Jadress Holiday Fan-art Submissions
Jadress Holiday Fan-art Submissions
We'd like to thank everyone who submitted entries, we were totally blown away by the number of entries, and so many of them are so good that we are really having a hard time deciding which one to use!
A couple need would need a bit of work to fit perfectly in with our layout, this is not being held against them in our decision process, we are perfectly willing to fix up our chosen entry.... but we weren't going to fix them all up.
From Indy Adenan: Test
From Johny: Test
From LiSA Morgan: Test - website
Also from LiSA Morgan: Test
From Stephanie Blakey:Test website
From Eric Esquibek:Test website
From Valery Korneev:Test - website
this article has been modified since it was originally posted; see change history
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