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Ojamajo LimePie

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:04 pm Reply with quote
Neighborhood Stories didn't come first, I'm Not an Angel (Tenshi Nanka ja Nai) came first. Razz The rock star Tsutomu looks like is from TenNai. And most of the characters show up in the flea market episode of the Gokinjo anime.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:15 pm Reply with quote
Oh man, I really hope that FUNi eventually re-dubs the second YuYu Hakusho film.

Anyway, I really hate it when companies do things like that, releasing sequels before the originals. When that happens, I never buy the sequels first.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:44 pm Reply with quote
While not really the same thing it kind of threw me a bit that Cartoon Network chose to air Mobile Suit Gundam and The 08th MS Team simultaneously from the first episode (which, of course, is how I watched it). It wasn't really difficult to follow, but it felt a bit awkward for the War to be over before it had really gotten going, and there were a couple of times that I wished little eleven year-old me had access to more info about the franchise than I did.
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Joined: 11 May 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:47 pm Reply with quote
You forgot the most intriguing part of Yu-Gi-Oh '98: Instead of focusing on the card game, it was about a oddly sadistic YamiYugi doling out justice to bad guys with his "Shadow Games". That, and Kaiba had green hair!
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Way back in the dawn of anime importing to the North American market, one of the few titles offered on VHS was Riding Bean, the side story of Bean Bandit from Gunsmith Cats. It was years later when the GSC manga appeared here and the anime. My friends had speculated that Bean was some kind of daywalking vampire to explain his reflexes and his seemingly bulletproof skin.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:10 pm Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:
Oh man, I really hope that FUNi eventually re-dubs the second YuYu Hakusho film.

Ditto, I'm still waiting for Funi to dub the second film.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:45 pm Reply with quote
This was released in the right order, but I saw it in the wrong order thanks to my anime club. I saw Martians Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness without having seen the TV series first.

On top of that, it was an nth generation VHS fansub, completely washed out in some scenes. Nadesico fans had been waiting for three years, after all....

I was completely confused, but also thoroughly, utterly intrigued by the hints of depth in what I saw. I immediately watched the series (checking it out from the club library or renting from Tokyo Kid), then re-watched the movie, rinse and repeat two or three times, until I felt like I understood what was going on. It was wonderful.

I've since learned that this was probably the right order to watch the movie and TV series --- as a result, unlike many Nadesico fans, I was never disappointed by the movie. It remains a favorite.

(I never did manage to finish the manga, though.)
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Sakura Shinguji

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:01 pm Reply with quote
re: Patlabor on Blu-ray. It's being released by Maiden Japan, not Sentai. Yes, Maiden Japan was also spawned from the ashes of ADV like Sentai, uses Seraphim for dubbing and disc production like Sentai, and distributes through Section23 like Sentai, but is a functionally, financially, and legally separate entity (technically, a label of said separate entity, alongside the Switchblade live-action label).

Not that most fans know or care what any of that means (and, frankly, it really isn't necessary for most fans to know or care what that means, as long as discs keep showing up in stores), but it's still not correct whatsoever to use "Sentai" and "Maiden Japan" interchangeably, regardless of the behind-the-scenes ties, any more than one would use "FUNimation" and "Viz" interchangeably (which is to say, never).
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Sakura Shinguji

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:08 pm Reply with quote
dm wrote:
This was released in the right order, but I saw it in the wrong order thanks to my anime club. I saw Martians Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness without having seen the TV series first.

On top of that, it was an nth generation VHS fansub, completely washed out in some scenes. Nadesico fans had been waiting for three years, after all....

I was completely confused, but also thoroughly, utterly intrigued by the hints of depth in what I saw. I immediately watched the series (checking it out from the club library or renting from Tokyo Kid), then re-watched the movie, rinse and repeat two or three times, until I felt like I understood what was going on. It was wonderful.

The movie is another Gundam F91 situation, in that it's what remains of an aborted attempt at a new TV series, with some spit and polish to turn it into something semi-watchable with kind of an ending so that it could be released to the public in order to get at least some money back.

That's why the movie is 95% "let's very slowly reassemble the crew and only barely hint at big plot elements" and 5% "oh, uh, here's the ending, ta-dah!"

I still like it a lot anyway, too.
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Mai Yukino

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:26 pm Reply with quote
It puzzles me why Bandai released Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack before Zeta Gundam. Sure ZZ Gundam isn't that great of a series when it comes to the Universal Century saga and was among the few that Bandai didn't license when they were still in business, spoiler[but the latter part of the series sets up things for CCA, such as how Bright Noa became a part of the Londo Bell and Sayla mentioning Char while talking to Bright in regards to Char being up to no good.] So, not a whole lot of things made sense for me in regards to CCA when I first watched it, but things were made clearer for me when I was able to see Zeta and ZZ. It would've helped if Bandai had released them in chronological order.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:32 pm Reply with quote
Sakura Shinguji wrote:

Not that most fans know or care what any of that means (and, frankly, it really isn't necessary for most fans to know or care what that means, as long as discs keep showing up in stores), but it's still not correct whatsoever to use "Sentai" and "Maiden Japan" interchangeably, regardless of the behind-the-scenes ties, any more than one would use "FUNimation" and "Viz" interchangeably (which is to say, never).

Sentai and Maiden Japan are the same company. You can split hairs about what distinguishes them from another legally, but they're literally all sitting in the same offices. You saying that it's the same as equating Funimation and Viz is completely incorrect. I know it's the internet and pedantry is king, but c'mon.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:47 pm Reply with quote
Not to mention we got Dragon Ball Z well before the original Dragon Ball (well, successfully anyways). I remember many thought Dragon Ball was essentially Dragon Ball Z's equivalent to A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, Muppet Babies, or Flintstone Kids. I didn't even know it was made first in Japan until years later.

We also got the Utena movie before 2/3 of the TV series (it was made after), but I'm not sure if that counts because the movie is a retelling (though you do need experience watching the series to really understand what's going on).
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:48 pm Reply with quote
Not that anything but the original series was even available here, but watching VOTOMS can be a mess depinding on whether you want to go chronological or by release date. Going chronologically will spoil the main series, however, which is of course how I watched the bulk of VOTOMS until the recent OVAs.

There's been plenty of times where I may watch a movie or OVA before seeing the main chunk, and sometimes it just doesn't matter because it's an entirely unrelated retelling, like the Escaflowne movie. Watched that years before watching the show. Same with the Utena film, Galaxy Express 999 films, and likely tons of others. Is it necessarily out of order in any way but release date if they're non part of the same direct continuity?

I'm also planning to watch all of the available Minky Momo films without having seen the series, which I'm sort of doing the same for the Pierrot Magical Girl shows with their various OVAs, like the one where they all turn into mecha musume in Magical Girl Club Quartet.
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:19 pm Reply with quote
I am pretty sure they ran New Century first because it was more accessible to viewers. It was shorter, and didn't have the massive war story arc that Chaotic Century had. You can simply get into by watching any episode as the plot was simpler. The series has references to Chaotic Century (for example an important Zoid from the ending of Chaotic Century makes an appearance as the finish line for New Century) but you dont have to see Chaotic Century to get New Century.

Also in one episode a Judge puts a Dark Judge in an Argentine Back Breaker before doing a Kabuki poise. It is easily one of the most awesome scenes in anime history.

Personally Zoids is the one series that I am puzzled that no one has made an attempt to bring back as the DVDs are expensive to get the full set.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:16 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
I'm also planning to watch all of the available Minky Momo films without having seen the series, which I'm sort of doing the same for the Pierrot Magical Girl shows with their various OVAs, like the one where they all turn into mecha musume in Magical Girl Club Quartet.

It may depend on which of the Minky Momo TV series you mean, but I've enjoyed Minky Momo: Yume ni Kakeru Hashi and Minky Momo: Tabidachi no Eki tremendously, while being unable to watch more than a few minutes of the TV show. I haven't seen the other two OVAs.
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