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NEWS: Steamboy Screening at the Egyptian

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Joined: 29 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:13 am Reply with quote
....Woah. For a second I thought it said. "Steamboy Screening at Egypt."
Either way.....Meh.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:42 am Reply with quote
Well if I'm lucky, I'll actually fulfill my dream of getting autographs off Otomo. If I'm not, I'll have to settle for Moriarty...I just hope Knowles won't be there, or he'll stink up the place.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:36 am Reply with quote
Sorry for intruding in your dream but whats good about an autograph from Otomo or even seeing him in real life for that matter. Treating him like a pop star is pretty disrespectful or do you want to make some cash from his signature?

And whats your problem with Harry Knowles, his writings on Steamboy seemed positive so he helps Otomo more than a random fanboy. (but i cant say i am a frequent reader of his stuff, so if he did something wrong, clarify instead of insulting)
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Sword of Whedon

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:30 pm Reply with quote
Knowles would shill for "Piece of Shit: The Movie" if he thought it'd let him meet someone cool. His opinion doesn't really mean much
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:36 pm Reply with quote
hym: Well in Japan, anime directors are pop stars. In the U.S., animated movie directors only get attention from the hardcore fans. And no, I don't want to make money off his sigs. Even if I did, I don't like using E-bay. Oh and as for Knowles, what Whedon said. Plus I'm afraid he'll eat me.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:55 pm Reply with quote
hym wrote:
Sorry for intruding in your dream but whats good about an autograph from Otomo or even seeing him in real life for that matter. Treating him like a pop star is pretty disrespectful or do you want to make some cash from his signature?

What's wrong with wanting an autograph from a respected director? Whether Otomo has pop star status or not, you'd better believe I'd want his signature, or any kind of memento, if I met him, because he's one of the reasons I wanted to become involved in animation. That way, at least when I'm bent over, huddled at my desk for hours and light-headed from the constant glare of the light box, I could look over at Otomo's name and feel a slight glimmer of comfort and hope. And I think it's pretty presumptuous to assume that anyone who wanted a signature from someone they respect would only be thinking of its cash value.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:03 pm Reply with quote
hym wrote:
Sorry for intruding in your dream but whats good about an autograph from Otomo or even seeing him in real life for that matter. Treating him like a pop star is pretty disrespectful

I don't see how wantng the autograph of a respected filmmaker can be insulting. To me, its a sign of respect, it implies "I respect you and your work very much and as such it would make me very happy to have your signature."

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Joined: 20 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:56 pm Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
I don't see how wantng the autograph of a respected filmmaker can be insulting.

Don't twist my words, I didn't say that wanting an autograph is insulting, wanting it is stupid and worthless. Treating Otomo like some idol and making him sign stuff is disrespectful, you can get his true autograph in the form of anime and manga no need to idolize a genius. Read his steamboy production Blog, he was delighted to go to the steamboy premiere in France where he could go to stores and walk on the street without being harassed.

Study some Art History if you want to understand why idolizing and the autograph as concept is harmful for art.

GATSU wrote:
Well in Japan, anime directors are pop stars.

Don't get me started on the average Japanese anime fans, if they were a bit more rational and critical we would see a lot more quality being produced. Don't forget how many disliked Akira the movie in Japan, without the Japanese media hyping his foreign success we might never have got Memories.
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Pop-Art Samurai

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 1:16 pm Reply with quote
How is wanting an autograph of someone you respect "stupid and worthless"?

I've gotten autographs from a few people I've met, composers and conductors mostly, who I respect a lot. I've always been polite and they've always seemed quite happy to sign a program or whatever.

How about instead of saying somehing vague like "Study some Art History if you want to understand why idolizing and the autograph as concept is harmful for art," you cite some examples. It would save us all some time, since I, and probably others here, don't have the time to study through over a thouand years of art history at the moment.

I can't understand what you mean in your last paragraph. Are you saying that Japanese fans didn't like Akira because they weren't rational enough, and therefore couldn't see its genius? Or are you saying they were overly critical and couldn't see its genius? How would them being one or the other or both result in more quality being produced?

Ah yes, Memories. A triptych, as it were, of films aimed at an international audience, that took nearly a decade to make its way to the US.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 4:53 pm Reply with quote
Read his steamboy production Blog, he was delighted to go to the steamboy premiere in France where he could go to stores and walk on the street without being harassed.

True, but I doubt when he was actually at the premiere, he'd ignore his French fans. (In fact, "ray" from the I.G. boards posted photos of him interacting with fans.) And considering that he needed to make money off of Steamboy, being an arse to them isn't going to be good WOM.

Study some Art History if you want to understand why idolizing and the autograph as concept is harmful for art.

Sorry. I only take useful classes.

Don't get me started on the average Japanese anime fans, if they were a bit more rational and critical we would see a lot more quality being produced.

Yes. It's so hard for the Japanese to compete with our quality Disney rip-offs, parodies, and home video sequels.

Don't forget how many disliked Akira the movie in Japan, without the Japanese media hyping his foreign success we might never have got Memories.

And its foreign success mostly had to do with fans.

How is wanting an autograph of someone you respect "stupid and worthless"?

He's just being an art-f**.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:18 pm Reply with quote
An autograph is a symbol and expression of an individual, similar to a movie or manga. The difference is that it has no artistic value but it's just a sign the individual had direct contact with the material. And assuming most of you aren't autograph collectors (buyers/traders) the added value is that it represents a link between you and the person in time similar to a photograph of that encounter but that lacks physical contact in material. So for fans the autograph has more value as a relique.

If such pseudo religious artifacts give you inspiration, pleasure, comfort, ... then it's not worthless or stupid for you at all but then I'm afraid to make the conclusion that the person wanting it requires more intellectual development to understand my standpoint.

Not going to educate people on art, psychology, history or theology so i will keep it there (no value in a flame war between people that speak different languages), my intentions are selfish anyway, more entertainment that i can enjoy. Just as trivia to close my point, some paintings changed value from a few hundred dollars to a few million just because an expert verified it had the signature of a certain artist and the reverse happened as well. It may hurt the art elite but they are not very different than others fans in that way (a bad human trait like religion i guess).

yes Japanese otaku disliked Akira, if you want a list of reasons i would have to research it in Japan, but in general they dislike innovative and progressive works which usually goes hand in hand with not being critical or rational of art and oneself.

case closed for all that i care.
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