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INTEREST: Pokémon Black Version 2/White Version 2 to Ship in June for DS

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:04 am Reply with quote
Hmm, looks interesting but I miss the 1st generation games Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:06 am Reply with quote
Saw it on the latest episode of Pokemon Smash, though the Kyurem thing was already spoiled in the movie, and it was hinted way back when they said there wasn't going to be a third version this generation and they had something else in mind.

Though it was kind in inevitable, Satoshi already has 6 of the 8 Gym Badges and we're only 70 episodes into Best Wishes (in Diamond and Pearl, he got his third in episode 68), so there was either going to be another anime-original arc like Orange Archipelago or they were going to put out the next generation extremely early. In this case, I suppose they'll just adapt these... which mean we'll be done with the Isshu league by June if you go by this release date; or around episode 100.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:14 am Reply with quote
Did anyone else get mislead when you first saw the logos (your eyes going right to the bright red and blue colors) and thought it was Ruby and Sapphire remakes? Wink

Still very, very, VERY good news for the Pokemon franchise. Anime catgrin It eggs it on by the fact that we now officially have 648 monsters by Meloetta's near-silent unveiling, as well!

Last edited by Tenbyakugon on Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:17 am Reply with quote
So....no Pokemon Grey?
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:37 am Reply with quote
*ahem* Pokemon was much better before gen 2. We didn't have to deal with idiotic spin-offs. We only had to keep track of 151 Pokemon. The anime didn't suck. The games weren't rip-off cash cows. Mew is still the first pokemon. Charizard is still the most aweso--*shot*

I'm joking. Horribly joking. Pokemon can do whatever the heck it wants because it always was and still will be for kids, regardless of their aging fans. And I'm totally okay with that.

So... if I'm interested in getting the Japanese versions, should I have to worry about any sudden regional issues, such as incompatibility due to DSi or 3DS features or other similar things? I already know the DS is usually region free, with only a few exceptions...
Wasn't there a feature in Black and White that was region-incompatible, too? I have White in Japanese, but I never figured out what feature people were talking about...
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:20 am Reply with quote
Juno016 wrote:
*ahem* Pokemon was much better before gen 2. We didn't have to deal with idiotic spin-offs. We only had to keep track of 151 Pokemon. The anime didn't suck. The games weren't rip-off cash cows. Mew is still the first pokemon. Charizard is still the most aweso--*shot*

I'm joking. Horribly joking. Pokemon can do whatever the heck it wants because it always was and still will be for kids, regardless of their aging fans. And I'm totally okay with that.

So... if I'm interested in getting the Japanese versions, should I have to worry about any sudden regional issues, such as incompatibility due to DSi or 3DS features or other similar things? I already know the DS is usually region free, with only a few exceptions...
Wasn't there a feature in Black and White that was region-incompatible, too? I have White in Japanese, but I never figured out what feature people were talking about...

Mine works fine, though I wouldn't promise anything on a game I don't have yet or hasn't come out.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:24 am Reply with quote
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Ryu Shoji

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:23 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
so there was either going to be another anime-original arc like Orange Archipelago or they were going to put out the next generation extremely early.

What do you mean early? I've always expected that Generation V would only last until next year (As in, next year will see the new generation). Both Generations I and II were only 3 years long.

Juno016 wrote:
*ahem* Pokemon was much better before gen 2. We didn't have to deal with idiotic spin-offs. We only had to keep track of 151 Pokemon. The anime didn't suck. The games weren't rip-off cash cows.

So Pokémon Pinball, Pokémon Snap and the Trading Card Game didn't exist back then? Nope, I don't remember it being like that =3.

As for Region Block - they will be region blocked for DSi, DSi XL and 3DS consoles. Not DS Phat or DS Lite though.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:30 am Reply with quote
Ryu Shoji wrote:
What do you mean early? I've always expected that Generation V would only last until next year (As in, next year will see the new generation). Both Generations I and II were only 3 years long

III and IV were 4 years though, and the new anime series always premiers the same week (and in Advanced Generation's and Diamond & Pearl's case, same day) as the game get released.

If you go by the track record, the next generation shouldn't be out until the end of 2014 or early 2015, however the anime is already winding down and reaching the end: about two and a half years ahead of schedule. Which indicated either the next generation would be absurdly early, or something else was going to pop up to fill that time.
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Hagaren Viper

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 5:37 am Reply with quote
Im VERY interested to see where this goes. If it's truly a spinoff, this could be very interesting. Somewhat disappointed that these wont be on the 3DS, since I've been holding off buying one in the hopes of getting a special edition Pokemon or Kingdom Hearts model. And since it's doubtful that a Kingdom Hearts 3DS will see the light of day in America, was rooting for Pokemon...guess Ill just wait another year. Though I suppose its still vaguely possible.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:06 am Reply with quote
They should have Herman Cain be one of the gym leaders Razz
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Sunday Silence

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:34 am Reply with quote
uncutpokemon wrote:
They should have Herman Cain be one of the gym leaders Razz

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:02 am Reply with quote
Not understanding the logic of releasing this on the DS at all.

Well, they're sequels, and that makes them worth checking out. Usually we would just get an enhanced port (Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum), but it looks like they've gone for something different this time.

I was actually waiting to play Grey since I thought it was going to be released on the 3DS. Looks like now I have to get Black. Well, except for that one issue that is a lack of money. D:
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Gyt Kaliba

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:16 am Reply with quote
Count me among the surprised that this means there won't be a Grey apparently. Huh. I hope this has some of the elements that the combined games usually did though, like the ability to catch all of the creatures. Though, wait...since it's two new games, that seems unlikely. Gah!

Since I picked up White the first time around, I guess for this one I should get Black though.

Also, I continue to dream of the day we see a major take on what we kind of got in Soul Silver - a game that'll start us off in the original's landscape of Kanto, get those badges, take down the Elite Four - and then on to Johto, then onward through the lands of Gen's 3-5.

Edit: Oh yeah, and absolutely THRILLED that it'll be on the regular DS so I can play it instead of waiting until the day I get a 3DS.
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Joined: 27 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:32 am Reply with quote
Gyt Kaliba wrote:
Also, I continue to dream of the day we see a major take on what we kind of got in Soul Silver - a game that'll start us off in the original's landscape of Kanto, get those badges, take down the Elite Four - and then on to Johto, then onward through the lands of Gen's 3-5.

I'm really hoping for a revisit through a region for this game. Potentially it could start out in a new region and then go through a Unova set a while after the last. Like G/S/C. (Although I wouldn't get any hopes up for that. B/W were released not too long ago, chances are they haven't had that much time in development)

As much as a game where you visit all regions sounds great, I don't know how it would work. For one thing, it would be HUGE. For another thing, Pokemon levels would be hitting level 100 somewhere like the third region. I suppose that could make the last few regions be based on stats and moves as opposed to just leveling up higher than your opponents and gym leaders, but I don't see that happening.

Edit: Oh yeah, and absolutely THRILLED that it'll be on the regular DS so I can play it instead of waiting until the day I get a 3DS.

But you see, Nintendo should be wanting you to buy a 3DS. That's why this doesn't make any sense.
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