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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:25 am Reply with quote
Aww, dat cute little bunny in this latest edition (:

Anyways, I usually do prefer subs over dubs like most anime fans nowadays but there are also dubs I enjoyed before I got serious into anime.

As for fan-service anime series, I don't really mind as long as the storyline moves a long smoothly and not get too distracted. I enjoyed watching series like Sekirei, To-love Ru, and some other series related to the genre.

And yup, bunnies are going to take over the world someday. Those red eyes says it all Laughing
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Shay Guy

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:35 am Reply with quote
I think you used the same Hey, Answerfans! image twice.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:45 am Reply with quote
Can we please have an Answerman that doesn't feature a question on fansubs or fanservice? They just always end up in big flame wars. I don't mind the questions, but things can get pretty hot in the forum due to them.

....But I guess watching the flame wars is kinda fun.

Also, Brian, your constant implications that dub fans are casual "mainstream" fans is exceedingly grating.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:46 am Reply with quote
I think there's a pretty big disconnect between pointing out that the characters in a fanservice shows aren't seen as representations of people and then concluding they can affect our perception of people. It's the well-developed female characters who are utterly dependent on males that can affect perceptions. But the boob-delivery platforms? I doubt it.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:54 am Reply with quote
From one of the responses in the article:

We're forced to make excuses for them if a friend glimpses the DVD art, as if our flowery descriptions of excellent writing and memorable characters can erase the images they just saw. Heck, some of the DVD covers on the new Revolutionary Girl Utena discs would cause half the people I know to question my tastes if they saw them out of context!

This gets to the heart of many people's real objections about fanservice. It isn't that it bothers them that much, it is about what others think of them.
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Shay Guy

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:07 pm Reply with quote
Yttrbio wrote:
I think there's a pretty big disconnect between pointing out that the characters in a fanservice shows aren't seen as representations of people and then concluding they can affect our perception of people. It's the well-developed female characters who are utterly dependent on males that can affect perceptions. But the boob-delivery platforms? I doubt it.

Everything affects perceptions. Human minds are messy.
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Joined: 25 May 2012
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:42 pm Reply with quote
The reverse discrimination in some of those answers are ridiculous. So because those fanservice anime are aimed at otaku, they represent the taste of the entire Japan. Well guess what, those shows sell very well in US too, guess we can say the same about Americans then.
Not to mention the righteous shield for shoujo or yaoi materials. guys there are always portrayed as beautiful, heck even more beautiful than most real-life women (with some homosexuality in yaoi). but of course nobody mention it. I guess the feminists are fine with it.
Conclusion, everyone is biased on their selfish preference, deal with it.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:49 pm Reply with quote
Why is there always so much talk about how women are portrayed in fanservice anime/manga but never any talk about how men are portrayed in reverse harem or yaoi anime/manga?

Seriously. I have yet to see a topic where a male reader or viewer rants about how he doesn't like being portrayed as a sadistic perve (but yet with a good heart!) or rants that men with long hair are often portrayed in the uke position in all the yaoi stuff he's seen, and any other trope that fits in these genres. And I have to ask myself the question - "Why?". Why haven't men taken a stand, accusing us women of being pervy pigs when we degrade them just as much as they do to us.

Sure, you can point out that anime and manga aimed towards women (usually) don't feature men stripping every other scene. But then again, that doesn't appeal to the majority of women. Women tend to enjoy the story leading up to it, the emotional foreplay and the double entendres. Mangaka like Aya Shouto make a killing drawing multiple incredibly attractive men in compromising positions with the same woman in a story...and yet, the male audience isn't vocal about being portrayed as a creature who's sole purpose is to protect the one female while defeating the other men who are all lusting after her, thus securing his alpha male mating privileges?

Seems a bit one sided if you ask me.

So while I may not like the "oppai matrix" of High School of the Dead, I shrug and ask myself if I'm any better when I re-read chapters of "Barajou no Kiss" for Kaede fanservice.


I think that most readers, male or female, understand that these are just fantasy stories and do not believe that others should behave this way. Yeah, regardless of our gender and sexuality, we all have our fantasies, but rarely do people act on them in public (assuming they're sane and not under the influence of something) and with an unwilling participant.

Personally, I'd rather leave people to their own devices. If watching boobs and jiggles is your thing, great. If watching 5 men all vie for the same cookie-cutter female character, great. But like religion and politics, as long as you don't force that appreciation down my throat, I have no problem with it.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:52 pm Reply with quote
I don't find fanservice offensive because they're not real people. And it's not like there hasn't been fanservice male characters in anime. See, I don't check out live-action fanservice because I DON'T KNOW THAT PERSON. They're some total stranger that has never met me so I don't feel comfortable staring at her exposed body the same way I wouldn't feel comfortable if somehow a fanservice image was created of me and there were unknown people seeing that image. But an anime character? They don't exist, they don't have feelings, they can't be offended, etc. So I feel no guilt enjoying fanservice from anime at all.

And if people actually let their viewing of fanservice anime warp their mindset of how real women (or men) are, then guess what? It's that person's fault, not the anime. Get out into the real world, make some friends of that gender, and you'll quickly realize how people are in real life and not in some fictional anime. Fiction is always created by someone besides you (minus your own work, of course), unless you are honestly naive enough to have your views on reality be dependent on some total stranger's interpretation then this really shouldn't be an issue. If it is a problem, then the issue is the human mind, not the fiction that the human mind takes too literally.
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Surrender Artist

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:03 pm Reply with quote
Complaints about fanservice for women are rare because it's less common and intense. To try to treat the two as equal is to create a false equivalence. The two things exist, but exploitation of women for the titillation of men is far more common than exploitation of men for the titillation of women. The fanservice for men also seems to go to greater lengths over a wider range. It is a two way street, but the male side of a six-lane highway lined with strip clubs and Hooter's restaurants while the female side is a sleepy back alley with a few seedy looking gas stations and a worn-down Curves franchise. Just because two things are abstractly the same doesn't make them equivalent.

And I hate that kind of argument because it does nothing to actually support anything, it just stomps, pouts and shouts, "you too!" as though something is right, good, desirable or has to be accepted just because an analog of it exists, not because it actually is any of those things.

And keep in mind that almost nobody wants 'fanservice' utterly gone, only that it be mitigated by at least a bare modicum of taste and restraint.

Last edited by Surrender Artist on Fri May 25, 2012 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:28 pm Reply with quote
Cutiebunny wrote:
Why is there always so much talk about how women are portrayed in fanservice anime/manga but never any talk about how men are portrayed in reverse harem or yaoi anime/manga?

Seriously. I have yet to see a topic where a male reader or viewer rants about how he doesn't like being portrayed as a sadistic perve (but yet with a good heart!) or rants that men with long hair are often portrayed in the uke position in all the yaoi stuff he's seen, and any other trope that fits in these genres. And I have to ask myself the question - "Why?". Why haven't men taken a stand, accusing us women of being pervy pigs when we degrade them just as much as they do to us.

Sure, you can point out that anime and manga aimed towards women (usually) don't feature men stripping every other scene. But then again, that doesn't appeal to the majority of women. Women tend to enjoy the story leading up to it, the emotional foreplay and the double entendres. Mangaka like Aya Shouto make a killing drawing multiple incredibly attractive men in compromising positions with the same woman in a story...and yet, the male audience isn't vocal about being portrayed as a creature who's sole purpose is to protect the one female while defeating the other men who are all lusting after her, thus securing his alpha male mating privileges?

Seems a bit one sided if you ask me.

Because men don't have trouble finding anime that doesn't make male characters the object of fan service. It's very easy to ignore the tiny corner of reverse harem and yaoi titles that come out (there have been what, three this year?) Whereas a woman looks at the Upcoming Anime Season chart, and sees a great deal of boobs, skimpy costumes, female characters in ridiculous sexual poses, etc.

Also, look at the way male fanservice is treated in shoujo manga. When a dude gets naked or rips off his shirt, you rarely get a shot framed below the waist. The camera pans from the waist-up (and usually includes the face/facial expression). Contrast with female fanservice, where close-ups of butts or boobs are not uncommon!

And of course, being a strong alpha warrior guy whose sole job is to be the bodyguard of some wilting flower is quite different from being a cute clutzy girl whose sole job is to fall boobs-first onto a hapless schmuck. One gets FAR more agency than the other.

It's one-sided all right, but not the way you think.

Edit Also, everything SurrenderArtist said.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:44 pm Reply with quote
doctordoom85 wrote:
I don't find fanservice offensive because they're not real people. And it's not like there hasn't been fanservice male characters in anime. See, I don't check out live-action fanservice because I DON'T KNOW THAT PERSON. They're some total stranger that has never met me so I don't feel comfortable staring at her exposed body the same way I wouldn't feel comfortable if somehow a fanservice image was created of me and there were unknown people seeing that image. But an anime character? They don't exist, they don't have feelings, they can't be offended, etc. So I feel no guilt enjoying fanservice from anime at all.

And if people actually let their viewing of fanservice anime warp their mindset of how real women (or men) are, then guess what? It's that person's fault, not the anime. Get out into the real world, make some friends of that gender, and you'll quickly realize how people are in real life and not in some fictional anime. Fiction is always created by someone besides you (minus your own work, of course), unless you are honestly naive enough to have your views on reality be dependent on some total stranger's interpretation then this really shouldn't be an issue. If it is a problem, then the issue is the human mind, not the fiction that the human mind takes too literally.

I do agree with you to a certain level these characters aren't real but there is a line even I draw when they go for toddler like characters. Those are suppose to be cute innocent characters not a objective sex object for fapping lust and onaholes.

Hey I know am being little hypocritical here since I do like strike witches and the same logic can apply. I don't find fan-service to be sexist in anime there are for more sexist things in this country such as models in magazines must be 90ib skeleton rack passes a pre notion for what's pretty. Having mindless fun is lest offensive to me then something causes mental disorders in girls.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:48 pm Reply with quote
TheAncientOne wrote:
This gets to the heart of many people's real objections about fanservice. It isn't that it bothers them that much, it is about what others think of them.

If someone is so quick to make snap judgements based on that, then they'll just find something else about it to judge you, like how it's a cartoon, and cartoons are always for kids.

Cutiebunny wrote:
Why is there always so much talk about how women are portrayed in fanservice anime/manga but never any talk about how men are portrayed in reverse harem or yaoi anime/manga?

Most people who complain about fanservice and portrayals of women, at least in my experience, tend to be guys, ironically.

Most girls I know either like the shows or don't care enough to talk about them, but it's usually the guys who take the soapbox approach about it for whatever reason.
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Joined: 10 May 2012
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:49 pm Reply with quote
Surrender Artist wrote:
Complaints about fanservice for women is rare because it's far less common and intense. To try to treat the two as equal is to create a false equivalence. The two things exist, but exploitation of women for the titillation of men is far more common than exploitation of men for the titillation of women. The fanservice for men also seems to go to greater and wider lengths. It is a two way street, but the male side of a six-lane highway lined with strip clubs and Hooter's restaurants while the female side is a sleepy back alley with a few seedy looking gas stations and a worn-down Curves franchise. Just because two things are abstractly the same doesn't make them equivalent.

Agreed, the sexploitaion of women is far more aggressive than it is for men. It's like comparing a gently flowing stream to Mardi Gras.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:52 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Cutiebunny wrote:
Why is there always so much talk about how women are portrayed in fanservice anime/manga but never any talk about how men are portrayed in reverse harem or yaoi anime/manga?

Most people who complain about fanservice and portrayals of women, at least in my experience, tend to be guys, ironically.

Most girls I know either like the shows or don't care enough to talk about them, but it's usually the guys who take the soapbox approach about it for whatever reason.

I find this to be ironically true too

Surrender Artist wrote:
Complaints about fanservice for women is rare because it's far less common and intense. To try to treat the two as equal is to create a false equivalence. The two things exist, but exploitation of women for the titillation of men is far more common than exploitation of men for the titillation of women. The fanservice for men also seems to go to greater and wider lengths. It is a two way street, but the male side of a six-lane highway lined with strip clubs and Hooter's restaurants while the female side is a sleepy back alley with a few seedy looking gas stations and a worn-down Curves franchise. Just because two things are abstractly the same doesn't make them equivalent.

You must not have seen any of the plethora of yaoi and BL. Even in the mainstream, reverse harem anime and otome games are pure titillation for women, which I personally have no problems with.

But even if I did, I would have no "right" to complain! It would be utterly hypocritical of me to complain and want something done about someone else exercising of the same right I enjoy.

And since you mention real life clubs, did you know there are also more Host clubs in Japan than Hostess clubs?

And I hate that kind of argument because it does nothing to actually support anything, it just stomps, pouts and shouts, "you too!" as though something is right, good, desirable or has to be accepted just because an analog of it exists, not because it actually is any of those things.

Sure it does. It points out a double standard especially when much of the implied basis for these types of arguments is "equality". The only thing that can be objectively stated to be right, good, and a desirable ethic in regards to these matters, because it is true for all regardless of culture or context, is that what is desirable for one person may not be desirable for another. So unless you want you're ability to enjoy some right be quashed or decided upon or coerced by the whims of others, then you have to accept such analog--equal--applications.

Of course feel free to express offense, shun it, whatever. But at the same time, you have to accept that not only there is a market for it, but that it should be allowed to exist


And keep in mind that almost nobody wants 'fanservice' utterly gone, only that it be mitigated by at least a bore modicum of taste and restraint.

Well the only way to achieve that is with coercion so I wouldn't want any mitigation either, nor is it necessary.

Like Timeenforceranubis mentioned in the article:
Feel free to draw one for yourself (and yourself only), and please do everyone a favor by just not watching anything that strays onto the wrong side of your line.
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