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The Mike Toole Show - Hip to Be Square

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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:15 pm Reply with quote
I'd watch a Chrono Trigger anime if it had the Video Game Orchestra's music in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEGniXc7Xtc. Very Happy
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:37 pm Reply with quote
Mike Toole wrote:
PAPUWA was released as a set before ADV fell on hard times and introduced the "stack pack" to vaguely horrified anime collectors

There was nothing vague about the horror of those things. Shocked They are still using the worst Bluray cases I've seen.
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Minion X

Joined: 29 Nov 2015
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:39 pm Reply with quote
Turns out PAPUWA ran in Shonen Gangan, the manga and entertainment magazine published by Squaresoft.

I believe Monthly Shonen Gangan and the other GanGan magazines currently published by Square Enix were originally published by Enix, and not Square (the original developer of the Final Fantasy franchise).
I don't recall reading or hearing that Square did anything but develop and publish video games, at least in-house. However, if the anime was licensed after the merger of Square and Enix on April 1 2003, Final Fantasy Unlimited and Papuwa would have been the property of the same company at that time.
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H. Guderian

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:50 pm Reply with quote
I always liked that ye olde VHS only FF anime. It was weird, but it was also rather fun. A bit too weird and oddly designed at many points, but quite acceptable.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:21 pm Reply with quote
So that's why and how Papuwa became part of my DVD collection? I only remember I bought it from Rightstuf in the past. And in all the time I had it, I made it through the first episode. To compare, I bought both sets of Wedding Peach under the same circumstances and reasons- "Why not?"- and I like that one a lot more than its "source", Sailor Moon. What can I say? Characters with personalities rather than characteristics make me happy.

But Papuwa against Hare + Guu? I never ever thought to compare the two. Hare + Guu is absurd for a reason, torturing high strung Hare. Papuwa seems to be absurd for the reason of being absurd; "Fish with fishnets, get it? Don't call them stockings, they're not stockings. Fishing fish in fishnets with fish nets... Laugh, I dare you!"

What Papuwa did remind me of was the original Bloom Country comic strip with its mix of talking animals contrasted against mixed generations of confirmed bachelorhood... minus the comedy. Maybe Papuwa would work if it was a boarding house rather than a tropical island? Probably not.
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Joined: 15 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:29 pm Reply with quote
I personally loved Papuwa, but I haven't watched it in a long time so maybe it doesn't hold up so well.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:04 pm Reply with quote
I haven't really watched FF Unlimited in a full-time capacity, but from what I've read about it and the few clips I have seen, it really seems to be rather stupid. It comes across as far too childish to be Final Fantasy, despite the somewhat dark tone it takes later on. Unlimited kind of has the same reason lots of "adaptations" fail: you make some randomly slapdash thing and put a popular name brand on it to make it sell. Just because you put a chocobo, a moogle and a few familiar summon names in doesn't make it a bestselling winner.

Probably the major reason why Unlimited really couldn't be anything remotely close to Final Fantasy is spoiler[the premise about two kids from real world Japan ending up in Wonderland/Ikai (the name of the Final Fantasy world they go to). Of course, it's eventually learned neither of them are actually human at all and are a part of Chaos, who is in the form of a little kid throughout most of the anime and takes the form of a featherless, skull-faced bird as the final boss. To top it off, the two kids generally don't do anything at all throughout the series and leave all the fighting to someone else, making them rather annoying and useless to consider as protagonists].

Speaking of other adaptations of games, Star Ocean EX was an absolute mess of garbage. If you loved Star Ocean 2, do not watch this anime. It's painful to see how horribly they rewrote everything and made Rena into a weak little girl who doesn't even fight throughout the show. I also warn anyone not to watch Wild Arms TV, as it's an embarrassing trainwreck not meant to be witnessed by human eyes and literally has nothing to do with the games (again, it's only claim to the name is using terms like Crest Sorcery, Crimson Nobles, ARMS and putting in random cameos and references).
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:29 pm Reply with quote
You might not be curious how Hakugei got over, but I sure am. Despite being Osamu Dezaki, he's clearly at his worst. The only things more baffling to get dubbed and released here is Genma Wars (which I adore because it's the best "so bad it's good" anime possibly ever made). Seriously, don't watch Hakugei, the man directed Rose of Versailles, so let's just pretend Hakugei never happened, ok?
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:46 pm Reply with quote
I do remember in the early days of Animerica, they would publish the the highest rated Anime shows on Japanese TV, complete with their audience rating. Papuwa of The South Seas (the original TV series from the 90s) was rated in the top 10 at least once I think. It was because of that I thought it odd for ADV to release Papuwa, unaware they had done a second TV series nearly 10 years later.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:30 pm Reply with quote
Lol at the mention of how cheap Moeyo Ken is...swear one of these days Right Stuf is going to replace the price on the box set with "just take it, dammit". Laughing
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Joined: 14 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:00 pm Reply with quote
All I've heard about Papuwa has been the stuff about the gay stereotype characters. Is it truly that atrocious? I might just give it a look to see what all the hubbub is about.

And it's a shame Machine Robo never got a complete release over here.

classicalzawa wrote:
Seriously, don't watch Hakugei, the man directed Rose of Versailles, so let's just pretend Hakugei never happened, ok?

He directed everything from 19 onward; the first 18 episodes were directed by Tadao Nagahama, who I don't feel gets enough credit for his work on the show. Sure, his chunk might be a little less exciting, but Dezaki had the luxury of coming on when French history started to pick up.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:25 pm Reply with quote
To hell with Final Fantasy, I want a polished, gripping movie adaptation of Chrono Trigger, complete with the Akira Toriyama character designs.

I see your Chrono Trigger and I raise you a Lunar Silver Star Story! Very Happy

Hearing about Final Fantasy Unlimited being terrible is kind of a bummer to me, considering how its director Mahiro Maeda is one of the most criminally underrated and underutilized directors in the industry. I'm glad he's been able to flex his creative muscles with Animator Expo!

heroine Linaly is a descendant of one of FFV's heroes, Buttz. Don't tell me the guy's name is "Bartz" or "Batts", alright?! It's BUTTZ, dammit! "Butts" is also acceptable.

How appropriate, considering spoiler[she shoots a laser out of her butt in one episode!]
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