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The Mike Toole Show - ADV, Unreleased

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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:02 pm Reply with quote
Any other older classics from the VHS era (or older!!) where you just can't figure out why there isn't a shiny new DVD release yet?

Genmu Senki Leda. I believe Rightstuf may still have the rights, or at leas they used to. It got a shiny remastered DVD in Japan, and could easily look stunning on BluRay, so an R1 DVD would be a nice thing to own.

Riding Bean. There was a DVD, but it's old and utter shit now that the remastered DVD and BluRay have been available for a while in Japan. I can say this about several OVAs, actually.

For other old OVAs I've enjoyed, it can be hard to know what was only available on VHS here, since it's been nearly 17 years since they would have likely come out.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:16 pm Reply with quote
This is a interesting article Mike, thanks for sharing!!! Very Happy
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Joined: 01 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:51 pm Reply with quote
The one movie that got to VHS but never DVD that I still long for is Robot Carnival. That's Streamline, of course, not ADV, but it was a superb film for its time. It was also my first post-Robotech introduction to anime. It already has a dub, there's not much dialogue to sub...the only issues it has is that 1) it's old, 2) it's a collection of short films, and 3) those short films are of varied quality. While it's relatively easy to find a good copy out in the ether of the Internet, I would definitely buy a copy on DVD. In fact, it's one of the few films I'd purchase in a deluxe edition.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:51 pm Reply with quote
I love this column, because it's always practically a shopping list for me. Especially since I recently began collecting anime on VHS, just for the fun of it.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:54 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
Genmu Senki Leda. I believe Rightstuf may still have the rights, or at leas they used to. It got a shiny remastered DVD in Japan, and could easily look stunning on BluRay, so an R1 DVD would be a nice thing to own.

Ooh yes, I'd totally love to get that on DVD! I love the whole look of that show- it's so pretty and cute.

Also, my SOUL longs for a DVD or BD release of Robot Carnival!! Ugh, it's so perfect and so totally unavailable!
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:11 pm Reply with quote
I love Compiler-since at one point I had both tapes for it I transferred it to dvd along with The Girl From Phantasia, Gude Crest, The Adventures Of Kotetsu, Bite Me Chameleon plus I have some other vhs tapes from other companies that never made it to dvd such as Explorer Women Ray and Maris The Chojo. Also The Fantastic Adventures Of Leda (english dubbed)-the subbed version had better video quality than the dubbed one did. Plus I DO have Robot Carnival on dvd-it's a rare hk dvd ripped from the japanese dvd with engrish subtitles-which is ok since there's so little dialog in it. And I do have Capricorn and Luna Varga too.

Last edited by zrdb on Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:17 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:11 pm Reply with quote
Wow, there's more titles on this article I've seen that I manage to remember. Laughing
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:30 pm Reply with quote
Myaow wrote:
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
Genmu Senki Leda. I believe Rightstuf may still have the rights, or at leas they used to. It got a shiny remastered DVD in Japan, and could easily look stunning on BluRay, so an R1 DVD would be a nice thing to own.

Ooh yes, I'd totally love to get that on DVD! I love the whole look of that show- it's so pretty and cute.

Also, my SOUL longs for a DVD or BD release of Robot Carnival!! Ugh, it's so perfect and so totally unavailable!

Showed Robot Carnival this year at AnimeNEXT. Digitized it off of VHS for streaming use there.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:06 pm Reply with quote
Heh, this is relevant to my interests.

Capricorn? Did you forget Capricorn or was there a DVD I didn't know about? I know nothing about it other than it's on my to-watch list between something called 'Burn Up' and something called "Stardust Paradise", but the encyclopedia claims ADV licensed it.

I love Luna Varga, it has that same spastic comedy that makes things like Project A-Ko so great. Plus there are nekkid chicks and dinosaurs, so it pleases both my internal six-year old and my internal thirteen year old at the same time, which is nice.

Sol Bianca is pretty cool, well, at least the first episode is, the second has way too much cheesy fanservice. I'd buy it if Discotek released it.

I just watched The Girl From Phantasia a couple months ago. I'm amazed it isn't at the top of ADV's worst selling list. It's a generic sudden girlfriend appearance show with rather boring fanservice and nothing original about it. I could find nothing about it either, other than the manga that I think it's based off only ran six volumes, which seems a very low total to make an OVA from. My theory is the whole thing was an accounting mistake. The only thing of interest is that the ADV translator shoved a few profanities into the subtitles that aren't in the Japanese dialog. Seemed rather unprofessional, but I guess those were different times.

OVAs Iczer-1 and Iczer-3 (I am convinced this title scheme only exists so people will loudly wonder where Iczer-2 is)

Dead serious, I spent a good half hour searching the webs trying to figure why I couldn't find a single copy of Iczer-2.

You know, what I would love to see is some of the old, unlicensed OVAs from the eighties/early ninties get a release. I'm talking things like Elf 17, Cosmos Pink Shock, Dragon Century, Villgust, Cosmo Police Justy, or Nayuta, you know things that aren't that good but I'd still pay to not have to watch a blurry, badly ripped VHS fansub. Never going to happen, especially if they don't have Japanese DVDs, but a man can dream.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:09 pm Reply with quote
I know I keep mentioning this OAV, but I must! Here comes my dragon worshipping again. XD

Dragon Century was only released on LD and limited VHS copies back in the day. It's never been officially released on DVD sadly. Thankfully it was subbed and brought here for distribution, but it's nigh impossible to find copies now.

I've always wanted to see Adventures of Kotetsu personally, along with a few others. Luna Varga did gain some interest on a certain forum, now that I think about it.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Melanchthon wrote:
Heh, this is relevant to my interests.

Capricorn? Did you forget Capricorn or was there a DVD I didn't know about? I know nothing about it other than it's on my to-watch list between something called 'Burn Up' and something called "Stardust Paradise", but the encyclopedia claims ADV licensed it.

You know, what I would love to see is some of the old, unlicensed OVAs from the eighties/early ninties get a release. I'm talking things like Elf 17, Cosmos Pink Shock, Dragon Century, Villgust, Cosmo Police Justy, or Nayuta, you know things that aren't that good but I'd still pay to not have to watch a blurry, badly ripped VHS fansub. Never going to happen, especially if they don't have Japanese DVDs, but a man can dream.

It's another furry romp with Jouji Manabe. As ungood as the Outlanders OVA was, Capricorn is even less good. Not terrible, but just not really much to talk about either. I guess it's only notable now for the person who created it, and that he makes doujinshi for his own work like he does with Outlanders.

I can adds names to the list of unlicensed or at least used-to-be-on-VHS anime for a long while. I always stumble on one-offs or such that seem like they'd be worth to release just for novelty or laughs. Wanna-Bes, which was a wanna-be Dirty Pair OVA, is definitely something worth checking out. Related to that in terms of physically strong women was Rumiko's Maris: The Choujo, probably the best of her short OVA adaptations. Relating in terms of space adventure to that, there's Good Morning Althea.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:38 pm Reply with quote
Everyone should know who Yuji Moriyama is! He cut his teeth working for Mamoru Oshii on Urusei Yatsura. He was part of the Gainax crew that kicked out greats like Royal Space Force and Gunbuster. He directed goodies like Project A-Ko and Geobreeders, and baddies like most of the rest of those A-Ko OVAs and Geobreeders Breakthrough. More recently, he's been the go-to guy to direct Bleach movies, and his old pal Hideaki Anno brought him back to work on the first new Evangelion film. He directed Kotetsu, but he also provided character designs for a couple of OVAs called Luna Varga and Compiler. ADV Films also kicked these two out on VHS, and I think they're pretty alright.

I never knew he worked on Gainax stuff and Urusei Yatsura. I watched both Geobreeders and Breakthrough barely a week ago (I got the DVD box set for really cheap and it was a new copy). It was actually not a bad show and it was a fun joy to watch. I'll be honest, I confused Adventures of Kotetsu for something else that had Adventure in the name and it was a hentai. Laughing
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:45 pm Reply with quote
Melanchthon wrote:

OVAs Iczer-1 and Iczer-3 (I am convinced this title scheme only exists so people will loudly wonder where Iczer-2 is)

Dead serious, I spent a good half hour searching the webs trying to figure why I couldn't find a single copy of Iczer-2.

I think he's just poking fun at the fact that you had Iczer-1 and then it jumps to Iczer-3 but no 2. It was just the 1st 3 Iczer-1 OVAs and then came Iczer-3 as the new protagonist. Yet all 3 Iczers were in that film. So no there was never an Iczer-2 anime.

There was however a Iczer-3 manga that was published by Newtype. This was part of their manga line called Newtype 100%. The story was very different. The creator Toshihiro/Toshiki Hirano has been reviving this character for a few years, but it has now sort of died out. He revived the character again under the title Steel Faiyr Rouran.

Then you have Dangaioh, that left fans on a cliff hanger only to be revived under the title The Great Dangaioh which was released by Geneon. But due to poor ratings the series; while expecting to be funded for another 13 eps, was cancelled. Speaking of Dangaioh I would love to see the OVAs rescued. No thanks to Manga for releasing a dubbed only DVD when they had originally released both subbed/dubbed versions on VHS.

Speaking of the Iczer franchise I'm surprised that this title didn't make it on DVD. But then again looking at it being a spin off it really didn't offer any more to the presentation than expected. Sadly I missed picking this up. You can barely find it for sale, if you do expect to pay a lot. So I'm waiting for it be released. I also find it interesting how this creator never was able to continue these titles into something more. I'm waiting to see if another revival.

I didn't know that Hanappe Bazooka was on ADV acquisition list. I actually own a copy of this on VHS tape. It's as a pirated copy. Long gone are the days of the early online pirate retailers who bought masters and sold copies of "new" anime in the raw. I had just got exposed to the cute cherubic crazy man known as Go Nagai so this was probably my first adult oriented Go Nagai feature. I wouldn't mind seeing this released for my collection. I also wanted to see the Abashiri Family and Delinquent in Drag. I managed to watch an upload on a streaming site. I also saw the live action movie Sukeban Boy, which is the original title from the manga. I would pick up those 2 films if released on DVD.

While we're on the subject of Go Nagai material wasn't there a rumor that ADV had acquired either the first Cutey Honey or Re: Cutie Honey?

I'm surprised that Prefectural Earth Defense Force isn't on the list of rescues. I mean that is ONE obscure title that ADV picked up and it was a limited release. Afterwards you couldn't even find this DVD for purchase. This title was one of my first VHS trades back in HS at an anime club. I was shocked that this made it into their acquisitions I immediately picked it up. Along with CPMs release of Outlanders. I mean this title is almost 30 years old. Who would have thought it would be released 20 years later?

There are quite a few gems and stinkers left over. I would love to see Mighty Space Miners and Rail of the Star. Those are definitely deserving of a DVD release. But there are some titles that I never heard of like Gude. I've heard of the others but never actually seen them. They should release a Sol Bianca collection. Ah the 90s, such a time we are beginning to look back on.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:10 pm Reply with quote
The only thing I ever got from the VHS era at ADV was "Farscape." It was about an astronaut that got blasted into a distant part of the universe. I don't really have any anime from the VHS era at ADV. I got stuff like "Gunsmith Cats,""Kaliedo Star,"and "Chrono Crusade" DVDs. There were a number of stuff from the VHS days that have yet to see any release on DVD.
Some of them sound interesting. Others I think I can really live without. All in all,many of them may one day see a DVD release,if we engage in a letter writing campaign to get these on DVD.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:30 pm Reply with quote
Well pioneer did do a DVD release of soul bianca i was lucky enough to get them.

though i am susprised ADV is still around. i though the company no longer exists or just changed their names to section 23 / sentai filmworks since their official website no longer exists.
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