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Spirit of Fire

Joined: 03 Apr 2012
Posts: 1
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:37 am Reply with quote
Greetings. First post!

Name: Undisclosed
Sex: M
Blood Type: I think AB. Universal recipient power!
Location: SoCal REPRESENT
Marital Status: Single...hopefully forever
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Korean
Religion: Christian -- Oh, and just because I'm religious doesn't mean I'm conservative, closed minded, vehement, or whatever nerds seem to like generalizing Christians as.
Pets: None. Pets are way too high maintenance
Drink/Smoke: Never smoke. But I love to drink with friends. I don't drink beer very much but I love me some Rum. I challenge the Kraken but lose miserably every time.
Likes: Nerdy stuff...computer games, movies, anime, D&D (tabletop need lovin)... and flirty girls Smile
Dislikes: lolis (children are okay as long as they're not sexualized. )
Favorite anime (no order): 12 Kingdoms, Hikaru no Go, Mushishi, Kenshin Trust and Betrayal (I actually don't care for the show or manga), 5 Centimeters Per Second, and Legend of Galactic Heroes
Favorite Manga: I don't read manga anymore, but I did read Berserk, Hikaru no Go, and Yakitate Japan which I liked.
Favorite Books: Haven't been reading much, but I do like the Song of Ice and Fire books.
Favorite game: ...eh picking one is really hard. In terms of time I've played more Day of Defeat Source than many put into MMOs. Right now, I'm having a lot of fun with the Anno 1404/ 2070 games.
I've actually given up hope on Japanese games and refuse to play them anymore. Haha I know this is an anime forum, don't burn me at the stake.
Favorite TV shows/Movies: soo...non anime? Some movie picks: Saving Private Ryan, Patton, Gladiator, Jurassic Park, Lion King. TV shows: Definitely Stargate SG1. Some stuff I liked recently include Dexter, Spartacus, and the Game of Thrones TV adaptation.
Favorite Drink: Kraken/Sailor Jerry, Martini & Rossi's Asti Spumante, Moscato wines, Mike's hard lemonade, Gin and Tonic
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Water... seriously...nothing is as refreshing.
Favorite Foods: Pizza (deep dish esp), Korean BBQ, Pad Thai, Baguettes, Gouda cheese, Katsu
Favorite Sites: Google, Wikipedia, Neogaf
Favorite Sport: Don't really care
Favorite Music: Don't really care unless they're supplementing visuals. Yeah...seriously... I never listen to music just for the sake of listening to music. Those that are more musically inclined may think I'm missing out on a huge part of the human experience, but I just don't get it.
Job: I work in the automotive industry.
Hobbies: Gaming, hanging out, finding new restaurants. If I had more time, I'd love to do more camping.
Fun facts: My first "anime" was the original 1995 Ghost in the Shell Movie. I rented it from the public library! I loved it and it was what got me hooked.
Favorite Quote: - "Variety is the spice of life" Funny, I don't care for Bebop, but that quote is awesome...

Dang..that format is long...

Anyways, I'm usually more of a reader than a poster when it comes to forums. But here I go!
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Joined: 28 Jul 2011
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Location: Cincinnati, OH
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:47 am Reply with quote
Well, I finally started posting here and there, so I guess I need to do one of these!

Name: Kyle

Sex: Male

Blood Type: O Neg

Location: Cincinnati, OH

Marital Status: Single

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Mostly Scottish, I think.

Religion: Not something I care to discuss, haha.

Pets: A big, drooly bloodhound named Hank.

Drink/Smoke: I drink socially every now and then, but I hate smoking.

Likes: Music, playing guitar, cars, video games, movies, ice skating, sleeping.

Dislikes: Waking up in the morning, cold weather

Favorite anime: Bakemonogatari, Outlaw Star, Time of EVE, Gurren Lagann, FLCL

Favorite Manga/Light novels: I don't read much, but Yotsuba&!, GTO, and BECK are some of my favorites.

Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings (specifically The Hobbit), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, anything from Clive Cussler

Favorite game: Yikes, way too many haha. If I had to choose a few... the Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, and Shutokou Battle/Tokyo Xtreme Racer series are some of my favorites.

Favorite Movies: The Bourne Trilogy, Anchorman, Spaceballs, Willy Wonka (the original)

Favorite Drink: Sailor Jerry, Guinness, and German beer in general.

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Green tea, milk, and water (I don't really drink anything else)

Favorite Foods: Pizza! And most kinds of non-seafood pasta... but mainly pizza.

Favorite Sites: Facebook... ugh.

Favorite Sport: Hockey, American football

Favorite Music: Again, way too much to list... mostly rock, but I listen to electronic and some hip hop as well. Current favorite groups are probably School Food Punishment and The Dear Hunter.

Job: Unappreciated restaurant wage slave.

Hobbies: Guitar, ice skating

Not-so-fun facts:
I'm about to graduate from the University of Cincinnati with a BA in Communication.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2012
Posts: 1
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:11 pm Reply with quote
I may lurk a lot, but I feel compelled to make one of these.

Name: Michael

Sex: Male

Blood Type: B-

Location: Grand Rapids, MI (The Murder Mitten)

Marital Status: Engaged

Age: 26

Ethnicity: Pre 76' American. Timeline papers were either lost or destroyed a long time ago. I am dutch on my mothers side. At least that is certain.

Religion: Karma mainly. What goes around comes around.

Pets: Nurse Spooky (Black cat)

Drink/Smoke: Drink beer and whiskey, smoke Lucky Strike and Marlboro.

Likes: Motorcycles, Traveling, Reading, Camping, Lifestyle, Wood/Metal/Leather working, Racing, Collecting Medical Oddities and Instruments, Photography, Traditional Tattoos.

Dislikes: Ignorance taken as fact, The current political and world economic situation, People with faulty ideals making poor decisions for themselves and others.

Favorite Animes: NGE, Bebop, Trigun, Akira, FLCL, VHD.

Favorite Manga/Light novels: Not familiar enough to answer.

Favorite Books: Cats Cradle, The Stars My Destination, The World Crisis, Stranger in a Strange Land.

Favorite game: Fallout, Silent Hill, Super Metroid, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 2.

Favorite Movies: Blade Runner, Tron, Vincent Price Films, Eraserhead, White Zombie, Metropolis.

Favorite Drink: Jack/Coke, PBR, Sailor/Coke.

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Black Coffee, Tea.

Favorite Foods: Pulled Pork, Corn bread, Beef stew, white and red chili.

Favorite Music: Rockabilly, Psychobilly, American Standards, Industrial, Classical.

Job: Chevrolet Mechanic.

Fun Facts:
-Backpacked Europe twice alone.
-Rode my Harley as south as Florida and as west as Texas in a six month solo trip.
-Cannot return to some of the states I rode through in said trip.
-Re-kindled my love of anime after almost a decade when my girl brought up her dislike of current television and wanted good shows on the air again, like Cowboy Bebop.
-Need two hands and two feet to count the amount of friends lost to accidents and crime, and that is just counting close friends. Good ole' Murder Mitten, chews em up like a grinder.
-I put Tabasco in almost everything I cook, including my pancake batter.
-Have raced cops on the highway when they have been curious about whatever sports car I am working on atm.
-Had a grandfather and an uncle on opposite sides of the Civil War.
-From West Virginia, but been in MI most of my life.

Hope that is a decent enough introduction.
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Joined: 04 Apr 2012
Posts: 252
PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:43 am Reply with quote
Name: Blazaking or just Blaza.

Sex: Male

Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Marital Status: Single

Age: 16

Religion: Muslim

Pets: A white, blue eyed cat. He's evil and likes to "play" with me by attacking and biting my arm whenever he gets the chance.

Drink/Smoke: Neither, at the moment. Will probably try some alcholic drink at some point in my life, but definitely not smoking.

Likes: Watching Anime! (duh) Arguing/discussing things to death, music, art, being lazy

Dislikes: Stupidity and ignorance.

Favorite anime: I have quite a few. xD But from the top of my head... Clannad, Ano Hana, Digimon Xros Wars, Ginban Kaleidoscope, Sgt. Keroro... yeah, I could go on and on about this. lol

AniDB mylist: http://anidb.net/u478043

Favorite Manga: Shugo Chara! (the first manga I ever read)

Favorite Books:I enjoy the Harry Potter series, but I really liked this one book called "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho.

Favorite game: Super Mario Bros.

Favorite Drink: Sour drinks like lemonade, cold drinks like Pepsi or Coca Cola, and... milk.

Favorite Foods: Mmmm... italian. Pasta and Pizza <3

Favorite Sites: Bulbagarden Forums, tumblr, YouTube, AniDB, Wikipedia, Anime News Network

Favorite Sport (to play): I like playing football (not the American handegg) or cricket.

Favorite Music: I listen to all kinds of music, so this is a kind of hard question. xD

Hobbies: I guess you could say that music is a hobby of mine.

Fun facts about Blazaking:

Arrow Appreciates and enjoys all kinds of anime.
Arrow Is Staff at Bulbagarden. (Forum Moderator and Staff Artist)
Arrow Has Dual-Nationality (American and Pakistani)
Arrow Has a YouTube account where he posts remixes (mostly Pokémon stuff, two Sonic tracks and one Touhou) (currently not posting any due to computer problems)
Arrow Likes using IRC
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Joined: 08 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:56 am Reply with quote
Name: Stev
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Korean / Japanese mix
Age: 17
Location: California! (Going to Univ starting this fall (UCLA) )

Marital status: Single

Religion: hmm

Drink/Smoke: Nope

Favorite music: K-pop, J-pop, Hip hop, Rock, Classical; pretty much everything even Tsugaru Shamisen

Favorite sports: Well I love to surf and Polevault

Favorite games: EARTHBOUND, Ninja Gaiden, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, J-Rpg's, (golden sun, Star ocean, tales of symphonia, etc.) Basically too many to list.

Favorite anime: Kanon 2006, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, K-on!, Welcome to the NHK, Air, Clannad, Rurouni Kenshin, Highschool of the dead, death note, Code geass.

Likes: I love playing my Shamisen (japanese instrument), i love to surf, i love to pole vault, i love to talk with friends, and of course watch anime, read manga, and play videogames.

Fun Facts:
-I think i mentioned this before, But I play a variety of instruments, some of these are: Tsugaru Shamisen, Accordion, Ocarina, Mandolin, Banjo.

- I got into anime when watching "hare hare yukai" I don't know why, but i forced myself to watch haruhi suzumiya
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Joined: 09 May 2009
Posts: 11
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:20 am Reply with quote
Greetings, everyone! I've been a long time reader and finally decided I should introduce myself!

Name: Kyoyafangirl445


Location: Missouri

Marital Status: Single


Religion: Christian

Pets: Two dogs, a Golden Retriever and a chocolate lab, and one very fat cat.

Likes: Reading, learning about new things, discovering new anime, and hanging out with friends.

Favorite Anime: OHSHC, Princess Tutu, Trigun, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Cowboy Bebop, and Emma

Favorite Manga: Fruits Basket, High School Debut, Hana Kimi, Skip Beat!, and Beauty Pop.

Favorite Books: Hunger Games, Harry Potter Series, Pride and Predjudice, Sense and Sensibility, and The Hobbit.

Favorite TV Shows/Movies:TV Shows: Monk, Law and Order, Psych, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Game of Thrones, and The Office( U.S.) Movies: Lord of the Rings, Superstar, Hairspray, Dumb and Dumber, Almost Heros, and Black Sheep.

Favorite Music: I can listen to about anything, but right now I'm really into Florance + the Machine.

Job: Working part time at my local library while I go to school.

Favorite Quote: "If you see a stranger, follow him"-Ed from Cowboy Bebop
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Joined: 16 Apr 2012
Posts: 5
PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:43 am Reply with quote
Name: OtakuMommy! (Or you can call me Lori, which is what most people do...)

Sex: Female

Blood Type: B positive

Location: Franklin, NH

Marital Status: Married

Age: 38

Ethnicity:1/2 Canadian French, 1/2 Polish, married to a man who is English on both sides.

Religion: Don't really have one, although I call myself a Christian because that's where my beliefs line up.

Pets: Three cats -- Indigo the skittish Calico cat, Scrimshaw the black and white stray my stepdaughter found, and Boots our friendly grey male

Drink/Smoke: Have a VERY occassional drink, don't smoke.

Likes: Reading, writing, singing, watching TV, film, anime, being with my family (1 toddler, two teenage stepchildren)

Dislikes: Drama. I hang around with teenagers all day in my current job...don't need any more drama in my life.

Favorite anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Evangelion, Black Butler, Ouran High School Host Club, Sgt. Frog, Eden of the East

Favorite Manga (Light novels): Haruhi Suzumiya, Chobits

Favorite Books: "Carrie" by Stephen King, Hamlet

Favorite game: Kingdom Hearts, Angry Birds, Plants Vs. Zombies

Favorite TV shows/Movies: Army of Darkness, Mythbusters, The Simpsons, Wholse Line Is It Anyway?, Survivor, True Blood

Favorite Drink: Mudslide

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Coke, Mudslide coffee (take a K-cup of Kahlua coffee, mix in Bailey's non-alcoholic Irish cream creamer, put whipped cream on top....yum!)

Favorite Foods: I used to say anything that wasn't Polish (despite my heritage -- heh. I just don't have the taste for cabbage!). But I guess now it would be anything Asian.

Favorite Sites: ANN, TMZ, Gawker, FoxNews.com, Amazon, ThinkGeek, Topless Robot, Consumerist

Favorite Sport (to watch): Baseball, football

Favorite Sport (to play): Baseball

Favorite Music: A lot of different things, although I like to freak out the kids in my classes when they assume that I listen to country music by telling them that I like Japanese pop music. Smile

Job: Looking for a full time teaching position. In the meantime I'm substitute teaching. and I also write about anime locally (NH) for Examiner.com

Hobbies: Watching anime and reading mangas, of course. Smile

Fun facts about OtakuMommy:
-- Mom to a toddler, stepmom to two anime-obsessed teenagers.
-- My sister in law (brother's wife) is my sixth cousin -- discovered this after they were engaged and they were looking at the family tree I had compiled up to that point.
-- Speaking of family trees, singer Madonna is my seventh cousin on her mother's side. We have the same ancestor.
-- Have a B.A. in Film Studies and a M.Ed. in English Education.

Favorite Quotes: "Never give up, never surrender." -- Galaxy Quest
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Joined: 15 Mar 2012
Posts: 4
PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:23 pm Reply with quote
Ok...here we go...

Name: Molly

Sex: Female

Blood Type: O+

Location: Northeast Texas

Marital Status: Single

Age: 29

Religion: Agnostic

Pets: My "little girls" , two pittie mixes Daphne and Lola.

Drink/Smoke: Social Drinker/ Don't Smoke

Likes: Japanese Culture, Anime, Manga, Music, Roller Derby, and Socializing with friends...sometimes...

Favorite anime: Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad (Which I am emotionally attached to...if that makes any sense), Samurai Champloo, Welcome to the NHK, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note, Usagi Drop, Nana, Durarara!...the ones off the top of my head...

Favorite Manga: I haven't read too many...Its an expensive habit...Ouran High School Host Club and Nana...I wanted to know what happened next!

Favorite Drink: Beer usually

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Water mostly

Favorite Foods: Fried Pickles

Favorite Sites: Most of my online time is spent here, Crunchyroll, Facebook, Netflix, and CNN.

Favorite Sport: Roller Derby

Favorite Music: Mostly New or 90's Alt rock. I work out to Hip-Hop. Just getting into J-Rock and J-Pop.

Job: Clinical Laboratory Technician

A Little about me:
- I've only been really into anime within the last couple of years. As a teenager I watched and enjoyed pokemon but never really got into it...fast forward a decade or so...I'm bored perusing Netflix and found FMA...now I spend most of my extra time looking up new shows I haven't seen or heard of...thanks ANN for enabling my anime addiction!
- I play Roller Derby. I've been skating for a little over a year now. Love it! All time not watching anime is spent skating, working out, bouting, or doing some kind of event with my team.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:19 am Reply with quote
@ OtakuMommy & missmollysmad --

Welcome to the forums! Cool
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Joined: 15 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:58 pm Reply with quote
@ nbahn:

Thanks for the welcome! I'm glad to have found a place where people are into anime as much as I am. I've been stalking around this site for months and have just gotten the nerve to comment....lol! Laughing
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:08 pm Reply with quote
@ missmollysmad --

You're quite welcome! As long as you're familiar with the rules, then the moderators will not bite. Wink
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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Location: Colorful Colorado :)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:16 pm Reply with quote
I've posted a couple times, but I mostly just lurk. Figured it might be a good idea to introduce myself! Smile

Name: rheiders

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Mostly German, with trace amounts of pretty much every other European country.

Blood Type: No idea.

Location: Colorful Colorado

Marital Status: Single (see Age Razz)

Age: 16 (I'm a young'n--heading off to college this fall!)

Religion: Roman Catholic

Pets: My little demon, a miniature dachshund named Eddie, and his desired prey (not that I'll let that happen!), a guinea pig named Twix.

Drink/Smoke: Nope.

Likes: Japanese language (well, foreign languages in general) & culture (well, cultures in general), anime, manga, art, animation, books, science, learning new things, cute animals, etc.

Favorite anime: Baccano!, Mushishi, Princess Tutu, Wolf's Rain, and Trigun

Favorite Manga: I read more manga than watch anime since that's how I got into the fandom originally, but that's been changing slowly since I started getting more into animation and started following the preview guide. Anyway, top 5: Fruits Basket, FMA, High School Debut, Nana, Hunter x Hunter (Seems like everyone has that one long-running shounen that they just can't get enough of Wink. I've been faithfully following the anime remake, too.)

Favorite Book: Hmm...That's tough...Probably either The Great Gatsby or The Catcher in the Rye. (I've read a lot of books, but it's the classics that really seem to stick with me Smile)

Favorite Movie: I don't watch a ton of movies, so...Probably something Disney or Ghibli. Cliche? Yes. But the animation is so beautiful!

Favorite Foods: Chocolate Very Happy

Favorite Music: I'll listen to anything if it's good, but I tend to stay away from rap and hip-hop.

Fun Facts:
-I'm a military brat, so I've lived pretty much everywhere.
-However, Colorado's my home and always will be. I love it here, far more than anywhere else (keeping in mind that I spent three years in Hawaii. Razz )
-Starting in the fall, I'll be attending CSU as an art major with a minor in biomedical sciences, with the eventual goal of becoming a medical illustrator.
-I'm a total grammar nazi, so beware.
-I'm a horrible introvert, so don't be surprised if I don't end up posting much. Anime smile + sweatdrop
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:44 pm Reply with quote
rheiders wrote:
-I'm a military brat, so I've lived pretty much everywhere.
-I'm a horrible introvert, so don't be surprised if I don't end up posting much. Anime smile + sweatdrop

Sounds like a description of myself, it made it pretty tough to change schools while everyone else took friends they knew from a young age for granted. Would probably say that parts in anime around transfer students have had a resonation with me.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:48 pm Reply with quote
rheiders wrote:
-I'm a total grammar nazi, so beware.

Please be aware that if you try to correct someone's grammar around here, then the best that you can hope for is some groaning! (yes, I realize that proper spelling and grammar are a part of "Teh Rules", but someone -- Blood- -- complained about Surrender Artist using the proper term of "forum" this past Friday)
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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Location: Colorful Colorado :)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:59 pm Reply with quote
nbahn wrote:
rheiders wrote:
-I'm a total grammar nazi, so beware.

Please be aware that if you try to correct someone's grammar around here, then the best that you can hope for is some groaning! (yes, I realize that proper spelling and grammar are a part of "Teh Rules", but someone -- Blood- -- complained about Surrender Artist using the proper term of "forum" this past Friday)

Oh, I know. It's something I'll be obnoxious about with people I know, but not so much with people I don't know IRL, since I know how annoying a habit it is. Very Happy
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