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Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures (TV)

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Alternative title:
Pac-Man e as Aventuras Fantasmagóricas (Portuguese)
Pac-Man e le avventure mostruose (Italian)
Pac-Man i upiorne przygody (Polish)
Pac-Man und die Geisterabenteuer (German)
Pac-Man y las aventuras fantasmales (Spanish)
Pac-World (Japanese)
パックワールド (Japanese)
Themes: ghosts
Objectionable content: None
Plot Summary: Pac, an ordinary-looking teenager living in Pac-World, is actually the legendary ghost-eater. With the sealed gate to the Netherworld now broken, Pac and his classmates Spiral and Shirindoria have to stand up and protect the Pac-World.
Watch Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures on:
Number of episodes: 52
Episode titles: We have 52
2013-06-15 (USA)
2014-04-05 to 2015-06-27 (Japan)
2014-10-03 (Colombia - Canal Caracol)
Opening Theme:
"Pac is Back" by Zachary Lobertini
"PAC THIS WORLD!!!" by Hyadain
News: Show:
Other articles: Show:
The X Button - One Reason (Nov 13, 2013)
The X Button - Blown Away (Aug 20, 2008)
Hey, Answerman! (Aug 8, 2008)
Shelf Life - Coyote Ugly (Jan 15, 2007)
Answerman: Pac-Mania (Jan 9, 2004)
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Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Yuka Terasaki as Pac

Anri Katsu as Spiral
Eri Inagawa as Cylindria
Kazuhiro Fusegawa as Blinky
Kiyono Yasuno as
Braces Strictler
Kunpei Sakamoto as
President Spheros
Mai Tōdō as Inky
Shūhei Takubo as
Sir Cumference
Subaru Kimura as Skeebo
Tsuguo Mogami as Lord Betrayus

Akane Fujita as Bug (ep 48)
Ami Naitō as
Schoolgirl (ep 6)
Student (ep 17)
Aya Kawakami as
Drill Ghost B (ep 47)
Ghost (eps 40, 48)
Aya Saitō as
Fortune Teller (ep 39)
Ghost (ep 15)
Mother (ep 39)
Priest B (ep 47)
Woman B (eps 32, 51)
Ayano Shibuya as
Ghost (ep 48)
Ghost Guide (ep 33)
Girl (ep 39)
Student B (ep 40)
Ayumi Fujimura as Elliptica (ep 52)
Chika Anzai as
Dog Owner (ep 29)
Ghost (ep 9)
Ghost Girl A (ep 11)
Daichi Endō as Moondog (ep 44)
Daigo Fujimaki as
Analyzer (ep 34)
Blue Ding-a-Ling Brother (ep 27)
Cyclops B (ep 12)
Wolffoot (ep 39)
Daisuke Namikawa as Apex (eps 24, 26, 30)
Daisuke Yokota as
Alien (ep 30)
Cyclops A (ep 46)
Ghost (ep 35)
Gō Shinomiya as
Coach Hamburger (ep 32)
Count Pacula (eps 28, 49-50)
Giant (ep 45)
Professor Pointed Head (ep 26)
Haruka Shimizu as
Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Mother (ep 46)
Old Woman (ep 51)
Resident of Pac World (ep 33)
Haruna Takatsu as Resident of Pac World B (ep 41)
Hideaki Tezuka as Kingpin Obtuse (eps 40-41)
hie as
Ghost (4 episodes
eps 35, 47-48, 52

Woman (ep 41)
Hirosato Amano as
Drill Ghost C (ep 47)
Party Guest (ep 39)
Hiroshi Naka as God (ep 30)
Hiroyuki Takanaka as Cyclops B (ep 7)
Iori Kagawa as
Ghost (ep 48)
Ghost A (ep 43)
Junji Tachibana as
Ghost (ep 15)
Ghostroid (ep 18)
Hooligan B (ep 41)
Ice Ghost (ep 20)
Resident C (ep 50)
Resident of Pac World (ep 16)
Space Worm (ep 46)
Kabuto Nakaya as
Cyclops A (ep 17)
Football (ep 14)
Police Officer (ep 22)
Kae Matoba as
Housewife A (ep 5)
Resident of Pac World (ep 4)
Karin Nanami as
Ghost (eps 48-49, 52)
Girl Ghost (ep 26)
Pete (ep 28)
Resident B (ep 50)
Schoolgirl (ep 44)
Student (eps 16-17)
Woman A (ep 51)
Kazuma Yanagida as
Ghost (ep 48)
Schoolboy (ep 44)
Kenji Utsumi as Kingpin Obtuse (ep 9)
Kenji Yanagisawa as
Cook (ep 42)
Cyclops A (ep 12)
Kenta Miyake as Captain Banshee (ep 37)
Kenta Ōkuma as
Actor (ep 32)
Collaborator A (ep 40)
Cyclops A (ep 15)
Man (ep 51)
Police Officer (ep 3)
Kento Hama as
Drill Ghost A (ep 47)
Ghost (ep 48)
Resident of Pac World (ep 33)
Yellow Reindeer (ep 51)
Kiyohito Yoshikai as Old Ghost (ep 37)
Kiyomitsu Mizuuchi as Mr. Strictler (ep 16)
Kōsuke Takaguchi as
Creepy (ep 40)
Creepy A (ep 11)
Kunpei Sakamoto as Dr. Buttocks
Madoka Kuwata as
Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Girl (ep 28)
Schoolgirl (ep 19)
Mai Goto as Jean (ep 21)
Mai Kawabata as Announcement (ep 42)
Mari Kiyohara as Grandmother (ep 50)
Masaaki Ihara as
Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Giant Ghost
Resident of Pac World (ep 33)
Resident of Pac World A (ep 41)
Masako Nozawa as Do-ug (ep 29)
Masamichi Kitada as
Cyclops B (ep 17)
Male Reporter (ep 22)
Masayoshi Sugawara as
Fire Ghost (eps 7, 15)
Flame Ghost (ep 20)
Priest A (ep 47)
Security Ghost (ep 5)
Masayuki Katō as Specter (ep 25)
Michiko Kaiden as
Contestant B (ep 52)
Schoolboy (ep 36)
Mika Kanai as Rotunda (ep 23)
Minoru Inaba as Master Goo (ep 35)
Misa Kobayashi as Starchild (ep 44)
Misaki Ikeda as Ghost (ep 45)
Miyako Itō as Grannie (ep 44)
Miyuki Kobori as
Alien (ep 26)
Baby (ep 25)
Charity (ep 41)
Daughter (ep 39)
Ghost (ep 48)
Girl (ep 51)
Resident A (ep 50)
Resident of Pac World (ep 26)
Student (ep 16)
Momoko Takasato as Ghost (eps 45, 48)
Naoko Sugiura as
Baby Pac (ep 8)
Female Reporter (5 episodes
eps 29, 32, 40-42

Reporter (9 episodes
eps 1-2, 5-6, 13-14, 17, 22, 24
Natsuki Aikawa as
Alien (ep 26)
Contestant A (ep 52)
Resident of Pac World (ep 26)
Scanner (ep 38)
Student (ep 16)
Nobuyori Sagara as
Alien (ep 26)
Basketball (ep 14)
Delivery Person (ep 17)
Driver (ep 43)
Ghost (ep 45)
Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Ghost Shark (ep 20)
Military Personnel (ep 31)
Resident of Pac World (eps 26, 39)
Scientist (ep 29)
Nobuyuki Kobushi as Mr. Dome (eps 14, 28)
Nodoka Hasegawa as
Ghost (ep 30)
Resident of Pac World (ep 33)
Noriko Ueda as Schoolgirl (ep 36)
Rei Shimoda as Spheria Suprema
Rie Suegara as
Ghost (ep 35)
Holly Fu (eps 4, 34)
Woman A (ep 32)
Rie Takahashi as
Cafeteria Lady (ep 5)
Ms. Globular
Rieko Eba as Grandmother (ep 27)
Riho Fushida as
Green Ghost (ep 7)
Mother (ep 9)
Sunny (eps 8, 36)
Rikako Aida as
Child (ep 46)
Ghost (ep 30)
Party Guest (ep 39)
Risa Ai as Ghost (ep 35)
Sachie Hirai as
Child (eps 7, 9)
Gabby (ep 52)
Saki Ogasawara as Ghost Girl B (ep 11)
Satoshi Taki as Narrator (ep 34)
Seirō Ogino as Red Ding-a-Ling Brother (ep 27)
Shinichirō Miki as
Dentures (ep 47)
Mummy (ep 47)
Shinji Sasaki as
Blue Ghost (ep 7)
Collaborator C (ep 40)
Cyclops B (eps 36, 46)
Ghost (4 episodes
eps 34-35, 41, 45

Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Man (ep 43)
Party Guest (ep 39)
Police Officer (ep 42)
Resident of Pac World (ep 30)
Scientist (ep 29)
Shōhei Komatsu as Ghost (ep 45)
Shoko Tsuda as Madame Ghoulasha (ep 17)
Shōta Chōnan as
E-Ghost (ep 49)
Red Reindeer A (ep 51)
Tall Fed
Zombie Resident (ep 33)
Shōta Tanaka as
Ghost (eps 35, 45)
Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Student A (ep 40)
Shōzō Iizuka as Santa Pac (ep 51)
Shuhei Matsuda as
Ghost Waiter (ep 33)
Red Reindeer B (ep 51)
Takahiro Fujiwara as Tip (ep 30)
Takashi Oohara as Dragon Parrot (ep 37)
Takeaki Masuyama as
Creepy B (ep 11)
Cyclops A (ep 7)
Cyclops B (ep 15)
Giant Monster (ep 4)
Ogle (ep 16)
Takuma Sasaki as
Alien (ep 30)
Cyclops A (ep 36)
Ghost (eps 45, 52)
Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Ghost Transfer Student (ep 42)
Groovy (ep 51)
Policeman (ep 41)
Takuya Masumoto as
Ghost (ep 48)
Round Edges Teacher (ep 21)
Short Fed
Tasuku Hatanaka as Fire Ghost (ep 49)
Tatsuya Murakami as Collaborator B (ep 40)
Tesshō Genda as The Pacinator (ep 19)
Tomotaka Hachisuka as Hooligan A (ep 41)
Tomoya Yano as
Alien (ep 26)
Ghost (ep 9)
Resident of Pac World (ep 26)
Tomoyuki Shimura as Security O’Drool (ep 13)
Tōru Sakurai as
Aide (ep 1)
Ogle (4 episodes
eps 5, 9, 11, 19

Security Ghost (ep 2)
Yellow Ding-a-Ling Brother (ep 27)
Toshiyuki Hara as
Father (ep 51)
Ghost (eps 35, 52)
Ghost B (ep 43)
Ghost Pirate (ep 37)
Priest C (ep 47)
Tsubasa Sakurai as Resident of Pac World (eps 4, 9)
Yasuyo Tomita as
Easter Pac-Man Peep (ep 44)
Housewife C (ep 5)
Moby Dick (ep 37)
Yō Kitazawa as Dr. Pacenstein (eps 49-50)
Yūichi Karasuma as
Ghost Moderator (ep 52)
Green Ding-a-Ling Brother (ep 27)
Security Guard (ep 19)
Staff (ep 32)
Zac (eps 8, 36)
Yuka Maruyama as
Housewife B (ep 5)
Ice Ghost (ep 28)
Telephone Operator (ep 23)
Yurianne Eve as Woman C (ep 51)
Japanese companies
Background/Prop Production:
Transistor Studio
Xax Entertainment
Music Production: Lantis
Original Creator:
Bandai Namco Entertainment (eps 49-52)
Bandai Namco Games
Bandai Namco Entertainment (eps 49-52)
Bandai Namco Games (eps 1-48)
Video Post Production: Imagica
English staff
English cast
Series Composition: Sean Catherine Derek
Bob Forward (ep 9)
Cydne Clark (ep 19)
Dennis Haley (12 episodes
eps 5, 11, 15, 20, 25, 27, 32, 35, 44, 46, 51-52

Eric Shaw (ep 14)
Glenn Leopold (eps 8, 12, 22)
Jymn Magon (5 episodes
eps 10, 23, 34, 38, 42

Ken Pontac (18 episodes
eps 7, 17-18, 21, 24-30 even, 31, 36-37, 39-49 odd, 50

Len Uhley (ep 6)
Marcy Brown (12 episodes
eps 5, 11, 15, 20, 25, 27, 32, 35, 44, 46, 51-52

Mark Young (ep 13)
Michael Maurer (eps 16, 33, 48)
Paul Rugg (eps 1-2)
Sean Catherine Derek (7 episodes
eps 3-4, 19, 22, 29, 39-40

Steve Granat (ep 19)
Tom Ruegger (eps 1-2)
Assistant Director: Kerry Stewart
Recording engineer: Chris Mclaren
Theme Song Composition: Will Anderson
Theme Song Lyrics: Avi Arad
Theme Song Performance: Zachary Lobertini
Voice Direction:
Kris Zimmerman
Terry Klassen
Andrea Libman as Cylindria
Erin Mathews as Pac
Samuel Vincent as

Ashleigh Ball as
Aunt Spheria Suprema
Brian Drummond as
Ian James Corlett as
Sir Cumference
Lee Tockar as Inky
Matt Hill as Skeebo
Samuel Vincent as President Stratos Spheros

Ashleigh Ball as Female Reporter
Brian Drummond as
Dr. Buttocks
Erin Mathews as Ms. Globular
Ian James Corlett as
Mr. Dome
Short Fed
Kathleen Barr as Madame Ghoulasha
Lee Tockar as
Count Pacula
Cyclops Ghost
Kingpin Obtuse
Professor Pointybrains
Tall Fed
Mark Oliver as Mr. Strictler
Nicole Oliver as Jean
English companies
Discovery Family (USA)
Disney Channel Asia
Disney XD
Disney XD (USA)
Eleven (Australia)
Family CHRGD (Canada)
KidsClick (USA)
Okto (Singapore)
Primo TV (USA)
Sky 3D (United Kingdom)
Recording Studio: Sound Kitchen Studios
French cast
French staff
Directeur de Plateau:
Olivier Cuvelier
Robert Guilmard
Beatrice Wegnez as Cylindria
David Manet as Spiral
Emilie Guillaume as Pac-Man

Alexis Flamant as Clyde
Antoni LoPresti as Blinky
Benoit Van Dorslaer as Perfidus
Pablo Hertsen as Inky
Sophie Landresse as Pinky

Alessandro Bevilacqua as Sir Conférence
Monique Clémont as Mère de Spheros
Myriam Thyrion as Sorcière Ghoulasha
Robert Dubois as Professeur Popotin
Robert Guilmard as Narrateur, President Spheros
Sandrine Henry as Mère de Pac-Man
Véronique Fyon as Mademoiselle Globulaire

French companies
Boîte De Doublage: Chinkel
Canal J (France)
Gulli (France)
Internet Streaming:
Amazon Prime Video
Club illico (Quebec)
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Translation: Nadia García Díaz (Spain dub)

Screen Inserts: Alfonso Vallés (Spain dub)
Carla Castañeda as Jean Genio
Enric Puig as Spiral (Spain dub)
Eva Andrés as Cylindria (Spain dub)
Isabel Martiñon as Pac-Man
Isabela Rodriguez as Srta. Globular
Manuel Pérez as Apex
Ruben Trujillo as Betrayus
Silvia Cabrera as Pac (Spain dub)

Cesar Lechiguero as Dr. Buttocks (Spain dub)
Dario Torrent as Blinky (Spain dub)
Francesc Fenollosa as Butt-ler (Spain dub)
José Garcia Tos as
Betrayus (Spain dub)
Sir Cumference (Spain dub)
Nina Romero as Pinky (Spain dub)
Rafael Ordóñez Arrieta as
Clyde (Spain dub)
President Spheros (Spain dub)
Rosa López as Spheria Suprema (Spain dub)

Enric Puig as
Federal Agent (Spain dub)
Spheros' Assistant (Spain dub)
Nina Romero as Reporter (Spain dub)
Olga María García Panadero as
Madame Ghoulasha (Spain dub)
Trick or Treat Woman (Spain dub)
Rafael Ordóñez Arrieta as Cyclops Ghost (Spain dub)
Rosa López as Ms. Globular (Spain dub)
Spanish companies
Canal Caracol (Colombia)
Canal Panda (Spain)
Clan TVE (Spain)
Discovery Familia (USA)
Discovery Kids (Latin America)
Discovery Toons (Latin America)
ETC...TV (Chile)
Internet Streaming:
Canal Caracol (Colombia)
Netflix (Spain)
Licensed by: Televix
Italian staff
Italian cast
Dubbing Director: Graziano Galoforo

Dialogues: Graziano Galoforo
Andrea Oldani as Pac-Man
Federico Zanandrea as Skeebo
Martina Felli as Cylindria
Stefano Pozzi as Spiral

Claudio Moneta as Betrayus
Jenny De Cesarei as Pinky
Marco Balbi as Preside Spheros (President Spheros)
Mattia Bressan as Inky
Riccardo Rovatti as Sir Cumference
Italian companies
Disney XD (from 8 September 2014)
K2 (from 5 October 2015)
Dubbing: Merak Film
Internet Streaming:
Netflix (Italy)
Sound: Merak Film
German staff
German cast
Jan Makino as Spiral
Josephine Schmidt as Cylindria

Andrea Aust as Spheria Suprema
Bernhard Völger as Blinky
Christian Gaul as Clyde
Daniela Reidies as Braces Strictler
Dirk Petrick as Inky
Hans-Jürgen Dittberner as Stratos Spheros
Ilona Brokowski as Pinky
Maria Sumner as Sunny
Michael Pan as Sir Cumference
Rainer Fritzsche as Mr. Dome
Tim Sander as Skeebo
Uwe Büschken as Dr. Buttocks
Uwe Jellinek as Butt-ler

Andi Krösing as Short Fed
Carmen Katt as Pac-News Reporter
Katharina Lopinski as Rotunda
Luise Lunow as Ghoulasha
Stefan Gossler as Apex
Stefan Krause as Count Pacula
German companies
Dubbing: VSI Berlin
Danish staff
Danish cast
Caspar Phillipson as Betrayous
Danish companies
Tagalog staff
Tagalog companies
Broadcaster: GMA Network
Tagalog cast
Polish cast
Polish staff
ADR Director: Agata Gawrońska-Bauman
Translation: Hanna Osuch (14 episodes
eps 3-5, 8-10, 14-15, 18-20, 23-25

Kamila Klimas-Przybysz (38 episodes
eps 1-2, 6-7, 11-13, 16-17, 21-22, 26-52

Wojciech Szymański (14 episodes
eps 3-5, 8-10, 14-15, 18-20, 23-25

Gabriela Turant-Wiśniewska (eps 11-15, 22-26)
Jacek Osławski (42 episodes
eps 1-10, 16-21, 27-52

Organization Of Production: Romuald Cieślak
Singing: Małgorzata Szymańska (ep 26)
Jacek Osławski (42 episodes
eps 1-10, 16-21, 27-52

Urszula Ziarkiewicz (eps 11-15, 22-26)
Polish companies
Broadcaster: Teletoon+ Poland
Dubbing: Master Film
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
Dubbing Director:
Maíra Góes
Marcelo Garcia
Music Director: Tony Lucchesi
Screen: Sérgio Beck
Theme Song Performance:
Juliano Cortuah
Ticiana Souza
Ana Elena Bittencourt as Cylindria
Bruna Laynes as Pinky
Gustavo Nader as Blinky
Marcelo Garcia as Clyde
Mckeidy Lisita as Inky
Reginaldo Primo as Lorde Tráidor (Lord Betrayus Spheros)
Rodrigo Antas as Pac
Wirley Contaifer as Spiral

Flávia Saddy as Sherry "Braces" Strictler
Gabriela Bicalho as Tia Spheria (Spheria Suprema)
Guilherme Briggs as Espectro (Specter)
Júlio Chaves as Presidente Esfera (President Stratos Spheros)
Márcia Morelli as Srta. Globular
Mauro Ramos as Dr. Buttocks
Pietro Mário as Sir Cumference
Samir Murad as Sr. Stickler
Yan Gesteira as Skeebo

André Belizar as Mordomo
Maíra Góes as Pac-Vision Reporter

Portuguese companies
Gloob (Brazil)
Rede Bandeirantes (Brazil)
SIC (Portugal)
SIC K (Portugal)
Distributor: Swen Entretenimentos (Brazil)
Dubbing Studio: Beck Studios
DVD Menu Design: ETC Filmes
Licensed by: Televix
Swedish staff
Swedish cast
Anton Raeder as Pac-Man
Swedish companies

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