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Forum - View topicNEWS: Man Arrested for Uploading Precure, One Piece via Share
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Posts: 192 |
what's the point of these stories? every time i see one of these on this site, i think to myself nobody on here uses Share. i've been on the internet for over a decade and have never heard of Share and don't know anyone that has either. who cares? do any Japanese people visit this site. probably not. stop posting this crap.
![]() Posts: 4623 |
This just proves some people simply won't be helped.
Posts: 648 |
Yea, so? Pointless news to instigate fear.
Sharing aint stopping period. Governments and copywrongs can censor, obliterate the internet, mass-surveillance our online activities, arrest all internet users, death penalty for sharing, you name it, it wont be stopped no matter how hard they try to control humanity...because its not even an issue of losing money or sharing is killing industries, it aint happening for any entertainment industry period, nope, its all about losing control, losing the ability to dictate when, how, what people can access, hat information they can get, etc. This is like human progress, there will always be obstacles, people in power will instigate fear, those that don't benefit from change will try as hard as they can to prevent it, but ultimately is impossible to stop it, you can only delay it. |
![]() Posts: 4623 |
Also, given the tone of your rant, can I assume you run a Freenet node? |
![]() Posts: 550 Location: Northwest from Here |
So his motivation for file sharing is to...share files. That's some fine detective work there, Lou-san. |
![]() Posts: 1256 Location: Iowa, USA |
![]() Posts: 1205 Location: Antarctica |
I like seeing these stories. I advocate artist rights and strongly believe in protecting copyright. Anime and manga have been rampantly pirated for far too long, and it's good to know that Japan is cracking down on piracy more and more. |
![]() Posts: 2370 |
Yeah stories like there do wonders for copyright enforcement and protection.
Just look at all the good your local evening news does to deter crime. Reporting crimes, best defense ever. |
![]() Posts: 1205 Location: Antarctica |
Did somebody say that these news stories help to deter copyright infringement...? TBH, your sarcasm isn't making any sense if nobody is making that claim in the first place. I also hope you're not suggesting that the local evening news shouldn't report on local crimes. ![]() ![]() |
Posts: 648 |
If you advocate artists rights then you should be up in arms with corporations...the publishers who are the only ones screwing up artists (not sharers), as the true creative minds/artists get paid pocket money while publishers get filthy rich by exploiting those artists works and retaining 90%+ of profits with artists having no choice but surrender all rights of their works to their publishers. You should go and read how all this works out in reality. Heck even here there are many articles describing how animators for example are being cruelly exploited and get paid pretty bad, heck you can read how some people in the industry think in-between animators should not get paid a single penny! If you really advocate artists right you SHOULD know that copyright is obsolete, that its only objective now is to protect a corporation's and even a whole industry's monopoly, prevent innovation and very importantly exploit real artists rights without they having any choice but to obey and be controlled by publishers. If you think news of people getting arrested for sharing, draconian pro-copywrong laws, mass surveillance, fierce copywrong enforcement is great then the corporations are doing good and getting away with their evil schemes, resisting and refusing to adapt to a new era, controlling the masses to their favor with lies and non-sense. You think copyright protect artists? Laughable. Copyright protects people in power, protect the rich to get richer, protects exploitation of peoples(artists) creative minds and work. If an artists tries to complain see the whole industry he/she is part of obliterate the artist future by closing every single door. |
Posts: 2058 |
dan9999, I agree with you to a certain extent as I am very much anti-copyright but there is a lot I don't agree with also.
If publishers are screwing anyone, it's not the artists but everyone else. The exercise of their state granted monopoly privileges enables them to restrict supply and to pursue people for damages based ultimately around the use against 3rd parties that didn't contract with them. They can use subpoenas to force ISPs to give them information and have people forced to pay fines for sharing things when they had no agreement with those people. The artists are not screwed in this scenario because they have the choice of not using the publishers services. Those services are voluntary. If the artist doesn't want the possibility of them "exploiting" him or her, they simply self-publish. The reason that an artist (like any other employee) doesn't make the amount that the capitalists do is because they don't take the risk of loss. Employees get consistent wages regardless of whether the end result is or isn't valuable to the consumer. So if the sales on the album or anime suck, the artists still get the same wage. Everyone who complains that capitalists don't share enough profits never seems to complain that they don't share the losses. Why is that? The control for high profits is competition, and insofar as the state's privileges do prevent competition, they do harm the consumer. I don't think copyright is "obsolete" so much as I think it should never have existed. It wasn't as damaging in the past as it is now, but it was never a good thing. I agree with you regarding the problems being a push for mass surveillance, people getting arrested for sharing, and that companies are stuck in old models due to having less need to innovate (this is why telecommunications was stuck when AT&T was a monopoly thanks to all the state interventions). I don't know whether artists would earn more or less without copyright. This is unknowable in my view, so I try not to make claims too strong there one way or another. I think at the end you are trying to say that there is a monopsony situation for artistic employment (very few employers, so they can keep wages down). I don't see any evidence for that. There are quite a few different employers and while there might potentially be more publishers absent copyright, I don't think we can say that for certain either. Additionally with some media self-publishing is entirely possible, and becomes more available every day. |
Posts: 192 |
everyone that buys lots of anime dvd's and blurays also downloads it. the need for new anime is insatiable and also is having the best possible quality version of it. i've downloaded probably 2 terabytes of anime in the past decade and have purchased over 600 dvd's and a few blurays. nevermind all the manga i've bought because of my anime hobby. guess how many purchases i would have made if I didn't download? oh that's right, ZERO! that's zero dollars to the anime industry. so how did my downloading cost the anime industry money? explain that one to me. it's a niche hobby so downloading is impossible to avoid for fans. as far as the scumbags that only download and never buy anything, that's also not money lost because they were never going to buy anything in the first place. they were only into it because they could download it free. so how did they "steal" from the anime industry? more and more of these people nowadays just watch whatever is on Netflix streaming because it's there and it doesn't cost them anything other than the $8 a month for all that ridiculous amount of overall content that's on there. they were never going to buy anything either. is Netflix streaming "stealing" from the anime industry? these news articles posted on here doesn't dissuade one downloader from downloading anime and it's just a waste of space on this site. readers here don't live in japan.
Posts: 1818 |
Isn't share really really antiquated by this point?
Also, it's really really hard to feel sympathetic to a country that has a file sharing problem like Japan evidently does when they're charging what they do for Media 'cause, well, I've got my opinions on people who think $500+ for a show is a good idea and it involves lobotomies for the continued safety of the human race. |
![]() Posts: 4623 |
Somebody willing to pay $500+ for a show is just as rational as somebody who isn't; the latter merely values other uses of the money more highly. That said, I personally feel the safety of the human race would be better ensured by shooting those who would guillotine people with different value scales.
Posts: 1818 |
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