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The Mike Toole Show - Love Live! The School Idol Column

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Joined: 28 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:51 am Reply with quote
I only watch idol shows if they are also in space. Which means Macross, AKB0048, and I also throw in Symphogear. I guess most idol shows just don't have enough giant robots these days
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Joined: 10 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:07 am Reply with quote
ake a look-- on the left, there's Honoka from 2010. On the right, there's 2015 Honoka. Interesting progression, isn't it?

Not seeing any image for that.

As for the who's your favourite µ's, Kotori hands down, from the moment she spoiler[photobombed in the op in the first season] she's been my favourite, i'm collecting merchandise of each girl but I have double to triple Kotori merchandise.[/spoiler]
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:13 am Reply with quote
Like an idiot, I said to Prairie, “it's kind of odd that there are no men in this film…” She quickly responded “Welcome to watching every movie ever, if you're a woman!” She had me there.

Honestly, this right here is why I got into, and continue to watch Moe anime. For me it fills the gap for shows about girls/women that western movies/TV leaves.

At any rate, Love Live is absolutely all about the franchise. I watched the anime to see what was so exciting and my reaction was "Eh, it was ok." But I heard there was a F2P game, and thought "those don't come out in English very often, better check it out..." and then hearing the songs from the game over and over made me check out the rest of the music, and started discussing the game and show on forums... and that's how I became a Love Live-er. I enjoyed the anime immensely the second time around.

The movie, as Mike said, was... ok. It was disjointed, repetitive, and way too similar to the K-ON! movie. But I would pay to see the movie 100 times just for the scene where Nico gets furious watching Maki get 'hit on' by another girl. It brings out every ounce of obsessive fangirl in me that a franchise hasn't done for a long time.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 11:53 am Reply with quote
One last note about the film: even moreso than the TV series, there are quite literally almost zero men present. Only a handful are visible in the background, only one gets to do anything (Honoka's dad), and there's pretty much no dialogue by men. On the one hand, this is kind of funny and strange; I idly wondered what super-virus had wiped out all men in Love Live!'s world. But on the other hand, it's liberating to the characters, who pass through restaurants and concert halls filled with women. They never talk about men, but instead about their own goals, dreams, and friendships. Like an idiot, I said to Prairie, “it's kind of odd that there are no men in this film…” She quickly responded “Welcome to watching every movie ever, if you're a woman!” She had me there.

If only there's a way to outright dare someone in Hollywood to pull something like that on a blockbuster movie. I want to see the audience reactions when they notice something "peculiar" afterwords.
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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 12:15 pm Reply with quote
It was actually the fandom that really got my attention, though-- specifically, this piece of composite artwork, pasted together by a young man on twitter.

The link for "young man on twitter" just goes to this article again. Also there isn't the image for Honoka from 2010-2015.

Great read, I'd been curious about the fad for a while now. It seemed like overnight these shows just came into being at once.
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Joined: 05 May 2015
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:14 pm Reply with quote
Now that I know Idolmaster is the reason for hiatuses in Berserk, I am suddenly much less ok with the breaks. Goddammit.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:45 pm Reply with quote
I for one love Love Live. I wanted to see the movie but tix got sold out, plus I'm in a hardcore program for college so it wouldn't have happened. Umi is my favorite.

How the hell did I miss that uni-kora of Rin being in a Revolution jersey and that banner? That is awesome! We have another good team this year and hopefully we can finally end the MLS Cup hoodoo
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Joined: 28 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:46 pm Reply with quote
Sahmbahdeh wrote:
Now that I know Idolmaster is the reason for hiatuses in Berserk, I am suddenly much less ok with the breaks. Goddammit.

I feel like there is a major piece of this puzzle missing. What involvement does Miura have with Idolmaster? This is literally the first time I have ever heard of such an involvement before. I would really like to hear a more detailed explanation of what is going on.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:07 pm Reply with quote
I watched the first season of love live when it aired and I found it very cute and infectious. Ultimately it wasn't something I was going to be actively seeking out.

and that was the general impersion I got from pretty much everyone else in the us I thought.

Heck even season 2 I thought was really nice and a lot of fun, and then I heard the game came out and I grabbed it and got addicted to it.

I have to ask though just HOW MUCH has that game caused the love live fandom to grow. because I have come across a lot of people who have just played the game it seems.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:50 pm Reply with quote
bobob101 wrote:
Sahmbahdeh wrote:
Now that I know Idolmaster is the reason for hiatuses in Berserk, I am suddenly much less ok with the breaks. Goddammit.

I feel like there is a major piece of this puzzle missing. What involvement does Miura have with Idolmaster? This is literally the first time I have ever heard of such an involvement before. I would really like to hear a more detailed explanation of what is going on.

He is reportedly a fan of it, and it's thought that he's neglecting Berserk to play the games or whatever.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:52 pm Reply with quote
The 90s would yield old favorites like the idol/magical girl hybrids Fancy Lala and Full Moon o Sagashite. But the first show I recall that really dug into the idea of breaking into performing as the story is something called Chance Pop Session. Rather than presenting performing as something surreal and almost magical, this series (which included none other than ADV Films, spending some of their Evangelion money, on the production committee) dished out a story about young girls trying to make it as pop idols.
Full Moon was 2002 (a year after Chance Pop Session), not the 90s, but anyway... Perhaps the oddest thing about CPS was the DVD-singles' printed inserts containing tips on how to be a pop star, including tips on exercising, fashion, shopping, makeup, skin care, and managing fame and failure in the entertainment world. Was ADV truly aiming for the tween girl market with that show?

I idly wondered what super-virus had wiped out all men in Love Live!'s world. But on the other hand, it's liberating to the characters, who pass through restaurants and concert halls filled with women. They never talk about men, but instead about their own goals, dreams, and friendships. Like an idiot, I said to Prairie, “it's kind of odd that there are no men in this film…” She quickly responded “Welcome to watching every movie ever, if you're a woman!” She had me there.
Funny that the anime medium, so often accused of being sexist/misogynist and pandering to virgin manchildren, passes the feminist Bechdel Test with flying colors so easily and so frequently. See also: K-On!, Lucky Star, Kanamemo, Madoka Magica, Hidamari Sketch, Is the Order A Rabbit?, Yuru Yuri, Aria, Azumanga Daioh, and many many others. Even many harem anime do, especially if there's some kind of action/supernatural storyline providing the impetus or the excuse for the harem setup.

While the absence of males (other than a from-behind shot of Honoka's father and Nico's younger brother) didn't hurt Love Live! as a piece of entertainment, it does make it lacking in "reality cred" compared to other idol shows like AKB0048, iM@s, or Wake up Girls!. They at least acknowledge, "Hey, these cute teenage schoolgirls in fancy/skimpy outfits dancing and filling the world with silly love songs are going to attract some attention, good or bad, from heterosexual males."
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Joined: 06 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:22 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
Funny that the anime medium, so often accused of being sexist/misogynist and pandering to virgin manchildren, passes the feminist Bechdel Test with flying colors so easily and so frequently. See also: K-On!, Lucky Star, Kanamemo, Madoka Magica, Hidamari Sketch, Is the Order A Rabbit?, Yuru Yuri, Aria, Azumanga Daioh, and many many others.

All of those shows are intentionally trying to attract men by having lots of cute girls. (Madoka gets rather dark, of course, but its most immediate selling point is still the cute girls, much like School-Live.) That definitely seems like pandering to me.

On the other hand, American media that does that type of "pandering" is practically nonexistent. I'm struggling to even think of something primarily for guys with a girl protagonist (Legend of Korra, maybe?) and shows/movies with mostly female characters are always "chick flicks" and usually have very negative reputations. The standard formula is still "bunch of dudes that do almost everything, one or two women who are secondary characters at best." The new Ghostbusters has an all-female crew, which is apparently sacrilegious.

It's gradually changing, but Americans still generally believe that men can't understand women ("What do women want?!? They're so crazy and emotional!"), and often that women can't understand men. Way too many people won't even try to relate to a character of the opposite sex. Japan is probably a more sexist society on the whole, but they don't have this "men are from mars and women are from venus" problem, so maybe they can teach us a thing or two...
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Joined: 28 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Mike Toole wrote:
Alright, I'm being unjustifiably mean to Nico.

Yes, because Nico is best. Mad

I will say that I understand why people see the movie as middling, but at the same time, I honestly enjoyed it a lot despite those criticisms.
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Joined: 15 Feb 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:24 pm Reply with quote
So yeah, I got swept up by the never ending love live party because of the fandom more so than the TV show itself. Still, I was a little caught off guard by the massive line at the movie theater an hour before Love Live started. I mean, I thought for sure it wouldn't be as crowded as the eva screening but I was wrong.

Kotori is the best girl duh (although Honoka is runner-up).
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Joined: 19 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:52 pm Reply with quote
Maki best girl.

Looking forward to the movie. Couldn't go see it in theatres because they unfortunately didn't screen it in Canada.

Game is fun though. Long live Love Live!
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