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Shelf Life - Maid to Order

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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:42 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I knew Maid Sama was a cool shojo romance going into it... Which made the cover art choices even more baffling to me. I guess they were trying to trick the fanservice guys into buying a girls' show?
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:49 pm Reply with quote
Maid Sama! is a great series. The manga is still ongoing, which would explain the lack of a "goal" in the anime. Still very enjoyable though. The manga series is hitting its climax too and things are getting really good. I would recommend fans of the series to check out the author's official Facebook page.

I rather enjoyed Towanoquon, and watched all six episodes in theaters. Of course, I am biased towards Kamiya so that may have a lot to do with it. The only episode I felt was really weak was the second episode. I think the series could have done without that hour entirely as it didn't really link with the rest as much as the others did. Still, My chest tightened every time Quon yelled in pain. Gah! Crying or Very sad Not to sound sadistic or anything, but I think pain is one of the best emotions to tell how well someone can act. Pain and anger, both of which Kamiya does very well.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:00 pm Reply with quote
The only negative is that it's really hard shuffling around the top shelf since it's seven feet (213 cm) off the ground and I'm only 5'8" (173 cm)

And that's why man created step-stools and ladders Laughing

But nice looking shelving, you have lots of space to utilize Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:27 pm Reply with quote
I agree that Maid-Sama, aka Kaichō wa Maid-sama!, suffers from lack of goal due to the manga still being ongoing (sort of the same issue I had with Special A or the poor man's Ouran HSHC) but I did enjoyed the series for the most part. But, I got to ask, why do so many fans like Usui? Is it because his VA is Nobuhiko Okamoto?

I was indifferent to him throughout the entire series and, honestly, he's not even that cool. He's super athletic, all the guys worship him, yet he's a total space cadet and he loves harassing Misaki. I ended up watching it mainly for Misaki and her "bossy" attitude towards the guys at her school. I'll probably end up buying in during a Sentai sale or something.

I'm currently watching Towa no Quon on Hulu so I don't have much to say.

@Shelves: Is that a Time of Eve Boxset?!
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Joined: 11 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:21 pm Reply with quote
If The Legend of the Legendary Heros happens to be in your "to watch pile" I definitely recommend giving it a shot. I found it to be a surprisingly entertaining show and much more humorous than I was expecting. It's worth noting the voice actor cast as Ryner Lute in Funimation's dub did an exceptional job delivering his lines.

If you happen to have an online to watch list I also recommend a short OVA called Pale Cocoon (streaming on Crunchyroll). It's by the same director as Time of Eve and has a somewhat Makoto Shinkai feel to it.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:43 pm Reply with quote
Saw those OOP Geneon Release Boxsets of Sailor Moon and haven't stopped drooling... forget the Madoka figures, I want those... Shocked
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Joined: 22 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:50 pm Reply with quote
Yes, on Shangri La, a bit more effort in knitting the pieces together into a coherent story could have gone a long way. I liked it, but the story is a mess.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:01 pm Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:
I guess they were trying to trick the fanservice guys into buying a girls' show?

<- Fanservice guy, knew what it was, still bought it.

On that subject, I liked the handling of the protagonist's practically-non-existent skirt in Shangri-La, too. No flashes for the audience, but random comments about underwear patterns from the characters she was kicking in the head. Cool
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Joined: 18 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:04 pm Reply with quote
Ahhhh Maid Sama! is definitely a bit of a hidden gem. The first half of the anime for me is much better than the second half which doesn't introduce much new. But the main characters are great and the character designs I think are very well drawn. If I had a top five female character designs Misaki would definitely be on it.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:19 pm Reply with quote
Nice to see the King of Harts' beautifully displayed and pretty-box-studded collection but... where's Babbit?
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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:41 pm Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:
Yeah, I knew Maid Sama was a cool shojo romance going into it... Which made the cover art choices even more baffling to me. I guess they were trying to trick the fanservice guys into buying a girls' show?

The one problem with that, though, is that Usui looks like the most stereotypical shoujo love interest bad boy ever. The show can crow about maids and swimsuits all it wants; I never believed for a second that there would be anything resembling regular made-for-guys kind of fanservice in Maid-sama.

I still watched a little bit of it. And, curiously enough, despite the fact that it portrayed most of the boys in her class the same kind of idiots that make up the male roster in shows like To Love-Ru or that Tokimeki Memorial show I watched many years ago, the show still took their side during the big "what are we going to do for the school festival" episode. (Sort of.)

I eventually gave it up, though. Not because of the supposedly manhating, ballbusting female lead. (I've seen far, FAR worse.) Not because of the almost stereotypical rich guy douchebag that came straight out of left field and wanted her to kowtow to him because he had lots of money. Not because of the two guys who... assaulted her because they were masochists and wanted her to beat them up?!

Nope, it was the fact that our main male lead, Usui, almost always seemed to be nearby whether he was "needed" or not, which gave him kind of a creepy, stalkerish vibe despite being the main love interest.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:50 pm Reply with quote
Northlander wrote:

Nope, it was the fact that our main male lead, Usui, almost always seemed to be nearby whether he was "needed" or not, which gave him kind of a creepy, stalkerish vibe despite being the main love interest.

I mostly agree with this. I loved Misaki's character, but Usui, I hated with a passion. As the series progressed, it seemed as if Misaki started to lose her independence, because Usui was always saving her. At some point, even she realizes that she's become dependant on him. It was mostly noticeable during the second half, but I got really annoyed at how it seemed Misaki no longer could solve her problems on her own and always needed Usui to save her. The beach episode was particularly infuriating, but I've already ranted about it before. By the end of the anime I was rooting for spoiler[Misaki's childhood friend] rather than Usui, even if I knew it was a lost cause

I still think episode 5 was the best of the whole show because for once, even if Usui was fast coming to her rescue, Misaki was able to fend off the pervs and defend herself with ease, it was awesome.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:24 pm Reply with quote
Awesome shelves this week. Very well done and meticulously organized. Really like your use of space to display the front of the box art and keeping the LE bonus items on display with the discs.
Also, are those dvd covers around your windows?
Btw nice to see someone else with the Saber Marionette J boxset...
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:38 pm Reply with quote
Keichitsu0305 wrote:
I agree that Maid-Sama, aka Kaichō wa Maid-sama!, suffers from lack of goal due to the manga still being ongoing (sort of the same issue I had with Special A or the poor man's Ouran HSHC) but I did enjoyed the series for the most part. But, I got to ask, why do so many fans like Usui? Is it because his VA is Nobuhiko Okamoto?

Okamoto wasn't as popular back then, so I doubt that's the reason.

It's not introduced in the anime series due to its length but Usui has problems of his own. The anime had limited material to work with so I understand how some people may come to certain conclusions. I recommend picking up the manga, though it's no longer being published in English due to Tokyopop going under.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:41 pm Reply with quote
Amaaaaaaazing shelves! The shelves especially cordoned off to Panty and Stocking are especially cool.
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