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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:10 am Reply with quote
The big problem with FF12 is that Vaan didn't even belong there. Basch was going to be the lead but Vaan was written during development. Personally, I don't find Vaan annoying but late in the game it makes no sense why is the guy in the story (same with Penelo). I hope if FF12 is rereleased, they balance a bit the gameplay because the Limit Breaks-Overdrives or however you call them were very overpowered and slow,
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:17 am Reply with quote
Regarding Persona 5, it wouldn't make much sense for a niche title like that to give a reveal at E3...E3 isn't really that big among the Japanese, and it would be fully overshadowed since its not big enough to get into the press conferences. I fully expect the Persona 5 reveal will be at the Tokyo Game Show later this year. You're better off checking that convention for middle/lower tier Japanese publishers showing off games.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:10 pm Reply with quote
If we get the International version of XII, I might consider giving the game another chance. As it stands, I still feel like I wasted my money on the Collector's Edition.

Memories of Celceta: It's Ys, enough said. After this, I'm sure Ys V is next for a remake.

Muramasa Rebirth: Having loved both Odin Sphere and Muramasa, I can definitely say yes to this. I couldn't stand Muramasa's rudimentary surface level translation (this was truly a case of lost in translation, as so much of what the characters were saying was largely dropped for shorter text).

Despite I don't yet own a Vita yet, Celceta and Muramasa Rebirth are both on my list.

Project X Zone: Honestly Todd, the only reason Chaos Wars left anyone dissatisfied was because:

1) Idiots just remember the game for its "lol bad dub". That's literally all anyone says about it. One-track minds, sigh. I want to blame the publishers for even considering the notion of dubbing the game themselves.
2) The battle system was too "complicated" for those same idiots. No one even bothers talking about the gameplay when I ask.

As for Cross Edge, I've seen people complain that it was just too hard, even on Normal mode (giving up ten hours into the game also shows an incredible lack of dedication). Seems like today's modern gamers just want RPGs to be super easy so they don't have to actually put some effort into strategy and preparation. It's really not that hard at all once you figure out the combo system and get into the habit of synthesizing regularly.

Anyway, my grievances aside, it's going to be awesome that we're getting this. Namco x Capcom was denied to us long ago and now we'll have the bigger crossover SRPG. It's weird the game won't have shops to buy stuff because despite NxC was similar, it did have a shop you could buy items from every chapter.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:29 pm Reply with quote
Though I still didn't love it, I liked FFXII a lot more the second time through, and I think the dub is probably the best of any JRPG.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:57 pm Reply with quote
FFXII, by far the least interesting FF ever made. It's not spectacularly awful like VIII or XIII are, it's mostly just bland.

As for Mirror's Edge, the only thing it really had going for it was platforming and even that descended into irritation far too often. And whenever combat showed up it was clear the designers had no clue what to do with it.
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Joined: 16 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:11 pm Reply with quote
It would take a lot more than an HD remaster to get me to even touch "FF XII" again. I thought most aspects of the game were decent to great, but I could not stomach the gameplay. When every single battle feels like a slow, monotonous chore, and I feel like I hate every minute of the gameplay experience, that's when I just have to put the controller down and never look back.

As for "Mirror's Edge," definitely happy there's a new one. For every 2-3 moments of frustration in the original, there would be a moment where everything just clicked, and those parts were fantastic. Hopefully the new one can tap in to what worked.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:51 pm Reply with quote
Not confirmed yet, but it appears It's been confirmed that Microsoft is going to remove Xbox One DRM restrictions:

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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:12 pm Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
Regarding Persona 5, it wouldn't make much sense for a niche title like that to give a reveal at E3...E3 isn't really that big among the Japanese, and it would be fully overshadowed since its not big enough to get into the press conferences. I fully expect the Persona 5 reveal will be at the Tokyo Game Show later this year. You're better off checking that convention for middle/lower tier Japanese publishers showing off games.

Pretty much. E3 is for American games and gamers, since it's in America. All the Japanese stuff is saved until TGS. The only Japanese stuff that gets mentioned at E3 is some series America might be interested in (Metal Gear, Resident Evil, and Nintendo properties, though even Nintendo seems to be backing out of E3 lately)

Mirror's Edge... there's a special level of hell designed for the guy who though heavy platforming and first-person view would go well together.

Always excited for a new Ys game, glad to see the series hitting a stride again after all these years.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:32 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Project X Zone: Honestly Todd, the only reason Chaos Wars left anyone dissatisfied was because:

1) Idiots just remember the game for its "lol bad dub". That's literally all anyone says about it. One-track minds, sigh. I want to blame the publishers for even considering the notion of dubbing the game themselves.
2) The battle system was too "complicated" for those same idiots. No one even bothers talking about the gameplay when I ask.

I loved playing Chaos Wars when it came out in 2008. Yeah, the dub was horrific beyond imagination (rumor has it that O~3 Entertainment was forced to include a dub by SCEA or else the game couldn't be released, hence why they cheapened out by using family & friends), but you could select the original Japanese language; the fact that the voices in battle were only in Japanese kind of indicated which language you were encouraged to use. As for the gameplay I liked all the different systems that were included. The series-specific touches, like the Judgement Ring for Shadow Hearts characters, was cool & the general systems in use, like the radial movement, Realize, the sun positions, & combos, made for some really strategic battles. I haven't tried Cross Edge out yet, but Namco X Capcom was a game that I really wanted to enjoy, & the offensive battles were fun, but what killed the game was when you were on the defense. Since you had to defend manually against every single enemy that attacked turns took forever to get through & that just killed the pacing of NxC. SRT: Endless Frontier fixed most of that, though, & Project X Zone looks to simply improve on that formula.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:46 pm Reply with quote
Todd, I noticed just a slight error. The catgirl Felicia is not in Project X Zone. She is in Namco x Capcom and Cross Edge however.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:51 pm Reply with quote
lol Just now finding out there are funny captions when you hold the mouse over the pictures in these articles.

I'm not too big on re-releases, but I would be all over dat FFXII Very Happy I really liked that one and it'd probably be fun to play again on the international version (lol I found joy in making everyone axe-weilding clones the first time, so it'd be fun to have the classes in another playtrhough)
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:20 pm Reply with quote
I loved No More Heroes and Killer7 and even appreciated Flower, Sun & Rain, but after half a decade of mediocre games, corporate selling-out and gradual deterioration into crass self-caricature, Suda 51 is pretty much dead to me now. I cannot get excited about Killer is Dead; it (or his next game) is going to have to overcome my considerable skepticism to get me interested again.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:22 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
I loved playing Chaos Wars when it came out in 2008. Yeah, the dub was horrific beyond imagination (rumor has it that O~3 Entertainment was forced to include a dub by SCEA or else the game couldn't be released, hence why they cheapened out by using family & friends), but you could select the original Japanese language; the fact that the voices in battle were only in Japanese kind of indicated which language you were encouraged to use.

Yeah I know. You would think they would switch to the Japanese dialog right from the beginning after hearing the first horridly dubbed lines. As for that rumor, is that true? Not every game is required to have a dub if they can't manage one. Look at all the Agarest War games; none of them were dubbed at all.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:25 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
As for that rumor, is that true? Not every game is required to have a dub if they can't manage one. Look at all the Agarest War games; none of them were dubbed at all.

First off, Agarest War 1 was a download-only release on PS3 over here; the later titles got disc releases likely due to complaints from people who would have bought the game. Anyway, SCEA has been weird about stuff. Vic Ireland admitted that there was an anti-2D policy in the early PS1 days, and there always seemed to be hints of that policy even going into the PS2 era. For example, SNK could barely get their 2D fighters released on the system unless they were either in multi-packs or sold at budget prices, but Capcom & Arc System Works could get their 2D fighters released at normal prices; one could argue that SCEA gave the latter two byes due to Capcom's status & ASW's high-resolution sprite work whereas SNK's 2D games still had that old-school NeoGeo style to them.

As for audio restrictions, other companies have mentioned this as an actual policy. For example, Tecmo Koei admitted that Warriors Orochi 3 & Ken's Rage 2 weren't allowed disc releases over here because they didn't feature English dubs, but Sega was continually allowed to let Yakuza games get released without dubs after the first game. My only guess is that SCEA does have policies when it comes to stuff like 2D games & audio options, but they aren't beyond giving certain companies (like Capcom or Sega) a fair bit of leeway as long as their systems get their games, all the more so if it's an exclusive like Yakuza.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:51 am Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
As for audio restrictions, other companies have mentioned this as an actual policy. For example, Tecmo Koei admitted that Warriors Orochi 3 & Ken's Rage 2 weren't allowed disc releases over here because they didn't feature English dubs, but Sega was continually allowed to let Yakuza games get released without dubs after the first game. My only guess is that SCEA does have policies when it comes to stuff like 2D games & audio options, but they aren't beyond giving certain companies (like Capcom or Sega) a fair bit of leeway as long as their systems get their games, all the more so if it's an exclusive like Yakuza.

That sounds like an awful lot of exercise in tedium.
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