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NEWS: Man Arrested for Uploading One Piece Manga via Cabos

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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 2:30 pm Reply with quote
wow, how about bombarding the main page with more "news" of some japanese guy getting arrested for uploading some anime, manga, or game? how many japanese read this site? probably none or close to it, so what's the point? just to fill the main page with more "news" because you have nothing anyone actually give a sh#t about. if some american got arrested for uploading a series onto bakabt, then that would be news. this isn't news. stop it already.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Man Arrested for inappropriate behavior with his bootleg Waifu
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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 3:20 pm Reply with quote
maxxjulie wrote:
wow, how about bombarding the main page with more "news" of some japanese guy getting arrested for uploading some anime, manga, or game? how many japanese read this site? probably none or close to it, so what's the point? just to fill the main page with more "news" because you have nothing anyone actually give a sh#t about. if some american got arrested for uploading a series onto bakabt, then that would be news. this isn't news. stop it already.

Or perhaps get caught up on the various rankings. I agree, it does seem a little weird when they go quoting industry anti-piracy news aggregates...
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Joined: 04 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 3:37 pm Reply with quote
maxxjulie wrote:
wow, how about bombarding the main page with more "news" of some japanese guy getting arrested for uploading some anime, manga, or game? how many japanese read this site? probably none or close to it, so what's the point? just to fill the main page with more "news" because you have nothing anyone actually give a sh#t about. if some american got arrested for uploading a series onto bakabt, then that would be news. this isn't news. stop it already.


For one, Anime News Network is kinda considered as a International news site more than a national website. Yes it is mostly USA, but it's multinational to many that's interested into "Japanese" Animation. Plus it's the # 1 source for Anime for the English World as well for multiple cultures.

Second, I'm pretty sure you've insulted many english speaking Japanese here and you were very close to sounding racial there. So mind yourself and be respectful.

Third, anything Anime-related regardless where it's coming from is news worthy. Even if it's from Japan,South Africa, the U.K., Canada, South Pole or from Space Astronauts in space.

There's a lot of things I WANT to say about you that could make you cry, but I will refrain from such profanity at the moment. However, I will say this...

GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE AND DO SOMETHING POSITIVE! Rolling Eyes The World doesn't revolve around you! Mad

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Joined: 09 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:25 pm Reply with quote
Hiyugi wrote:
Rolling Eyes The World doesn't revolve around you! Mad

Aw shoot, and here I thought America was the center of the universe :/
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:47 pm Reply with quote
The cumulative effect of these posts is that the police in Japan are cracking down on copyright violations. It is not yet clear if this is a deliberate policy or coincidence. Regardless of your views on the matter it is news.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Alan45 wrote:
The cumulative effect of these posts is that the police in Japan are cracking down on copyright violations. It is not yet clear if this is a deliberate policy or coincidence. Regardless of your views on the matter it is news.

lol. You're right. It will get views both ways. Smile

If you're against piracy you can read this and nod your head sagely and say: "I knew that this scanlation thing would all end in tears."

And if your for piracy you can read this a nod your head sagely and say "For every head you chop off, two will rise in it's place."

At the end of the day everyone get's to nod their heads sagely and that what really matters, right?

. . . wait, that can't possibly be right.
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Joined: 25 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:45 pm Reply with quote
He was arrested for pirating pirates, I know I should find the irony in that entertaining but as this is about the what 12th time someone has been arrested for illegal distribution/selling of something One Piece related, that joke has kind of grown stale.

But back on topic, I can't say I feel sorry for this person, I mean when you do something like this, your taking the risk of getting caught, just like with any other crime/misdeed. And well, he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and now mommy is putting him in time out. Laughing
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:26 am Reply with quote
This pertains to any law. You don't have to agree with the law, but you do have to realize that if you break it, there are potential consequences.
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Joined: 16 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Soundmonkey44 wrote:
He was arrested for pirating pirates, I know I should find the irony in that entertaining but as this is about the what 12th time someone has been arrested for illegal distribution/selling of something One Piece related, that joke has kind of grown stale.

But back on topic, I can't say I feel sorry for this person, I mean when you do something like this, your taking the risk of getting caught, just like with any other crime/misdeed. And well, he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and now mommy is putting him in time out. Laughing

The thing is that the uploaders do their things not because they hate the author or publisher or anything but only to pleasure other fans and make the material accessible to everyone fast and safe.
Sure they have no right for doing this but it's all about spread the love.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:44 pm Reply with quote
I'm not sure why they do it, but they aren't violating anyone's (non-government granted) rights by using their own equipment and sharing to other people using their own equipment.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:12 pm Reply with quote
@rejer: And thats nice & all but they can love something all they wan't doesn't give them the right to distribute it to the masses online

@Xanas. Maybe not, but its against copy right law, so yeah. I just think its sad to do it in the first place when you know theres a chance you can get caught. I mean I understand loving something and wanting to share it with others. But yeah, still not a valid excuse to illegally distribute copyrighted material on the internet. I mean I love Invader Zim, but you don't see me going and ripping my DVDs and uploading episodes to the internet. I could, but then I would run the risk of getting in trouble, would I? Probably not, but meh why risk it.

Also i'm pretty anti-scanlation/fan-sub, so stopping stuff like this at the source works fine for me.

I think what saddens me the most is that people forget media isn't a necessity its a LUXURY, and you pay for luxuries, otherwise the pursuit of them becomes pointless. And they become overall less enjoyable, and in the end become nothing but disposable commodities you can save on to your computer and delete anytime you want, i mean no harm no foul right, not like it matters, you got it for free anyway, you can get it again anytime you want. Or you can visit whatever fan-sub/scanlation sight anytime you want.

And sure you could argue the same about legal downloads & distribution. But at least when your actually paying for something your not as likely to be as loose with it. That is to say, you probably wouldn't be so hasty to delete a season of an anime or show your payed 50 Dollars to download off of iTunes as you would just some random torrents you downloaded. And usually if your paying for a service like Crunchyroll, you feel some obligation to use it.

But yeah i'm ranting. I understand all the reasons people resort to illegal distribution methods, but i've yet to come around to one thats more then just, I want this, I can easily get access to it through the internet, therefore why should I not view it? Which is rather sad, no one really has a valid excuse, especially not American anime fans that have so many legal alternatives available to them.

But I digress.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:30 pm Reply with quote
Soundmonkey44, lets put it this way. lets imagine for a sec there was no police, but that you had to defend your stuff. Would you? I know that I would, and most people would, and we'd probably band together to defend our stuff.

The problem with copyright is it doesn't function in this way. It's not a voluntary arrangement whereby people are willing to use limited amounts of force to protect their own stuff. To "stop stuff like this at the source" you have to find the source, but this requires using laws against third parties (such as internet service providers) to force them to give up information on their subscribers.

Additionally, copyright is about forcing people who did not agree with you not to share to abide by a certain set of rules simply because some "governing body" says so.

I don't think I need an excuse to be a "pirate." But I do think "anti-pirates" need excuses for why they support these laws.

Thus far, it seems like your personal excuse for supporting the law is your own personal view that media is less valued when you pay less for it or when you have more of it. Whether or not that is true is very much a subjective matter. To provide an example, are you going to enjoy a show like Lucky Star or Nyarko as much if you don't have the background reference material? I'd say no, but this is one example among many.

Whether it's true or not is not really the point, what you need to justify is the use of force against 3rd parties (both the "infringers" and their service providers and others) all to defend your idea that "you pay for luxuries" when I'm sure even you are "guilty" of using youtube, or this forum, or any number of other free online sources of entertainment.

Also, because I haven't seen you around much, I'll just put out there that I spend thousands on anime each year, so while I fully admit I pirate, I do buy things. The reason I do this is that I think it benefits me to do it (in various ways), but in no way do I think I'm morally obligated to fulfill some "copyright" rules. It might be fair to say that I think it's better to pay when you can than not to pay at all, but I wouldn't even feel justified in forcing that particular opinion on other people.
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Joined: 25 May 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:44 pm Reply with quote
@Xanas: I understand where your coming from, and yes I admit my stance is for the most part on a personal moral basis, but I don't think that makes it any less valid then those that use flimsy excuses to justify acts of Piracy and other illegal online actions.

I am however glad to know that not all pirates are nearly downloading gigabytes of anime & manga to their PC/Mac, but also contributing to the industry, but still.

Again, anything that is not necessity to ones survival is in essence a luxury, and luxuries are overall things that should be payed for. I mean if you have to pay for the necessities which do keep you alive, food, drink, housing, etc. Why shouldn't you have to pay for the things that are irrelevant to your survival? Sure you can argue they are relevant in the since you would go crazy from boredom with out them, but still that goes beck to the fact that they are entertainment, and entertainment as said is a luxury, not a necessity.

Also I would hardly compare an online forum or any legal free service to scanlations/fan-subs. And yes I do use youtube, but not to watch anime or television programs, I just use it primarily to listen to fan made music, watch reviews, and fan made music videos. Which yes I know now you can start yelling at me for being a hypocrite for watching the occasional AMV, but yeah, considering Youtube allows many to stay up and there are just as many taken down by the site. And since there are songs record companies bands allow the site to leave up, I don't really find it all to comparable to fan-subs/scanlations.

And i'm not trying to demonize the fan sub, pirate community mind you, I know it exists and despite what I say or think it always will. However I just find such practices pointless, especially for fans that live in America, or the countries home medium of Japan, I don't think those who do have a vast amount of legal access to an entertainment medium have the right to steal it just because they personally see nothing wrong with it. Just because its easy doesn't make it right. And just because you want something doesn't necessarily mean you are entitled to it.

But again, i'm a pretty old fashioned guy. Heck I spent 100 Dollars downloading both seasons of MLP:FIM to my MacBook Pro. I just don't have the heart to steal/pirate/etc. I mean yea i'll take freebies, if I know their legal (like Richie Branson's free distribution of his anime rap's, seriously those things are fun to listen to.) But yeah.

Again I can understand the reasons why people do it, I just find the excuses/reasons all rather weak overall, but again thats just my personal opinion/view of the matter.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:31 pm Reply with quote
People can only act on the values and opinions they have, so I don't see how you can expect them not to do something if they don't think it's wrong to do it. It kind of loses being an "excuse" when it's a position that they hold out of their own beliefs.

For some it's not that, some pirates believe they are villains and while I think they are wrong about that in some ways I can see why you'd go after them, it to me makes little sense to claim to hold a position you won't honor.

I still can't agree with your views on "luxuries vs necessities" this is really a notion that doesn't make sense to me.

To quote Ludwig von Mises..
"In reality no food is valued solely for its nutritive power and no garment or house solely for the protection it affords against cold weather and rain…. the demand for goods is widely influenced by metaphysical, religious, and ethical considerations, by aesthetic value judgments, by customs, habits, prejudice, tradition, changing fashions, and many other things."
In other words, no "necessity" is just a necessity, we eat for more than sustenance, the value is found in "necessities" in all kinds of ways, just as with what you'd call "luxuries" and to continue..

"Notwithstanding all declarations to the contrary, the immense majority of men aim first of all at an improvement of the material conditions of well-being. They want more and better food, better homes and clothes and a thousand other amenities. They strive after abundance and health."

Luxuries are those things we get once our "higher order desires" are fulfilled. All desires are subjectively evaluated and prioritized by our own weighting scale. We do what we do because we imagine it improves our condition. You forsake piracy because you think it makes you a better person or you feel better about what you do because of it, this is just a portray of different subjective values, not that you function any differently than those with whom you disagree.
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