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REVIEW: Sailor Moon GN 11 & 12

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Joined: 01 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:18 pm Reply with quote
Great review! I always loved the Sailor Stars arc. I'm looking forward to reading it again in this translation.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:27 pm Reply with quote
My only beef with the ending is that while Usagi gets near-perfect closure, it didn't feel like the rest of the Sailor Guardians did, but that's more a nitpick than anything else. Otherwise I'm glad I collected this series and could very much see what made it so popular. That's how good a read it was.

For many fans, the next obvious step would be for someone to license-rescue the original anime, which according to Wikipedia is--200 FREAKING EPISODES TOTAL??!! Speaking solely for myself, I think I'm perfectly content with the manga, although I'm just as curious as the next person about the new upcoming anime series.
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Joined: 14 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:11 pm Reply with quote
I saw the anime version of this arc first, and I always liked the Starlights, so I was kind of bummed that they just... kind of... disappear.
spoiler[They and their princess get killed off like all of Usagi's other friends, but at the end, all the others are reborn and happy and... what happened to the Starlights? Eh, who cares! And let us never speak of them again.]
But otherwise, I was very happy to read this series. Very Happy
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:09 am Reply with quote
To me I found it rather rushed. as if "I've run out of ideas so...spoiler[yeah happily ever after and all that". Also "where am I? oh Yeah where I should be in Mamo's bed, before our wedding, or graduating from the high school that I've obviously dropped out of along with all the others, but who cares about them anyway because it's all about me so there, Razz. ] Also this was obviously written before astro-physicists discovered that all galaxies have a super massive black hole at their centre, including our own Milky Way, so anyone who has an understanding of what a black hole does will take the idea of a "caldron" with a pinch of scepticism. In short a quick bail for her and a bit of a let down for me.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:53 pm Reply with quote
Nice review, I hope to get this along with the other volumes when it comes out as a boxset like the first set of volumes.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:13 pm Reply with quote
I really liked the manga of Sailor Moon, it has a lot less "filler" than the anime version but sometimes...

pachy_boy wrote:
My only beef with the ending is that while Usagi gets near-perfect closure, it didn't feel like the rest of the Sailor Guardians did, but that's more a nitpick than anything else. .

...I had the same feelings, but during the whole manga. I watched the anime first, so I was used to a couple of episodes focused on the other girls, and small recurring quirks of them (like Lita's difficulties to find a proper boyfriend). There was almost none of that in the manga.

By the time I was reading the ending volumes, I was just used to that Usagi-centered story.

Mohawk52 wrote:
Also this was obviously written before astro-physicists discovered that all galaxies have a super massive black hole at their centre, including our own Milky Way, so anyone who has an understanding of what a black hole does will take the idea of a "caldron" with a pinch of scepticism. In short a quick bail for her and a bit of a let down for me.

And don't forget that Pluto isn't a planet anymore Razz

Anyway, I doubt that scientific accuracy was the aim of Takeuchi when she created Sailor Moon.

Btw, the spoiler[wedding] was rather corny but come on, it was a beautiful moment and everything lead to this. Without it, it'd have felt a bit incomplete.


Nice review btw! Been out of the loop for so long that the last one I read was about Volume 3 or 4.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:29 pm Reply with quote
RGaspar wrote:
I really liked the manga of Sailor Moon, it has a lot less "filler" than the anime version but sometimes...

pachy_boy wrote:
My only beef with the ending is that while Usagi gets near-perfect closure, it didn't feel like the rest of the Sailor Guardians did, but that's more a nitpick than anything else. .

...I had the same feelings, but during the whole manga. I watched the anime first, so I was used to a couple of episodes focused on the other girls, and small recurring quirks of them (like Lita's difficulties to find a proper boyfriend). There was almost none of that in the manga.

The short stories should, if memory serves, remedy some of that, and they were included in the original volumes, so there wasn't quite as much a Usagi-centric feel. There's one about Ami, quite a few Chibi-Usa stories, and at least one about Minako and Rei. I'm looking forward to re-reading them.

And don't forget that Pluto isn't a planet anymore Razz
Anyway, I doubt that scientific accuracy was the aim of Takeuchi when she created Sailor Moon.

It'll always be a planet to me - Pluto is one of my favorite senshi! And didn't Takeuchi go to school for science before becoming a mangaka?
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Joined: 02 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:14 am Reply with quote
Princess_Irene wrote:
RGaspar wrote:
I really liked the manga of Sailor Moon, it has a lot less "filler" than the anime version but sometimes...

pachy_boy wrote:
My only beef with the ending is that while Usagi gets near-perfect closure, it didn't feel like the rest of the Sailor Guardians did, but that's more a nitpick than anything else. .

...I had the same feelings, but during the whole manga. I watched the anime first, so I was used to a couple of episodes focused on the other girls, and small recurring quirks of them (like Lita's difficulties to find a proper boyfriend). There was almost none of that in the manga.

The short stories should, if memory serves, remedy some of that, and they were included in the original volumes, so there wasn't quite as much a Usagi-centric feel. There's one about Ami, quite a few Chibi-Usa stories, and at least one about Minako and Rei. I'm looking forward to re-reading them.

And don't forget that Pluto isn't a planet anymore Razz
Anyway, I doubt that scientific accuracy was the aim of Takeuchi when she created Sailor Moon.

It'll always be a planet to me - Pluto is one of my favorite senshi! And didn't Takeuchi go to school for science before becoming a mangaka?

But it's still a celestial body; the primary requirement for powering a Sailor Soldier. Let's not forget that the moon isn't a planet either. Razz Pluto's existence is justified.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:53 pm Reply with quote
Hell, these two volumes showed that even asteroids can have Sailors so I don't see why we should gripe about Pluto...
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:51 pm Reply with quote
I've just read the first volume of the Sailor Shorts and so far I'm not finding any type of closures for the others, just slight character info and development. on those I found a few of that a bit eyebrow raising, like spoiler[Rei, the fundamentalist Shinto Bhuddist Shrine Maiden, going to a Catholic highschool with all the Catholic religous iconography and strict staff of nuns to go with that. How Rei can tolerate the heavy clash in theology and conflict of interest that must have on her Shinto beliefs can only be speculated as it is only noted as a plot point. Also that Minako hates her mother and doesn't get on with her, and that Rei actually hates Minako because of being class polar opposites, and hates males in general. Also Makoto is an only child orphaned by a plane crash, who now has a phobia of aircraft noise, and suffers from Chronic Obsessive Disorder of constantly cleaning her appartment. I guess it will always be a given that none of these girls will ever find any love and partnership, will always be spinsters and the female equivalants of eunics. In short, a sort of nuns themselves. ]
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