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Hawaii's Kawaii Kon to Host Aquarion Singer AKINO, bless4

posted on by Justin Sevakis
Band of Japanese American siblings performed songs for Aquarion, Stitch!

Hawaii-based convention Kawaii Kon announced on Friday that this year's event will host the band Bless4 (including member and solo artist AKINO) as guests of honor.

The band, which includes four siblings from the Japanese American Kawamitsu family, debuted in Japan in 2003, and have contributed songs to the Disney-produced anime Stitch!. The younger sister AKINO has released a solo album, and contributed several songs to the 2005 anime Aquarion. Her new song, "Kimi no Shinwa ~ Aquarion Dai-Ni-Sho," composed and arranged by Yōko Kanno and featuring lyrics by "Gabriela Robin" is now the opening theme for the Aquarion Evol TV series, and it reached #3 on the Oricon chart for the week of February 13-19.

Originally from Phoenix, AZ, the band now lives in Kawasaki, and has performed in Korea and released songs in Europe.

Kawaii Kon will take place at the Hawaii Convention Center on March 16 through March 18. Previously announced guests include voice actors Yuu Asakawa (Love Hina's MOTOKO), Ryō Horikawa (Dragon Ball Z's Vegeta) and Kenichi Miya (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Dragan), and Final Fantasy/Vampire Hunter D artist Yoshitaka Amano. Other confirmed guests include voice actor Johnny Yong Bosch and his rock band EyeShine, voice actress Lisa Ortiz, and voice actors Vic Mignogna and Chris Sabat.

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