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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:37 am Reply with quote
Up to Ep. 4 when posting will edit if opinion changes.

I'm watching the show right now in subs. Unfortunately, I disagree with the voice acting quality; most don't sound like they're in spoiler[a classroom of death], i.e. even for the sake of mystery, a lot of classmates don't take things seriously, if just by how cartoony their voices sound.

I know that this is an adaptation, but the pacing of the unfolding details is pretty freakin' slow, not to mention how irritated I get with the MC: spoiler[No matter how many warnings he gets from students about avoiding "non existing entities", no matter how off-putting Misaki is - even she warns him!] I find the show more irritating than suspenseful or gripping.
And for the spoiler[first two death scenes]? What am I watching, Final Destination? The complete random nature of the brutality made me laugh more than cringe.

I certainly will give credit to PA Works for doing another bang-up job with a very Silent Hill 2-esque music score. But even the atmosphere feels wasted when every single thing is made edgy (spoiler[unless there's a town secret that justifies the near-constant atmosphere]). And I will DEFINITELY agree that Ali Project is horribly miscast here; great horror/suspense requires subtlety (remember Phantom 2009's 1st OP? That essence would be nice here), in fact, I wonder why they didn't give Mashimo this show since he's a master of slow-burning storytelling.

All in all, I definitely want to finish Another but only if to find any possible competence.



I'll say this: Nice twist but I'm gonna agree with the majority that spoiler[realizing that it was Reiko] did NOT make me want to rewatch the show with the knowledge in hand. In fact, it takes the constant efforts to treat the silly premise seriously and slaps it across the face.
I remember Key's review saying that there was "an extra tidbit of info" (something along those lines) that would've made things clearer but felt intentionally left out for another "Gotcha!" moment. If that info was spoiler[that flashback about Reiko asking Koichi to not acknowledge her at school] then you'd think his stupid traits would allow him to slip up and foreshadow at least that.

Still, my impressions remain largely the same; the story could be told in half the episodes, if not a movie, the character cast could've been cut down so one could care about some of the non-MCs, as the trade-off would've avoided very stupid/undeveloped and spoiler[crazed people. Those last two episodes = comedy gold. I have never laughed so hard in a good long time].

I understand Rebecca that there is value in rewatching but having to put up the same incompetence again, knowing that it was something the spoiler[MC's could ultimately never figure out; especially Koichi], I just have to call Another flat-out bad.

Last edited by Otaking09 on Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:41 am Reply with quote
I found it amusing that Reiko has two different English voice actresses.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:59 am Reply with quote
This piece of shit gets an A- grade?! If you look at Another as a guide for how to make poorly written and executed anime, it excells at it. But if you reviewing Another for its quality, it should get no more than a C- grade.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:07 pm Reply with quote
Otaking09 wrote:
Up to Ep. 4 when posting will edit if opinion changes.

I know that this is an adaptation, but the pacing of the unfolding details is pretty freakin' slow, not to mention how irritated I get with the MC: spoiler[No matter how many warnings he gets from students about avoiding "non existing entities", no matter how off-putting Misaki is - even she warns him!] I find the show more irritating than suspenseful or gripping.

It's worse in the book - talk about slow on the uptake there!

And I will DEFINITELY agree that Ali Project is horribly miscast here; great horror/suspense requires subtlety

So glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.

All in all, I think the story picks up around episode 6, but there really are a lot of clues floating around that first bit, not just Koichi being a moron. Really, I enjoyed it more as a re-watch than when I watched it streaming (and I do, in an unusual move for me, prefer the anime to the book), when I knew what I was looking for.

But still, amazing how we all get to have different opinions, isn't it?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:16 pm Reply with quote
I think the story picks up around episode 6

All I'm thinking about, at the end of each ep is this: spoiler[why not close off the class entirely? Screw "renaming" the class (I chuckled when I heard that move) and just have the school live without using one classroom.]
Yes the show is better when I realize spoiler[why the show is deliberately allowing the moron MC to still be a moron], but... I dunno. I'm not giving up yet = I'm a completionist.

But still, amazing how we all get to have different opinions, isn't it?

Actually, would you mind looking at my friend's review?
His writing style is reminiscent of Red Letter Media's Mr. Plinkett's review style so keep that in mind so you'll get his humor approach.
He's a super elitist and I'd like to hear a professional reviewer's take on his points.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 1:17 pm Reply with quote
Why wasn't the blu ray of this used for the review?

Count me with the people who didn't think that the Japanese vocal class sounded appropriate for the setting. I find it interesting that the reviewer says that the Japanese dub on this sounds stilted but does not say the same of the English dub. I had to re-read that as I believe that Chris Ayres was the dub director for this and I have yet to hear a dub of his that doesn't sound stilted.

Is this the dub where Chris Ayres finally hits it out of the park as a modern ADR director? He's been hitting them foul & ultimately striking out for years now when he comes up in the "dub director rotation" so I think he's due for a bona fide hit, right? I want to check out the dub but I don't think I could stand another dub like Night Raid or Book of Bantorra.

Regardless, I think that he could stand to do a modern commentary track so we can get a better look at his dubbing philosophy. Also, commentary tracks are awesome.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:06 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
Why wasn't the blu ray of this used for the review?

This is what I got. Embarassed

Count me with the people who didn't think that the Japanese vocal class sounded appropriate for the setting. I find it interesting that the reviewer says that the Japanese dub on this sounds stilted but does not say the same of the English dub. I had to re-read that as I believe that Chris Ayres was the dub director for this and I have yet to hear a dub of his that doesn't sound stilted.

Monica Rial as Mei was the most stilted, but if you look closely at her lip flaps, I think that explains a lot of it. I thought this was a better dub than either Book of Bantorra or Night Raid, personally, and I was really leery of Greg Ayres as Koichi.

Regardless, I think that he could stand to do a modern commentary track so we can get a better look at his dubbing philosophy. Also, commentary tracks are awesome.

Seconded! The only extra on here besides trailers and clean songs was a music video with cute chibi Mei pictures.

I'd be happy to look at it. I'll let you know what I think, probably in a PM, as soon as I'm done writing syllabi.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Sorry Rebecca, but you were far too lenient. B+ for the story grade? A- overall? For something that is a tryhard at being scary whilst actually being boring, has death scenes ripped off from Final Destination, and is so badly written it wouldn't even pass a university writing class?

angelmcazares wrote:
This piece of shit gets an A- grade?! If you look at Another as a guide for how to make poorly written and executed anime, it excells at it. But if you reviewing Another for its quality, it should get no more than a C- grade.

The Anime doesn't even deserve a passing grade. It was pretty bad, and the final few episodes were abysmal. I can't take any claims that it deserves a passing grade seriously.

getchman wrote:
I found it amusing that Reiko has two different English voice actresses.

The Japanese track did this as well. spoiler[Having two voice actresses is a complete cop-out that tries (and succeeds) to deliberately hide the key to the mystery for far too long, and prevents the viewer from figuring it out on their own.]
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Mr. Nescio

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:48 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
The Japanese track did this as well.
spoiler[From another.wikia: "Like her character Ms. Mikami, the voice actress Miyamaki Misayo is also "The Other". Cleverly, to throw off viewers, they created a fake voice actor name for Ms. Mikami and even a fake webpage. Miyamaki Misayo does not exist and if you rearrange the "ki" and "yo" in her name, it's "Yomiyama Misaki." The real voice actress is of course the same as Reiko, Naoko Sakakibara, which is revealed in the credits of Episode 12. "]
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:55 pm Reply with quote
Wow, I did not know that. I don't believe that information was made public when we were watching the show week-to-week, as I remember there being a big fuss about it in the discussion thread when the reveal happened.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:07 pm Reply with quote
oh, so it was deliberate. In all honesty, part of me was thinking everyone who worked on the show failed to realize that spoiler[Reiko and Miss Mikami were the same person.]

[EDIT: spoiler tags added ~Zalis]
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:08 pm Reply with quote
Guys, watch the spoilers, please.

dtm42 wrote:

The Anime doesn't even deserve a passing grade. It was pretty bad, and the final few episodes were abysmal. I can't take any claims that it deserves a passing grade seriously.

Then I won't try to convince you otherwise. Very Happy No disrespect meant - I can get pretty upset with the NYTimes book review and other sources myself.

As for Reiko, spoiler[there were other indications in the show that she was the "Other" - we see a nameplate on Koichi's grandparent's house, people who weren't in 3-3 don't interact with her (A la Sixth Sense), and she's the only one who looks directly at the camera during the opening sequence. I also thought the bird's "Why, Rei?" was a sign. So they are there; it's just not easy to spot.] Really, I got a lot more out of a second viewing than I did from the first.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:35 pm Reply with quote
Totally agree with Rebecca on pretty much every point except the dub, which was atrocious.

I'm also glad that Rebecca mentioned how the viewer can see things in a clearer light on second viewing. A lot of things start making sense especially when you watch the first episode all over again.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:42 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
Is this the dub where Chris Ayres finally hits it out of the park as a modern ADR director?
I don't know if "modern" is really the adjective you want when it comes to English dubs, particularly with the licensing/distribution entity involved. He did quite good work in the ADV era with shows like Magikano and Nerima Daikon Brothers. Of course, this was back when the folks down in Houston produced English dubs with actual scripts, as opposed to their current "CrunchyRoll subtitle script readthroughs & improv theatre" English audio offerings.

So I'd reframe the question as "is this the dub where Chris Ayres has enough of a budget to recapture some of the magic from the classical/golden era of dubbing?"
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:54 pm Reply with quote
vinamara wrote:

A lot of things start making sense especially when you watch the first episode all over again.

I couldn't believe spoiler[how much of the story they showed before the opening credits in the first episode. My poor sister - sitting there while I shrieked and she didn't have a clue what my problem was.] Laughing
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