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Joined: 16 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:29 pm Reply with quote
Downloading this baby right now. Been looking forward to this one since you guys announced it. Glad i could listen to this before the world ended Razz
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:33 pm Reply with quote
Ladies and gentlemen, come, gather round,
and bask in that old-time melodious sound
of Justin and Zac and the friends of the 'cast
who, here gathered together, and finally, at last
will reveal with great pomp all the shows one should see
which will send us to RightStuf for a home-shopping spree.
The forums will crackle with good, clean debate
as, in true Christmas spirit, we hedge in our hate
and instead treat each other as fans in good cheer
who have nestled in closely in order to hear
all these podcasting mavens get drunk and then shout
what the ANIME SPIRIT is truly about.

It will be a Festivus miracle, I'm sure (right after the airing of grievances).
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Joined: 03 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:38 pm Reply with quote
sweet glad to see this episode is up sooner then I expected.
Numbering my top would be hard but I will say my favorites
Eden of the East would be one of if not my top same for spirited away and finally Full Metal Panic (series). Baccano is on the list just like. Case closed phantom of baker street girl who lept through time, Hikaru no Go, ouran is on there for comedy, NANA, higurashi though if manga/VN are allowed I would prefer to mention Umineko the VN not the anime, skip beat, spice and wolf, fruit basket, toradora and noein....why is there so much romance and shojo? also best manga goes to Tantei Gakuen Q

Also my final item on my top items list is beast player erin.

Last edited by Tanteikingdomkey on Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:36 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Joined: 16 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:44 pm Reply with quote
Tanteikingdomkey wrote:
sweet glad to see this episode is up sooner then I expected.
Numbering my top would be hard but I will say my favorites
Eden of the East would be one of if not my top same for spirited away and finally Full Metal Panic (series). Baccano is on the list just like. Case closed phantom of baker street girl who lept through time, Hikaru no Go, ouran is on there for comedy

Looks like we have similar tastes cause those would all be on my top 10 with the exception of Fullmetal Panic since i haven't seen it. My top 3 though would be Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Naoki Urasawa's Monster and Birdy The Mighty: Decode.

Last edited by daichi383 on Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:50 pm Reply with quote
daichi383 wrote:
Tanteikingdomkey wrote:
sweet glad to see this episode is up sooner then I expected.
Numbering my top would be hard but I will say my favorites
Eden of the East would be one of if not my top same for spirited away and finally Full Metal Panic (series). Baccano is on the list just like. Case closed phantom of baker street girl who lept through time, Hikaru no Go, ouran is on there for comedy

Looks like we similar tastes cause those would all be on my top 10 with the exception of Fullmetal Panic since i haven't seen it. My top 3 though would be Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Naoki Urasawa's Monster and Birdy The Mighty: Decode.

GitS and birdy are on my to watch list. also I have been meaning to give monster another chance.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:03 pm Reply with quote
Totally missed the window of opportunity to submit my list, but here it is:

1. Fantastic Children
2. Noein
3. R.O.D. the TV
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Joined: 19 May 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:29 pm Reply with quote
Wow, great listen but the whole thing kind of has a "not enough time has passed to do this effectively". There were still lots of good choices and a lot of intriguing ones that make me want to go watch a few new things, and WOW OH WOW am I happy that "Voices of a Distant Star" got a spot on someone's list! Easily the best Shinkai, before he remade the same story two times with better production values but lesser effect.

Very surprised at the lack of Satoshi Kon thus far, but I'll be shocked beyond belief if he doesn't make an appearance or two or three in the top 5, and that would be well worth the lack of him this go-around.

... just gonna say my Top 3.

2. Kaleido Star
3. Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:43 pm Reply with quote
Really glad to see the podcast come out a day early this week,considering I have been looking forward to this for awhile now. Smile

Considering I missed posting this on Twitter, I might as well list my top 3 as well...

1.Samurai Champloo
2.Full Metal Alchemist
3.Darker than Black
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Joined: 03 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:44 pm Reply with quote
As someone who does a panel on Eden of the East I agree with zac 100% the movies are superfluous. That is because the way the TV series is set up is an argument. it is an argument about biopolitics. the neets are synonymous with the what ever being. that is all I am saying because I will go on and on if I continue

I got the point without even watching sky crawlers, yes generic bad but that can be said for almost all media, and really isn't true if a series is truly good.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:58 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, the thing is that there is just so much stuff from the 00s. It's crazy.
The 00s were indeed super comodified although actually to pretty awesome effect initially which I think is why I find a ton of shows in the mid to early 00s that I really really like but not a lot that I'd consider a true masterpiece. Of course, in the later days this led to some pretty great economic excesses which I think led to a lot of pretty arty shows being produced and as such we saw the likes of Genuis Party, Mind Game, Kemonozume, Kaiba, Mononoke, Paprika etc. Of course, that in turn led to a total implosion during the last couple years. So there's that. Laughing
Honestly, I nether enjoy or especially respect Paprika. Kon as a whole is a genius but Paprika is not actually a great movie. It looks great. But the story and characters are actually rather unimpressive. Frankly, it is kinda his Steamboy.
Have not seen Sky Crawlers. Bought it because Oshii. Put it on my shelf. Haven't actually got to it though. Sounds like it'll be kinda boring on the surface though.
I don't know that I agree. Oshii is not for everyone but I wouldn't call him hit and miss. Ghost in the Shell 2 stunk but otherwise his work is pretty consistent I think. Unless you count his live action stuff maybe? I don't know.
I don't think Baccano is that shallow. I think there is some actually pretty solid characterization there. I just don't exactly think the structure works. At the end of the day, it would have been better to just tell it in a conventional manner.
Indeed. Princess Mononoke is Miyazaki's best film. Spirited away is just more well known. Still good though.

My top 3:

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
Ah, its watching this that I remember why I got into anime in the first place. The first half or so is very good as it is but once it hits the half way point it really takes it to the masterpiece level. There is a heavier focus on the central plot and that plot is a little less abstract compared to the first season and while it was still highly enjoyable, this gives the second season much more of an impact. The music is a huge boost and overall, the series creates a great atmosphere. It's also great to see the setting and state of the world developed as well as some of the secondary members of section 9.

Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit
This is simply put, a really really well done series. It's not that it's particularly innovative or unique material. It's just a tremendously well put together story. Balsa is a fantastic character. Very strong but still very warm and human. Right off the bat they start to reveal her complex back story. The other main characters are also interesting as are the villains who are also notably sympathetic. That's definitely the main draw of Moribito. It's way more of a character drama than an action show. On top of that though, it's also a very epic story. This I found particularly impressive considering that shows like that often succeed at the expense of they type of more low key emotion and character development at which Moribito excels. Also though, the story is pretty solid. It has some nice twists and turns and it all slowly builds to a fantastic conclusion. The world is very well constructed as well. It seems believable and has a nice, unique look which adds to it's sense of realness. The series overall looks pretty great as well. I like the character designs. Like the world, they have a nice, unique look which is a bit uncommon for fantasy series. The animation is very smooth and the fights are very fast paced and look great.

Honestly, I could easily give this spot to any of my also rans. Either way it isn't quite on the level of numbers 1 and 2. I'll give it to this though because this show is so wonderfully unique and I think that puts it ahead of all the other great but slightly more conventional shows on my list. This is just such a neat show. I love the art style and I love what it let's them do animation wise. There's some really cool moving chase sequences here that are really great. The whole art design is great. The little mini-planets, the mind portals. It's all very cool. It's not just the visuals though. The show tells a very neat story too with a lot of heart. Too bad, this show can often be unnecessarily incoherent.

Also rans: Mushi-Shi (Beautiful but never quite goes anywhere), Samurai Champloo (super fun but maybe lacking some of the depth of Watanabe's other work), Baccano! (Super fun and energetic but the structure is ultimately awkward), Rahxephon (Really need to rewatch), Hellsing (Great style, music and atmosphere but a weak second half), Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (Kawajiri's best movie), Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Totally works as a stand alone movie).
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:07 pm Reply with quote
So, one of the things I came in looking for was which title was huge in its time but has been completely left behind, absent from the panel and listener lists. FMA has lasted, maybe because ANN reviewers and listeners were the right age for it, but also because it's just inherently good. Spirited Away won the Oscar and despite Zac and Justin's misgivings about it starting the Miyazaki slide, Theron saved a place for it. And as much as Haruhi seemed like a fad, I believe I heard it mentioned at least once (maybe one of Justin's honorable mentions?).

So what's missing? I'm pretty sure I haven't heard the title Death Note mentioned. And if you recall just how big that was in the mid-2000's -- weekly broadcast on Adult Swim, intermittently tracked by the critics at the AV Club, t-shirts and L plushies at Hot Topic and Spencers -- I think it's pretty surprising that we've not heard one listener put it in their top 3. Especially given that it's really good. It ultimately frustrates after pulling its biggest twist, and is probably too long for its own good, but the cat-and-mouse games are clever, and its bravery in repeatedly reinventing itself every dozen episodes or so is remarkable.

No, not on my list, but really surprised it doesn't seem to be on anyone else's. Maybe it's something you only need to see once? Maybe it's a narrative thrill ride without a lot of lasting substance? Hard to say. Pity though, since it was probably the last gateway show for anime in the US.

Oh, and I'm just going to leave this here...
1. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
2. Rumbling Hearts
3. Clannad After Story
[Honorable Mentions: Baccano!, Toradora!]
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:15 pm Reply with quote
Oh man, finally!

My top 3 of the 00s:
3) Metropolis- This was a movie I saw early into my fandom, and I adored it. I watched it again pretty recently and I still really like this movie. Some people find it cheesy, I don't, I really love it, even if the 3D doesn't quite gel.

2) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann- This is a series that is just tons of fun. It really brightens my spirit with its can-do attitude. I feel like a lot of shows and movies have been anti-human, but this one was so pro-human it was practically refreshing. And I love how it just makes you go with it because its spirit is so damn infectious!

1) Princess Tutu-this'll come up again in the ANNCast, I know it will. It's a magical and simply beautiful series with deep thought provoking topics and a fantastical world where the music and plots of ballets really exist and actually blend in with the main story rather than stick out from it.

These 3 probably had the biggest impact on me, but I have tons of honorable mentions:
Fantastic Children-I always love seeing love for this series. Slow first half, but good stuff, second half is especially epic
Simoun-see below (buy it!)
Noein-kids acting like kids and scifi goodness, yay!
RahXephon-I was not an EVA fan, this is like EVA done right for me. I liked it even more on my second watch.
Freedom-saw this recently, but for a series made by Nissin, they actually cared about making a good show.
Mushishi-I found each episode to be unique. One idea, many ways to take it, I felt like I never watched the same ep twice. And the animation, music, and pacing added so much for it over the manga, making it a rare "I like the adaptation more" thing.
Higurashi-delightfully creepy, but also evolved into more than just creepy killer lolis, which is nice
FMA (2003)-see below
To Terra-please adapt more 70s shojo!
Hikaru no Go-might be cheating as I've only read the manga, but awesome characters more than make up for playing a game I know nothing about
Tokyo Godfathers-now's the perfect time of year to see why this is the best xmas movie ever created.
Interstella 5555-I first saw this on youtube, it reminded me of when I first got into anime, staying up til 1am to see Outlaw Star with wide eyed wonder.
Cromartie High School-pointless as all hell and it knows it. Why I like it though, a dry humor, my favorite type!
Avatar: The Last Airbender (only HM cus it's not actual anime)-Fantastic fantasy world, great characters, creepy politics in Ba Sing Se, and man, the coreography is incredible.

Man, I loved hearing Simoun mentioned! It's a fantastic series with a premise that makes you want to just run the other way. But I assure you, as a yuri, it's terrible. As an everything else, drama, romance, scifi, it's fantastically amazing. Also, it's only $20 MSRP (meaning way cheaper everywhere), so go grab a copy! Put it on your next TRSI for free shipping! You won't regret it as it is amazing!

Interstella 5555 is nothing shy of amazing. I wouldn't consider it my favorite ever, but it's a damn fine movie. Sometimes, I feel like I'm a bit jaded from being in anime for so long, but when I first saw this, it reminded me of when I'd stay up til 1 to watch Outlaw Star on early adult swim, that same kind of wide eyed wonderment and excitement. I then immediately bought the DVD, I knew that would be something I'd want to watch again and lend to other people, and I still love it every time I watch it.

I am also a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 moreso than Brotherhood. Or more accurately for me, the manga. Yeah, I still like 2003 more than the original manga, I thought the manga was just too much of a safe shonen while 2003 took more chances. For example: Winry's parents. In 2003 spoiler[Roy Mustang kills them on orders he didn't want to follow but did anyway.] In the manga spoiler[Scar, while quite insane, does it] and I think this major change tells me a lot about the 2003 vs the manga and why I thought 2003 was a deeper show that took more risks. So yeah, 2003 for me too.

I personally think it's a shame that Millennium Actress didn't win the academy award instead, it was nominated too, and I think it's a far better film than Spirited Away. It's hard to describe why without seeing both, but MA was a far more ambitious movie with far stronger emotions.

I was kinda underwhelmed by Haibane Renmei honestly. I just watched it last month and was expecting so much more from it, but I was kinda "meh" on it. I think I actually got more out of Niea_7, oddly enough. I don't know why HR didn't do it for me, but I didn't really care for it. Was there something I was missing here? I think I got the symbolism and stuff, but I just didn't care for the characters very much or feel like I got to know them very well.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:21 pm Reply with quote
In response to Justin around 49:40, Nodame Cantabile's dub has been back on Crackle (I just finished it a few months ago and really enjoyed it):
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:27 pm Reply with quote
If we say our top three now and they were read in the second half, they're not going to get edited out, right?

1) Ichigo Mashimaro/Strawberry Marshmallow
2) Kamichu! (glad that one was on someone else's list)
3) a cheating portmanteau, Minami-Ke-On (Minami-Ke and K-On!), because I had trouble deciding which one to leave out, though I did tell Zac if he was only going to name one, K-On!.

runners-up: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, Taishou Baseball Girls, Ah My Goddess TV, Windy Tales, Aria. One I forgot to put on my runners-up when I e-mailed Zac was Sora no Manimani, the astronomy club anime, but he doesn't read our runners-up anyhow so it's not like it matters.

Reasons? Pretty much the same for all of them, I like watching cute girls do cute things.

There weren't any movies anywhere near the list, since I far prefer series, but if I had to name one, it'd be Mai Mai Miracle, for pretty much the same reason as in the previous sentence. It's a shame it hasn't been licensed.

I have the same outlier opinion on Spirited Away as Zac and Justin. It always seemed disjointed and scattershot to me.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:33 pm Reply with quote
I'll update this as I go.

Zac Bertschy:
Philosophy: "Watch a shit load of material - list is not based upon nostalgia, but how I feel about it now." (Note: Nothing he watched for the first time made it on the list.)

Honorable Mentions: Redline, Princess Tutu, Mind Game, Victorian Romance Emma

10. Spice and Wolf (2008, Imagin)

09. Eden of the East (2009, Production I.G.)

08. Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai) (2007, ufotable)

07. Genshiken (2004, Palm Studio)

06. Interstella 5555 (2001, Toei)


Justin Sevakis:
Philosophy: "In the macro view, how many of these shows would stand the test of time and how many would I remember in the next ten years."

Honorable Mentions: Kino's Journey, Gankutsuou, Story of Saiunkoku, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Eden of the East, Paprika

10. Princess Tutu (2002, Hal Film)

09. Fighting Spirit (Hajime no Ippo) (2000, Madhouse)

08. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003, Bones)

07. Sky Crawlers (2008, Production I.G.)

06. Haibane Renmei (2002, Radix)


Hope Chapman:
Philosophy: "Not just top 10 favorites. Looked at 10 facets of what makes anime the best of what it is or what it is trying to be."

10. Ouran High School Host Club (2006, Bones)
Honorable mentions (comedy): School Rumble, Azumanga Daioh

09. Interstella 5555 (2001, Toei)
Honorable mentions (animation for the sake of animation): Redline, FLCL

08. Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai) (2007, ufotable)
Honorable mentions (new media / moe / dependence upon fans): Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, ef: a tale of memories

07. Baccano! (2007, Brains Base)
Honorable mentions (pure entertainment): Samurai Champloo, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

06. Welcome to the NHK (2006, Gonzo)
Honorable mentions (slice of life): Honey and Clover, Genshiken, Beck, Paradise Kiss


Theron Martin:
Philosophy: "Looked at two primary factors: (1) Writing quality and (2) Did the title do something distinctive." (Note: Not all of his favorite titles necessarily made it on the list.)

Honorable Mentions: My-Hime, My-Otome, Baccano!, Metropolis, Saikano, Scrapped Princess, Twelve Kingdoms, Paprika, Boogiepop Phantom, Living for the Day After Tomorrow, Eden of the East, Gankutsuou, Haibane Renmei, Redline

10. Simoun (2006, Studio Deen)

09. Spice and Wolf II (2009, Brains Base)

08. Cross Game (2009, Synergy SP)

07. Voices of a Distant Star (2002, CoMix Wave Inc.)

06. Spirited Away (2001, Studio Ghibli)

Last edited by Crisha on Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:21 pm; edited 4 times in total
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