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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:57 pm Reply with quote
We haven't found out what's in the basement in Shingeki no Kyojin even in the manga yet so um, yeah...

Arata totally steals the scenes he's in.

The latest episode of Gargantia made me gasp.

I've been told Hataraku Maou sama! is really good so one of these days I'll need to start it. I'm still in the middle of Jojo since starting it too late. ^^;

Will need to get back to Devil Survivor 2, Valvrave, and Arata. Fell behind after going to the States.

I'm reading the Karneval manga right now and it is muuuuuuuuuch better than the anime. Nai is very cute and has the capacity to learn and Gareki's tsundere is much more lovable.

EDIT: Just fixed some spelling.

Last edited by crosswithyou on Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:13 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:58 pm Reply with quote
I've only watched the first three episodes of Gargantia but I'm afraid to continue due to people's comments about episode 5 which are really harsh. What the heck could be going?

Also, it looks like that Valvrave five minute scene really made one big impact considering there was an entire paragraph dedicated to it. spoiler[I have not heard much about rape in anime. Only Fullmetal Alchemist and Psycho Pass. The only impact this rape had was Haruto tripping when seeing the poster of a girl in panic. And hey, it wasn't Haruto but that horny Microsoft OS. Oh yeah I'm confused with how much sexual content you can put in a Sunrise anime. Gundam SEED implied a sexual relationship and got a warning. Valvrave showed us a rape and everything is okay in Japan.]

About Attack on Titan I'm glad they have been developing Armin.

Last edited by sainta on Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:59 pm Reply with quote
Great job as always bamboo-san, i'm just so impressed you have kept up with so many shows this season. Sadly I have yet t watch any of these new shows aside from Muromi-san. Regardless this will help me decide to watch later down the road once the spring shows are done airing.

As for rape in anime I can think of few series that did it but I've never seen addressed. Warning spoilers!!!

1. Yousga no Sora: Nao Rapes Haru when he was younger, they make up years later..
2. Blood Plus: diva raped riku, kills him and has set of twin from the encounter.
3. School Days TV: Taisuke Rapes Kotonoha and nothing happens to him, if anything he should have ended up on the boat as well]

That's it off the top of my head aside from other series i'v mentioned.
Spoiler image for blood plus


Last edited by Cecilthedarkknight_234 on Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:02 pm Reply with quote
*reads VVV entry*

Yes. That.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:08 pm Reply with quote
I just love how Valvrave is triggering all these discussions. It's made the board interesting again.

Is there a reason you stopped blogging Hunter X Hunter? The new arc is absolutely amazing so far.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Attack on titan has been pretty good, but the pacing of the last two episodes has been horrendous. They were stuffed with repetitive filler monologues, speeches and soliloquies whose purpose was to stretch things out as much as possible and keep ending each episode on some kind of cliffhanger. It feels very manipulative and is starting to seriously annoy me. Also, the excessively long previews at the beginning of each episode are very wasteful. I pray that this is not how things will go for the rest of the series.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Spring 2013 has been of my favorite seasons. For the first time 7 shows were able to keep my attention for three months. Here are my final rankings (with tentaitive ANN ratings).

1. Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (Very good) - The series continued to have a positive momentum and although the big revelations were kind of predictitible, they were adequately executed. This is my favorite show of the season because I am a fan of this kind of science fiction, the production values are very high, and I got to care for some of the characters.

2. Flowers of Evil (Very Good) - I kept enjoying the deliciously evil turns and twists and dark and heavy atmosphere of this series. The last two episodes (10 and 11) have been somewhat uneventful, but the overall quality is still very high. I truly hope that we see more series like Flowers of Evil in the near future.

3. The Devil is a Part-Timer! (Good) - It continued to be funny and entertaining. I am going to miss this anime once it ends. I would like to see a second season, mainly because I adore the main cast. The Devil is a Part-Timer! has taught me to not judge a book by its cover. I never imagine that this show, with its stupid-sounding premise, would turn out to be this good.

T4. Attack on Titan (Descent) - Every time I watch the opening of this intense show my body fills with adrenaline. The problem is that the actual episodes seem to drag the story a lot. The last four episodes have been particularly plagued it. I still have faith that Attack on Titan can turn into a amazing show.

T4. Oreimo 2 (Good) - After the maddening and frustrating episode 9, this series have rebounded nicely. Oreimo 2 continues to be a quality show with solid writing and outrageous and comic situations. Hopefully the ending will spoiler[adress and solve the issues with the apparent romantic feelings between Kirino and Kyousuke].

6. OreGairu (Good) - I do not have much new to add about the wonderful surprise that is this show. I continued to enjoy the clever ways in which OreGairu debunks the typical tropes in school-based comedies and dramas. I would welcome another season, but I doubt it will be made.

7. HENNEKO (So-so) - I keep following and occassionally enjoying this crazy, ecchi comedy. I am kind of surprised with myself for sticking with this show for so long. I am usually not a fan of non-sensical and badly written shows, but, besides the occasional heartfelt moments, there is something that keeps me coming back for more HENNEKO.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:26 pm Reply with quote
The storytelling is lean and efficient, but it lacks the umami that makes it thoroughly enjoyable or memorable.

Silly Bamboo, Red Data Girl isn't food...

I had basically the same reaction to this show. Actually I'm rather displeased with how little stuck with me about the show beyond "well it was pretty to look at..."

Yes the show dips heavily into the Shinto mythology, but that shouldn't be a requisite for enjoying the show, which I didn't. The characters weren't particularly likeable, the exposition that made various elements click together took forever, to the point where I stopped caring about the how and the why things were even happening. My own apathy toward the events in the series was only overshadowed by my desire to finish watching it.

Is it over yet? I hope so. Episode 12 felt like an ending. And if it was, then there's still a metric ton of unanswered questions or answers that barely seem to explain anything in a satisfactory manner.

The show is so frustration inducing that I'm almost compelled to watch it again to see if I can make any more sense of it and I take some pride in being able to put 2 and 2 together on most things, at least enough to let me understand. But this one really gave me a rash because I can't even dismiss it as garbage.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:33 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
I just love how Valvrave is triggering all these discussions. It's made the board interesting again.

Is there a reason you stopped blogging Hunter X Hunter? The new arc is absolutely amazing so far.

I kind of just reached a point where I felt like every week, I was saying, "Yeah, this show is still awesome, and you should watch it." Maybe I should just write about it in 12-episode chunks? Same with Space Brothers.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:39 pm Reply with quote
You know, I really don't see the point in dropping shows so close to their conclusion. I mean, there's only 2 episodes of Arata left. If you've gotten that far into something you might as well finish it.

Anyways in regards to Valvrave I think you're dismissing things too easy. What happened in episode 10 doesn't just get forgotten in episode 11. It still does hang in the atmosphere and Haruto wants to address it, but Saki won't let him. There are many potential explanations as to why Saki is acting the way she is. Haruto's solution is hardly the smartest thing but he is a teenager, remember. He's just doing what he thinks he should to take responsibility for what happened. So yeah, what happened is directly influencing the actions of the characters. That hardly constitutes "being swept under the rug."
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:43 pm Reply with quote
ANN_Bamboo wrote:
v1cious wrote:
I just love how Valvrave is triggering all these discussions. It's made the board interesting again.

Is there a reason you stopped blogging Hunter X Hunter? The new arc is absolutely amazing so far.

I kind of just reached a point where I felt like every week, I was saying, "Yeah, this show is still awesome, and you should watch it." Maybe I should just write about it in 12-episode chunks? Same with Space Brothers.

You might want to edit the article because you spoiled the ending of Valvrave 11.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:44 pm Reply with quote
ANN_Bamboo wrote:
v1cious wrote:
I just love how Valvrave is triggering all these discussions. It's made the board interesting again.

Is there a reason you stopped blogging Hunter X Hunter? The new arc is absolutely amazing so far.

I kind of just reached a point where I felt like every week, I was saying, "Yeah, this show is still awesome, and you should watch it." Maybe I should just write about it in 12-episode chunks? Same with Space Brothers.

I think that works. You'll have more to say without it taking up space for the shorter series. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on the Chimera Arc so far.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:49 pm Reply with quote
Loved the Arata review, that was hilarious. "Ate the last Pringle" Laughing

I think we enjoyed Red Data Girl and its characters more than you did, but definitely agree with you about feeling lost on what's going on. Heck, we weren't entirely sure that episode 12 was the last episode - when I confirmed that was the case, sister said "Really? That's it?!" I think Humanity Has Declined did a better job at adapting 6 light novels coherently than RDG did. At least, it sure was pretty.

Between getting busy and tiring of shows (like Arata and Crime Edge), we're probably only going to finish 2 other series within a few days of airing: Hataraku Maoh, which we've really enjoyed and will show to a friend so we can watch it again, and Gargantia, which we're a tiny bit behind on but still like the characters and interesting world-building. We're still catching Attacking Titans ASAP, and looking forward to seeing another season of it!

Edit: we're still watching and loving Chihayafuru 2, but twice a month with said friend so we're a few eps behind.

Last edited by BonnKansan on Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:49 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:

T4. Oreimo 2 (Good) - After the maddening and frustrating episode 9, this series have rebounded nicely. Oreimo 2 continues to be a quality show with solid writing and outrageous and comic situations. Hopefully the ending will spoiler[adress and solve the issues with the apparent romantic feelings between Kirino and Kyousuke].

You are far over-estimating Oreimo's ability to do anything with tact. Or quality for that matter.

The entire show is a forced self-parodying soap opera in anime form.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:54 pm Reply with quote
ANN_Bamboo wrote:
v1cious wrote:
I just love how Valvrave is triggering all these discussions. It's made the board interesting again.

Is there a reason you stopped blogging Hunter X Hunter? The new arc is absolutely amazing so far.

I kind of just reached a point where I felt like every week, I was saying, "Yeah, this show is still awesome, and you should watch it." Maybe I should just write about it in 12-episode chunks? Same with Space Brothers.

Yeah that's how I thought it always worked.
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