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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:43 pm
I didn't post the full list for copyright reasons, but if you look at the source, you might find it...
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:11 pm
What kind of copyright reasons would these be, exactly?
Anyway, personally I'm quite pleased with how the tops of the Male Character & Mobile Suit polls turned out. The Male Character list especially, with the undeniably most intriguing & well-written character in the entire Gundam canon at #1 (Char) and my overall personal favourite at #2 (Athrun). Seeing the Freedom, Zeta, & Nu Gundams in the MS Top 3 is also very agreeable, with Justice making the Top 10 as an added bonus (gee, and I thought I was the only one that liked the suit...I wonder if this might actually persuade Bandai to consider a Master Grade model kit for it, since every other Top 10 suit listed has one already short of the still-relatively-new Force Impulse Gundam, and that one in itself is practically inevitable).
The Female Character poll kinda confuses me, though. While Lunamaria & Stellar are slated to become much more developed & central characters in Destiny in due time (and even though Lunamaria's still one of my early favourites for the show), neither one has really done anything to warrant being placed that high on the list. Or at least to be ranked above the likes of Emma, Haman, or even Murrue. Eh, maybe it's the whole "short skirt" thing again...
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Joined: 11 Mar 2004
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:13 pm
Nagisa wrote: | What kind of copyright reasons would these be, exactly? |
Posting the entire list is, in fact, copying it.
Nitpick to editor: "CHaracter"? Maybe going for CHARacter?
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Joined: 10 Nov 2004
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:38 pm
Good to see a Wing character in there (Heero Yuy). I liked that series.
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 I Run this place.
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:39 pm
Nagisa wrote: | What kind of copyright reasons would these be, exactly? |
Fair use for reporting purposes allows me to reproduce a certain portion of an article legally. However I am not allowed to reproduce an entire article, or a significant portion of an article.
I could make the arguement that I wasn't "reproducing the list" but rather reporting on what was found to be the top 30 items in each category, but that would really be pushing my luck.
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 I Run this place.
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:39 pm
tiredgamer wrote: | Nitpick to editor: "CHaracter"? Maybe going for CHARacter? |
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:49 pm
T0FFe3m@n wrote: | Good to see a Wing character in there (Heero Yuy). I liked that series. |
Eh, personally that was my biggest criticism of the list. While I'm not too hot on Wing's cast as a whole, I think Heero's one of the least deserving overall to be anywhere near a Top 10, or even a Top 20. He's nothing. He's absolutely vapid, and makes a dusty brick wall seem lively & dynamic by comparison. He does his little "superhuman robot" act and that's it; there's no legitimate growth or development for his character, and the only thing I could see placing him so high on a list is his looks (but even there, he's one of the uglier Wing boys around...Zechs, Treize, Duo, & Wufei beat him soundly in the "prettiness" category).
tempest wrote: | Fair use for reporting purposes allows me to reproduce a certain portion of an article legally. However I am not allowed to reproduce an entire article, or a significant portion of an article.
I could make the arguement that I wasn't "reproducing the list" but rather reporting on what was found to be the top 30 items in each category, but that would really be pushing my luck. |
Ah, noted. I kinda forgot about that since other news sites tend to post these things in full. Heh, I was thinking it might have been some obscure legal tie to the Ecole du Ciel manga (considering it's mentioned in the list) or something like that.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:15 pm
I'm definitely glad to see Lunamaria and Lacus in the top ten of the most popular females (lunamaria just intrigues me. even though she hasn't had much character development, she's got a very distinct personality. that, and she's just stunning in her uniform as well as in her pilot suit ).
I'm kind of sad to see Dearka didn't make the top ten, though, as he was one of my more personal favorites in Gundam SEED as far as minor characters went. Yzak was cool too, but his arrogance just got on my nerves, where we actually see dynamic character growth and development in Dearka when he decides who and what he will fight for. I guess it's that whole process of questioning the system and then deciding for yourself who you will follow or who you will lead and for what reasons for what cause that causes the most development in the Gundam universe.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2004
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:50 am
Sue me.
Top 30 Male Characters: (with no surprise at #1)
1) Char Aznable - MSG/The Origin
2) Athrun Zala - SEED DESTINY
3) Kira Yamato - SEED DESTINY
4) Amuro Ray - MSG/The Origin
5) Anavel Gato - 0083
6) Kamille Bidan - Zeta Gundam
7) Ramba Ral - MSG/The Origin
8) Heero Yuy - Wing
9) Mu La Flaga - SEED
10) Yzak Joule - SEED DESTINY
11) Shinn Asuka - SEED DESTINY
12) Rey Za Burrel - SEED DESTINY
13) Garrod Ran - Gundam X
14) Judau Ashta - Gundam ZZ
15) Shiro Amada - 08th MS Team
16) Dearka Elthman - SEED DESTINY
17) Rolan Cehak - Turn A
18) Duo Maxwell - Wing
19) Bernard Wiseman - 0080
20) Kai Shiden - MSG
21) Domon Kasshu - G Gundam
22) Uso Evin - V Gundam
23) Norris Packard - 08th MS Team
24) Paptimus Scirocco - Zeta Gundam
25) Lowe Gyule - SEED ASTRAY
26) Kou Uraki - 0083
27) Gilbert Dullindal - SEED DESTINY
28) Shani Andras - SEED
29) Corrin Nander - Turn A
30) Seabook Arno - Gundam F91
Top 30 Female Characters:
1) Lacus Clyne - SEED DESTINY
2) Sayla Mass - MSG/The Origin
3) Cagalli Yula Athha - SEED DESTINY
4) Lunamaria Hawke - SEED DESTINY
5) Stellar Loussier - SEED DESTINY
6) Haman Karn - Zeta Gundam
7) Aina Sahalin - 08th MS Team
8) Emma Sheen - Zeta Gundam
9) Four Murasame - Zeta Gundam
10) Elpeo Ple - Gundam ZZ
11) Christina Mackenzie - 0080
12) Murrue Ramias - SEED DESTINY
13) Miriallia Haw - SEED DESTINY
14) Crowley Hamon - MSG/The Origin
15) Matilda Ajan - MSG/The Origin
16) Tiffa Adill - Gundam X
17) Cima Garahau - 0083
18) Flay Allster - SEED
19) Lalah Sune - MSG
20) Asuna Elmarit - Ecole du Ciel
21) Chan Agi - CCA
22) Fraw Bow - MSG/The Origin
23) Cecily Fairchild - Gundam F91
24) Meyrin Hawke - SEED DESTINY
25) Lila Milla Rira - Zeta Gundam
26) Karen Joshua - 08th MS Team
27) Shakti Kareen - V Gundam
28) Natarle Badgiruel - SEED
29) Sara Zabiarov - Zeta Gundam
30) Kycilia Zabi - MSG/The Origin
Top 30 MS:
1) Freedom Gundam - SEED
2) Zeta Gundam - Zeta Gundam
3) Nu Gundam - CCA
4) Wing Gundam Zero - Wing: Endless Waltz
5) Gundam - MSG/The Origin
6) Justice Gundam - SEED
7) Sazabi - CCA
8) Zaku II - MSG/The Origin
9) Hyaku Shiki - Zeta Gundam
10) Force Impulse Gundam - SEED DESTINY
11) Savior Gundam - SEED DESTINY
12) Dom - MSG/The Origin
13) Zaku Warrior - SEED DESTINY
14) Qubeley - Zeta Gundam
15) Gouf - MSG/The Origin
16) Strike Gundam - SEED
17) Gaia Gundam - SEED DESTINY
18) Gundam Mk-II - Zeta Gundam
19) Kämpfer - 0080
20) Gouf Custom - 08th MS Team
21) Gundam X - Gundam X
22) Zaku Phantom - SEED DESTINY
23) Acguy - MSG/The Origin
24) ZZ Gundam - Gundam ZZ
25) RX-79[G] - 08th MS Team
26) Turn A Gundam - Turn A
27) The O - Zeta Gundam
28) Z'gok - MSG/The Origin
29) Strike Rouge - SEED
30) Providence Gundam - SEED
Breakdown on how each series favored based on the above results:
MSG/The Origin - 16
08th MS Team - 6
0080 - 3
0083 - 3
Zeta - 12
ZZ - 3
CCA - 3
F91 - 2
V - 2
G - 1
Wing - 3
X - 3
Turn A - 3
SEED - 9
SEED DESTINY - 19 (most of these come from SEED though)
Ecole du Ciel - 1
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Joe Mello
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:37 am
The 29 entries from the SEEDs bother me a bit, but I guess it's understandable.
Even though I'm pretty unknowledgeable towards the incarnations, my two disappointments: Lacus at Number 1 (There had to be someone better) and Allenby completely off the list. (Come on, what's not to love about a Sailor Gundam?)
My pleasant surprise: LaFlaga in the Top 10. If only Duo could join him.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:17 pm
What's wrong with lacus? I think she was an excellent character; complex, but not so much that she was just a plot tool.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:12 pm
Its a pretty good list but I think its a little misguided. Not in the polling but because of the fans. SEED is still fresh and high on popularity so I think its natural that a lot of SEED characters would place. But I wonder how many of the SEED characters will stay if the poll was taken again after SEED has died down a bit. I personally can't see someone like Natarle Badjrule on that list in a few years.
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Necros Antiquor
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:28 pm
I agree, the poll should be redone in a year or two, particularly a year when maybe Bandai doesn't release a new Gundam series, in order to get more accurate results. No offense to the SEED characters, but some of them are only there because its on TV right now. If the poll was taken while Wing was still on, all of the main characters would be on the list, most likely.
I was sort of hoping for a bit more of a showing from G Gundam, but I guess I'm in the minority that likes seeing a robot ripping apart other robots with a shiny hand and almost living gundams.
The MS list seems to be in line with my opinions, though I'd place Wing Gundam Zero (from Endless Waltz) a bit higher, simply for the coolness factor. (One of the few saving graces from Wing IMO was the cool MS designs.)
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:09 pm
It's no surprise that SEED and SEED Destiny were going to be on the list near the top. After all, the Japanese, like the rest of the world, are fickle with what they see is the best.
I'm a little happy though, since my main man Domon made the cut. While he is not my favorite man in the Gundam universe, which is still undecided, I'm glad that one of my favorite underrated shows got at least one place on the poll.
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midori kou
Joined: 22 Oct 2004
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:10 pm
I amazed to see so few Gundam Wing characters on the list. Zechs is not even on the list! O_O!!! Has the world gone mad?!?!
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