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Creators picking/approving voice actors doesn't make them the best.

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Joined: 14 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:37 am Reply with quote
Key said if I made a more coherent post, he would let me make a similar thread to my old one. Now, I'm going to discuss creators picking or approving voice talents and I'm going to talk about how the choices/approvals can be bad choices.

Masako Nozawa: Hardcore DB fans try to use the fact that Toriyama picked Nozawa to defend her from criticism, but it fails, because you can hear how much of a miscast Nozawa is. Her voice is forced and her acting is cheesy and this is coming from a Japanese person, who grew up with her from the early 90s. Toriyama may have picked Nozawa, but he made a bad choice. Goku may be innocent, happy go lucky, hickish and a bit slow, but it doesn't mean he has to sound like that as an adult. Also, Toriyama picked Nozawa for KID Goku and not adult Goku, so even if Toriyama's vison was the right one, it wasn't intended to be for adult Goku.

David Hayter: Just because Kojima said(according to the rumors) that he preferred his work in English, doesn't mean his work is better in English. Snake's Japanese VA is a veteran, with a smoother and better acted approach to Snake than Hayter is OBJECTIVELY. Hayter should've used his Bernie voice for Snake, but a bit more deep.

One Piece Funimation dub: Oda, the creator of One Piece picked several English voices for One Piece, but it doesn't mean Sabat is a good Zoro, does it? Also, Oda doesn't know English so he cannot objectively judge the acting aspect of things. At best, he can only judge the voice, but not the timing, delivery, texture. Anyone can emote, so you can't give me that emoting crap. You cannot judge voice acting accurately if you are not proficient in a language. I say I like a lot of voice actors in Japanese and I love their delivery, but I haven't been able to speak/understand Japanese to a fluent level in over 10 years. Koyasu may be my fave Japanese VA for his VOICE, but I can't actually give you a view on his timing and delivery, because I don't know much Japanese. I can however judge an English VA accurately, because I speak and understand English. This is why Oda's choices are questionable at best.

Finally, you can say the "creator>you", but it doesn't make my case any weaker. I refuted this. Do you agree with me or not?
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:20 pm Reply with quote
I think the creator of the character has a better vision of what the character should sound like than you do. The characters are their brainchildren.

Last edited by penguintruth on Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:32 pm Reply with quote
Seems like a double edge sword. I didn't know Oda picked the dub VAs (assuming it's true) but if he did I find it odd it just so happens to be the exact same batch of Funi VAs we usually get. Did he only have a few to pick from? Did Funi cast them and Oda just approved them? Did he just say "Zoro is manly.. Sabat sounds manly.. good fit!". Since I assume he doesn't speak fluent English. While creators can pick for the original Japanese version, they're not really fluent in English to make those choices. In Kojima's case, I wonder if he likes the dub voices because "they're in English" since Metal Gear features primarily western characters so he figures it fits more; regardless if they're actually good/better or not. Creators generally have the best say in their creations, but context and background is important as well.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:31 pm Reply with quote
DomonX2 wrote:
Masako Nozawa: Hardcore DB fans try to use the fact that Toriyama picked Nozawa to defend her from criticism, but it fails, because you can hear how much of a miscast Nozawa is. Her voice is forced and her acting is cheesy and this is coming from a Japanese person, who grew up with her from the early 90s. Toriyama may have picked Nozawa, but he made a bad choice. Goku may be innocent, happy go lucky, hickish and a bit slow, but it doesn't mean he has to sound like that as an adult. Also, Toriyama picked Nozawa for KID Goku and not adult Goku, so even if Toriyama's vison was the right one, it wasn't intended to be for adult Goku.

THAT explains a lot because the first time I heard Goku's Japanese voice on the International Channel, I was like "What is this, I don't even. o_____O"

It's positively grating on the ears. I hate when adult men get woman voices...unless they're supposed to be gay or trannies something. Anime hyper...and even then, I'm none too fond of that.

I refuse to watch subbed Rurouni Kenshin for that same reason.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:45 pm Reply with quote
yeah, the first time I decided to switch to the Japanese track on one of my orange brick DVD's, it was when Goku and Freeza were fighting. It was an odd experience as Freeza now sounded like a man, but Goku now sounded like a woman. that was too bizarre so I switched back immediately.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:03 am Reply with quote
getchman wrote:
It was an odd experience as Freeza now sounded like a man

I smirked when I read that. Anime hyper
You have to ask what was going on in the dubbers' heads for that one.
Imagine them watching the first time he's introduced:

"......what the hell is that?"
"......uh, I guess that's the villain."
".....yeah, but......what is it? It's a woman, right?"
" Ew, it just talked! That's a MAN'S voice!? o_O"
"Wtf that thing is a MAN!? But it has purple lipstick O___O!!"
"....let's just give it a woman's voice like an old crone! It'll be funny." :'D
"Haha yeah."

Oh, as much as I love Yu Yu Hakusho's dub, when Genkai first opened her mouth, I went "Holy crap, that's FREEZA. NO!! WRY!?"
DX THAT was hard to get used to....:/
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:42 pm Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
I think the creator of the character has a better vision of what the character should sound like than you do. The characters are their brainchildren.

You're wrong. By that logic, the 4kids dub of Sonic X is top notch because Sega of Japan picked the English voice actors. It would also mean Roger Craig Smith does a bang up job as Sonic, if we delve deeper into your logic. Sega is pretty hypocritical. They say Sonic should sound older, yet in Japan they keep Jun'ichi Kanemaru as Sonic, but not his English counterpart Jason Griffith, even though Sonic means more in America than he does in Japan. Also, don't make me use George Lucas on you. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:09 pm Reply with quote
I think the first impression for Gokus Japanese voice in DBZ is pretty much negative for everyone. I don't think anyone watching DBZ for the first time isn't going to find Gokus voice atleast odd. But I do think that this is also because I'm not from Asia (or Japan). For Japanese the voice would sound a lot more natural. However I do believe that a lot of DBZ sub fans prefer the sub because that's what they started out with. The high-pitched Goku grew up on them. I know there's also language barrier, but I'll ignore that, it'll just make things too complicated.

I like the dub more because that's what I started out with, I won't deny that. However if I started out with the sub I think I would have a lot easier time listening to the dub than I have listening to the sub after having started out with the dub. I'll never agree with the Gokus high-pitched voice, I know it's just different but it still feel wrong. And I HAVE tried to force myself to like his voice, but it just won't work, I don't have a problem with the rest of the cast.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:12 pm Reply with quote
Cam0 wrote:
I like the dub more because that's what I started out with, I won't deny that. However if I started out with the sub I think I would have a lot easier time listening to the dub than I have listening to the sub after having started out with the dub. I'll never agree with the Gokus high-pitched voice, I know it's just different but it still feel wrong. And I HAVE tried to force myself to like his voice, but it just won't work, I don't have a problem with the rest of the cast.

Unfortunately Dragonball Z is one of those anime that people have huge nostalgia over as a kid since Toonami reran it to death so it's kind of bias to even argue it. I imagine it's the same thing with people who praise the Bruce Faulkner music and say the Japanese track is "too Japanese". I mean, do you have a problem with Luffy being voiced by a woman and sounding feminine as well? Most people who don't like Japanese Goku don't, which is odd since they're in the same boat pretty much. Though when I was growing up and DBZ fansubs were common in my school no one ever complain about his Japanese voice.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:28 pm Reply with quote
I didn't grow up watching One Piece, so I don't care who voices Luffy, but I'm also not a one piece fan. Normally, I have no problems watching a show in Japanese and English. I do it all the time, once in Japanese when it is streaming and later in English once it has been dubbed, except for shows that I didn't watch for whatever reason when they were streaming. Those I will watch in English if it has been dubbed. However, DBZ is one of very few shows that I just cant watch in Japanese. I've tried too, but I cant do it.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:09 am Reply with quote
DomonX2 wrote:
You're wrong. By that logic, the 4kids dub of Sonic X is top notch because Sega of Japan picked the English voice actors. It would also mean Roger Craig Smith does a bang up job as Sonic, if we delve deeper into your logic. Sega is pretty hypocritical. They say Sonic should sound older, yet in Japan they keep Jun'ichi Kanemaru as Sonic, but not his English counterpart Jason Griffith, even though Sonic means more in America than he does in Japan. Also, don't make me use George Lucas on you. Very Happy

They're different cases. One is a Japanese casting a character he alone created in a long-running manga series in the language he spoke. Another is a big company casting for both languages for a show based on a video game. I don't know what is best for Sonic, as I don't watch the show, but Sonic seems pretty silent in the games. I guess I'll have to look into it.

I know Yuji Naka was a producer on the show, but I don't see any evidence that he casted the roles himself. One instance is hardly a trend, regardless.

I'm sure Nozawa's adult Goku comes off as offputting to some people who start with DBZ, but it seems to me like a pretty good evolution of her younger Goku in DB. Which, by the way, nobody complains about, despite Goku being 12 and sounding like a six year old.
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