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NEWS: 3rd Madoka Magica Film Titled, Slated for 2013

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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
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Location: Washington, U.S.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:17 pm Reply with quote
Can't wait to see this movie (I'm very sad I missed the U.S. theatrical releases!), but I'm a bit confused on how the story will go on past the third film. Part of the punch the show packs is in being short; a story can only have so many retellings without weakening the impact of the original.
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Joined: 19 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:49 pm Reply with quote
roseversailles wrote:
Can't wait to see this movie (I'm very sad I missed the U.S. theatrical releases!), but I'm a bit confused on how the story will go on past the third film. Part of the punch the show packs is in being short; a story can only have so many retellings without weakening the impact of the original.

Evangelion would like to have a word with you.

There's a multitude of elements in Madoka that could provide a great deal of strength to an alternate timeline. Not all anime are suited to this, but if anything can pull it off, Madoka can.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:02 pm Reply with quote
roseversailles wrote:
Can't wait to see this movie (I'm very sad I missed the U.S. theatrical releases!), but I'm a bit confused on how the story will go on past the third film.

Actually, the theatrical releases in the U.S. will start happening this upcoming weekend; if you saw anyone saying they saw the movie, they probably did so in Japan the past couple weeks.

And also, there's a preview of the third film at the end of the second one. You might be able to get an idea what'll happen in the thrid movie, looking at this translation.... Wink:

Juno016 wrote:
*the preview starts with the camera panning across rubble with painted figures of each of the magical girls*

Homura (narration): Witches-- Those are the disaster "demons" (lit. "Magic users") who spread despair.
And, the magical girls who have fallen into despair, and in the end, are reduced to a cursed form.
The me living then, repeating the same time over and over, to fight against that cruel fate.
And finally, a lone girl's sacrifice, therefore cutting the cruel chains of hope and despair, expectantly guiding the world to a new truth.
...or so it would seem...

*actual clips from the third movie*

*Mami talking to someone off-screen with a cautious grin on her face*

Mami: "Don't think of following me..."

*we see Mami and Kyouko in their magical girl forms in a parking lot(?), weapons ready*

Mami: "...or did you come to fight..."]

spoiler[*Kyouko running through the street, talking into a cellphone*

Kyoko: "Shizuki Hitomi's nightmare...?"

*Sayaka in her school outfit(?), nervously grinning*

Sayaka: "Hitomi must be having trouble, huh. She made that insensitive guy her boyfriend and..."

*Kyuubey's face*

Kyuubey: "Exactly. It's just like the value/ability of the witches you explained once, huh."

*Kyouko, with her back turned to the screen*

Kyouko: "Calling me an 'idiot'... That's... not what you're doing, huh..."

*she shaft-head-tilts toward the screen, with a serious look on her face*

Kyouko: "You're... serious, aren't you."]

spoiler[*Kyuubey is shown with something reflecting in his eyes*

Homura (narration): "Nothing but sadness and hatred repeat. In this word that cannot be saved..."

*closer inspection reveals the reflection to be Ultimate Madoka's silhouette in the starry sky*

Homura: "...the hope to chance upon that dear/missed smile once again..."

*Ultimate Madoka's silhouette reflects in a shaft-head-tilting Sayaka's eyes as well, in space(?)*

Madoka: "Sorry to make you wait. Until now, you've continuously done your best, haven't you~"

*Homura's face, surprised, her eyes reflecting Madoka, too*

Homura: "...Madoka..."

*the actual silhouette of Madoka, but she's on a rocky, moon/asteroid-like rock formation surface now, possibly in front of Homura*

Madoka: "Okay~ Let's go~"

*coming 2013 screen*]

Original posting of trailer description made here
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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
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Location: Washington, U.S.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:23 pm Reply with quote
Evangelion would like to have a word with you.

There's a multitude of elements in Madoka that could provide a great deal of strength to an alternate timeline. Not all anime are suited to this, but if anything can pull it off, Madoka can.

You're probably right. I enjoyed Eva well enough and saw "End of Evangelion" but have yet to see the new films (I know, I'm slow Smile). I still think that stretching out the universe can lessen the strength of the original, as it was written to be self-contained, from what was initially said. However, I love the series and would like to see more, so long as it doesn't lose its high quality standard the series set. I just keep thinking of the Utena film, and how that went....
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Joined: 13 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:27 pm Reply with quote
Actually, the theatrical releases in the U.S. will start happening this upcoming weekend; if you saw anyone saying they saw the movie, they probably did so in Japan the past couple weeks.

Thank you for such an in-depth description! I live near Seattle, and wasn't able to get tickets to any of the California showings once I finally secured the funds and method of transportation for them (still in high school!) so, unfortunately, I'm going to miss them. I plan on marathoning my Blu-Rays of the show the weekend of! I've heard that the new films improve some of the animation, but are there actually any different scenes or different art? I really loved the last third of the show, and was wondering if the film differed very much.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:00 am Reply with quote
Animerican14 wrote:

And also, there's a preview of the third film at the end of the second one. You might be able to get an idea what'll happen in the thrid movie, looking at this translation.... Wink

Tickets sold out fast for the coming Friday-Sunday showings though. It's a no go for me.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:23 am Reply with quote
Thank you, Animerican14, for posting my translation. =3

roseversailles wrote:
Thank you for such an in-depth description! I live near Seattle, and wasn't able to get tickets to any of the California showings once I finally secured the funds and method of transportation for them (still in high school!) so, unfortunately, I'm going to miss them. I plan on marathoning my Blu-Rays of the show the weekend of! I've heard that the new films improve some of the animation, but are there actually any different scenes or different art? I really loved the last third of the show, and was wondering if the film differed very much.

The main differences are:

spoiler[1) Every Magical Girl transformation scene has been re-animated.
2) There is a new opening song, along with a new opening video, which is... frankly, the most adorable thing ever. And I mean EVER. There's a remix of the ending song and ending video from the television series in the first movie, but there are some pretty cool additions to the visuals that make it intriguing to watch again.
3) The first film (which covers the first 8 episodes) cuts some minor events, including the prologue dream scene to the series.
4) The visuals have been updated (similar to how they updated the visuals from the TV version to the BD/DVD release) and the background visuals have been made to look more realistic than artistically repetitive (but they are still gorgeous and create a new interesting view on the city of Mitakihara--especially on the way to their school--so it's a good thing).
5) The second movie doesn't cut anything out (to my knowledge), but it does replace a few old scenes with a few new scenes (making the transition from the 9th episode into the 10th episode even better--and even making Kyouko's sacrifice linger on a bit longer as you see her smile linger in the camera just before her soul gem explodes).
6) The entire thing has been re-voiced. It's somewhat noticeable, but has little impact until the second movie, where the most emotional scenes are cranked up a bit.
...And last, but not least...
7) The soundtrack! This is probably the thing that stands out most in the movies compared to the TV/BD/DVD release. The music is POWERFUL and even changes your view on certain witches (I have renamed the "Box Witch" to the "Merry-Go-Round" Witch. There must've been something really bizarre going on in her life...). And some of our favorite tunes have been re-composed, with some lyrics and such (Mami's theme and Sagitta Luminus with Kalafina vocals in Japanese, anyone?). Some of the new tracks really stand out, though, so look forward to hearing them!

Disappointingly, the naked space hug is gone... but what replaces it is... well... a visual scene that will not escape my memory. I mean, the scene itself is the same, but there's just no way to take your eyes off it now. It's that pretty~]

And I admit. This is the 15th time I've seen the series from beginning to end (this is what happens when you're tasked to translate it), but I think I cried harder while watching this in the theater, with the new voices and soundtrack and everything, than I ever did watching the show before... It's totally worth watching the movies for these special improvements, even if you've seen the series several times before.
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Shinn AsukaGSD

Joined: 16 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:59 am Reply with quote
I hope aniplex license these films quickly and dubbed them cause this serirs is just plane masterfull.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:28 am Reply with quote
Shinn AsukaGSD wrote:
I hope aniplex license these films quickly and dubbed them cause this serirs is just plane masterfull.

I'd like to see a simultaneus Japan/US release for all of the movie BDs, since they couldn't get here any faster. It probably won't happen if they feel that the dub for the TV series sold sufficiently more copies than a sub-only release would have, and that the movies should be dubbed, too...

Who can really say at this point? ^_^;
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Joined: 10 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:20 am Reply with quote
going by past examples, what's the chance that they expand the five cities in the US to many more? minneapolis? cleveland? DC?
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:14 pm Reply with quote
The Houston Alamo's managed to sell out two showings(and's offering a third); if other theaters are having similar experience, then expansion's inevitable. Hopefully that'll include a more local showing for me - Houston isn't undoable, but I'd rather not have a five-hour round trip.
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