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ANNCast Live from Anime Expo 2013

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Joined: 12 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:02 pm Reply with quote
Garbage men day after AX: "What the hell is up with all these bad Nic Cage movies?"

These live shows always seem fun. Sure hope I can get out to one some year.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:14 pm Reply with quote
Hah, Superbook! That was my first anime, too! I was so obsessed with that show as a kid my imaginary friend's name was Joy.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:22 pm Reply with quote
Oh dear god I can't stand Homestuck I don't understand why that is at an anime convention at all. I was curious one day why it is popular and felt almost like I was in some weird bad dream while looking at it all. I still don't understand why this is popular at all o_o.

Oh my god the Justin question! He totally doesn't look like what I thought at ALL! His voice is really deep, so I en-visioned very heavy set Caucasian male with sight balding, thick glasses, a beret and perhaps a beard. Please don't kill me lol!

Princess Knight guy Anime hyper best ever. I loved your response Zac so fantastic!

I wish I could have gone, just to attend this Smile I wonder what the weird question was, that was cut out >.>
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:38 pm Reply with quote
Damn, I missed the livecast. Does anyone know if it was recorded for viewing later?
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Surrender Artist

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:14 am Reply with quote
Will there be an ANNCast live at Otakon?

I know that it doesn't appear on the roster and was in doubt as of the last Supernerds episode, but Mike Toole suggested reaching out to the convention organizers again.

If not, well Zac can just fall back on his plan B of taking a bar over. A friend of mine can supposedly find out the dive where John Waters hangs out...

These episodes are always neat. Zac's supply of horrible gifts are fun. For the next one he should get a copy of Me and Orson Welles so he can use the same, "Zac Ephron masterpiece," line, but subvert the audience's expectations, at least a little.

What, no Leaving Las Vegas?

The rotating guest thing was neat and worth repeating, if possible, for future episodes like this.

I'm glad that awkward jackass didn't waste everybody's time for this ANNCast; the last time he did was an unpleasant waste of time that had me cringing in embarrassment even though I was listening to the thing hours after the fact from the other side of the country. That question about what questions in your childhood affected how you cope with stress as an adult was weird, but everybody bore it out well.

The question about creating a Japanese ANN was something I hadn't considered specifically, but ties back to questions that have been asked on ANNCast before and to discussions of The Flowers of Evil. It would almost certainly be a debacle, for the reasons Zac gave, but I do wish that we had some source for critical commentary from a Japanese perspective. Somebody in Japan must have more complex opinions about anime than cooing, "mmmmmoooooeeeeeee!" I'd even settle for somebody being able and willing (drunk enough?) to take the horrifically thankless task of creating digests of 2Chan anime threads. What the 'Japan thinks' or 'Japanese otaku think' are invoked from time to time, but as a rhetorical tactic, without nuance and with no good way for most of us to verify or evaluate the claims.

It would be interesting to hear more specific stories about Japanese companies complaining to ANN about its content, but I know that's impossible as a matter of professionalism and might needlessly burn some bridges.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:36 am Reply with quote
I wonder if there's a way to get some Japanese anime fan to do some sort of video fan review somewhat like the ones in That Guy With The Glasses. I'm always curious if they're capable of pulling that off. Or maybe have someone get in contact to those interested and teach them how.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:46 am Reply with quote
Surrender Artist wrote:
It would be interesting to hear more specific stories about Japanese companies complaining to ANN about its content, but I know that's impossible as a matter of professionalism and might needlessly burn some bridges.

I'm curious if they meant it was just Zac or if the other people got flak as well. Because it would indicate if it was an issue about just giving a show a low score, or of it was because of Zac's, well, let's just say 'unapologetic' writing style. The former would just be typical company PR stuff of wanting good reviews, but the later, well, I could honestly see why companies might get annoyed if they take the time to send materials in ahead of time for a media site and all they get in return isn't so much an actual preview but a stand up comedian thing where the score is replaced with a sound of a man screaming and jokes/insults about the show and it's fanbase.

darkchibi07 wrote:
I wonder if there's a way to get some Japanese anime fan to do some sort of video fan review somewhat like the ones in That Guy With The Glasses. I'm always curious if they're capable of pulling that off. Or maybe have someone get in contact to those interested and teach them how.

No, that's kind of looked down upon in Japanese culture If you've ever seen videos on NicoNico or on YouTube from Japanese people, you'll notice a lot of of them either avoid showing their face by not showing it or wearing a mask, and most of them usually don't talk. Compare an American review on YouTube about a tokusatsu toy to a Japanese review about a tokusatsu toy and you'll see a world of difference. To be blunt, 'attention whoring' is looked down upon in Japanese culture, and that's basically what those kinds of internet video reviews are. Maybe if it was aimed at strictly an American audience, but any Japanese person who's fluent enough in English and American culture to do that probably isn't the type of person you're talking about.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:29 am Reply with quote
When I did the anncast I wrote up a bunch of talking points but that was about it, it really helped me because it helped me think about what I wanted to say and that allowed me to answer Zacs question fairly quickly. I defiantly said uh a few times but thats a huge improvement over the fact that I simply cant talk over the phone and with Zac I could talk with him and that was one of the few conversations over a phone (or skype in this instance) that I not only didn't hate but in fact loved doing. I lived a very lonely life so the fact that I could talk normally for even 9 minutes was something that I was very proud of

Should I be ashamed that the worst I ever got drunk was in a wedding with an open bar where I got buzzed. I think I got buzzed because I dont think there is any big difference between me buzzed and me normal.

One of the reasons why JesuOtaku is one of two video reviewer I now watch is the lack of a character (the other is Zero Punctuation). Her reviews are simply her in front of a camera giving her opinion which is what I want in a review instead of some guy simply insulting something over and over again without saying anything of actual value.

I may disagree with JO occasionally (most notably Gurren Lagann, and FMA 2003) but I can still tell why she likes or hates a show and I can tell she knows what she's talking about. I think she's smart and I really look forward to what she has to say about a show.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:03 pm Reply with quote
One of the view anime reviewers I really trusted and enjoyed his opinions, Grumpy Jiisan, is indisposed, we don't even know the state of his current health. Really sad, since he has impeccable taste and knowledge. I don't even know of any other anime video reviewers worth spending time on other than him, JesuOtaku, and Bennett the Sage.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:08 pm Reply with quote
Zac mentioned some of the shows that he can count on to fill up the podcast calendar for the year: Super Manga Pals, Challenge of the Supernerds, semi-annual appearances by Funimation and Vertical, etc. One that I'd like to see added to this list is the format we heard earlier this year where Zac and Bamboo took 90 minutes to just really dig into the themes and ideas of Penguindrum.

I think Zac later referred to this show as "Spoilercast", and that's a perfectly good name to give the format. Just take some show that's gotten its US release (so you can talk about the dub if there is one and so there's been enough time for people to have seen the stream), start with a spoiler warning and talk about the entire series in a thoughtful way... not the usual consumer-oriented review ("middling animation with too much fanservice… C-"), but as a work of art. Maybe it was just that series in particular, but Zac and Bamboo really seemed into it, and it made me want to go see the show (still haven't… should!). After all, if you're engaging the hosts and the listeners, you're doing something right.
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Joined: 24 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:44 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
One of the view anime reviewers I really trusted and enjoyed his opinions, Grumpy Jiisan, is indisposed, we don't even know the state of his current health. Really sad, since he has impeccable taste and knowledge. I don't even know of any other anime video reviewers worth spending time on other than him, JesuOtaku, and Bennett the Sage.

I dunno what it is about video reviewers but they always seem like their primary audience is casual people rather than fans of the product. I have a friend who's into comics and he always says Linkara constantly has no idea about what he's talking about in terms of history or certain series, and from what I've seen of sentai fans they feel the same way about his 'History of Power Rangers'. I don't know much about those but I do know about anime and all the anime reviewers I see also seem to do this Confused I know a lot of them usually showcase the dub which seems odd. JesuOtaku's uses edited dubs like Digimon and Pokemon which change a bunch of stuff from the original and uses it to explain things for the characters which end up being totally wrong because the dub is so altered that as someone who's seen the original it's kind of painful. I've only seen one video of his but Bennet also focused on the dub and kept saying how terrible it was and seemed to only focus on that when he could have easily switched to the sub and end all that grief Confused Seems like judging anime based on the original Japanese version would make more sense than a terrible dub but maybe that's just me. It just seems like they target people's nostalgia with Power Rangers and Digimon who probably haven't watched the show since they were kids and trying to hook that audience, when anyone who's seen the original versions and actually knows about those subjects already knows that stuff or in fact knows more because they've seen it for themselves and have seen the true version of it. I just dislike watching videos of people who know less than me about a subject.. which is why an actual Japanese otaku video would be cool, but I suspect anyone who knows a lot about the medium would be too busy watching it to make videos and I doubt they care what us Americans think Laughing
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Former ANN Editor in Chief

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Surrender Artist wrote:
Will there be an ANNCast live at Otakon?

We haven't gotten our schedules yet, but we have submitted for one, and we'll both me attending, so we have every intention.

grooven wrote:
Oh my god the Justin question! He totally doesn't look like what I thought at ALL! His voice is really deep, so I en-visioned very heavy set Caucasian male with sight balding, thick glasses, a beret and perhaps a beard. Please don't kill me lol!

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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:18 pm Reply with quote
invalidname wrote:
Zac mentioned some of the shows that he can count on to fill up the podcast calendar for the year: Super Manga Pals, Challenge of the Supernerds, semi-annual appearances by Funimation and Vertical, etc. One that I'd like to see added to this list is the format we heard earlier this year where Zac and Bamboo took 90 minutes to just really dig into the themes and ideas of Penguindrum.

I think Zac later referred to this show as "Spoilercast", and that's a perfectly good name to give the format. Just take some show that's gotten its US release (so you can talk about the dub if there is one and so there's been enough time for people to have seen the stream), start with a spoiler warning and talk about the entire series in a thoughtful way... not the usual consumer-oriented review ("middling animation with too much fanservice… C-"), but as a work of art. Maybe it was just that series in particular, but Zac and Bamboo really seemed into it, and it made me want to go see the show (still haven't… should!). After all, if you're engaging the hosts and the listeners, you're doing something right.

I think the problem is finding a series that hasn't been talked about a lot already and would lead to a good discussion (have people argue about specific things).

BonusStage wrote:

I dunno what it is about video reviewers but they always seem like their primary audience is casual people rather than fans of the product. I have a friend who's into comics and he always says Linkara constantly has no idea about what he's talking about in terms of history or certain series, and from what I've seen of sentai fans they feel the same way about his 'History of Power Rangers'. I don't know much about those but I do know about anime and all the anime reviewers I see also seem to do this Confused I know a lot of them usually showcase the dub which seems odd. JesuOtaku's uses edited dubs like Digimon and Pokemon which change a bunch of stuff from the original and uses it to explain things for the characters which end up being totally wrong because the dub is so altered that as someone who's seen the original it's kind of painful. I've only seen one video of his but Bennet also focused on the dub and kept saying how terrible it was and seemed to only focus on that when he could have easily switched to the sub and end all that grief Confused Seems like judging anime based on the original Japanese version would make more sense than a terrible dub but maybe that's just me. It just seems like they target people's nostalgia with Power Rangers and Digimon who probably haven't watched the show since they were kids and trying to hook that audience, when anyone who's seen the original versions and actually knows about those subjects already knows that stuff or in fact knows more because they've seen it for themselves and have seen the true version of it. I just dislike watching videos of people who know less than me about a subject.. which is why an actual Japanese otaku video would be cool, but I suspect anyone who knows a lot about the medium would be too busy watching it to make videos and I doubt they care what us Americans think Laughing

I think its more that a person will have specific interest so while Linkara generally knows about Teen Titans he knows very little about the X-men and so when he has to review a bad X-men webcomic then it shows.

Obviously then you get something like the Spoony Experiment which is aimed at a specific person who just wants to see something get torn apart instead of actually discussing why something is bad (this becomes a problem when someone actually tries to used Spoonys reviews to discuss something). Those type of reviews are obviously aimed at the lowest common denominator.

As for JO I have really only had a problem with one of her reviews so I think she's great at what she does. Her Trigun work in particular was fantastic.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:35 pm Reply with quote
No, that's kind of looked down upon in Japanese culture If you've ever seen videos on NicoNico or on YouTube from Japanese people, you'll notice a lot of of them either avoid showing their face by not showing it or wearing a mask, and most of them usually don't talk. Compare an American review on YouTube about a tokusatsu toy to a Japanese review about a tokusatsu toy and you'll see a world of difference. To be blunt, 'attention whoring' is looked down upon in Japanese culture, and that's basically what those kinds of internet video reviews are. Maybe if it was aimed at strictly an American audience, but any Japanese person who's fluent enough in English and American culture to do that probably isn't the type of person you're talking about.

Yes, yes, Titan, we get it, Japan is SUGOI SUBURASHI BAKA DESU, do you ever get tired trying to play up Japan as the greatest country on this planet?

I dunno what it is about video reviewers but they always seem like their primary audience is casual people rather than fans of the product.

Man, it's almost like the guy you were talking to didn't really say anything to set off your ridiculous rant. Seriously? You didn't reply to his post, you just used it as an excuse to go off on a completely unrelated rant. Jesus. Do you ever tire of proselytizing Japan to an inch of your life?
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:55 pm Reply with quote
To the girl who was afraid Dog X Scissors had animal abuse: it actually doesn't. The only time he gets picked on is when he makes dumb comments (usually about her lack of breasts). She's actually kind of nice. He gets good food, all the books he can read, and a place to stay. From the PV it seems like she's a bitch, but she's actually quite nice, just a bit childish and weird.
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