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NEWS: 2014 Godzilla Film's 'Extended Look' Video Shows More New Footage

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Joined: 09 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:06 pm Reply with quote
Damn ...
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Joined: 25 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 7:52 pm Reply with quote
Is that a good damn or...

I'm definitely watching this! Not sure whether it'll be could or not- I hope so! I looks pretty promising! But it also looks like it could go either way.
Whatever the case, I'm actually kinda happy to see something from Godzilla again. (And not some half assed crap that's Godzilla-esque.)
I grew up watching (having to watch) a bunch of Godzilla stuff (thanks to my brother whom was totally into it as a kid, had the movies, the toys... me not so much) but whether I was forced to watch it or not, I definitely have a certain respect for it in a strange way...
Brings back a lot of nostalgia~
Now I'm REALLY wishing this turns out to be awesome!
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:29 pm Reply with quote
You know, having hundreds of people die in a tsunami made by a giant monster in a remake of a Japanese film that didn't have a giant killer wave may have some unfortunate associations.

Yes, it's a natural phenomenon and it would happen when such a large creature rose out of the sea with velocity but putting in a trailer as a selling point...

Well, at least it proves it's a serious remake this time. Maybe we won't even have the "guy almost gets squashed by giant monster foot" bit.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:02 pm Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:
You know, having hundreds of people die in a tsunami made by a giant monster in a remake of a Japanese film that didn't have a giant killer wave may have some unfortunate associations.

Yes, it's a natural phenomenon and it would happen when such a large creature rose out of the sea with velocity but putting in a trailer as a selling point...

I understand what you mean, but I disagree. I don't really know how it could come up as negative, even with the issue of the tsunami that took place.

However, I'll definitely wait to see if any news like that does come out.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:08 pm Reply with quote
Did anyone else see spoiler[what looked like another monster in the new trailer? I paused it, but I can't tell if it's one of the existing monsters in the Godzilla franchise or if it's something else.]
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Joined: 25 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:40 pm Reply with quote
Or I'm just assuming it was... I mean, it wouldn't be a true Godzilla movie if he wasn't battling it out with another guy, right?
Tried looking at it to see if I could tell who/what it was but... I'm at a total loss.
Probably not 'MechGodzilla' Laughing , tried looking it up but... no dice Confused .
I know it'd be far too campy but dammit, we need some Mothra up in this thing Anime smile !
Anyways, most likely it's just a totally new/made-up/something not from the franchise.
No clue what, but I think the only thing we're gonna see in this film that's from Godzilla is... Godzilla.
(Though, I wonder if we'll actually hear his being named as such, or will they just kinda shadow it like they do The Hulk and others in the Marvel films and other superhero movies... since that seems to be the best way to not make it sound too lame...)
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Joined: 23 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:44 am Reply with quote
Huh, they're trying to make this a serious movie? Confused This director doesn't seem to understand Godzilla very much if that's what they're going for.. but I guess expecting anything else out of Hollywood is a pipedream.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:14 am Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:
You know, having hundreds of people die in a tsunami made by a giant monster in a remake of a Japanese film that didn't have a giant killer wave may have some unfortunate associations.

Yes, it's a natural phenomenon and it would happen when such a large creature rose out of the sea with velocity but putting in a trailer as a selling point...

Well, at least it proves it's a serious remake this time. Maybe we won't even have the "guy almost gets squashed by giant monster foot" bit.

The first 1954 Japanese film featured a story about the dangers of the H-bomb testing in the pacific and how mankind had to pay the price for that. Such scenes of devastation and a trampled city from a beast representing the power of the atomic bomb came only a decade after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Much to say, many viewers at the time felt the impact a little close to home (and was in part of the success of the film).

Since then, every now and then a Godzilla movie would have an underlying moral that spoke about whatever current problems and social-commentaries the creators felt the need to address.

I'm sure the director wanted to bring Godzilla back to his roots and create a movie that's both popcorn entertainment but also more-importantly a tragic and relatable story. Whether intentional or not, the potential repercussions of featuring both a tsunami impact and the destruction of nuclear plant in the movie isn't too far removed from the imagery seen in the original 1954 film.

Lavnovice9 wrote:
Huh, they're trying to make this a serious movie? Confused This director doesn't seem to understand Godzilla very much if that's what they're going for.. but I guess expecting anything else out of Hollywood is a pipedream.

I disagree. While many of the 60's and 70's (well, the majority of) Godzilla films were fun, cheesy movies intended for Japanese children, the original movie's tone wasn't going for that exactly and was meant to be taken a bit more seriously.

I think this current Hollywood trend of making every adaptation into a "gritty, realistic, Christopher Nolan-esque" version actually works in favor for this Godzilla wanting going back to it's roots. As we clearly saw how the "mindless entertainment" side of a Hollywood Godzilla turned out back in '98 :/
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Mister Ryan Andrews

Joined: 28 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:32 pm Reply with quote
xXInfinite026Xx wrote:
I think this current Hollywood trend of making every adaptation into a "gritty, realistic, Christopher Nolan-esque" version actually works in favor for this Godzilla wanting going back to it's roots. As we clearly saw how the "mindless entertainment" side of a Hollywood Godzilla turned out back in '98 :/

Despite the original being about atom bomb testing it's still a children's franchise. And what would the message be in this film? Nuclear war? That message would come off pretty quaint in the year 2014. But I think they'll just treat it like a typical disaster movie, not have any kind of message to it.

This is the first time I watched anything related to this movie, but I agree it's too serious. I guess it's safe to say Godzilla will be CG and not a rubber suit? I dunno, that just seems.. wrong. After this and Pacific Rim I think it's clear Hollywood doesn't really get Japanese media. Too serious, too much CG.. I think that old 80s cartoon with Godzooky in it was more accurate to the source material.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:46 pm Reply with quote
Mister Ryan Andrews wrote:

After this and Pacific Rim I think it's clear Hollywood doesn't really get Japanese media.

Pacific Rim sold over 112k Blu-rays in Japan. I think Japanese get Pacific Rim.
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Mister Ryan Andrews

Joined: 28 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:20 pm Reply with quote
...and? You're not comparing Hollywood sales to anime sales are you?

Not that it matters at all. It'd be a false correlation to say even if it grossed 100 million at the box office there that it means 'it's a good take on mecha' it would just mean Japan ate up a Hollywood action flick. No different than how all those awful live action adaptions like Looney Tunes Back in Action and The Chipmunks Movie are no doubt more popular than the cartoons they're based on here. Pacific Rim was still a poor take on Japanese mecha anime and people who actually expected it to do well at the box office there were misguided
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Joined: 24 Mar 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:51 pm Reply with quote
When they made Godzilla "fun", people would complain, "Sh*t man, Godzilla is natural force given form! How the hell could it be fun?!"
When they made it "too serious"... "They don't understand Godzilla. It's supposed to be for kids!"

Geez, people just like to complain Sad

On the side note, watching Pacific Rim brought back my childhood memories. That time when you first saw mecha anime, thinking, "Whoa, this stuff is cool." Admit it, man. It is. Wink

Japanese din't quite enjoy PR? Hell. I did. That's the most important thing.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:42 pm Reply with quote
Mister Ryan Andrews wrote:

...and? You're not comparing Hollywood sales to anime sales are you?

Who's talking about just anime? I thought we're talking about Godzilla and Japanese media.

But doesn't matter. In 2013, only three Blu-rays sold more than 100k in Japan (Eva 3.33, Avengers, Monsters University). By whichever standards, the Japanese get Pacific Rim. And no, the Japanese just didn't eat up a Hollywood flick - Pacific Rim only did mediocre in Japanese box office. But they bought the more expensive Blu-rays - it's the very definition of a cult hit. Of course we can have our own opinions, though you nor I can't speak for their collective whether they think it's a good take on mecha or not, but I'd hedge my bet seeing those top-notch Blu-ray numbers that they think it is.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:52 pm Reply with quote
Mister Ryan Andrews(and Lavnovice9) is just against this Godzilla and Pacific Rim because they are western. Look at his post history and general mindset and you will see that.

His argument here is pretty laughable. Godzilla is not completely a kids series. It's origins lie in a movie that is fairly serious and is a parable in it self. That is the root of Gozdilla. To argue that a movie that is attempting to go back to Godzilla's roots and take the material that can be and was serious, seriously. Is not "Americans not getting Godzilla". No they seem to get it or are at least on the right track. It's you that don't get it. It's pretty clear this will be a -albeit generic- environmental message movie, but it's the thought that goes with all the effects and whatnot that shows at least some understanding. Regardless, this wouldn't even be the first time since the original where the films have tried take it seriously. Each eras restart takes it pretty serious.

This is a series where it's had many faces and angles it takes. Why is taking it seriously the wrong one and not getting it? I guess the Japanese were wrong to attempt to take it seriously back when they made Return? Maybe a different take is needed since the series has been sliding into obscurity even in Japan. Maybe try to do what worked with the original? Does the series have to be one way when it hasn't just been one way?

Really whats the problem?

I'd actually love to hear how Pacific Rim is a bad take on mecha anime. Besides of course because it is western which is probably you're only real reason.

It follows the same themes and story arcs of many giant robot shows where teamwork and dealing with your past are major themes. The mech designs were fantastic and really exaggerated like a lot of mech shows. They weren't these cold un-personable things. They were pretty fanciful like any good giant robot show. It wasn't even gritty or had this American machismo thing going on. The action was not about by any real semblance of realism and at points it followed a rule of cool.

So what did it get wrong?

Last edited by Rahxephon91 on Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:16 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 7:00 pm Reply with quote
Rahxephon91 wrote:

Mister Ryan Andrews(and Lavnovice9) is just against this Godzilla and Pacific Rim because they are western. Look at his post history and general mindset and you will see that.

Then he should just say that Americans will never get Godzilla no matter what they do and just be done with it.
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