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House of 1000 Manga - 64 Pounds of Porn

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Joined: 21 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:12 pm Reply with quote
The fact that Wolf Ogami's Super Taboo was officially translated into English comes as a shock to me. How did it legally come over here?
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:16 pm Reply with quote
I have a lot more respect for Super Taboo now that I know in Japan it was called "Super Famicom".

I think one of the reasons for the decline is that you just don't see stuff you can really sell out west in hentai manga anymore. If the quality of say a Slut Girl is still there its so heavily fetishized that you cant sell it here. With Super Taboo you had incest, but the thing was also a comedy, and not "Guy rapes his sister and turns her into his slave".
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:18 pm Reply with quote
And shit like this is why the entire world considers the anime fanbase weird Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 08 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:34 pm Reply with quote
After Mangerotica, it felt like translated adult manga offerings had worse art, more rape, more harems, less story, more dehumanized women and faceless guys

After Icarus went out of business, emanga's Project H has emerged as the latestattempt to sell porn manga, this time focusing on ebooks and cellphone manga,

Um, a good majority of project H is softcore story driven stories done by female manga-ka like Chihiro Harumi or Takumi Kobayashi. And they have more then just attempted to sell porn, they have 66 tanks available right now, most in hardcopies, and have 30 more coming in the next year or two.

What I find fascinating is how Joji Manabe has gone from being in the forefront of early us-manga publication, with his Outlanders manga being sold in single 32 page issues, to getting dropped after his migration to porn manga, then now getting picked back up again with his porn manga released in full size tanks in english again.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:39 pm Reply with quote
Wow, reminds me the really old days of Newsgroup, tin, and FTP (mget, bin, 200 Type set to I): those were some of the earliest erotic manga I've read.

I wonder how many netizens know those jargon above.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:18 pm Reply with quote
iathomps wrote:
After Mangerotica, it felt like translated adult manga offerings had worse art, more rape, more harems, less story, more dehumanized women and faceless guys

After Icarus went out of business, emanga's Project H has emerged as the latestattempt to sell porn manga, this time focusing on ebooks and cellphone manga,

Um, a good majority of project H is softcore story driven stories done by female manga-ka like Chihiro Harumi or Takumi Kobayashi. And they have more then just attempted to sell porn, they have 66 tanks available right now, most in hardcopies, and have 30 more coming in the next year or two.

I didn't mean to diss Project H's stuff by omission. But this is an article about a huge box of *print* porn, most of which is from pre-2011, before Project H started. I haven't read more than a handful of their books; if you've been reviewing them, please post some links!
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:20 pm Reply with quote
Hiro94 wrote:
The fact that Wolf Ogami's Super Taboo was officially translated into English comes as a shock to me. How did it legally come over here?

It's not illegal in the US to show explicit incest stories to adults (although technically, it's not 'illegal' to show explicit anything, except possibly child pornography... it's just a question of how likely you are to offend people and get your company boycotted and your books not carried by bookstores... complicated issue). Hey, Flowers in the Attic got made into a movie on Lifetime. -_-
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:32 pm Reply with quote
Ambimunch wrote:
And shit like this is why the entire world considers the anime fanbase weird Rolling Eyes

If anime fans really cared what the world thought of them, there wouldn't be any anime or manga fans.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:01 pm Reply with quote
Ah, Slut Girl. I don't know how involved Toren Smith was with its script, but I love him for it. Such classic lines as "Gawd, if you're gonna stare so much, take a goddamn picture!" are burnt into my brain.

I think it's sad that there are so few people who speak academically about Japanese erotica. Provided, I don't blame them: the sheer abundance of the dark stuff (Kuroinu, to name a popular example) just floors me. Still, it's stuff worth discussing. It just requires a certain level of maturity and tolerance, methinks.

I'd like to add something: Mangerotica is technically still around. Some of their more-recent release include fan-favorite titles such as Strange Kind of Woman and GiriGiri Sisters, although those were a few years ago. The entire line is on hiatus at the moment as the man who was in charge of it passed away. As it stands, Project H pretty much has a monopoly on licensed eromanga in the U.S.


I've always been a little sad that Manabe has gone full-steam into porn. I liked his pulpy sci-fi romps like Outlanders and Caravan Kidd. The last time he made a work along those lines, it was Tail Chaser--which hasn't been licensed yet. I still give the man credit: when he's not making mindless fluff (or Dirty Pair doujinshi), he can pen an interesting story. Also: he's one of the last artists whose art style is still firmly entrenched in the '80s.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:18 pm Reply with quote
After Icarus went out of business, emanga's Project H has emerged as the latest attempt to sell porn manga,

I'm glad they exist, but two issues I have with DMP's Project-H are:
- a good number of titles are not actually porn, but just ecchi titles like "Asa made Jugyou Chu", or Seinen romance
- many titles that are actually porn are still censored; they might be getting better at this though. It's funny how they'll proudly announce/tweet the licenses they've been able to acquire uncensored

WRT art, I think it's definitely much better than decades ago. In fact this is where I think some of the best artists are, including mainstream artists who do or have done ero-doujinshi. I mean there's just fantastic, amazing work here, but not for the squeemish or easily offended of course. The artist for the shounen title, Shokugeki no Soma, Saeki Shun (aka tosh) was up until now doing eromanga. It's unfortunate Viz considers the art in Shokugeki no Soma to be too hot to handle, preventing it from being published in the US Weekly Shounen Jump.

Recently there was an ANN review of A Centaur's Life which touches upon some issues with the art and its thread also mentioned Monster Musume. But surpassing those two, at least for centaurs, is dounjinshi artist Z-ton and his series about female centaurs.

Levitz9 wrote:
I've always been a little sad that Manabe has gone full-steam into porn.

I don't think it's sad. It's ironic because the mainstream is where the big money and fame is, yet some people choose to do porn because that's what they love. It's the same with Shirow Masamune. Hell, the erotica is where he really lets his artistic talents shine through. Shirow's position in particular is enviable because he already has made money from his previous work and presumably stable licensing money or some royalties coming in from GITs properties, so he's liberated from doing mainstream work to make a living and can focus on his niche desires.

Last edited by configspace on Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:10 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:50 pm Reply with quote
Super Taboo and Bondage Faeries, Oh I remember these titles well back in the dawn of posting hentai on the net. I actually have a few issues of each series thanks to a local comic store and I'll admit they are still fun to read through now. Now we have digital manga printing and posting digital copies of h-manga yearly in a market I thought was dead.
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Joined: 26 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:23 pm Reply with quote
perhaps the only mangaka to ever use the sex sound effect "FINISH!"

I can't breathe.
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Joined: 05 May 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Ambimunch wrote:
And shit like this is why the entire world considers the anime fanbase weird Rolling Eyes

I'm with you man. I mean, looking at stuff like Skin Diamond, Abella, etc. That's natural.

Actually getting off from fictional characters? I mean, free will and all that..but c'mon son.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:39 pm Reply with quote
why can't porno manga artists keep it in their pants while they're drawing the covers?

Because you need explicit covers to stand out. Like regular manga, there's hundreds of h-manga artists in dozens of monthly publications and if they just had "generic cute girl" covers, you'd never know the contents by the titles alone. And, because they're making porn, they don't give a shit about trying to project a clean image on the outside.

Tentacles may not be nearly as big a thing in Japanese porn as the stereotypes make them out to be

To an extent, they are quite a large fetish still. You see several out of every Comiket.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:53 pm Reply with quote
Levitz9 wrote:

I'd like to add something: Mangerotica is technically still around. Some of their more-recent release include fan-favorite titles such as Strange Kind of Woman and GiriGiri Sisters, although those were a few years ago. The entire line is on hiatus at the moment as the man who was in charge of it passed away. As it stands, Project H pretty much has a monopoly on licensed eromanga in the U.S.

The scary thing is that no one knows what actually happened to Simon of Icarus. He seems to have just vanished.

Was Giri Giri Sisters actually released? I know Tayu Tayu and Love Selection have been picked up, bucking the trope of "if its scanlated it can't be published" that mainstream companies like Seven Seas spew like its actually the truth. (See also Nisekoi, Negima, Bleach, Attack on Titan, Girl Friends for examples of manga that prove that wrong.)

I'd love to own a copy of this translated and I haven't seen it. Tayu Tayu (aka Boing Boing) is great though. Too bad the scanlated versions are better though.
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