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REVIEW: tsuritama Episodes 1-6 Streaming

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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:14 pm Reply with quote
Tsuritama is actually incredible & this review doesn't do the series justice in my opinion. Yes it might be a bit slow at first but it takes it's time introducing us to Enoshima & the characters that inhabit it. More importantly it takes it's time to give us some genuine character development so when things get a bit more serious we care.

Tsuritama might not be the most flashy anime but it sure has a lot of heart.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:43 pm Reply with quote
You could never accuse him of being boring, but he is hideously irritating.

If Haru weren't an alien, he'd be a seriously deranged kid, like a con attendee who cannot help but shout internet memes endlessly in the dealer's room.

This review is totally mirroring my own opinion, I wanted to get to like all of the cast, but there's just no foothold, nothing to grasp onto. Is there some deeper concept, some abstraction I'm totally missing here? Kind of weird that this is only a 1-6 review when the show's done now.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:44 pm Reply with quote
I was really close to dropping this at the end of almost every one of the early episodes. But I'm glad I didn't. Once the larger plot takes precedent, it becomes very enjoyable and fascinating. If someone gets through 4 or 5 episodes, they should stick with it.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:28 am Reply with quote
I was initially irritated with all the main cast members except for Yuki (who I relate to) and Akira (who doesn't do much until later. He also has a pet duck named Tapioca, which in my eyes redeems any initial character flaw). I stayed for the surreal humor and unique art style, and I'm glad I did. This series ended up tying with Kids on the Slope as my favorite show of the season, and my favorite thing about it was the character development. I hated Natsuki at first, but by the end he was my favorite character. Haru is annoying at first, and I thought he would make it difficult to become attached to anything in the series, but by the end I really cared about every one of the characters, including Haru.

So if the first couple episodes don't impress you, I recommend that you stick with it. It's a ton of fun. Smile Overall, it's no Mononoke, but I'll be looking forward to Nakamura's next work.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:11 am Reply with quote
Maidenoftheredhand wrote:
Tsuritama is actually incredible & this review doesn't do the series justice in my opinion. Yes it might be a bit slow at first but it takes it's time introducing us to Enoshima & the characters that inhabit it. More importantly it takes it's time to give us some genuine character development so when things get a bit more serious we care.

Tsuritama might not be the most flashy anime but it sure has a lot of heart.

Yeah. I seriously think some of these episodes were really strong. I can agree that maybe epi 2 was a C+ story, but episodes 1 and 3 for example... A in my opinion.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:48 am Reply with quote
Not a bad series overall but is not smash hit of the season. It was pretty unique and funny though, I'll say that.
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Joined: 25 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:46 am Reply with quote
Can anyone explain why would you review episodes 1-6 when the series is complete.To actually appreciate the series you need to see rest of episodes.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:55 am Reply with quote
Hmm, i can't really agree with the main cast being boring, dull or uninteresting 'standard teens', i got attached to all them pretty fast and thoroughly enjoyed this series from the first to the last episode. But well, i usually like 'quirky' and 'weird' anime or characters (i absolutely adored Haru!), so this show was definitely the surprise hit of the season for me.
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rahzel rose

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:52 am Reply with quote
I would have to agree with the review, even after having seen the whole series. I found the characters rather lackluster, although I was partial to Natsuki on a purely aesthetic level. And Haru especially drove me up the freaking wall. It's sad because I was really excited for this one, and visually, the series certainly doesn't disappoint. But as someone else said, this definitely isn't Mononoke.

spoiler[The Sakurai cameo at the end was a nice touch, though. I can't be absolutely sure, but I really hope that was on purpose.]
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:54 am Reply with quote
You could never accuse him of being boring, but he is hideously irritating.

That. The very reason why I dropped this show. This anime could be the second coming of Christ, but with that kid I refuse to touch it.

He's even more annoying than the girl from Oreimo. And I used to think nothing could surpass her.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:08 am Reply with quote
This was a real "feel-good" show for me, I just loved it. Glad to know it's been licensed. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:22 am Reply with quote
Yuki is bland, except when he's sulking or freaking out (i.e. when he's being an annoying teenager).

Because he's used to moving around almost constantly, Yuki never had the time to develop his social skills. Of course, he doesn't have much of a personality in the first 6 episodes; he's shy at best but a total introvert at worst. Whenever he wanted to learn something new, he would use his iPhone rather than simply ask people. I could relate to him almost completely, minus the moving around part.

Natsuki is an ill-tempered, self-absorbed brat.

He lost his mom at a very young age and now a 'new woman' is entering his, his sister's, and their father's life. Any kid who has a new step-parent due to divorce/separation/death will not warm up to this new adult entering their life. Not too mention that he has his own passions (bass fishing) to pursue which conflicts with his duty as an older sibling caring for his family.

Haru is…well, Haru is an alien. You could never accuse him of being boring, but he is hideously irritating.

He gets better. I can't really discuss his character growth until you finish the show...which I doubt you will. ^__^;
Plus, I'm used to his *ahem* "character type". >///>

At first, tsuritama was just "some colorful, weird show about four guys fishing" but when I finished it, I wanted to watch it again for just how fun it was. I know this is an old cliche but the journey was far more interesting than how it ended, which (I'll admit) was rather predictable. I'm glad I saw it and I can't wait to buy it on DVD.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:50 am Reply with quote
I can get that Tsuritama isn't for everyone, but I find it weird that so many people seem down on the early episodes, which were easily my favorites of the series (not that I disliked the later ones, mind you). With all the teenage romance and flashy action series out there, it was nice to just see some fun character drama (with an added sci-fi twist).

Now, I'll give you that I found Haru extremely annoying at first. I can see how this would be a huge turn off for a lot of people, and no amount of anyone saying "he gets better" can really help such people get past the early episodes. However, and maybe it's because I connected with him so well, I find people's dislike for Yuki pretty sad, actually. Maybe extroverts don't really get it, but his character development in just 5 episodes is nothing short of amazing, and yet it's pulled off in a way that's believable. Get rid of those 5 episodes of growth and there would be no series because the rest of it simply wouldn't happen.

I don't know, seeing so many people down on the characters makes me think that maybe only introverted girls can enjoy it (I'll have to test this theory on my extroverted sister). I personally loved it from beginning to end and really connected with (most of) the characters. I'm so glad this was already picked up for a DVD release - just might end up my first ever anime pre-order as this is one series I simply must own.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:42 pm Reply with quote
Gwydion wrote:
I can get that Tsuritama isn't for everyone, but I find it weird that so many people seem down on the early episodes, which were easily my favorites of the series (not that I disliked the later ones, mind you). With all the teenage romance and flashy action series out there, it was nice to just see some fun character drama (with an added sci-fi twist).

Now, I'll give you that I found Haru extremely annoying at first. I can see how this would be a huge turn off for a lot of people, and no amount of anyone saying "he gets better" can really help such people get past the early episodes. However, and maybe it's because I connected with him so well, I find people's dislike for Yuki pretty sad, actually. Maybe extroverts don't really get it, but his character development in just 5 episodes is nothing short of amazing, and yet it's pulled off in a way that's believable. Get rid of those 5 episodes of growth and there would be no series because the rest of it simply wouldn't happen.

I don't know, seeing so many people down on the characters makes me think that maybe only introverted girls can enjoy it (I'll have to test this theory on my extroverted sister). I personally loved it from beginning to end and really connected with (most of) the characters. I'm so glad this was already picked up for a DVD release - just might end up my first ever anime pre-order as this is one series I simply must own.

I agree about Yuki. I thought his character and especially the way moving around a lot shaped it were handled very realistically. As a natural introvert and a military brat, I could really relate to him. Also, I really loved the "drowning in anxiety" visual metaphor they used for him.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:13 pm Reply with quote
I also agree about Yuki, he was so easy to relate to for me. It's hard to me to believe that people couldn't relate to him but I guess people who aren't so introverted never have to feel that way and can't understand his feelings. I loved the character growth and I felt it was done in a really natural way, especially with Haru actually even more so than Yuki for me. In the beginning Haru was irritating to me and I kind of dislike his voice actor as well so yeah I didn't like him but somehow he grew on me, I never felt like I was forced to like him or that I was forcing myself to like him but somewhere along the line my attitude towards him went from "Ugh Haru" Mad to "Awww Haru" Very Happy I know there are some people who hated him until the very end but I grew to like him and the friendship that the four characters formed.

For me it was the anime of the season and I hope Sentai can release it on BD!
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