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Joined: 19 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 9:39 pm Reply with quote
I don't want to sound elitist or anything but I wonder why ANN and Anime On DVD is even posting this news. After, all it's not really "manga". Just becuase Tokyopop is publishing it doesen't make it manga. After all they publish stuff like Spongebob.
Again, I don't oppose ANN posting this (I was actually interested in reading the article), I'm just curious, that's all Very Happy .
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 10:01 pm Reply with quote
So other aspiring artists can see it and think, "hey! I've always wanted to draw manga! Maybe I'll do it too!" No, it's not "manga," but it's what some people would call "Ameri-manga" and it therefore has some bearing to North American anime fans.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 11:18 pm Reply with quote
I'm actually interested in the concept. However I don't think we can judge until we see the product that she makes. The whole aspect of manga that makes it interesting is its storytelling style. Artwork is artwork, there are no art police. if she can cohesively put a story thats actually interesting together in a manga-ish style frame to frame then she succeeded. If it's like another spiderman comic.... Crying or Very sad
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:57 am Reply with quote
I'm sorry but I'm not a big fan of the word ""Ameri-manga" (Same goes for "Cine-manga" Anime dazed) . Why can't we just use the word "comics"?
Anyway, it'd be interesting to check out what it actually looks like.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:59 am Reply with quote
I can't wait to look into it. I'm striving to get my own "manga" published, and love tokyopop for taking an intrest in American artist. ANN has posted about anime-inspired American creations before. Why not report about the growing genre of "Ameri-manga"? It's based off manga, and they report on Manwha. This argument can fall under the "what makes anime and manga anime and manga" debate that keeps popping up in the forum so much lately. If you're going by the Japanese definition, it's manga. If you're going by what seems to be a common American definition, it's just a comic made by someone who wishes they were Japanese.

Here's food for thought. Say your one of these American manga artist, and you move to Japan, and by some amazing feat, you get a contract with a manga magazine to publish your comic/manga. Is it still an American comic, a Japanese comic? Does it really matter?

Some can argue that it'll never happen. Americans can't possibly know enough Japanese to get published first in Japan, nor "understand" the art-style that's in manga. A person can learn a language, and learn an art style. Art takes talent, it's not based off where your DNA comes from.
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M. Alice

Joined: 26 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 3:27 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for at least giving me a chance, guys. Smile I've been lurking on these forums for a while, but when my press release came up yesterday, I felt I should register and at least defend the series. Laughing

For what it's worth, I don't consider my work to be manga or ameri-manga or a-manga-merican or any other combination of the two words. I went with Tokyopop because they gave me a contract, pretty much. I do my own style and just hope that people like it. I'm not out to copy manga, to emulate it, to rip it off or to pretend that I'm japanese. the only change I made was when I was asked to put more tones in and less Edward Gorey-esque crosshatching 9which I still try to sneak in now and then). You can judge my stuff for yourself at www.bizenghast.com/gallery.html (sorry about the slow load time). or just go to http://sadwonderland.deviantart.com.

Anyhow, I agree with Proman, I hate the word ameri-manga. It's all just comics as far as I'm concerned. I think my style is distinctive and I don't think it resembles manga much, but I go where the work is and if TP gives me a contract, I'll do my best to turn out something that people will like. Smile

Oh yeah, and it's NOT like another Spiderman comic *shuddersss* hee hee. Like I said, I do my own thing, I don't try to make my stuff look like all them thar Japanese-anime toons that the kids are into these days with them thar big eyes and japan names n' such. *gags*
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Joined: 20 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:42 pm Reply with quote
hiding in the shadows eh? I"m impressed with the detail of your work and a you have a very good sense of humor. those amazing comics of yours are great. I'm interested now, I'll be looking for it Very Happy
redhead huh? Embarassed

how did you study the figure drawing, did you just take class or from self practice. I can mimic things easily but drawing from memory is tough.
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M. Alice

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 5:29 am Reply with quote
Not so much hiding as way too lazy to register. Smile I belong to far too many forums as it is.

*sigh* I dunno why people like Amazing Comics. I think they're unbelievably stupid. But I'm glad that at least some people find them funny besides me and a small group of highly idiotic friends Very Happy Is you a comprehending of the languages of the snakes? Huh? Is you?

I took a LOT of classes in figure drawing at Savannah College of Art and Design (which is where I got my bachelor's degree in Sequential Art, or comic books). Figure and life drawing was the basis for our comic classes...I took Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Life Drawing 1, Life Drawing 2 and Figure Drawing before I even got to the actual comics-related classes. I worked as a model for the school and got a bazillion hours a week because of it...life drawing is the basis for every single major there. Smile

Every comic artist should at least take a couple of classes at that school, if they can afford the student loans afterwards. :*(

Yeah, I have auburn hair. I wish they'd included in the release the pic I gave them Sad I had my special Flash t-shirt on in it! But I guess they cut it from most releases for having too much midriff showing or something. The Man's always keepin' me down.
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Wolf Tooth

Joined: 30 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:57 am Reply with quote
Wow Alice! Your stuff is GREAT!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:08 am Reply with quote
Oh wow, I LOVE that Skullnurse picture. EGL and EGA outfits are my absolute fave. *_* Your art is absolutely gorgeous.
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M. Alice

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:14 pm Reply with quote
Thanks to all...you can't imagine how nervous I was about the first press release coming out and people being like, "OMG UR STOOF IS SO NOT MANGA, STFU NOOB!!!111!!" But I'm glad it's gotten such good feedback. Very Happy mebbe I won't die from stress after all!

Wolf tooth, your icon is BEST ICON EVAR.
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Joined: 20 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 2:14 pm Reply with quote
wow, you mean you have classes past drawing 2 and figure drawing?

I"m past drawing 2 which we did touch on figure drawing and spent 2 months with models which strangley both were redheads too. ::strokes chin:: they only got paid like 8 bucks an hour.
Most of my classes are oriented in Graphic Design and Digital Art now though, I feel kind of flustered though cause I still don't know what the hell I"m doing. I'm trying to minor in advertising but I hate it. this is my 4th year too, I"m going to be in college forever. Confused maybe I should just do a bachelors in art and then minor in art history or something. University of Alabama doesn't exactly offer much. Most rednecks here are more worried about football than anything else. I hate the education system down here. Mad

I"m taking a ceramics course but I hate it, going to drop it. I"m thinking of going to painting this fall. Painting.... maybe it will be better.
Did you take color theory at savannah alice? or did you have another class for that.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 6:35 pm Reply with quote
*is going to take M. Alice's advice and stive to get into Savannah and go for a Major in Illustration, and Minor in Graphic Design* Anime smallmouth You inspired me. *looks again at the 20,000 a year tution and dies* Anime dazed
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 6:45 pm Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf wrote:
*looks again at the 20,000 a year tution and dies* Anime dazed

That actually isn't that bad for #1. a private college and #2. a design school. Actually, is there a design school that isn't a private instituion? But, yeah, $20,000 isn't that bad, especially if you can get scholarships.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:14 am Reply with quote
Good lord, you're talented, M. Alice. I look forward to being forced to read your manga.
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