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Joined: 12 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:09 am Reply with quote
Omigosh, I *LOVE* the animated Titanic movies! They're so WONDERFULLY TERRIBLE! Especially Tentacolino! That movie is just so INSANE!
As far as bad games go, I honestly think that Dirge of Cerberus was somewhat underrated.
Okay, okay, don't crucify me just yet! I am NOT gonna call it an underrated masterpiece. However, I don't think it's quite as bad as people say. It has numerous flaws, most notably the awkward controls, but it's still playable. I've played through it twice, actually. My second playthrough (which was relatively recently) really showed me its flaws, but I still enjoy it. It's not too good, but it's not the unholy, disatrous blight on FFVII's name that everyone says it is. And besides, FFVII wasn't the best in the series.
I said it.
And while I'm at it, FFX SUUUUUUUCKED.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:16 am Reply with quote
Hoshi wo Miru Hito looks close to the style of the old Ragnarok (Valhalla) DOS game.

I still think Ragnarok, even as old as it is, is still one of the best PC games ever made. Mainly for the sheer amount of stuff you could do in the game, and have done to you.
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Joined: 25 May 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:25 am Reply with quote
yay! more Tales! had read about it from another site already but this is my first glance at a picture of the new lead. that costume though... oh gosh... Confused i'm... uh... sure it must be like that to... uh... allow for ease of mobility in combat, right? Rolling Eyes

Animal Soccer World *shudder* i don't know how something like that can even exist in this world. it's just so... (since i can't use forum friendly words to describe it, best not to describe it at all Wink)
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John Thacker

Joined: 28 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:38 am Reply with quote
XSeed discussed why they're skipping a Trails series here, and it's pretty much exactly what you said. The PSP is dead (and would be very dead by the time the games came out), and the Vita isn't quite dead yet. They do note that PC ports exist of both of the skipped games, so they can go back and do PC versions.

Also of note is the comment from Falcom that the series are designed to be played in any order, partially because they noticed that with the Trails games becoming popular, new fans would often start with the latest games but then go back and pick up the earlier series. They designed it to work okay with that.
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Joined: 04 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:45 am Reply with quote
Don't worry Todd, I always read your alt text Cool

My wife and I were a bit confused over the Berseria announcement, whether it meant a lone female protagonist in the sense of "it was both in Xillia, now it's only female" or in the sense of "this game will be one-player with a protagonist that happens to be female". We're assuming it's the former, as co-op multiplayer seems to be one of the Tales series' biggest draws and it would be questionable to do away with it. Regardless, we're hoping she will be more of an actual protagonist than Milla was in Xillia.

John Thacker wrote:
XSeed discussed why they're skipping a Trails series here, and it's pretty much exactly what you said. The PSP is dead (and would be very dead by the time the games came out), and the Vita isn't quite dead yet. They do note that PC ports exist of both of the skipped games, so they can go back and do PC versions.

Also of note is the comment from Falcom that the series are designed to be played in any order, partially because they noticed that with the Trails games becoming popular, new fans would often start with the latest games but then go back and pick up the earlier series. They designed it to work okay with that.

Interesting, thanks for that link. That's kinda what I suspected, though I hear that you get to play as the Zero/Ao protag briefly in Sen II so that'll be...interesting for people? Hopefully they will get around to bringing over the PC versions eventually. Definitely glad to hear that Sen no Kiseki is official though, can't be sad about more Legend of Heroes. (Except perhaps for the poor people on XSEED's localization team, you all have my condolences and thanks for your backbreaking work.)
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:58 am Reply with quote
I need to pick up Hyrule Warriors on the 3DS, it came out of left field but I'm glad it got announced as I want to play it but I don't want to invest in a console with no third party support.

I hope more Tales of Berseria information will be unveiled at TGS, I want to know more about it.

Also, Stella Glow is quite fun with excellent music and good characters, it didn't sell well in Japan though at a little over 13k but just about everything this week didn't sell except for that awful Splatoon. Get off the phones Japan and go back to consoles and handhelds, the games often aren't quality and if not a port of a game released on consoles, a money pit.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:10 am Reply with quote
PetitePuff wrote:
yay! more Tales! had read about it from another site already but this is my first glance at a picture of the new lead. that costume though... oh gosh... :? i'm... uh... sure it must be like that to... uh... allow for ease of mobility in combat, right? :roll:

I was against the outfit, too, but apparently better pictures have shown up that show that the red is on the side, and the middle is a white that's just blending in with her flesh tone on the far pictures.

redcar wrote:
My wife and I were a bit confused over the Berseria announcement, whether it meant a lone female protagonist in the sense of "it was both in Xillia, now it's only female" or in the sense of "this game will be one-player with a protagonist that happens to be female". We're assuming it's the former, as co-op multiplayer seems to be one of the Tales series' biggest draws and it would be questionable to do away with it. Regardless, we're hoping she will be more of an actual protagonist than Milla was in Xillia.

Xillia is really the only game with dual protagonists. In all of the others, you have the main hero, and the rest of the team (generally which includes a main heroine, but the story still "follows" the main hero). ((And, even in Xillia, you're forced to use Jude for a portion of Milla's story while she's unavailable, the reverse of which is not true in Jude's story.))

What everyone I've seen has taken the "solo female protagonist" to mean, is that Velvet is the Cless, Stahn, Reid, Kyle, Lloyd, Veigue, Senel, Luke, Luca, Yuri, Kor, Asbel, Ludgar, Sorey of the game. She won't be your only character, and multiplayer will still be available, but it won't be like Xillia where you picked between Jude or Milla, it'll just be her as your POV character.
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Joined: 27 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:17 am Reply with quote
My college dorm had a Bloodstorm machine in the lounge - that was around 1996-97. That really was a terrible game, and it's funny to think it came from the same company that produced the Golden Tee Golf series. I only played it 3 or 4 times, though. I was much more into the Twilight Zone pinball machine that was right next to it.

As far as my favorite good-bad games go, the first ones I think of are Peter Packrat for the arcade (I'm one of the few who was "lucky" enough to ever run across that game in the arcade - it didn't last long), and Friday the 13th for the NES.
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Joined: 04 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:24 am Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:
What everyone I've seen has taken the "solo female protagonist" to mean, is that Velvet is the Cless, Stahn, Reid, Kyle, Lloyd, Veigue, Senel, Luke, Luca, Yuri, Kor, Asbel, Ludgar, Sorey of the game. She won't be your only character, and multiplayer will still be available, but it won't be like Xillia where you picked between Jude or Milla, it'll just be her as your POV character.

Indeed, this is what we're hoping for. We just don't want it to be like Legendia, where you're locked into single-player. My wife, her brother and I have played Tales games together for years and we value the ability to continue doing so.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:55 am Reply with quote
Some of the storylines in Castlevania Judgement are actually pretty good, especially for a fighting game. There's plenty of "I want to know which of us is stronger!" schlock but Grant's storyline is an interestingly reflective tale of disappointment and Golem's storyline is quite touching for what looks like a lazy character created to fulfill the "big, slow, and strong" fighting game stereotype that existing Castlevania characters couldn't provide.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:22 pm Reply with quote
redcar wrote:
Indeed, this is what we're hoping for. We just don't want it to be like Legendia, where you're locked into single-player. My wife, her brother and I have played Tales games together for years and we value the ability to continue doing so.

Wait, Legendia is single-player? No wonder I was bored to death in the hour I played. My roommate and I always play co-op.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:48 pm Reply with quote
redcar wrote:

My wife and I were a bit confused over the Berseria announcement, whether it meant a lone female protagonist in the sense of "it was both in Xillia, now it's only female" or in the sense of "this game will be one-player with a protagonist that happens to be female". We're assuming it's the former, as co-op multiplayer seems to be one of the Tales series' biggest draws and it would be questionable to do away with it. Regardless, we're hoping she will be more of an actual protagonist than Milla was in Xillia.

Some think that Tales of Berseria will be a Lightning Returns deal, but I doubt that. I expect Bandai Namco to announce the Spunky Kid, the Betrayer, the Sidelined Love Interest, and other Tales staples later, and we'll be able to control them in battles.They wouldn't mess with the formula by making a major Tales game single-player.

They'll save that for the sequel.

WingKing wrote:
My college dorm had a Bloodstorm machine in the lounge - that was around 1996-97. That really was a terrible game, and it's funny to think it came from the same company that produced the Golden Tee Golf series. I only played it 3 or 4 times, though. I was much more into the Twilight Zone pinball machine that was right next to it.

I seriously thought about going to Ohio State just because a nearby Subway had a BloodStorm cabinet. Would've made for a great application essay.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:21 pm Reply with quote
Can't wait for Trails of Cold Steel.

Dessa wrote:
What everyone I've seen has taken the "solo female protagonist" to mean, is that Velvet is the Cless, Stahn, Reid, Kyle, Lloyd, Veigue, Senel, Luke, Luca, Yuri, Kor, Asbel, Ludgar, Sorey of the game. She won't be your only character, and multiplayer will still be available, but it won't be like Xillia where you picked between Jude or Milla, it'll just be her as your POV character.

That's definitely what I expect (and hope) too.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:21 pm Reply with quote
Valkyrie Profile:

That's something, right?

Nah Todd, I'm afraid not. Square Enix is only doing this because they can, not because someone at the company fondly remembers or cares for Valkyrie Profile. They're just using their copyrighted assets, much like Sega and Capcom does with their dead franchises' characters. You stick in cameos simply because you can. That's really all there is to it. The only case I've seen enough love for VP to appear in something else and do it with some considerable respect is the Lord of Vermilion arcade games (and it's funny I name this example because it's all done with scanned cards).

Tales of Berseria: I love how so many people on other sites (mostly the clowns and freaks on GameFAQs) have been drawing conclusions about a game that just barely started development (or constantly complaining that they need to spend more time programming Tales games better). They think it'll be more interesting because we're going to have a solid leading lady. Inquiry: how would you even assume that when we barely know anything about her at this point? All we know so far is that she's a pirate and she's voiced by Rina Satou. How people get anything out of such minuscule details I'll never know, but I can probably credit it to fans simply trying too hard.

XSEED: It's going to be a really big disjoint skipping over Blue and Zero just to release both Cold Steel titles in the U.S. because of the fact the PS3 is "falling out of favor" (not this crap again; I iterate not everyone wants a PS4 right now). I'm more than happy we're getting further entries in the Trails series, but because of how this has been handled, it's making the game releases weird. Seriously, I wish North America had invested in Trails earlier when it was being released. The text has always been the major hurdle, true, but I don't think that should stop anyone.

Mega Man Legacy Collection: The response I've seen to this announcement so far has largely been, "This isn't what we asked for, Capcom!" Ah well, CHAMBA's artwork is getting some good publicity out of it at least. As I said with Valkyrie Profile being in Bravely Archive, Capcom is only doing this because they can, not because they give two flips about Mega Man. This is clearly just banking on nostalgia...again.
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John Thacker

Joined: 28 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:13 pm Reply with quote
toddc wrote:

Some think that Tales of Berseria will be a Lightning Returns deal, but I doubt that. I expect Bandai Namco to announce the Spunky Kid, the Betrayer, the Sidelined Love Interest, and other Tales staples later, and we'll be able to control them in battles.They wouldn't mess with the formula by making a major Tales game single-player.

Tales is an RPG series with a very gender balanced fanbase, so I'd expect that. The only major Tales games that are single-player are the handheld ones, such as Hearts.
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