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Haiseikoh 1973

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 10:33 pm Reply with quote
*waiting for the first complaints about the Initial D Boxset to surface.*
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:16 pm Reply with quote
what's there to complain about... no one's gonna buy it. Rolling Eyes

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Joined: 01 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 6:47 pm Reply with quote
jerowen wrote:
what's there to complain about... no one's gonna buy it. Rolling Eyes

I might. I've been meaning to give Initial D a chance (listening to the Japanese audio, mind you). Although, the concept doesn't really strike me as good. Racing...Bleh. I'm from Indy and I don't even watch the Indy 500...
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Joined: 22 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:30 am Reply with quote
UberTai wrote:

I might. I've been meaning to give Initial D a chance (listening to the Japanese audio, mind you). Although, the concept doesn't really strike me as good. Racing...Bleh. I'm from Indy and I don't even watch the Indy 500...

it's a great series, i enjoied it a lot... fansubbed... by [snip!]... back when it first came out... and i still follow it now that 4th stage is comming out, but i refuse to support tokyopop's current release of it.

...similar to the reasons why i never have bought nadesico... thank god are fianlly re-releasing it so i can!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 1:52 pm Reply with quote
jerowen wrote:
it's a great series, i enjoied it a lot... fansubbed... by [snip!]... back when it first came out... and i still follow it now that 4th stage is comming out, but i refuse to support tokyopop's current release of it.

That's pretty foolish. You watched it on fansub, so apparently you have no problem reading subs. And the last time I checked, the sub track for Tokyopop's Initial D release was fine and unedited. If you like a series, you should support a domestic release of it.

Last edited by ANN_Bamboo on Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 10:38 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
That's pretty foolish. You watched it on fansub, so apparently you have no problem reading subs. And the last time I checked, the sub track for Tokyopop's Initial D release was fine and unedited. If you like a series, you should support a domestic release of it.

Far be-it for me to support the idea of someone relying on fansubs and not buying a show he likes, but to be fair:

[hypothetical situation]Jerowen could be a person that prefers dubs, but tolerates subs. Although (s)he tolerates subs, (s)he might not be willing to pay money to watch subtitles.[/hypothetical situation]

Obviously not approve of TP's dub of Initial D, a sentiment I'm sure you can understand since you weren't very impressed with it yourself when you reviewed it.

That leaves Jerowen with several options.
1) Continue watching free fansubs of the show, even though its licensed.
2) Pay to watch professional subs.
3) Stop watching.

If the hypothetical situation is true, then it isn't hard to understand why someone would chose option #1.

Of course... perhaps Jerowen's preference is for subs, in which case you're conclusion is entirely accurate.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:00 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
jerowen wrote:
it's a great series, i enjoied it a lot... fansubbed... by anime central... back when it first came out... and i still follow it now that 4th stage is comming out, but i refuse to support tokyopop's current release of it.

That's pretty foolish. You watched it on fansub, so apparently you have no problem reading subs. And the last time I checked, the sub track for Tokyopop's Initial D release was fine and unedited. If you like a series, you should support a domestic release of it.

Well, there are a few issues that are downplayed in TP's release of it. I often wonder why, as a company, they play with subs so much. They frequently do some odd translation works (a'la Marmalade Boy) or they diminish the importance (the sugardaddy from Initial D). Personally, I'd like to see them go back and remaster both and give us what has been accepted as a standard by the fans, but it's probably not going to be cost effective, so I don't think it will happen. I'm not the only one who has issues with their sub translations, but I can live with them. Although I dislike 3 ep. DVD releases as a rule, (short series being the exception) a box set is something I can live with. Personally, I'd recommend the release.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:02 am Reply with quote
Godaistudios wrote:
Well, there are a few issues that are downplayed in TP's release of it. I often wonder why, as a company, they play with subs so much.

Here, here, Godai. I think they should redo the subs for GTO as well. The translation seems pretty good, but the text size and all of that made it difficult to read at times. I believe they actually changed them within the DVDs themselves at one point, but both versions weren't that great in my opinion Razz.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:24 am Reply with quote
jerowen wrote:
UberTai wrote:

I might. I've been meaning to give Initial D a chance (listening to the Japanese audio, mind you). Although, the concept doesn't really strike me as good. Racing...Bleh. I'm from Indy and I don't even watch the Indy 500...

it's a great series, i enjoied it a lot... fansubbed... by [snip!]... back when it first came out... and i still follow it now that 4th stage is comming out, but i refuse to support tokyopop's current release of it.

...similar to the reasons why i never have bought nadesico... thank god are fianlly re-releasing it so i can!


I think because you already saw the fansub, than buying the series isn't so important to you. I mean if you didn't see the fansub and the anime's concept really appeal to you plus the fact that it got good buzz, than you might at least buy/rent the first dvd to give it a try. The fact that you got to see it for free and still watching the fourth stage without paying a lick..maybe you can at least rent the first dvd and give it a try.

UberTai wrote:
jerowen wrote:
what's there to complain about... no one's gonna buy it. Rolling Eyes

I might. I've been meaning to give Initial D a chance (listening to the Japanese audio, mind you). Although, the concept doesn't really strike me as good. Racing...Bleh. I'm from Indy and I don't even watch the Indy 500...

Street racing is different. Racing downhill on the moutain and drifting's more of a rush especially if you done it yourself in real life. Plus I think Initial D's story isn't that bad. I always like street racing and reading initial D made me love it even more. People always whine about little stuff especially the purist who just need an excuse to not buy the dvd, but just enjoy the damn thing for the story/charcter and entertainment value.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:06 pm Reply with quote
Godaistudios wrote:

Well, there are a few issues that are downplayed in TP's release of it. I often wonder why, as a company, they play with subs so much. They frequently do some odd translation works (a'la Marmalade Boy) or they diminish the importance (the sugardaddy from Initial D

I hadn't heard about issues with Marmalade Boy's translation. Could you point me to a review that describes this?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:26 pm Reply with quote
michelle wrote:
Godaistudios wrote:

Well, there are a few issues that are downplayed in TP's release of it. I often wonder why, as a company, they play with subs so much. They frequently do some odd translation works (a'la Marmalade Boy) or they diminish the importance (the sugardaddy from Initial D

I hadn't heard about issues with Marmalade Boy's translation. Could you point me to a review that describes this?

Certainly... http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/2719.php


The subtitle script itself turns out to be an issue at times as well. I believe it's fairly close to the Tomodachi scripts used for the fansub releases done many years ago, but there are things that just shouldn't be done for "professional" scripts. Too many phrases and words were kept in their original Japanese and not properly translated when there are many proper translations for it. Yorishiku is not something I need in Japanese; it's something that needs to be translated. Itte Kimasu? C'mon, while there are varying translations and meanings for it based on situation, it's a phrase used in so many shows and translated properly that it stands out poorly here. Phrases like these should not have been kept in the Japanese form. It's perfectly acceptable in fansubs, especially since they tend to put a translation in immediate parenthesis, but it is completely unacceptable in a $100 professionally released box set ? even if it is aimed at hardcore collectors. These phrases are standard dialogue phrases. Things like Tencho for store manager and what not are fine if given a translation on the spot, but Yorishiku? No.

Fair enough? I see fansubbers leave Japanese in subs... but professional companies? Give me a break.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Oh no, initial D is highly edited in America in what i've heard.
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Joined: 22 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 10:57 am Reply with quote
It's funny. TokyoPop heavily edited that made the anime community rage. They did it so Intial D could be broadcast on television, but I have yet to read a network picking it up. Maybe it will join the Speed channel's Speed Racer at 6:00 AM.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:10 pm Reply with quote
I might. I've been meaning to give Initial D a chance (listening to the Japanese audio, mind you). Although, the concept doesn't really strike me as good. Racing...Bleh. I'm from Indy and I don't even watch the Indy 500...

The problem isn't the show. It's the way the show has been treated in america. Such as bad coding on the disc, only three episodes per disc, an insulting dub, name changes or what not. I owned the entire series before it was brought out here and I loved it. So the problem is just with the American version.
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