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REVIEW: My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Episodes 1-13 Streaming

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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:25 pm Reply with quote
I've gotten through ep 10 of this, and it's better than expected, though it's certainly no Toradora!, which is probably a pretty good touchstone for this type of wise-but-lovelorn teen romance. Another review (FandomPost I think? Or maybe The Stream…) suggested that the two-episode arc at the summer camp is probably the series' high-point, and that seems about right. Those episodes in particular exhibit Carl's wry observation that Hikki will always seek the low road to fix a problem

Also, I'm waiting for them to market BLOODY CANDY. Get on that, Brain's Base.

Last edited by invalidname on Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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rahzel rose

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:34 pm Reply with quote
I was very pleasantly surprised to find out just how much I loved this show. I think Carl nails it on the head when he says there's nothing really flashy about the series, but it still delivers well. I'm glad there was barely any romance in it. I was too interested in the characters working together and the quick dialogue. I'm just sad now that it's over.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:09 pm Reply with quote
This was an interesting experience to watch. I didn't have much hope for it, and the first episode didn't impress, but as it found its feet it grew on me.

There isn't romance but by the end of the show Hachiman and Yukino are definitely raising friendship flags. Doesn't sound like much but for them it's a huge deal. In a way they're the only people who can stand - and better yet, understand - one another. No normal boy could survive Yukino's barbs, and no normal girl would tolerate Hachiman's cynicism. Yui may love them both and see that they're good people at heart, but she doesn't 'get' them like they get one another.

invalidname wrote:
...though it's certainly no Toradora!, which is probably a pretty good touchstone for this type of wise-but-lovelorn teen romance.

Well I for one am glad that it isn't on the level of Toradora!, given how awful that show was.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:12 pm Reply with quote
Yes, we know you didn't like Toradora. Because you say it. All the freakin' time.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:33 pm Reply with quote
Not all the time. Discounting this thread, I haven't mentioned Toradora! since February.

I assume you were being hyperbolic.
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He started it

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:37 pm Reply with quote
your list says you've only watched 2 episodes. have you watched the whole thing and not updated that or do you still hate it based off two episodes?
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:37 pm Reply with quote
getchman wrote:
your list says you've only watched 2 episodes. have you watched the whole thing and not updated that or do you still hate it based off two episodes?

Two full episodes, though I have watched dozens of clips (many of them key scenes) on YouTube and also read episode synopses. I am not ignorant of what happens in the series.

I've been told by diehard fans of the show that episode two is the one that made them fall in love with the show and one of the best episodes of the series. Well, given that it wasn't very good, logically speaking the rest of the series is crap. Therefore, no need to watch anymore since the fans have told me exactly what sort of quality I can expect.

Anyway, this is a thread about a show much better than Toradora!, so let's talk about that instead.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:25 pm Reply with quote
[insults removed]. SNAFU was okay, but I found the MC's social alienation schtick tedious after awhile. Also, not sure why "Romantic" is in the title since there really is no romance to speak of. Very misleading.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:55 pm Reply with quote
While I think Tordora is a good show, its far from anything special. Its basically Shana minus the magic element, or Zero minus the magical element, etc. I find Heaven's memo to also be more enjoyable in terms of snarky little girl, aloof big guy. I would say its still a shelf worthy title, but its hardly a show that can be said to be criticism free.

I like SNAFU, hopefully the can animated the other half at some point, and things really start to get interesting between the trio later on.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:04 pm Reply with quote
I didn't buy this show. I resolved not to let Hachiman's insufferable "I'm so mature" thing and lame self-indulgent monologues drive me off, and his personality was at least consistent if charmless. Yukino was probably less charming, but they did have believable shades of "alienated youth" painted on top of their bland personalities (some of her barbs were amusing, but I didn't find anything clever or worthwhile about Yukino's tired verbal abuse schtick or Hachiman's lifeless tsukkomis). I didn't think the humour or characters were good (although the well-done social awkwardness angle improves the situation somewhat), so it was down to the story for me. The whole thing about the dog was kind of dumb, but I was ready to grudgingly revise my opinion when we hit the really good school camp arc, when they met the awkward kid. She was the best character in the series: no cute tsundere quirks, no tendency to spout bad comedy dialogue, no clichéd speeches about her feelings, just a believable angry kid forced into a superiority complex by loneliness. She was good. That whole arc was good. If I ever want to watch this show again, I might just stick on those.

Then we came back down to earth with some more melodramatic hi-jinks, and I dunno, the rest of the show was bland as I expected. Toradora had good romance and comedy and slice-of-life elements, but it wasn't great at the big character moments. I still think the really quite good 90% of it pushes it above average, though. Certainly better than SNAFU wound up.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:14 pm Reply with quote
I loved watching Hachiman totally dominate the situations using his ridiculous way of solving problems. That was by far the best part about the show, and it was at its best during the field trip arc, but less so in the school festival arc, simply because it got a bit old, not because it was executed badly.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:40 pm Reply with quote
Toradora! is an excellent show. It is the best school-based romantic comedy/drama I have watched.

SNAFU is a good show. And I do not see how SNAFU and Toradora! can be compared to one another; they are different kind of shows.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:22 pm Reply with quote
jojothepunisher wrote:
I loved watching Hachiman totally dominate the situations using his ridiculous way of solving problems. That was by far the best part about the show, and it was at its best during the field trip arc, but less so in the school festival arc, simply because it got a bit old, not because it was executed badly.

I almost feel that the fact it "got old" was the point. At first you sort of see "this guy's twisted but really smart", and then it devolves into "this guy only has one way of solving everything". So if you were impressed with him during the field trip arc, I almost feel you're supposed to start feeling sorry for him and maybe even a bit disgusted during the school festival. I don't know what happens next (I understand the source material is on-going), but I'd say he's heading for a rather spectacular fall before rising back up again, and some of the subsequent conversations seem to be foreshadowing this.

In the end, I think the show is pretty determined to not bias the viewer too much into seeing him as anything but one pretty flawed individual (among a sea of them). And that's basically what I liked about this show.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:31 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
Toradora! is an excellent show. It is the best school-based romantic comedy/drama I have watched.

SNAFU is a good show. And I do not see how SNAFU and Toradora! can be compared to one another; they are different kind of shows.

It's the eyes, isn't it? I mean, the only way to compare Toradora to Familiar of Zero and Shakugan no Shana is by through the tiny terror that Kugimiya plays, except in Taiga's case, all the emotional baggage she carries is her own.

But this review isn't about how great Toradora was, but how good My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU was. It's ... good... I guess but I have the same problem here that I have with "Say I love you."; I don't find it believable that the socially maladjusted are capable of being relationship experts.

Though SNAFU isn't as bad as Hikki makes some pretty good mistakes, especially anything regarding Yui, and his solutions can be worse than the problem. No, my difficulty with the show is Yukino. How should I put it: I find her attitude of not fitting in socially to be more artificial than Yui's attempts at being everyone's friend?

It's a good thing she was in the Service Club from the start as the audience would never believe she'd join it later on? Maybe that's closer to it.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:36 pm Reply with quote
This show took me by surprise. Honestly, the first episode to me was dull and I didn't pay too much attention to it until later on because of Hachiman whom is my favorite main character from the Spring Season. His outlook on life can be related to some people or rather the experiences some had during their own school life. One of my favorite scenes was the monologue "spoiler[I hate nice girls]" that was quite memorable imo. Otherwise, this show hit the right spot for me in a lot of places. Romance might not be part of that though as it wasn't too direct or explicit. However, I still enjoyed the hell out of SNAFU and hoping for a new season as I heard the sales have been doing quite well.

Well, there's still the OVA episodes Cool
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