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NEWS: Beckanime.com goes to Funimation

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:43 pm Reply with quote
As always, a registered domain doesn't guarantee anything. It only suggests that Funimation is interested in this title.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:14 pm Reply with quote
Oh man!! I would be SOO happy if FUNimation got Beck! They'd do such an awesome job with it. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:32 pm Reply with quote
[sarcasm]They'll probably dub over the theme music anyway (it's in English to begin with for those who haven't seen it yet.) [/sarcasm]

Seriously though, I hope they do have it. It brings back memories of when I was learning to play guitar.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:38 pm Reply with quote
I was made to hit in America~a (I was made to hit in America!)...

C'mon...someobody had to say it. Laughing
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:06 pm Reply with quote
Would it be that bad if they did dub the opening theme? Engrish is running terribly rampant throughout the whole anime.

I will, however, admit that Engrish is one of the reasons I find the anime so very amusing to watch.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:09 pm Reply with quote
Despite being a huge fan of dubs and really enjoy FUNi's work, no matter who actually gets it Beck is just one of those shows you have to watch subbed or you're going to lose everything. One of the major points of the series is that you've got Japanese people interchanging Japanese and English, put the entire show in English and you've lost that. Also some of the songs just wouldn't feel right translated, and having someone else sing a song that's already in English wouldn't feel right at all.

I'm looking forward to the series being licensed, but in this case I kinda hope it isn't dubbed.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:19 pm Reply with quote
I think for the dub they should make the voice actors do the Engrish in Japanese, though I guess it's not easy translating swear words into Japanese (as opposed to how easy a lot of people seem to translate Japanese into swearing.) They use more profanity in the first episode or so than I do in a day, and that's a lot.

I personaly don't think that the music should ever be dubbed over. I have no qualms with dubbing and FUNimation has improved greatly in that field, but as an (amature) musician I see no justification to dubbing over any music, a subtitled translation should be more than enough.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:28 pm Reply with quote
FUNi has(/was) improv(ed/ing). But judging by the massacering they're giving Full Metal Alchemist with that horrid dub, they shouldn't be allowed to take on highly anticipated titles.

Thank God for bilingual DVDs, huh?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:32 pm Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
FUNi has(/was) improv(ed/ing). But judging by the massacering they're giving Full Metal Alchemist with that horrid dub, they shouldn't be allowed to take on highly anticipated titles.

Thank God for bilingual DVDs, huh?

Eh? Most people (myself included) would call the FMA dub one of their best (this coming from someone who watched the series in Japanese first). What "massacering" are you refering to, the near perfect voice matching, or the near complete lack of edits on Cartoon Network? Confused

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Joined: 15 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:39 pm Reply with quote
Perhaps Funi have changed and learned from their past lesson and our feedback. Lots of us were scared they'd mess up FMA and it's turned out okay in dub form. I hope so anyway, especially with FMA due soon in the u.k.

If they do have Beck in their sights I hope they do a good job with it. But the thing that bothers me like others is the possible loss of original japanese music. Fair enough, make the show understandable to a U.S audience but don't take away the unique japaneseness of the show. This still happens a lot through loss of or redubbing of the original music.

I see the japanese music as part of the experience of anime and accepting a different culture. Funi should present it as such in the same way, fingers crossed they do.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:17 pm Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
FUNi has(/was) improv(ed/ing). But judging by the massacering they're giving Full Metal Alchemist with that horrid dub, they shouldn't be allowed to take on highly anticipated titles.

Thank God for bilingual DVDs, huh?


Seriously I hate it when people do this. BY FAR the consensus on the FMA dub is good if not one of the best dubs in a while. Go to any non-sub-nazi forum where there are reasonable people and that's what they'll say.

Back up what you say with reasons - good reasons - and maybe people won't jump on you for saying stupid crap like this.

FUNi getting Beck is fine. Doesn't matter really since the show basically has to be watched in Japanese anyway thanks to the whole language thing going on. Besides, I wouldn't want to be deprived of hearing people shout "Faaaaaaaack yeeeeew skewwl boooy!". Oh Engrish, will you ever stop being funny?
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:20 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
penguintruth wrote:
FUNi has(/was) improv(ed/ing). But judging by the massacering they're giving Full Metal Alchemist with that horrid dub, they shouldn't be allowed to take on highly anticipated titles.

Thank God for bilingual DVDs, huh?

Eh? Most people (myself included) would call the FMA dub one of their best (this coming from someone who watched the series in Japanese first). What "massacering" are you refering to, the near perfect voice matching, or the near complete lack of edits on Cartoon Network? Confused


I second that; it's one of Funi's best dubs yet. They also nailed Al's voice with that actual kid actor, and everyone else has a pretty solid performance. I've seen some people who had an issue with one character or another, but I've never heard anyone call the whole dub "horrid." (I'm also loving the few edits the series is getting. It's not gory or anything, but Adult Swim never could have gotten away with some of this stuff when it first started.)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:06 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
I was made to hit in America~a (I was made to hit in America!)...

C'mon...someobody had to say it. Laughing
I was thinking more along the lines of "You are mistaken I am not the whore you think I am"
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:48 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:
penguintruth wrote:
FUNi has(/was) improv(ed/ing). But judging by the massacering they're giving Full Metal Alchemist with that horrid dub, they shouldn't be allowed to take on highly anticipated titles.

Thank God for bilingual DVDs, huh?

Eh? Most people (myself included) would call the FMA dub one of their best (this coming from someone who watched the series in Japanese first). What "massacering" are you refering to, the near perfect voice matching, or the near complete lack of edits on Cartoon Network? Confused


I knew I'd probably get responses to my post like the ones I did, so let me first off set something up:

I am not a "ZOMG FUNi suxxx!!!11one" person. FUNimation has greatly improved over the years with their dubs. I think that Case Closed and Yu Yu Hakusho are both very good dubs and having seen the Japanese Detective Conan, I don't mind the slight changes they made to names. Though I should add that Detective Mouri's deep, Japanese voice makes him seem less of an idiot than his English one.

I have viewed Full Metal Alchemist in Japanese over and over again, and quite frankly, FUNimation's English dub is a travesty. Edward's voice is virtually unbarable. Roy and Scar's voices are completely uninspired, as though the VAs were phoning in their work. Alphonse's voice is acceptable, and even comendable (Is it a real little kid? That's stupendous.), but that's all the positive I can bring from it. I've watched every aired episode on Cartoon Network, paying close attention and comparing after every episode. Minor characters like Shou Tucker and NIna are done so poorly one can't help but to look forward to their exits. Nina's was especially poor. She's a young child, yes, but not a child with some mental retardation. It sounded like a piss-poor impression of a child that the VA put no thought into whatsoever. Fuhrer Bradley's voice sounds like a cross between a Prohibition-era gangster and Seaon Connery. Maes Hughes lacks any convincing energy or oomph. Winry's voice is mediocre at best.

Maybe I'm judging it too quickly. They're still pretty early in the series and there's plenty of room to improve. But the Japanese voices didn't need to improve. They all fit their respective characters perfectly. I can honestly say that this FMA dub is possibly the worst work that FUNimation has done to date, including Dragon Ball Z. Watching it and listening to those voices is painful, like listening to a thousand nails scraping across a blackboard.

Another thing about Edward's voice. He sounds especially bad during emotional scenes. It was like the English dub of G Gundam (different studio, mind you, but same princable), where Domon Kasshu's voice couldn't make the emotion in sad scenes. It sounded laughable.

I'm not just pulling this out of the air. I've done my homework. I'm not some knotheaded fool judging the dub simply on the merit of previous FUNi dubs. Even on its own, without considering the original cast, voices like Ed's are completely unexceptable for a dub done in this day and age.

But as this is a topic about Beck, a series I've only read reviews about and have never seen, I'm probably worrying too much. If FUNimation does do the dub, it may be decent. But not if they're going to slack off like they're doing with FMA.
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:27 pm Reply with quote
Toboe wrote:


Seriously I hate it when people do this. BY FAR the consensus on the FMA dub is good if not one of the best dubs in a while. Go to any non-sub-nazi forum where there are reasonable people and that's what they'll say.

Back up what you say with reasons - good reasons - and maybe people won't jump on you for saying stupid crap like this.

FUNi getting Beck is fine. Doesn't matter really since the show basically has to be watched in Japanese anyway thanks to the whole language thing going on. Besides, I wouldn't want to be deprived of hearing people shout "Faaaaaaaack yeeeeew skewwl boooy!". Oh Engrish, will you ever stop being funny?

Reading this post is like getting hit on the head with a hypocrisy shovel.

Anyone who starts of by throwing a hissy fit over someone not posting reasons right away, and absolutely fails to do the same thing, is pretty pathetic. I’m a member at a few “non-sub-nazi” forums where the consensus is a general dislike for the sub. Sure, it’s probably decent for people experiencing the show for the first time but for many, those who followed it through its full fansubed life, it is not. Funi has been improving and currently has better dubs then FMA on the market. As previously stated the voices are painful. None of them seem to fit their designated characters. This is especially the case with Tucker who (as far as I can tell) was never meant to have a horrible accent. Also, the few edits (even though there shouldn’t have been any) on CN are not a reason why it’s a good dub.

I would have rather had someone more traditionally able to keep things genuine get the rights. I do not trust that Funi will keep the music the same. They seem to have a horrible taste in music (see: DBZ) and this will a proving point as to where they are going to take their company in the next few years. At any rate I would absolutely love it if someone would step up to the plate, get the licensing, and have the balls to not dub it. The series would do great on Adult Swim in such a format considering its system and story. It wouldn’t affect DVD sales either as those who bother to buy them tend to watch the original version.
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