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NEWS: Details on DC's Manga Imprint

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Joined: 15 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:12 pm Reply with quote
Well as I said before I'd give DC a chance, and it looks like they have a nice line up on the way. Especially looking forward to Madara and Tenjou Tenge which I've sampled from scanalations and will definitely buy.

It's nice to see they have some other lesser known artist work being released too. I believe there's gonna be one hell of a scrap for sales once both DC and Marvel join the manga show. They now know manga can reach the female market they have been trying to lure for many years, don't know why it took them so long to realise the potential of manga.

Think I'll check out all of these titles, hand my money over and a pat on the back to DC. Well done DC, you have a new fan.

Put your minds at ease sceptical manga fans. Your turn to deliver Marvel.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 9:57 pm Reply with quote
Onizuka666 wrote:

It's nice to see they have some other lesser known artist work being released too. I believe there's gonna be one hell of a scrap for sales once both DC and Marvel join the manga show. They now know manga can reach the female market they have been trying to lure for many years, don't know why it took them so long to realise the potential of manga.

I think the problem is that DC Comics and Marvel rated manga and anime artform as a second rate artstyle and show even some prejudice against manga and anime artform because they are foreign. Only when the anime and manga market boomed in recently years, did they realize that there money to be made here.

DC Comics is the 800 lb ape that is going to dominates this market is the future.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:31 pm Reply with quote
Can you back this up? I mean seriously, where is this coming from. The reason why Marvel and DC have been turning a blind eye to manga all these years isn't because they shun it, but becuase it isn't they're job to care. They're in the business of making comics, not importing them. If they thought manga was so bad they'd be leaving the artists in Japan. If they're willing to contract big names out of Japan then they must have a fairly high level of respect for their craft.

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Joined: 01 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:36 pm Reply with quote
tekkaman wrote:
I think the problem is that DC Comics and Marvel rated manga and anime artform as a second rate artstyle and show even some prejudice against manga and anime artform because they are foreign. Only when the anime and manga market boomed in recently years, did they realize that there money to be made here.

And that surprises you? DC is a company, and it's there to make money. If it can make profits from manga, so much the better- for us. But DC comics are also distributing the Humanoids line from Europe, the entire line of 2000AD (including Judge Dredd) from Britain. They've also employed writers and artists from Europe and South America, some who have become household names, such as Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman, Dave Gibbons and Brian Bolland. Sure, it may be a profit making company, but it's also seeing that the future of comics in America is one of multi-culturalism. And for that they should be praised.

Widya Santoso
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Joined: 07 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:33 am Reply with quote
I used to be a big Batman fan that spent roughly $40 to $60 on various Batman related comics and graphic novels per week along with few manga and anime. The comic shop, Comics and Fantasy, that I went to for nearly ten years closed in 2000 and forced me to go to bookstore, Barnes and Noble, to get what DC comics I can find. I did this for two months until I found another shop that was with in 10 miles of where I live. So I drove every week 10 miles to the new comic shop, C&M Comics, until they too closed in March 2004. I talked to some other collectors, they were bitching how DC and Marvel have abandon them. Plus my own bad experience with Batman Beyond RTOJ editing (I bought three versions of it. first released edited version, the bootleg VHS version, and Uncut release in 2002, which cost me about $60 total and adpotation of Batman: Child of Dreams (bad Americanized version - $20 and the original Japanese version, which is publish in a monthly anthology - $80.00). After that I decided to dump DC Comics and focus on manga and anime only, which I find it to be a lot better than the spandex and underware lines offered by DC. and now they are joining manga line really ticks me off and at the same time I am trying to be opened minded about this.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:36 am Reply with quote
I used to be a big Batman fan that spent roughly $40 to $60 on various Batman related comics and graphic novels per week along with few manga and anime. The comic shop, Comics and Fantasy, that I went to for nearly ten years closed in 2000 and forced me to go to bookstore, Barnes and Noble, to get what DC comics I can find. I did this for two months until I found another shop that was with in 10 miles of where I live. So I drove every week 10 miles to the new comic shop, C&M Comics, until they too closed in March 2004. I talked to some other collectors, they were bitching how DC and Marvel have abandon them. Plus my own bad experience with Batman Beyond RTOJ editing (I bought three versions of it. first released edited version, the bootleg VHS version, and Uncut release in 2002, which cost me about $60 total and adpotation of Batman: Child of Dreams (bad Americanized version - $20 and the original Japanese version, which is publish in a monthly anthology - $80.00). After that I decided to dump DC Comics and focus on manga and anime only, which I find it to be a lot better than the spandex and underware lines offered by DC. and now they are joining manga line really ticks me off and at the same time I am trying to be opened minded about this.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:11 am Reply with quote
Well, damn. No more Tenjou tenge and Gals for me. Lucky Americans. (Though if it won't be too expensive, I might import the "past arc" of Tenjou tenge...)
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:42 am Reply with quote
tekkaman wrote:
The comic shop, Comics and Fantasy, that I went to for nearly ten years closed in 2000 and forced me to go to bookstore, Barnes and Noble, to get what DC comics I can find. I did this for two months until I found another shop that was with in 10 miles of where I live. So I drove every week 10 miles to the new comic shop, C&M Comics, until they too closed in March 2004. I talked to some other collectors, they were bitching how DC and Marvel have abandon them.

Please, don't tell me that you're saying DC and Marvel "abandoned" you because youre local comic shops closed and you couldn't find anywhere to buy their stuff. That's how it comes acrossed, if anything it sounds like you abandoned them by not trying hard enough.

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Joined: 15 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:30 pm Reply with quote
I once worked in a comic shop so I know about the problems DC and Marvel have been though in the 90s. I truly believe their lack of sales was due to lack of variety in their stories. Everything was superheroes and hidden powers etc, rehashed and refried and fans were bored. One the flipside of that Dark Horse have been cleaning up with several manga for many years now.

Other folk like CPM, Image, Dreamwave Productions have used manga well hiring artists like Adam Warren to do Gen 13 stories and DWP doing their own manga like Darkminds and Warlands etc, then later moving onto other cool game inspired manga like Maximo Megaman and Devil May Cry.

Marvel and DC made the mistake of thinking manga was just a fad that would pass, now they are really hurting and so have to work with it and not against it. So anyone working with Kia Asamiya, Yoshitaka Amano and now Clamp is good. What they need next is their own manga line like Dark Horse and DC. When this happens they will then get more of my money.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:22 pm Reply with quote
But isn't lack of variety the fault of the store? The comic store I go to has enough of a selection that I often forget how much superheroes dominate the American comics industry, and it's a lot bigger and moves more product than the one with Jean Grey at an angle in its window.

And since when does Marvel have a good business strategy?
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