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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:28 pm Reply with quote
Everyone, get ready for...

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Joined: 22 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:52 pm Reply with quote
Finally, I hope they bring it to the US theaters quicker than 2.0! Twisted Evil
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Joined: 14 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:02 pm Reply with quote
Oh boy, the gay angel/alien boy is making his big debut lol.

On a serious note, really looking forward to this one. I loved the first two movies and I would much appreciate an ending that makes sense (because no matter how anyone tries to say, the previous t.v. anime and movies didn't). I own the first two movies on blu-ray, would be awesome if this get's released quickly.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:03 pm Reply with quote
Want poster......
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Joined: 06 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:15 am Reply with quote
Is the staff list news? I would've thought that something like that would already be public knowledge when the premiere is less then one month away.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:23 am Reply with quote
Sparvid wrote:
Is the staff list news? I would've thought that something like that would already be public knowledge when the premiere is less then one month away.

Any new information on most anticipated anime film would be considered news.

Western fans may not care much about production staffs, but to Japanese fans these people shape and mold the final look of the film.

Some of the staff listed are A-list animation artists in the industry. Some of these guys only worked on feature anime and high budget TV series. I don't want to go on with details, but their credentials are really, really impressive.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:45 am Reply with quote
After 12 years, we still don't know what the hell Kaworu is. Hopefully they finally explain it
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:37 am Reply with quote
Oh Kaworu honey no, what in the world have you done with your hair?!
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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:43 am Reply with quote
SquadmemberRitsu wrote:
After 12 years, we still don't know what the hell Kaworu is. Hopefully they finally explain it

Kaworu is Seele's version of what Rei is to Nerv.

Angels are the progeny of Adam. Technically, neither Adam nor Lilith are "Angels" under this strict definition (the English dub in End of Eva mistranslated the one vital scene in which Misato explains this). They're "Seeds of Life", who were "seeded" across the universe by ancient progenitor aliens (the "First Ancestral Race"), basically the 2001 A Space Odyssey monolith dudes.

Angels are the direct progeny of Adam; Lilith's life-cycle is a bit more complicated. Lilith's blood is said to have the composition of primordial ooze...that's because it actually *was* primordial ooze. Lilith comes to Earth, spreads her blood around, and basic microbial life arises from it; then that microbial life evolves into fish, then mammals, and ultimately humans.

There were actually multiple Adam-type Seeds and multiple Lilith-type Seeds. The cardinal rule of the progenitor aliens was that an Adam-type and a Lilith-type should never land on the same planet. However, due to a cosmic accident, Lilith crash-landed on Earth. Adam was already here, Earth was supposed to be an Angel-planet -- that's where Angels come from; they're "from Earth" just as much as we are, and arguably have a better claim to the planet.

So what is Kaworu?

Seele's version of Rei: Rei Ayanami is the soul of Lilith in the vessel of a human clone body, the clone-body of Yui Ikari. Contrast this with how Eva-01 is a clone of Lilith, with Yui Ikari's soul bonded to it.

There are multiple "blank" clones of Kaworu's body; notice that the Mass Production Evas use Dummy Plugs that say "Kaworu" on them, just as the original Dummy Plug system was based on blank Rei clones.

Kaworu, meanwhile, is the soul of Adam bonded to a human clone body.

Did you see the Director's Cut episodes? There's an extension to the one, intriguing scene in which Kaworu meets Rei. She sorts of does a double-take (well, for Rei, that she reacts to anyone is an earthquake)....and Kaworu says "so, this is the form we both took on THIS planet?"

Kaworu is fully aware that he's the soul of Adam, Rei isn't fully aware that she is Lilith yet....though by the end of the series when Kaworu shows up, she is increasingly vaguely aware of something at the edge of consciousness.

So in an odd way, Kaworu is both the first and last Angel.

A major unanswered question of the series is...if Rei's body is a clone of Yui Ikari, who is Kaworu's body a clone of? We don't know, and *arguably* it wasn't even important, or intended to be anyone in particular.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:27 am Reply with quote
Holy shit, V guy. Thanks for that.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:19 am Reply with quote
_V_ wrote:
SquadmemberRitsu wrote:
After 12 years, we still don't know what the hell Kaworu is. Hopefully they finally explain it

Kaworu is Seele's version of what Rei is to Nerv.

(Sorry for cutting your excellent summary short.)

So in an odd way, Kaworu is both the first and last Angel.

A major unanswered question of the series is...if Rei's body is a clone of Yui Ikari, who is Kaworu's body a clone of? We don't know, and *arguably* it wasn't even important, or intended to be anyone in particular.

I thought that Kawrou's body was a clone of Gendo.

In EOE, I can't remember the scene word for word but before Gendo is devoured by what looks like Unit 1 (possibly the result of the Instrumentality) both Yui and Kawrou are present. It makes sense that Yui is there, Gendo wanted to reunite with her, but why Kawrou? Both he and Gendo hardly interacted in the TV series (unless the Director's Cut proves otherwise).

In Rebuild 2.0, while on the Moon, Gendo and Fuyutsuki visit Tabgha Base, where the "fake?" Lilith and Mark-06 are.
Then, Kaworu says to Gendo, "I'm pleased to meet you, father.

At first, I thought it was either a mistranslated line (I watched it in English) but now, I can't help speculate their connection to each other.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:42 pm Reply with quote
Kaworu~~~ 5 year old girl scream!!!
I hope he gets better treatment in this than in the 90's show. Also they should name the 4th movie:
Evangelion 4.0 You Can (not) Wait
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Ashen Phoenix

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:13 pm Reply with quote
SonDavid wrote:
Finally, I hope they bring it to the US theaters quicker than 2.0! Twisted Evil

Same. I also hope they release the 3.33 DVD sooner rather than later. My collection needs to expand!

I know a lot of folks are up in arms about the larger role Kaworu appears to have in these remakes, be it regarding his character, orientation, impact on the plot, or whathaveyou. But I personally like his role in the story and am excited for the "new additions" to Rebuild.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:16 pm Reply with quote
Keichitsu0305 wrote:
_V_ wrote:
SquadmemberRitsu wrote:
After 12 years, we still don't know what the hell Kaworu is. Hopefully they finally explain it

Kaworu is Seele's version of what Rei is to Nerv.

(Sorry for cutting your excellent summary short.)

So in an odd way, Kaworu is both the first and last Angel.

A major unanswered question of the series is...if Rei's body is a clone of Yui Ikari, who is Kaworu's body a clone of? We don't know, and *arguably* it wasn't even important, or intended to be anyone in particular.

I thought that Kawrou's body was a clone of Gendo


In Rebuild 2.0, while on the Moon, Gendo and Fuyutsuki visit Tabgha Base, where the "fake?" Lilith and Mark-06 are.
Then, Kaworu says to Gendo, "I'm pleased to meet you, father.

At first, I thought it was either a mistranslated line (I watched it in English) but now, I can't help speculate their connection to each other.

I honestly don't know; I'm abdicating on this one. Its entirely plausible that they used Gendo's DNA....others suggest it might have been Misato's father's DNA. We don't know.

As for Rebuild 2.0 and that "Father" line....frankly, it wouldn't be the first time that Gainax/Khara tried to "yank our chain" with misdirection. Conceivably, he could have been speaking of Gendo in his role *as* as "Father" to Shinji. "Ah, here's Gendo, The Father Figure" etc. But they've been yanking our chains so much I honestly don't know.

***Funny thing: girls I know actively ship Shinji/Kaworu (despite its lack of basis in reality). If Kaworu were to be revealed to be a clone of Gendo, that makes him Shinji's brother in a sense, and thus, an incest ship. Yaoi-fangirls I know who actively enjoy, nay, celebrate Shinji/Kaworu, are completely disgusted by the possibility of Shinji/Kaworu being an incest ship. Why? Frankly it was shocking enough to begin with.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:02 pm Reply with quote
Sorry, for the late reply. Work and other stuff kept me busy. Anime smile

_V_ wrote:

I honestly don't know; I'm abdicating on this one. Its entirely plausible that they used Gendo's DNA....others suggest it might have been Misato's father's DNA. We don't know.

As for Rebuild 2.0 and that "Father" line....frankly, it wouldn't be the first time that Gainax/Khara tried to "yank our chain" with misdirection. Conceivably, he could have been speaking of Gendo in his role *as* as "Father" to Shinji. "Ah, here's Gendo, The Father Figure" etc. But they've been yanking our chains so much I honestly don't know.

***Funny thing: girls I know actively ship Shinji/Kaworu (despite its lack of basis in reality). If Kaworu were to be revealed to be a clone of Gendo, that makes him Shinji's brother in a sense, and thus, an incest ship. Yaoi-fangirls I know who actively enjoy, nay, celebrate Shinji/Kaworu, are completely disgusted by the possibility of Shinji/Kaworu being an incest ship. Why? Frankly it was shocking enough to begin with.

Ah, that would be more plausible. After all, I'm sure Kawrou has been "watching" over Earth somehow while on the Moon since almost all the Angels seem to have this curiosity with humans.
Then, again, I've also heard how much of a "tease" Anno can be with the fandom. Still, thank you for the reply! Very Happy

***Yeah...If they really are "brothers" (just how Rei is Shinji's "sister"), I'll treat them as such. I liked their friendship/rivalry in the TV series but I personally don't like the whole possible incest ship myself.
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