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Hey, Answerman! - Middle-Bräu

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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:03 pm Reply with quote
I like how almost everything mentioned in the Answerman already has a Blu-ray release. Some of which, like Haibane Renmei and Gankutsuo, don't look that good either.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:09 pm Reply with quote
As a third-year student of German, I feel the need to point out that the title of this article is pronounced "Middle Broy".
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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:26 pm Reply with quote
So, I actually wanted to make sure I knew what you were talking about, so I hopped by my local bookstore on my way home from work - just as they were about ready to close up, much to the annoyance of the staff (I PUT MY TIME IN THE TRENCHES OF THE BOOKSTORE WORLD, SUCK IT UP AND MOVE ON, SIMPLETONS) to check it out.

Just because you worked retail doesn't excuse you for doing such a dick move. Either learn to go during normal store hours or find some scanlations online and just fib it.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:39 pm Reply with quote
Sunday Silence wrote:
So, I actually wanted to make sure I knew what you were talking about, so I hopped by my local bookstore on my way home from work - just as they were about ready to close up, much to the annoyance of the staff (I PUT MY TIME IN THE TRENCHES OF THE BOOKSTORE WORLD, SUCK IT UP AND MOVE ON, SIMPLETONS) to check it out.

Just because you worked retail doesn't excuse you for doing such a dick move. Either learn to go during normal store hours or find some scanlations online and just fib it.

What they said. I've worked in bookstore retail for 25 years & if you called me a simpleton to my face, they would be hard-pressed to find enough pieces of yours for an open casket service.

As to the anime most in need of remastering: MACROSS PLUS!!! My god, does that look awful.

And yes it is possible for an anime to be mainstream & still be anime. Although it depends what you mean by mainstream. We've got, what, over 310,000,000 people in the US & a decent selling anime is, like, 3000 dvds/BDs? Would 10,000 be mainstream? A consistent 100,000 seller would probably give Gen Fukunaga a heart attack.
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Mesonoxian Eve

Joined: 10 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:13 pm Reply with quote
For those who are wanting to back up their DVDs to a video file, check out Handbrake. Many anime DVDs do not have the security layer, so ripping them is legal as a backup. As Justin said, don't be sharing the video files once they're ripped.

Handbrake will notify users if there's a CSS (security) layer and it will not perform the backup if it runs across it.

It's a good tool and you can even select several video options for the output. You can even create a video format for tablets/pads.

Oh, and it's free.

If you wish to make additional backup DVDs, you can also download DVD Flick, which will burn video files to DVD.

It's also free.

I definitely recommend backing up older DVDs that are OoP. I also recommend an external HDD as to reduce the wear on the system's drives when the videos are being produced.

Enjoy the info. Smile
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:25 pm Reply with quote
As a reader of Ultimo, the plot-twists can be a turn-off, but honestly, at least that one was unexpected.

[And if homophobes dropped the series at volume 3, they would get heart attacks at.....certain other scenes later on...[spoiler/]

Oh, and to be honest, I think Shaman King is much better than Ultimo, IMO.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:33 pm Reply with quote
By and large, the general populace isn't marching in the streets in anger when two men have playful homoerotic jokes in The Hangover movies. Aside from the ardent bigots, that is. But gay marriage? Gay couples being allowed to adopt kids? Suddenly, the homophobia manifests itself, in what you would otherwise assume is a completely logical, rational human being. Now a nerve has been struck. Cuddly Hetalia comedy? No problem. They endorse it! Achingly real, emotional love? Hey now, wait a minute - I haven't processed that yet, because I'm a small-minded idiot. I don't know what that is and the mere notion of it is confusing my brain, and I feel like a chicken being judged by the Werner Herzog's of the world, admiring the "enormity" of my stupidity.

Well said, sir.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Ultimo has so much geyness!
Whatever, I thought well this isn't the worst thing I've ever heard before and continued reading. Still waiting on that ending.
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Joined: 18 May 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:32 pm Reply with quote
I'd say a larger factor for the Ultimo backlash is a Pavlovian reaction trained into the manga reading populace by slashfiction and yaoi fangirls. Slashfiction tends to be of much lower quality than other fan fiction, and delayed slash is often marked by a massive decline in quality the second the homosexual themes are introduced. Both the fanfiction and yaoi people often rely on wrongheaded and frankly creepy interpretations based on an apparent lack of belief in platonic relations.

This, of course, means that readers willing to accept homosexual overtones if presented early are much less likely to tolerate them if introduced late or as a plot twist.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:56 pm Reply with quote
Scalfin wrote:
I'd say a larger factor for the Ultimo backlash is a Pavlovian reaction trained into the manga reading populace by slashfiction and yaoi fangirls. Slashfiction tends to be of much lower quality than other fan fiction, and delayed slash is often marked by a massive decline in quality the second the homosexual themes are introduced. Both the fanfiction and yaoi people often rely on wrongheaded and frankly creepy interpretations based on an apparent lack of belief in platonic relations.

This, of course, means that readers willing to accept homosexual overtones if presented early are much less likely to tolerate them if introduced late or as a plot twist.

As a reader and writer of all varieties of fanfiction, including slash fic, in all sorts of fandoms, I got to say, I think you're pretty off base with your generalities. Is the majority of fanfic in general crap? Well yeah, Sturgeon's law and all that, but there is plenty of horribly written self-insert fiction for all the badly done slash ficition out there as well.

Yes there are BL series and fanfic of many different fandoms form a variety of different mediums that have creepy rape-y seme/uke issues with the relationships. But there are also amazingly well done fic that's about two men falling in love.

And I think you under-estimate the manga market in the United States considering it's a female majority, and that series that have homoerotic overtones/undertones/actual gay romances are constantly on the manga best seller list.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Mesonoxian Eve wrote:
For those who are wanting to back up their DVDs to a video file, check out Handbrake. Many anime DVDs do not have the security layer, so ripping them is legal as a backup. As Justin said, don't be sharing the video files once they're ripped.

Handbrake will notify users if there's a CSS (security) layer and it will not perform the backup if it runs across it.

It's a good tool and you can even select several video options for the output. You can even create a video format for tablets/pads.

Oh, and it's free.

If you wish to make additional backup DVDs, you can also download DVD Flick, which will burn video files to DVD.

It's also free.

I definitely recommend backing up older DVDs that are OoP. I also recommend an external HDD as to reduce the wear on the system's drives when the videos are being produced.

Enjoy the info. Smile

I would also recommend dvd fab since it has nice encoders for psp, ps3, Ios devices as well. However that program will cost you a pretty penny since it's one of the few that can do blu-ray's as well, however it's worth it.

On the legality of ripping your dvd's for personal use go for it... hell you own it and showed your support so go for it. Just be careful due part that the dvd-rom might have securerom encryption/root kit installer program on the said disc.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:08 pm Reply with quote
I'm weird and don't like romance, gay or straight, in my novels. Of course there are exceptions, and I don't mind 'background' relationships, but I don't read romance or particularly enjoy books/comics/etc. with strong romantic themes. For example, I once read Cryer's Cross (a mediocre young adult novel), that attempted to play up the supernatural aspect within the first 20 pages or so. (It wasn't meant to be romance; the back cover made sure to only mention deaths and strange occurrences.) But it turned into a romance, the supernatural took a backseat, and nothing happened. It was badly cobbled together, with the author focusing more on the main couples' interactions than ghosts and murder. Nothing really made sense because of that.

I probably wouldn't have dropped Ultimo after such a revelation, but there are at least a handful of people like me who simply don't want a love-based read. Not that it excuses the reactions of some people. I staunchly support gay rights and read non-romantic gay fiction about how teens and adults struggle with their orientation/lives. Of course, I absolutely love platonic relationships. They are my favorite (perhaps because of my asexuality?), and it does annoy me when fans try to 'prove' two characters are a couple. People can ship all they want, but should not delude themselves into believing their slash fanfiction. Yeah, a lot of series (Black Butler, Hetalia, etc.) have boatloads of subtle nudges, but a lot of times people are pairing just....because. (Or they are hormonal.)

I suppose that's why I tend to avoid yaoi fangirls. Between their crazed shipping and unhealthy obsession with the pretty boy uke/seme tropes, I wonder what they believe about real-life gays. It's almost demeaning how some treat homosexuality.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:36 pm Reply with quote
As a catchall to every digital but non-HD anime, there is no possible "remaster", just upscaling and increasing the the bitrate. Remastering as we tend to call it refers to the physical process of making a new digital transfer from film.

mike.motaku wrote:
As to the anime most in need of remastering: MACROSS PLUS!!! My god, does that look awful.

I believe it's already been remastered for a DVD release, but like the several Japanese releases, they never make their way over here again.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:40 pm Reply with quote
RestlessOne wrote:

I suppose that's why I tend to avoid yaoi fangirls. Between their crazed shipping and unhealthy obsession with the pretty boy uke/seme tropes, I wonder what they believe about real-life gays. It's almost demeaning how some treat homosexuality.

As a yaoi fan, I resent this generalization. I am not crazed or obsessive; I actually keep my fandom to my self. Oh, and I've actually met some real gay people but I don't confuse their reality with what I read or watch. Of course, I'm old enough to separate reality from fantasy, which these crazed fans are apparently too young and/ or immature to do. Plus, while there are many cliched, trope-heavy stories, there are actually good stories that break the mold. Anyway, I don't expect reality from yaoi because I realize that it's fantasy and entertainment.

So, it is not the material that is the problem but the age/maturity level of some of the fans, in my opinion.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:15 pm Reply with quote
I was going to take issue with your comment about people who ( Jesus!) won't watch an episode of Breaking Bad when they will watch Dr Who and GoT (what is the correlation?) But I was so impressed by your comments on homophobia that I'll let it slide.

I'm always surprised when small-minded idiots get upset about homoeroticism (or slashbait) in pretty much any context though. It's so ubiquitous ... had they just never noticed before? And if they're coming from a US comic background, really?! There are lgbt characters all over the place in there and slashbait when there aren't outright non-heteronormative characters. So. Idek.
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