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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:22 pm Reply with quote
Cool article. Ironiclly, I just started watching The Headmasters (subbed) the other day. So far, it isn't bad, although spoiler[Optimus Prime's death was so lame compared to the 80s film!]

I'll be watching Super God Masterforce and Victory soon enough.
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shamisen the great

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:26 pm Reply with quote
I remember the Rock Lords. For some reason I didn't realize how stupid a concept they were when I was a kid.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:21 pm Reply with quote
I was around for the great robot boom of the 1980s, and I remember seeing the two "New Generation"/Mospeada models repainted and repackaged as Gobots, as well as the "Convertors" in the discount stores along with all the other odd-looking knockoffs... I never knew the backstory of the "Psycho" Gobot (which we had), though, so I suppose I'm still learning new things about that time even now. This was an entertaining column, anyway.
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Joined: 28 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:01 pm Reply with quote
Weird that both Gobots and Transformers had re-colored toys from shows used for Robotech. IIRC, Transformers used Macross' Valkyrie fighter for the Skyfire/Jetfire toy.

malvarez1 wrote:
So far, it isn't bad, although spoiler[Optimus Prime's death was so lame compared to the 80s film!]

Most people that have seen that show only remember it for spoiler[killing/writing off most of the remaining characters from previous shows and the fact that Cybertron is completely destroyed.] I can understand the first reason, since they were probably just trying to introduce a new toy line(much like the movie tried to do).

I did notice no mention of the 1 episode Transformers Zone, which is considered the final G1 animated show. So I take it only the stuff released here was covered?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:43 pm Reply with quote
Nice! Saw the picture with the logo obscured and thought, Convertors? What could he be talking about this week? Had a bunch of Convertors as a kid including Zardak, a red and blue 'Orguss', and Tanker (a green Bonaparte Tulcas from Dorvack). Convertors were pretty cool, too bad the plastic was garbage and prone to easy breakage. Sadly none of them servived my childhood long enough to still have today.

I've got a bunch Gobots still, even had two Psychos over the years (think I still have a partially surviving one in a junk box somewhere), and own a bunch of Rocklords. Need to find myself a Sunstone sometime. Oh how I wish Fossilsaurus got released over here, I really want one of those.

Microman also had a big return a few years ago, but they lacked the neat vehicles. They did have Godizlla and Batman though! Micronauts had a small surge when Palisades was allowed to reproduce the original figures. Unfortunately they had all sorts of problems and this would lend itself to be one of the many nails in the company's coffin. SOTA tried to get a line out in '05, but they were never able to get it to launch. Hasbro does plan to bring back the line soon along with a Hollywood movie. They started talking about it in 2009, and still bring it up periodically.

OK, so here's a fun case of "reverse importing" where Takara creates figures for the Japanese market based on Hasbro characters, some of which never saw toy form before. Earlier this year Takara reissued Soundblaster and Twincast with four new (repainted) tapes. Soundblaster came with Wingthing (Ratbat repaint) named for Soundwave's Actionmaster partner, and Enemy, (Rumble/Frenzy repaint) based on a Hasbro licensed radio and voice changer molded in his image that simply said "Enemy" on the package where the name would normally appear. On the Autobot side Twincast came with Stripes (an orange Ravage repaint) who's only prior existance was in a draft of the animated movie script where he was supposed to fight Ratbat, but was replaced by Ramhorn, and Nightstalker (Steeljaw repaint) who seems to be based on a Marvel UK Transformers fan contest winning entry of the same name.

Even now Japan is getting in on Fun Publication and Hasbro's Shattered Glass series by offering new figures up as eHOBBY exclusives (and outside of Japan at the TFCC store). My favorite figure in the set is the blue and gray repaint of Ratbat, famous philanthropist by day, Batbot by night. Yeah, he's Batman, even comes with a pair of stickers that, when put together, look like the bat symbol

Fun stuff.

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Joined: 30 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:19 am Reply with quote
I had the Mospeada kit when I was young. The built kit is still around someplace. It was a really good kit. It was quite complex but really good with such things as moveable landing gear.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:51 am Reply with quote
Allow me to comment more on the introduction than the body of the article...

Last week, I was talking to translator extraordinaire Neil Nadelman, who happens to be a good friend of mine. He'd recently wrapped up a long series (Sentai's Psychic Squad) and was ruminating on the pretty extreme volume of translation and subtitling work he's completed over the years.
And he's not a translator extraordinaire merely by sheer volume, either. I view him as one of the best in terms of actual script writing -- not in terms of "inventing/changing stuff", but in terms of producing scripts that let the material shine in English, far better than a straight/standard translation ever could. Stuff like Utena, Slayers, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, His & Her Circumstances, Code Geass, Fushigi Yuugi... all great scripts, and obviously the list goes on. Whenever I see Nadelman or certain other native-English-speaker translators like David Flemming credited, I know I'll get to read English subtitles that actually work well in English... as opposed to subtitles translated by Japanese native speakers and then passed off to random grunts whose only tasks are to enforce characters-per-duration limits and clean up the most obvious Engrish and spelling/grammar errors.

As for transformers, I saw some of the most famous series, but never really got into the toys. I found I could just as easily apply some of the ideas and transformations with the Legos and Hot Wheels I played with instead.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:53 am Reply with quote
I remember being surprised when Machine Robo Vol. 3 turned up, considering this was now beyond what was released on VHS. I even had some hope that the remainder of the series would eventually be released. It was during the boom, and I was naive.

I think Bandai at one point had ideas to dub GoBots into Japanese and pull a Transformers. They made it to one episode before the series' inherent quality wasn't well received.

On that note, some of the better early Transformers designs were provided by Artmic when they did the Beetras toyline. Would have been nice if they had designed a few more when they were going strong.

Mike Toole wrote:
and the aforementioned Neil Nadelman? He did some subtitling work on them, so the circle's complete.

For Shout's Transformers anime DVDs? I'm surprised to hear this.

From everything I've seen, Shout simply took the subtitles as used on the UK/Australian sets (translated by others), and simply inserted in a whole bunch of anachronistic terminology that isn't in the Japanese dialogue, like AllSpark some 12 years before the term was actually coined, etc. By all accounts, the PAL sets, while hardly perfect, have far more accurate subtitles.
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SD Maruko-kun

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:58 am Reply with quote
Zark's brother, an obvious repaint of the awesome Strike Valkyrie

Well, that seems to be a small error there. From the looks of it, it has 2 micro-missile launchers, so it's a Super Valkyrie, not a Strike Valkyrie.
http://macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/vf-1s-fastpack.htm (Super)
http://macross2.net/m3/macrossdyrl/vf-1s-strike.htm (Strike)

AFAIK the Transformers were the only toy line of those listed that made it over to the Netherlands (and probably most parts of Europe), so for me it was owning just a few Transformers, then a long gap of nothing until I bought my 1/60 scale Valkyrie by Yamato and now I have a whole boatload of Macross mecha figures/model kits and some Mospeada figures. (no Transformers any more though)
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:11 am Reply with quote
Grew up on Transformers and Beast Wars. Collected the toys for many years though my collection isn't nearly as large as most people's. What's funny is going to Mandarake in Nakano and seeing a bunch of toys for sale that I had (well, still have them at home in the U.S.) as a kid.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:05 pm Reply with quote
Oh,I remember the GoBots all right. I'd always thought that they were the American version of "The Transformers." I do remember the Hanna-Barbera cartoon "Challenge of the GoBots." I even remember buying a couple of them. I've got a question. Were the GoBots an American invention or did the Japanese play a role in their invention?
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:21 pm Reply with quote
Snomaster1 wrote:
Oh,I remember the GoBots all right. I'd always thought that they were the American version of "The Transformers." I do remember the Hanna-Barbera cartoon "Challenge of the GoBots." I even remember buying a couple of them. I've got a question. Were the GoBots an American invention or did the Japanese play a role in their invention?

They were not. The GoBots began as the Machine Robo line in Japan and was imported to the US as GoBots by Tonka. They were modified from the Japanese originals though, as in the Machine Robo line they were not sentient robots but were instead piloted by humans. Hasbro later bought out Tonka and the GoBots were then considered an "alternate universe" or something like that of the Transformers line.

The cartoons were American of course, since they featured the sentient robots as opposed to the piloted machines as present in the original Japanese toy line. The cartoons were produced by Hanna-Barbera and were successful for a time, but were quickly overshadowed by Transformers.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:27 pm Reply with quote
I'd like to say thanks for the information,Keonyn. I appreciate it. Thank you very much.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:33 pm Reply with quote
The Powermaster Optimus Prime that we knew and loved on these shores is introduced as God Ginrai, a fusion of a heroic Autobot and a tough Japanese trucker(!).

Voiced by the late Kaneto Shiozawa no less! Very Happy

That OmniProductions dub is nothing less than a gift from God, and I'm quite sad that they didn't include it on any of Shout! Factory's releases. Just the fact that they mispronounce ("Roadimus Prime") and even change (Soundblaster --> New Soundwave) some of the names makes it a barrel of laughs.
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Adam Wednesdays

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:37 pm Reply with quote
I totally used to own one of those Psycho/Cobra-car toys. I had no idea that there was show it was featured in at the time, I think I just thought the car looked cool and convinced one parent or the other to buy it for me. Sort of like how I discovered years later that that weird toy of the blue guy with the metal quarter-face was from Robotech/Macross.

I always did wonder why there were two little blue people in the car's cabin that you couldn't get to...
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