special or part of some 'elite' club, I just don't care if everyone else knows it exists and I don't see why I (or anyone else) should.

Geez, I live in the Philippines... So there's no reason why can't the shows there be aired here 3 months later? Sometimes, it's really so late? And besides, we have 2 anime channels so since there suppose to gain ratings, they should be racing each other to get the newest anime in Japan?

I think it simply isn't possible for something like that to happen that quickly. Sometimes companies license a show before the first episode airs in Japan, but they still need to translate it and dub it, and dubbing requires several months to do and they won't be able to start until they have the first episode in their hands which wouldn't happen until the first episode airs in Japan. In addition, that would be the TV version. If there are changes for the DVD version (there are usually at least animation and art improvements), they would probably need to license that separately (which would cost extra) or just go with the TV version which may or may not be significantly different. For example, Negima!'s first 10 or so episodes were vastly different on DVD than they were on TV.

In short, there are numerous problems that prevent airing a series on U.S. TV that soon after they air on Japanese TV. Those same problems will exist pretty much anywhere else as well.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:09 pm Reply with quote
I had felt the same way about Tsubasa Chronicle too. I couldn't have imagined my suprise when 3 months after Tsubasa has been out I'd come to find out that it existed. Oh and about that -kun as family name i know that really sucked.

But HitokiriShadow is right. You can't expect the shows to be released that quickly. I mean it takes a while to find dub voices and to actually dub takes long. And I it also takes awhile to edit the anime (go to hell Nelvana for heavly editing Cardcaptor Sakura).
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Joined: 04 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:53 am Reply with quote
sakurasyaoran4eva wrote:
I mean it takes a while to find dub voices and to actually dub takes long. And I it also takes awhile to edit the anime (go to hell Nelvana for heavly editing Cardcaptor Sakura).

But can't they do something to make the process a bit shorter! Waiting im[patiently is not good!
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Joined: 02 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:35 am Reply with quote
Maybe one day some of the complainers should run a business intended to make money and have all the legal aspects of a show hit them in the face and realize that sometimes things move slow because they do, not because they want to.

I think the industry has been doing very well with keeping up with new releases. They aren't waiting until a series is over before they start licensing it. Lets see, Ah Megamisama first aired January 7, 2005 and finished July 8, 2005. Media Blasters acquired it around February 20, 2005. BUT, the first North American DVD was released on September 27, 2005. I actually think that the time it took for it to reach DVD wasn't so bad at all.

But this is with a series that, I'm sure, they already knew would make money given the previous outcome of the OAVs and movie. With a lesser known series it might not be as fast. But I still believe that the industry has improved in their acquisition.

So, do you think the industry understands people's demand for the latest anime? I'm sure they do. Can anything be done to speed things up? Maybe, but that doesn't mean that you'll get it the day after it was just shown on TV in Japan. I consider fast to be under a year for release, complete with announcement of DVD release date, dubbing, subbing, extras, packaging, approved artwork, financial negotiations, etc.

*sigh* I'm not saying that it's bad to want something faster, but there are a lot of anime out there to watch that's been legalized, but some people only think about the "now" items. To me, it's not something that would push me to watch youtube. Maybe patience really is a virtue.

Oh! As for the Sailor Moon editing. Why erase the detail lines?!?! WHY!!!! It's not like everyone's going to go out and rent porn because of a couple of lines that suggest breasts. Shocked Gah, I'm so glad they released uncut versions.
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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:58 am Reply with quote
namelissis wrote:
But can't they do something to make the process a bit shorter! Waiting im[patiently is not good!

I have a feeling the industry isn't centered around you. We all have to wait. I'm still waiting for most of the shows you listed. Do you honestly expect a series to make it over to you the second it begins its run in Japan?

namelissis wrote:
Well, that's life! (sighs)

Yup, so don't complain and wait with everyone else.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:43 am Reply with quote
nee-chan... I personally don't like delays but it really is like that... our country buys those shows in japan then they dub it... quite a little long process since these companies don't want to lose profit so they wait for the end of the series... analyze it... then, if applicable, they show it here!!![/quote]
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Joined: 01 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:52 am Reply with quote
If I were you I'd quit griping. Here in America, waiting is part of the game. Fate/Stay Night took long enough that I have some trouble finding the merchandise from it that I want, and it came pretty quick. I'll never get to see Rose of Versailles because I can almost guarantee it won't get a US release, and I'm not allowed to use torrents D=. As for watching anime on TV, the average person has cartoon network and that's it.

So honestly, I see you as lucky, yet you demand more? That's just annoying D<.
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